Stronger, With Or Without You

By Steph_Cahill

113K 4.4K 2.3K

!!!TRAILER ATTACHED!!! Formally known as 'The Bad Boy Made Me Stronger' READ FULL DESCRIPTION PLEASE, THANK Y... More

02~ Mr Buttock
03~This is our PMSing friend Hunter
04~ Darling
05~ a man that models for heaven
06~blinding lights
07~smash his balls with my ice cream cone
08~I'm in love with you
09~go away
10~bitch alert
11~ Skittles, nerds, airheads and chocolate
12~pickup up truck
13~Take my hand(1)
14~Take my hand(2)
15~my demons are back
16~I want it, I got it
17~fallen angel
19~sorry to spoil your fantasies
20~We are gonna have lot's of fun Roberts
21~white rose
I'm sorry
22~did you just quote The Lion King?
23~did you take my lighter?
24~ Payphone
Trailer/ New Title?!
25~kids, the drunk and the angry
26~ dance like no one's watching
27~ a relaxing episode of the Thundermans
28~ Chug Chucks
29~ professional hitmen
30~ bow down to your queen
31~ Bring it on
32~ a little angelic devil
33~ in a fucking pineapple under the sea
34~ Wakanda Forever
35~ real morbid shit
36~ somebody come get her (1)
37~ somebody come get her (2)
38~ be like other girls
39~ nuts and gossip
40~ it all ends tonight
41~ stronger, with or without you
Rebecca and Dylan's Story
Bonus Chapter- Addi and Jake /New ending for SWOWU/ New books

01~what else can you do with those hands of yours?

4.7K 152 183
By Steph_Cahill

Chapter 01~what else can you do with those hands of yours?


The most dreaded day of the week known to mankind.


And not just any Monday. First day of school Monday.

And not just any first day of school Monday. First day of new school Monday. The worst kind.

Wow. I'm Just feeling the luck today. Note sarcasm.

It didn't help that I didn't get a wink of sleep either, but hey that's life for you. Annoying as hell.

I got up from my queen sized bed and looked round my new room, it was bigger than my old room and thats saying something cause my old room was huge.

But, my old room had something this room definately doesn't. Life.

The walls were grey and bare, my bed was arranged and in complete order except for the place where I lay, with black bedsheets and my desk and bedside tables were empty, practically begging for something to be kept on them.

My old room. Red walls filled with pictures, quotes and one direction posters, my bed and room was always messy no matter how many times the maids cleaned it. My laptop, phone and pompops would be on my desk while my family pictures and alarm clock would be on my bedside table.

Its a wonder what time can do to a person. Oh well.

I started getting ready for school. I put on my black sweatpants, the biggest black hoodie I own and slipped on some flipflops. Obviously not caring about the first impression matters alot rule.

To be honest, if it was up to me, I'd just stay in all day, eat lots of unhealthy food and binge watch Teen wolf on my laptop.

Man, that show never gets old...

Well, Stiles never gets old but whatever, same thing.

I was about to leave the room when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and froze, one word. Horrible. My curly long black hair was a nest on my head and sticking in every direction. The bags under my eyes wear heavy and dark due to lack of sleep.

I sighed. Atleast I should put some effort, I grabbed my hair brush but winced at the contact. Oh I forgot, my fists.

They were battered and bruised from the raw boxing I did yesterday night. I know I know, I should have used boxing gloves but I was too upset to think reasonably.

Oh well, I guess the bird's nest won't be destroyed today. Lucky fellows, I can almost hear them chirping in happiness.

I put on some lipgloss and grabbed my bag and phone when the fire alarm went off.

I heard muffled shouts but I wasn't fazed, there's only one explanation for things like this and that explanation will enter in 3-2-1...

"Darlinggggg sister Steph!!" My doors burst open.

I rolled my eyes at my elder brother Steven and thanked God again for not letting him be the first born. Imagine this bozo being in charge of a multi- billoniare company. You can't? don't worry neither can I.

Though he was annoying and behaved like a three year old, I still loved him, he always smiled and laughed and had a habit of making others around him do the same, despite what he's been through.

I wish I could say the same for me.

"Hello? Earth to Ste-pha-nie" I blinked twice and slapped his hands away from my shoulders. "What?!" I was already annoyed and he hasn't even spent up to 5 minutes.

"Okay first, you look like shit" I glared at him.

"Second, I need you to help me calm Stephan down". I raised an eyebrow.

"And lastly, what the fuck are you wearing?!"

I ignored his last question, slipped past him and started making my way downstairs. Knowing he's following.

"What did you do to Stephan?" Referring back to his second question.

He opened his mouth about to say something when he was tackled to the ground.

"The fucktard poured a bowl of pancake mix on me!" My eldest brother Stephan yelled.

"Why?" I said while rolling my eyes and walking around them. Boys.

"He said I didn't look sweet enough" Stephan said while glaring at Steven who is now miraculously tied to a stool by the counter with an apple in his mouth.

"Ofcourse he did" I said while shaking my head.

"God Steph you look like shit" Stephan said with caring eyes.

"And what the fuck are you wearing?" He said with angry eyes. Oh come on.

Steven spat out the apple."That's exactly what I said!" I flipped him off and he stuck out his tongue at me.

Stephan gave him a blank look and he audibly gulped taking the apple and putting it back in his mouth.

"Was it the nightmares again?" Stephan asked.

"Yeah" I answered, they both gave me understanding looks and I gave them a small smile.

The number may be smaller than before, but I still have my family.

I checked the time on my phone and stood up. "I'm off"

"Oh no your not" Stephan said grabbing my hand. I winced, God that hurt like a bitch.

"What the hell Steph?!" Stephan exclaimed angrily when he saw my fist.

Steven stood up and held one hand examining it carefully. His leg still tied to the stool. He won't admit it but he wants to be a doctor.

Stephan silently brought the first aid box while Steven set to work cleaning and wrapping my fists. None of them saying a word.

"Thanks" I said while they both gave themselves knowing looks.

"We're taking you to school" Stephan said grabbing the keys to his BMWi8. His second most cherished car.

"What?! No way!" I didn't want them to take me to school.

"It's not up for discussion Steph" Stephan firmly said, I looked at Steven for help. He was partner in crime and we always had each others backs.

"After the stunt you just pulled? No I think not" Steven said.

"For Christ Sake I wasn't trying to- " I stopped realizing what I was about to say, the air shifted and I saw both Steven and Stephan's shoulders tense up at the almost said word.

"We know" they both said at the same time.

Steven smiled and hit Stephan on the back. "Don't worry bro I'll drive"

And just like that the tension was gone.

"And have my baby totalled, I think not". Stephan put on his black leather jacket. "Now put on a shirt and lets go".

He groaned, "Fine, where's my shirt?"

I giggled and pointed to his shirt that was in the frying pan.

He scratched his head," oh yeah, I wanted to make my shirt sweeter too". He grabbed it and put it on.

"Let's roll"

"Let's not" Stephan said looking amused. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Well, let's see, gorgeous body, handsome face, sexy voice, Nah I think I'm good"


"Stephan, he'll figure it out himself, let's go". I said getting agitated.

Me and Stephan were halfway to the driveway when Steven yelled, " Guys! A little help!"

We turned around and saw Steven stuck by the door. The stool he was tied too preventing him from passing.

I burst out laughing while Stephan chuckled.

"Oh Steven" we said together while Steven gave us a sheepish smile.


After a torturous 15 minutes with my brothers who where screaming out some Taylor Swift songs, we arrived.

The windows were tinted, so people couldn't see us but we sure as hell could see them and boy where they much.

Get a life, geez.

But in a way I don't really blame them, the car was a site to behold. Pft wait until they see the owners of the car.

I was about to open the door when Steven stopped me with a glare. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I gave him a confused look, "going to school, what else?"

Steven sighed and brought out two shades from his pocket. "Rule number one, always leave them impressed"

I frowned at him, "are we really doing this?" I turned to Stephan.

He shook his head and eyed Steven while Steven handed us our shades and put on his.

"Titanium three, lets roll" he said with a smirk while I and Stephan cringed in embarrassment.

Stephan stepped out while I and Steven, who was buzzing in excitement, waited. He always does this...

Then after 5 seconds Steven stepped out, finally after three seconds Stephan held the door for me while I made my face blank and stepped out, slamming the door behind me.

Then at the same time we all took off our shades and Stephan smiled while Steven smirked and I looked blank. It took us weeks to perfect this.

And yes. We were extra like this.

I walked up to my brothers, who seemed to be enjoying all the attention. Its not every day they get to be surrounded by 'hot high school girls', their words not mine.

"Hey guys I'm gonna take off, I said and immediately their attention shifted too me, ignoring everyone's hungry looks. Geez people get a grip of yourselves.

"Aww, bye lil sis", Steven said hugging me.

Stephan gave me a nod, " take care of yourself choco" I smiled at his nickname for me.

I stepped back as they got in the car but before they did Stephan smiled at a group of girls, showing his pearly white teeth while Steven winked, they all squealed excitedly and I rolled my eyes. Girls.

They drove off and I started making my way inside ignoring the obvious stares. Seriously? Atleast if they're gonna stare they should do it discreetly, don't they know it's rude?

I found the office, got my timetable and locker information, turned down the tour offer from some kid that looked like he would shit his pants any moment because of the sight of me. Poor kid.

I made my way to my locker and started placing and collecting books in preperation for the day. I couldnt help but hear some gossip being talked about me, what? I have very strong hearing, not my fault they're talking so loud.

"There's that new chic"

"Did you see the hotties she arrived with this morning?"

"Ugh, what is she wearing?"

"I heard she's part of some mafia group, I mean look at her fist!" I chuckled at that one and they froze.

"Sorry, don't mind me just trying to figure out good places to hide dead bodies, my basement is full". I said looking completely serious.

They all turned white and ran as fast as their heels could take them, I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut. Amateurs.

I made my way to my first class, Maths and sat down in a corner seat next to the window on the second row.

I would have sat at the backrow but something about this school just screamed clichè, and if my instincts were correct there should probably be some popular kids who threw a fit if you're in their seat. And I'm not ready for any bullshit.

I brought out my Maths textbook and just then the door burst open and about 10 people burst through the doors, the girls chatting in high volumes while the boys just tapped on their phones or flirted with the girls.

They all stopped what they were doing and turned to me, I gave them all a blank stare and turned my attention back to my book.

They settled down at the back and one gave some girl a death stare, she immediately stood up and sat somewhere else see, called it.

They were all still quiet and I could feel them burning holes in my back.

One whistled, "she's much hotter upclose". I heard some male voices mutter under their breathes in agreement.

I ignored them because the teacher entered, he looked kind, not too old not too young, short in height and wore a black suit.

"Mr AY!" someone hollered and a faint smile made its way on my face, so he was a student favourite too? Interesting.

"Okay okay, settle down now and lets start" he smiled.

But obviously since me and the universe are sworn enemies I just had to make direct eye contact.

Shit. Rule number 2, never make eye contact.

He smiled at me and gestured for me to come over, "Hello there, why don't you come and introduce yourself to the class?"

I stood up with a bored expression. What? The man is just doing his job no need to be rude to him.

I made my way to the front of the class and stared everyone down. "My name is Stephanie."

The teacher gave me a look and gestured to my hood, oh yeah I forgot about that, the poor birds in my nest must be suffocating.

I pulled it down, ran my hand through my hair and continued, "I like reading and music".

Some people stared at my hair while some boys were checking me out. Idiots.

"what happened to your fist?" Some guy from the back yelled and the teacher gave him a stern look telling him it's not his business.

I gave the boy a blank expression."Boxing"

It was just one word but most people stared at me wide eyed. I gave a brief nod to the teacher and sat down, some people still staring at me while Mr AY continued, well almost before he was rudely interrupted.

"Hey new girl, what else can you do with those hands of yours?" Someone asked from behind me.

I turned around, it was the same group from earlier and the guy that asked the question winked.

"A lot of things actually, wanna see?"

He smiled, his blue green eyes twinkling in delight.

I raised both of my hands and quickly brought down my fingers, leaving the middle fingers up.

The whole class roared in laughter while I smirked, his smile fell instantly and he turned the lightest shade of pink but he still had an amused expression.

I turned but in the process a pair of green eyes caught my brown ones and I faltered a bit.

He was gorgeous, beautiful even, and it took alot of willpower for me not to gape at him. He smirked at my taken aback expression.

I rolled my eyes and turned around not letting him get to me.

But I couldn't help but turn slightly back and meet his eyes. God his eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of green I'd ever seen and when I looked closer I saw blue around the rim, such beautiful eyes that looked at me with amusement.

I kept his gaze for a while trying to figure him out but turned around when I came to a conclusion.

He too had experienced excrutiating pain, I could see it, but unlike me he wore it wonderfully well.

I tried to focus on the sums on the board and not on the extremely attractive boy behind be. But I could feel his stare and for some weird completely psycho reason, I wanted to stare back...

This boy was nothing but bad news, I could feel it in my bones. I definately need to stay clear of him.

Hopefully I won't be talking or seeing him anytime soon. I sighed and started to focus.

Where can a girl get a chocolate bar around here?


I was pissed.

Extremely pissed.

I couldn't get his freaking eyes out of my head, Steven had texted me saying Stephan was drowning himself in work again.

And there's no chocolate in the school! Can you believe that?!

I huffed in frustration, and it didn't help that people were staring at me 24/7.

I mean haven't they ever seen flipflops before?!

I got to my locker and froze. Come on world can't I just have atleast one good day?!

Cause they were two people currently making out right in front of my locker. Ew.

The guy pushed her against my locker and his hands started trailing down her leg while her hands were under his shirt. Double eww, I'm gonna have to burn that.

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat but they didn't notice me. "Hello?!!" But they still ignored me.

The nerve.

I went to my locker unlocked it and with all my might pushed it open so that they both fell in surprise. Hmph, that will teach them.

"What the hell?!" The guy exclaimed while the girl shrieked. Jheez, why the yelling?

I shrugged and started to take my things while they got up. The girl sqealing over a broken nail or something.

The guy slammed my locker shut. Well that was rude.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He exclaimed. He looked really familiar. Where had I seen him?

"Answer!" Was it on a milk carton?

"Hello?!!" No, I haven't drank any milk in a while.

"Are you even listening?!" Nope, definately not a milk carton.

The girl shoved me, I could see dried tears on her face and resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "He's talking to you sicko!" Okay, she was pushing it.

"Woah bitch, take a chill pill" I said picking up my bag from the floor and yawning. I'm so tired.

She glared at me and I turned my attention back to the guy who was staring at me intently, "Look-"

It was him, the guy with gourgeous eyes. What? I don't know his name...

"You were obstructing me" I simply stated, trying not to lose myself in his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me" I said

But he blocked my path and glared at me. "You can't push me and walk away."

God, why was I so captivated, "And who are you?, Donald Trump? It explains why you have the structure of a wall then" I said trying to step around him.

"Move" I was pissed, and this guy was getting on my nerves. And we had attracted a crowd already.

"Who are you?" He asked, his green eyes laced with interest and curiousity.

"A bad girl with a bad attitude" I sneered at him, "now move"

He didn't move, instead he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "and what if I don't?"

I grabbed his shirt, eager to wipe of the smirk on his face with my fist"Then you leave me no choice"

I kneed him in the crotch and his face turned to that of pain. Everyone sucked in breaths and stared with wide eyes.

"Don't mess with me" I said in a low voice and with that I turned and left the school.

Great, I couldn't even last till lunch. And I don't have a ride. Walk it is then.

What? You expect me to go back in there after that kind of dramatic exit? No way.

I sighed and started walking. What a wonderful first impression, hopefully everyone will leave me alone after this.

I hope.

Espescially him, I have a really weird feeling about him and he seems to be stuck in my mind. That's not good.

"Hey lil lady, shouldn't a pretty girl like you be in school?" Some creepy ugly guy stood up from where he was sitting.

I looked behind him and saw like six others walking over all if them with a deranged look in their eyes.

Damn. I hope Steven didn't finish all the chocolate. I'm craving.

They made a circle around me and started moving dangerously close.

"You look like a rich girl too" another creepy one said. I hope we haven't run out of skittles too.

When they got too close, I sighed and took of the bandages on my fist.

"Well this outta be interesting" I said and punched a the guy square in the jaw.......


So first chapter guys! What did you think?

I wanted this to be nice and lenthy and I hoped it was enough for your standards.

Anyways don't forget to please vote, comment and share!

Stay connected!


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