Stony OneShots (SteveXTony)

By i_ship_ship

102K 2.4K 977

You know, Captain America and Iron Man,right? Just something a little more private from their life ;) A mix o... More

1: We Fight all the Time
2: Strip it, Steve
3: Bye Bye, Denial!
4: Vacation Love (1)
5: Vacation Love {2}
6: Date Night
7: Let it Go
8: Webbed Hearts
9: Did someone kiss me?
10: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {1}
11: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {2}
12: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {3}
13: Flirty Captain
14: Stranger with a Weird Connection
15: Jealous Moments {1}
16: Shut up and Just Hug Me
17: I'm not Flirting, I'm being Nice
18: Good Luck Kisses
19: What? You asked for it
20: Brutal Beginnings
22: Getting You Back {2}
23: Dear Future Husband
24: You're only MY Piece of Art
25: Jealous Moments {2}
26: The Fry Way
27: A Virgin Playboy (AU)
28: Shouldn't you be sleeping?
29: Jealous Moments {3}
30: Hold On! I still Need You
31: Blind Dates
32: Stuck Tony!
33: You're Insecure. Don't know what for?
34: True Love {1}
35: True Love {2}
36: A Date Out
37: A Search for Steve {Crossover}
38: A Search for Steve {Crossover}
39: All of Me loves All of You

21: Getting You Back {1}

2.2K 47 14
By i_ship_ship

It's been a whole year since Civil War happened. A whole year since Tony and Steve had last seen each other, heard each other's voice or touched each other. A whole year since they broke anything that ever existed in between them. It's been a whole year.

Pepper was there for Tony throughout this time period. Helped him move on, although only Tony knows how he still hasn't moved on an inch. She now lives with him, in his tower as his girlfriend and Tony, well he's trying to be happier. He's trying to leave it all behind because if Steve Rogers didn't care, why should he?

Steve knows about Tony and Pepper's relationship. He's been equally devastated, heartbroken and shattered the whole year by. The only thing he knows from all their mutual friends is that Tony looks fine, he looks happy. And as much as Steve would want that, he just cannot get over how much he loves Tony. The most. No one could ever love Tony Stark as much as Steve Rogers does.

"Stark" Fury acknowledged Tony's presence in the room full of governers, presidents and high authorities "What do you have for us?"

Tony's been working on ammending the Sokovia Accords since ever. He just wants to get the Accords right, get the Rogue Avengers their status and nationality back, and then, well the plan after that is something Tony's scared about. He wants to quit the Avengers.

"I have it right here in my hands" Tony passed the folder of the Accords over to everyone in the room "The King of Wakanda along with 120 other states have agreed to my preposition of ammending the Accords" Tony grimaced as he held a victorious expression on his face. Fury smirked in his seat. Just when he thought, there was something Tony Stark couldn't do.

"And what are those ammends?" Senator Ross asked perplexed.

"The Rogue Avengers been given their identities back while the Avengers are handed over complete responsibility of the safety of the state. However, in case of any massive casualties, the Avengers should be held accountable and that also in front of the public and by them" Tony looked Ross in the eye as he spoke making the other guy twitch in his place "And there's not a lot that you can do now comsidering I've won majority of the favoritism. My main reason for gathering you all here was to announce the welcome back party of the Rogue Avengers. It'll be in the Avengers Tower and you're all cordially invited. Yours sincerely, Tony Stark" with these final words, Tony flipped his shades back on and walked out of the room.

"Steve! Steve! You won't believe this! Look, who's here?" Wanda shook a sleepy Steve out of his bed and down to the living room of their floor. Thanks to the generous King T'Challa, they had been given refuge in Wakanda.
"I swear to God, Maximoff, if this is another prank being played by you and Clint, I will-" Steve voice was stuck in his throat when he looked at Natasha, Rhodes and Vision standing in front of him.
"Good to see you, Captain" Natasha smiled.
"Likewise, Captain" Vision added.
"Yeah, Captain Rogers, it's always a pleasure" Rhodes gave his input as Steve couldn't contain it. He leapt forward and hugged each of them then parted away confused.

"But, what are you all doing here? And how?" Steve asked only to find his friends hesitating in response.
"Uh, the Accords were amended just how we wanted them to be. And majority of the countries signed it in our favor. Therefore, you guys are allowed back as well" Natasha began.
"But, how is that possible? Who got it done?" With every questions of his, the answer seemed to become clearer and cleared to Steve.
"Tony has been working on it since the past six months and he finally got it done" Rhodey answered this time leaving Steve short of any answer.
"And there is a welcome back party for you all to be officially addressed in the public that you are back so we're here to take you" Vision concluded as Steve just looked away. All the remorse, guilt and pain that he put Tony through coming back.
"And Bucky's allowed back as well" Natasha quickly spoke which made Steve's heart clench even more.

"Oh my God. You guys are not kidding, are you?" Clint's voice made them all turn around as Natasha hugged him in glee.
"No jokes, Agent Barton. Your family's waiting for you" Vision spoke as Clint's eyes filled with tears.
"God, i can't believe we're finally going back" Sam Wilson had joined them as well.
"Steve, get ready, yeah?" Natasha asked cautiously.
"Yeah. We'll  be back in a minute but we won't leave before thanking T'Challa" Steve smiled at them concealing the pain he was currently trying to tame.

"Tony, we'll reach somewhere around the time the party will begin so I think your big entrance plan can be put to execution" Rhodey updated Tony over the phone.

Tony just sat over there in his workshop, dull and null. Unknown to what he's doing. Unaware of what will happen. And definitely Unsure of what he's planning.

"Uh, yeah, alright. Everyone knows, right?" Tony replied back dazed, another question lingering on his mind. One in a thousand others.
"Yeah. They know about the party and the Accords. And yes, Bucky is with us" Rhodey answered one of his questions as Tony shook his head at how well his friend knew him.
"Alright. I'll see you at the party then" Tony cut the call as he sat back.

He eyed the ring on his counter. The circular gold band with a diamond reflecting the light of the arc reactor in red white and blue. He picked it up, inspecting it with love. He had made it when he and Steve were in a relation. He was so sure of wanting a future with him. And now, now he was doing the exact opposite. Tony put that ring away in his drawer hidden beneath numerous files so no one could ever know.

"Boss, the ring is ready" Friday's voice brought him out of his reverie.
"Yeah? Bring it out" Tony stood up moving to the ring that Dum-E brought out.

He pulled the box out of the robot's flinchers and opened it to look at the silver platinum ring with a red diamond right in the center of it. Exactly what Pepper would like. Tony shook his head trying to steer the thoughts of Steve away. Trying to move on as he kept the ring back in the velvet blue box and placed it in his pants' pocket. Tonight was going be long.

"Hey, we're here!" Rhodey tapped a nervous Steve's shoulder who just looked back at him and smiled nodding.

To say Steve was just nervous, would be an understatement. He was goddamn, frightened. His insides were shaking and he couldn't find himself speaking properly without slurring.

He had given it a lot of thought. The part where, Tony got them all back. Steve realised how he should've been so much quicker to realise this and act upon it but he couldn't let Tony be. Steve loved Tony. More than anything or anyone. And Steve would get him back. He wanted his Tony back, and he was willing to do anything for that. In the end, he did fear Tony's rejection but he wont step back without trying.

He was somewhere deep inside scared, scared because behind all of this, he felt there was a worse mystery yet to be unraveled but he shook that thought away, focusing only his main goal, getting Tony back!

They all stepped out of the Quinjet and on a landing pad. From there, Rhodey lead them to a space behind a curtain.
"Now, wait for my signal and then, we'll go inside one by one. Nat and Vision are already going. I'll be queuing you. Cap, you're first up. Be all smiles!" Rhodey instructed them.

He had informed them of how Tony wanted to welcome them back grandly. Each and every Rogue Avenger was scarred at their hearts for thinking so wrong of Tony, for fighting him so mercilessly and not listening to him even for once. And now, all that he was doing for them. It was just adding onto the guilt.

"Now, to welcome back the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Let's begin with our l-leader, our h-heart and s-soul. CAPTAIN AMERICA; STEVE ROGERS! Welcome Back, Captain" his voice had gone low. Tony tried containing his calm as Steve stepped forward from behind the curtain.

He was wearing in all his glory, a midnight blue dress shirt, black pants, perfectly styled hair and a toothy smile. A smile, Tony saw didn't reach his eyes. Their eyes met for a spilt second before Tony looked away.

Steve stepped out of the curtain with red, white and blue confetti popping over his head while a champagne was popped and red, white, blue colored balloons were released in the air. He saw Tony, a full black suit, with a white dress shirt, his hair a perfect mess and his face, his face full of energy, just as always. Just that, Steve saw the facade this time. If it wasn't for all his years spent back with Tony, he might have never seen through it, but he could easily see it today. He didn't even let their eyes meet for more than a second. Steve gave everyone a fake smile and stepped away towards Natasha.

"Next up, our very own, and a new addition, may i present to you SAM WILSON, THE FALCON! Welcome Back!" Tony announced as Sam stepped out. Birds flew over his head and once again white confetti was blown while another bottle of champagne was popped. Sam repeated Steve's actions, just that his smile was earnest, and stood besides Vision.

"Now, for the Queen of Red, WANDA MAXIMOFF, SCARLETT WITCH, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back!" Wanda stepped out as red fire blew over her head and red confetti flew from everywhere, another champagne popped as Wanda smiled at everyone stepping besides Natasha.

"We missed him. We all did. As family. As friends. The eyes and the sniff of not only S.H.I.E.L.D but also the Avengers, please welcome back, CLINT BARTON, HAWKEYE!" Tony's words seemed to have touched Clint so much that the very second he stepped out from behind the curtains, he went up and hugged Tony. Tony just smiled hugging back. Arrows had flown over Clint as blue confetti popped from everywhere, another bottle of Champagne popped. He spotted his family and quickly went over hugging them.

"Lastly. We were not very well-acquainted the last time we met him so let me introduce you to the newest addition to the Avengers. Please welcome, JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES, THE WHITE WOLF!" Tony announced in the most courteous way he could. Bucky stepped out to trumpets blowing in his respect and White and red confetti blowing everywhere. The White Wolf was his well-earned title in Wakanda. A champagne was popped as Bucky cautiously stepped down from the stage heading over to his other friends.

"We are very pleased to have you all back. And especially, the new additions. We've all had problems but that doesn't means problems can't be solved. In the end, it'll always be us, as a family, forever, protecting Mother Earth and laying down on our lives, if that is required, for the peace and at the disposal of the safety of our public. Somewhere, inside, we all have apologies to make  ut lets leave them out for the night" the Rogue Avengers looked down with guilt. But Steve didn't, he just looked back at Tony with tears in his eyes. Tears he couldn't show "The government, I and all the others who had caused you to go Rogue in your own home, are extremely sorry. With a final toast, i would like to officially annouce a reconciliation of The Avengers and their return!" Tony rose a toast along with all the others in the room, including the newly joined group of Avengers.

Everyone cheered loudly as Tony stepped down from the stage, only to be beckoned by Pepper over to some bussinessmen. Steve had seen this. Steve, who was blinking profusely to control the tears that were a mix of pride and guilt. He looked at Tony talking with the other men disinterested while Pepper latched onto his arm. He took this moment, to finally take in his appearance. To finally swallow him down. His body, that seemed to be thinner but way more muscular; his growing stubble; his growing beard; his well tamed curls, the ones Steve always preferred fresh out of the bath without any sprays; his eyes, the growing dark circles and the sagging bags and his lips, his ever so smooth, perfect lips. Nothing about Tony seemed different. It felt as if Steve was looking at the same guy he was kissing about a year back in their bedroom. But Steve knew, everything had changed. He couldn't kiss Tony now, or feel his touch. Hell, he didn't even know if Tony would talk properly with him or not. But Steve was determined to make him talk, even if he had to use force for that. Steve will win him back. With that thought, Steve walked over to where Tony, Pepper and the other guys in different suits were standing.

"Hello everyone. I'm really sorry to interrupt but I just came and I've loads of catching up to do with Tony here. If you don't mind, can I borrow him for a lifetime?" Everyone looked at Steve in shock, including Pepper "oh sorry, i meant for a little time. Ahrm. Slip of tongue" Steve smirked under his hand as he excused himself and Tony.

Tony was least interested in what those bussinessmen were saying but could feel someone's constant gaze on him. He brushed it off but when he saw Steve approaching them from the corner of his eyes, all his red alerts peaked. And when, Steve asked to excuse Tony, he was beyond shocked. And for a lifetime? As much as that pissed Tony off, he couldn't help but smile a little. Since when did Steve became such a snap? He didn't wanna go with Steve but neither did he want to stay back.

"What do you want?" Tony was quick to ask. His tone was harsh, icy and cold and it hurt Steve but he knew he deserved it.
"You" Steve shrugged as Tony looked at him, mouth agape and eyes wide. The nerves of this man!
"Dont make me regret my decision, Rogers! I've a girlfriend and I'm very happy so stay back!" Tony hissed at Steve pulling him out of the party room and to a corner.
"Tony, please. Just look at me" Steve cupped Tony's face in both of his hands making him look at him in the eye "I love you, alright? I love you so so much. And I've loved you each and every second in the past year. Please. I'm so sorry. I know I was in the wrong. I did you very very wrong but I cannot live without you, Tones, please, just come back to me. I love you" Steve begged Tony as tears poured down his eyes. Tony felt heartbroken seeing Steve cry but he couldn't hand himself over to a man who had left him stranded over someone else again.
"Well, sorry to inform you, Rogers. You're a year or more late! Leave me alone and don't even think of getting us back on track because we are long gone. I've forgotten you. I've moved on" Tony seethed out but all Steve could see were his red rimmed eyes and unshed tears.
"Tony, i know you love me. You still do. And i will get you back!" Steve looked at Tony determined.
"Well, best of luck with that, Rogers!" Tony removed himself from Steve's grip and walked away. Steve just stood back now even more adamant on getting the love of his life back.

"Uh, everyone! If i can have your attention for a minute!" Tony's voice boomed in the hall as everyone turned to look at him. His eyes met Steve's for a spilt second as he smirked and looked away. "Today, on this auspicious event, I would like to share a grand happiness with you all. Pepper darling, can you please join me?" Tony looked at at a confused Pepper walking up to him.
"What's going on?" She whispered in Tony's ear.

Steve's heart was thumping loudly in his chest. Somehow, he knew what was going to happen. And he could already feel the mental distress coming. But knowing now, he also knew, Tony's main agenda was to cause him pain.

"My love, you've been there with me in my darkest times and i cannot be more thankful" Tony took in a breath, pulling out the bkx from his pocket as he spared another glance at Steve "Sooo, I'd gladly like to announce that Ms. Potts from now onwards will be the CEO of Stark Industries" Pepper looked at Tony shocked as he looked way and put the box, he was holding discreetly, back in his pocket "I love you, darling" Tony kissed her on the cheek as she looked teary-eyed.
"God, Tony! Thank you. I love you more" Pepper kissed Tony on the lips as everyone in the room cheered.

Steve let out a breath. A breath of relief but what he didn't miss was the box in Tony's hands and how he put it away. For a second, Steve was sure that he'd propose Pepper. And mainly to burn Steve, but he had given it up? Steve just let out a relieved breath as he smiled at the couple. His heart paining when he saw Pepper kiss Tony. What was he going to do?


Yeah. Hi, y'all. I was off on vacation and that's why couldn't update earlier. This wasn't suppose to be in parts but i just didn't get any time at all. I'm so sorry but this will be in parts. Do you like the idea though? There'll be a lot of civil war in my fics. Because i genuinely really feel it was the true time between Tony and Steve. Well, thank you for reading my book. Do comment, vote and share.

Ps. I take requests.

Love, N ❤

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