Just Another Teenage Outcast

By BeYourselfByYourself

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Ashley Walker's life is far from perfect. She lives with her easily angered brother, and a careless mother wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

509 7 0
By BeYourselfByYourself

Chapter 19~

     After a day or two, my fever had reduced considerably. The agony that the wretched fever gave me was now completely gone, leaving me with only a blocked nose and a slightly sore throat. But otherwise, I felt as good as new.

     The weather outside was pretty wild. A storm started picking up, and all the weather channels we watched from the tiny box-like TV were predicting harsh rain for the next couple of days. So Tyler and I decided to postpone our departure from Jeremy’s house because of the downpour.

     I actually liked the rain. It was calming and peaceful. I would usually lie down on the bed with my earphones in, watching the rain pelt down against the windowpane. The other people in the house were always on their own. Jeremy was noticeably happier since I’d be staying in the house for a few more days with him. Yay. Every time I see or pass by Tyler, he always has a scowl on his face, grumbling about the rain.

     I suppose he wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could. Oh well. Mr Henderson was probably still in his room. He only came out when Cole arrived, to see if he wasn’t some murderer or something.

     And Cole? Cole had been acting pretty weird lately. Whenever we made eye contact, he used to smile knowingly at me, making me confused as fuck. Every time he speaks to me, he starts to say something in a serious face, but then someone walks in on us, causing Cole to clam up.

     It was really frustrating because I really wanted to know what his problem was. It was really starting to piss me the fuck off.

     I heard a knock on my door. I sat up and paused It Never Ends-Bring Me the Horizon and unplugged my earphones. “Come in!” I called out.

     The door opened and Jeremy came in, a big smile on his face. Weird. What was he so happy about? “Wow, that smile is a little too wide for my liking, Remy. What’s up?” I asked him.

     His smile somehow got even bigger if that were possible. “Hey babe,” he said and swooped down to plant a kiss on my lips. I tried to feel something special or tingly. Nothing. He pulled away and lay down next to me, wrapping an arm around me.

     He was warm, so I snuggled into him more. I could feel his chest rising and falling under my head. I felt comfortable. Peaceful. And with the rain pouring outside, it was a perfect place and time. But it wasn’t with the perfect person.

     I closed my eyes contentedly, listening to the rain outside and to Jeremy’s steady breathing. “Hey Ash?” his voice broke into my happy time.

     “Mmm?” I replied, trying not to show how annoyed I was. “I don’t want you to leave,” he said quietly. My heart wrung painfully at how sad and vulnerable he sounded. I sat up and placed both of my hands on either sides of his face.

     I looked him dead in his dark blue eyes filled with sadness and desperation. “Jeremy, I promise you that we will see each other again when I reach my father. Don’t worry. I really like you. And I would do anything to see you again. Okay?” I whispered softly, still looking searchingly into his eyes.

     He offered a small smile and nodded. I kissed him softly and leaned back again on his chest. It was silent for a moment, before it was me who broke the silence. “Remy?” I questioned, still toying with his shirt button.

     “Yeah babe?”

     “Tell me more about Cole. I find him…strange,” I replied. I could feel Jeremy stiffen underneath me. Shit. “He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” he said coldly. I frowned in confusion at how angry he sounded, but I shook my head.

     He sighed, obviously relieved, and sucked in a deep breath. “Sorry I got so worked up about that. It’s just...Cole he…I caught him making out with my girlfriend once. We were fourteen and well, it was all really weird and awkward. Apparently he didn’t know that I was dating the girl.”

     “We kind of drifted apart because of that, but then we ended up in the same highschool, so we reconciled. The bitch who cheated on me left the city, so we were alright,”

     I didn’t know what to say about that, so I just kept quiet.

     “The reason he came to stay here for a while is because his mother was driving him crazy. You see, his parents divorced years ago, so he lived with his mom all this while and to be honest, she’s pretty psychotic, so he needed a break,”

     “Apparently, his mom despises all his friends. Cole went into depression when he was younger; about 10 or 11, because he had no friends. He didn’t want to make any new ones because he was so hung up on that best friend he had before,” Jeremy continued.

     “Cole would sometimes talk about her. Her name was Ashley too. He always repeated the story about how his mother dragged him to the car and left that girl standing there by herself in the rain with a doll called Mary-Kate or something. Quite sad if you really think about it.”

     My heart rate started picking up. No way. No fucking way. I shot up and looked at Jeremy frantically with wide eyes. “What’s Cole’s full name?” I asked him hurriedly. His face contorted into confusion, and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

     “Why?” he asked, a little scared. “Just answer the goddamn fucking question!” I snapped, twisting my fingers in excitement.

     “I..er..uh…I think it’s Elliot Cole Barker. He started introducing himself as Cole because Elliot sounded to kiddy. Why did y-“ he started to say, but I cut him off by squealing and sprinting to the door.

     I galloped down the stairs like a madwoman and rushed to the living room. It’s him! It’s him! I was doing cartwheels in my head since I couldn’t do them in reality. Yes! Finally! I ran into the living room, calling for Cole.

     He was nowhere.

     I ran to his room and found the bathroom door closed. Ugh, he was probably taking a shit or having a shower or something. GAH! I needed to announce it to someone! Tyler! I told him about my past, mentioning Elliot. I could share my excitement with him!

     I turned around and brushed against Jeremy roughly, who was trying to calm me down. Yeah right. I was too riled up to even stop and breathe. I ran up the stairs, skipping some in excitement and adrenaline. “Tyler! Ty! Tylaaaaarrr!!!” I screamed all the way up.

     I could hear Jeremy running behind me, trying to catch up. I burst into his room, expecting to see him lying on his bed with his earphones in. But what I saw instead, made my breath catch up in my throat. The room was bare. All signs of Tyler’s things were gone. But why…?

     My excitement was replaced with confusion and worry. “Where...where did he go?” I asked Jeremy with wide eyes. I looked back at Jeremy and saw him staring at the floor, his face written with guilt. I could then feel anger and disbelief course through my veins. Oh hell no.

     “Jeremy, what the fuck did you do?!” I shrieked at him. His eyes snapped up to mine, and it was filled with fright, worry and disappointment. “I...I…” Jeremy stuttered.

     “Jeremy,” I said, taking a step towards him menacingly. “Where. The. Fuck. Is. Tyler?” I growled between my clenched teeth. My fury was topping the scale, and I swear I could see a little red.

     “I told him to leave.” Jeremy replied quietly, bracing himself for whatever it was he was about to receive. Yeah bitch, you better brace yourself. You just let loose the beast in me.

     “YOU FUCKING WHAT?!?!?!” I yelled angrily at him.

     “Calm down. Geez. I just told him that he was acting all PMS’y that it was pissing everyone off and that no one wanted him here. Guess that cut into the sensitive pricks ‘feelings’,” Jeremy muttered.

     I stared at him in disbelief. No fucking way. “How could you?” I said coldly. I wanted to beat the living shit out of him.

     He shrugged as if he did nothing wrong. “Whatever. I mean, it’s true. No one does want him around. He’s just an emo-“ My first drove right into his ugly jaw.

     I knew it was a really good shot because I heard a crunch come from his jaw. But what sucked was that I positioned my fist wrong, so I think I broke my wrist while doing so. Whatever. I could barely feel the pain over how pissed off I was.

     Jeremy let out a strangled cry. “What the fuck?!” he yelled, clutching his jaw, blood pouring out. Before I could land in another punch, I could feel someone hold me back. I spun around and saw Cole’s (or Elliot’s) scared and puzzled face.

     I immediately loosened up at the sight of him. “Calm down, Mashy,” he whispered my old nickname only Elliot used to call me. As soon as my attention was diverted, I felt a sudden stinging on my cheek. Tears filled my eyes at how painful that was. I looked up and saw Jeremy staring at his hand in shock, and Cole was yelling at him.

     Jeremy slapped me.

   I couldn’t breathe. Images of my father sent new waves of pain. “Shit, Ashley I’m so sorry,” Jeremy hissed, taking a step towards me. I stared back at him with wide eyes. This was Jeremy, not my father. But Jeremy slapped me….

     I ran past him to my room, allowing the tears to fall freely down my cheeks. I could hear Cole yelling at Jeremy, but I didn’t pay attention. I grabbed my bag and stuffed in everything in my sight. I tried to ignore the pounding coming from the side of my face because of the slap.

     I was still packing when I saw Jeremy enter the room from the corner of my eye. “Ashley! I’m so fucking sorry. Please! I’m so sorry!” he exclaimed. He stretched his arm out towards me and placed a shaky hand on my shoulder.

     I jumped as if someone threw hot water on me. “Fuck off!” I shrieked in his face. “Fuck off fuck off fuck off!” I glared at him angrily. I could see a nice purple bruise starting to appear from where I punched him, and blood was still trickling down his chin.

     He looked as if he was about to cry. I angrily wiped the tears off my face, leaving eyeliner streaks all around my eyes. “Ashley, I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” he said softly, gazing at me with apologetic eyes.

     “You can just shove that fucking shitty apology right up your ass, dickbag!” I yelled at him. Finally done, I picked up my bag and stomped my way out. I saw Cole standing there outside, his face bruised and bloodied. I threw my arms around him and let out a muffled sob.

     “I missed you so much, Ellie” I whispered between cries. His arms around my waist tightened. “I missed you too, Mashy. I’m so so sorry for leaving you all those years ago. I’m so sorry,” he replied.

     “It’s not your fault. Here’s my number, text me or call me or whatever, kay? We need to meet up again,” I muttered, punching in my number in his cell phone. I shoved his phone back in his hand, gave him one last hug and hurried down the stairs.

     Thoughts of Tyler raced through my mind. Where was he? I needed to find him. I just needed to. It wasn’t fair. It’s my entire fault. It’s my entire fucking fault.

     I flung open the front door and felt the gust of wind blow against me. There was still a storm brewing outside, but I didn’t care. I took a step out into the storm and started walking aimlessly to Tyler.

*TYLER’S POV before he left*

     I was lying down on the bed with my earphones plugged in. And yeah, I was thinking about Ashley as usual. I didn’t want to give up on her, but I didn’t want to take my chances and ruin everything with her. We were slowly mending. We would casually smile at each other when we’re passing by.

     Fuck Jeremy. Fuck Jeremy in the face.

     As if he heard my thoughts, he suddenly barged in, his face contorted in anger. I looked up at him alarmed. Did that Cole shit do anything to my Ashley? Because if he did, I swear they might as well be planning his funeral soon.

     “You,” Jeremy said coldly, shutting the door behind him. “Me…” I replied, confused. What was going on? What did I do this time?

     “You need to leave,” he said. I raised an eyebrow at him and tried not to burst out laughing. What the fuck? Was this some kind of joke or something? I realized his face was dead serious, so I settled for a frown on my face.

     “Uhh why?” I asked, slightly annoyed. “Because I said so and it’s my house,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest like a 3 year old. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. “Oh please,” I muttered, planning on putting my earphones back in.

     I suddenly felt them rip out of my ears. I looked up, thoroughly pissed, and saw Jeremy looking down at me with a smirk. Oh hell no. I stood up and pushed his chest. What the fuck was his problem?! He clenched his teeth and glared at me. Ooooh I’m so fucking scared. Puh-leaze.

     “Leave. Now.” He said through his gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes once more and glared back at him. “Fine. I’ve wanted to leave since the day I stepped in here anyway. I only stayed because of Ashley. But thank goodness. I’m going to go tell Ashley that we’ll be leaving now, “I said curtly.

     Jeremy gave me a sly smile. Oh now what did the fucker want? “Oh, just so you know, Ashley was the one who told me to kick you out,” Jeremy said, pretending to examine his nails. Fucking faggot. Wait-what? Ashley wanted me to leave?

     “Liar,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. His smile grew wider. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. But this is what she said and I quote, ‘please get rid of Tyler, every time I see him he’s depressed and emotional is annoying me.’” Jeremy said.

     I felt a pang on my chest, but I tried not to show it. Ashley couldn’t have said that… she wouldn’t have…right?

     “Just leave, Jones. It will be better for everyone, including Ashley. You love her, don’t you? Then leave.” he snickered at me. I felt the urge to punch him in the face, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to hurt Ashley if I did that.

     And if Ashley wanted me gone, then so be it. I know you probably thought I was an idiot for leaving and believing that shitface, but think about it, why would Jeremy want me gone? I mean, he has Ashley anyway, and I barely even show my face let alone annoy them, so why would he go through so much trouble to get rid of me unless Ashley actually said it?

     I grabbed my bag, stuffed in all my clothes and toiletries, then brushed past Jeremy, giving him a curt nod. He replied by sending me a victorious smirk. Dick.

     I walked down the hall, pausing at Ashley’s door. I heard a muffled sneeze come from behind her door. I smiled a little and whispered “Goodbye Ashley” then made my way down the stairs. I passed by Cole’s room and opened the front door.

     There was a wild storm outside, but I didn’t hesitate to step outside in the harsh weather. I walked on for a while, not even regarding the weather that was tossing around beside me. My mind was too wrapped up about Ashley. Did she really want me to leave so bad? I thought we had something. Guess I was wrong…

     I saw a tiny run-down shed in the distance. Half of it was broken down, but there was a little bit of roof so I sauntered up to it and grabbed some hay I found lying around. Not caring who why or when, I just lay down on the hay and watched the rain pelt down on the floor.

     I should just head back to Chicago tomorrow. Even if I had to go on foot, I would. I forgot the bike back at Jeremy’s due to the anger in me. But oh well. No one would know- or care- if I ended up dead anyway.

     Just as my eyes were drooping shut, I saw a shadowy figure walk in distance towards the direction I was in. My heart rate started to pick up and I suddenly felt quite nauseous. Who the fuck is that? I could feel my heartbeat pound against my chest as sweat started to form on my face.

     I was scared as fuck.

     The figure was moving slowly forward, as if looking for someone or something. I swallowed a lump in my throat and prayed that whoever it was didn’t see me. I sunk back deeper into the hay which smelt like shit, but I had no other choice.

     Finally, the figure was standing right outside the shed, still looking around. It turned around and I caught a glimpse of its face. What the fuck?! “A-Ashley?” I stammered nervously. What if it wasn’t her? What if it’s some horridly ugly piece of shit that was going to slit me open and- “Tyler?” I heard that beautiful voice say.

     I sat up and watched her run towards me. Without even stopping to take a breath, she flung herself on me, her wet clothes clinging to her and my body. “What are you doing here?” I asked her, too shocked to even say anything.

     I felt happy. The happiest I felt in a long time. Ashley was standing here. Ashley. MY Ashley.

     “I came looking for you! Jeremy told me that he told you to leave. Tyler, I am so sorry!” she said all in one breath before tears started filling her eyes. Oh no. No more. I was not going to let her cry again. I wrapped her in my arms and whispered comforting things to her.

     So she didn’t want me to leave, I thought in relief. Jeremy was such a fucking prick. I felt like such an idiot for believing him. I pulled away from her and grasped the sides of her face with my hands. I noticed a giant bruise on the side of her face.

     Anger coiled over me like a fucking tsunami. “Who did that to you?” I said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady. She looked at me with scared and nervous eyes. “I umm…Jeremy did it. But I did pack in a good punch on his jaw, though I think I broke my wrist while doing so,” she murmured embarrassed.

     I smiled, trying to ignore the murderous anger and hugged her again. “You’re such an idiot, Lee,” I whispered. I took a look of her hand. It was hard to tell if it was broken or not, it was too dark. I took out some bandage from my bag and bound her hand tightly. At least it would somewhat stop the pain.

     We then decided to get some sleep. Ashley went behind a tall pile of hay to change into some dry clothes and I did the same as well. Once we were changed, we spread out a blanket over the hay and piled on top of it.

     I pulled her tiny figure into my arms and we watched the rain fall down together. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. It was the perfect moment. I just opened my mouth to tell her, when she interrupted me.

     “The hay smells like shit,”

     I chuckled at how adorable she was, and then pulled her closer to me, kissing some of her hair that she couldn’t feel. Perhaps I’d tell her another time about how I felt. Right now, we both needed some sleep.

    Goodnight , Lee” I whispered, before falling asleep to the pleasant calming sound of the falling rain.


A.N. :)

wooooooooooooo i liked writing this chapter.

i was so pissed off for no reason when i was writing the jeremy part, so i put all my anger in that scene. ashley did overreact, sorry about that, but even i would be pissed if i were her.

anyhow, please VOMMENT and FAN!! :D

oooh and check out the song on the sidebar. i really like it. i feel that it fits this chapter perfectly (well, more at the end, but you know what i mean)

thanks for reading zee chapter 19. wow. cant believe i already wrote 19 chapters. idunno how long i should make this. 40 chapters, maybe? i feel like im drifting away from the main plot of the story, so i'm going to be speeding things up a bit ;)

i want this story to be long, but no too long to the point that it drags, so yeah....maybe 35 chapters? idunno..


byee!! lovelots<3


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