Big brother love

By idonttrustne1

30.6K 484 55

Once upon a time, Annie was an innocent little sister living under the roof of her super over protective olde... More

Big brother love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
CHapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 part 1
Chapter 40 part 2
Part 3
Chapter 30

Chapter 36

265 5 0
By idonttrustne1

chapter 36 :)


"Mmmm..Shane.." I growl desperately wanting him to do so much more to me. Shane's muscles seem to have grown and his strength is unbelievable right now! He pulls at my shirt wanting me to take it off but I know that the second clothing starts coming off..we won't stop. "No, Shane stop. We can't....oooh..can't do this.." He pulls me hard against his chest, while sucking on the vein of my neck.

"I so bad." I see desire burn in his eyes like a flame. Shane stops to look at me and a sudden spark of something flashes in his eyes.

"Shane?" Something is different about him..he's haughty, irresistable, and tantalizing..all within in seconds of the little sparkle I saw in his eyes.

He slyly grins at me showing off two new and sparkling white fangs. They were long, elegant, yet dangerously sharp. "'re a vampire now?" I squint my eyes in confusion but notice something myself, I can see in the dark now. "Wait, what's happening?"

"I-i don't know..there's no way we both could have changed into full vampires." Shane gets off of me and paces around the room. His eyes spark with conclusion and he rushes over to me. "We're mates..this is the sign Bambi. We're meant to be together. We don't have to wait any more.." He pins me down and kisses down my neck to the vein. He pulls his head up, allowing me to look into his luminous blue eyes. "You know I've waited for this since the first day I saw you." He sounds like he did the first time we met..haughty, rude, too confident..I'm scared that him becoming a vampire has changed him. "Kiss me."

"No." I reply to his rude, demanding tone. A low growl rumbles through his chest in complete annoyance that I denied him.

"Why not." He demands.

"You're scaring me..please get off of me." Shane glares at me and his eyes beam into mine full of fury. "Please.." I tremble. His furious glare disappears into one of content and sorrow.

"I'm sorry baby..I don't know what came over me..I'm so sorry." As quickly as the haughty Shane was was gone, along with the fangs and the unbelievable strength.

"How did you become a vampire so quickly?"

"I didn't. I just had an episode..which means I'm going to be a very powerful vampire when I turn." Great. Just what I wanted to hear. Something else to make his already big head grow.

wait..Does this mean that when he turns into a full vampire..he's going to act like that? " were a completely different person during that episode.."

"What do you mean?" His face is contorted into a look of curiosity.

"You scared me..a lot. You were full of your self, demanding, and..really strong." I stand up and walk towards the broken window. "You aren't going to be like that when you change...are you?" I turn around and face him with worisome eyes.

"I-i don't know Bambi..I don't know."

" the..hell Shane.." A faint mumbling and moaning enters the room from Shane's closet.

"Is that- Jason!" I gasp and rush to the closet. "'s okay. Just relax." Shane and I help him onto the bed.

"Why'd you knock me out ass hole?" Jason is irritated beyond belief and ready to fight Shane.

"It was an accident..I thought you were the intruder.."

"I was behind you the whole time! How could you have thought that dumbass!" Jason stood up rubbing his head. "Where's Cherry?"

"Downstairs..still in the closet.." I smack myself on the forehead remembering that I completely forgot about her again..she's going to hate me.


"I came up here to see what was taking so long and that's when you woke up so I just haven't had the chance to go get her." My lie went so perfectly with the situation! I am so proud of myself..mental pat on the back..

"ANNIE!" I hear a whisper come from the stairs.

"In here Cherry. Everythings okay now." She turns the corner and comes to the doorway.

"Jason! What happened?" She gasps and runs to his side. Her curly hair bounces lightly on her back as she sits down next to Jason..who's smirking at the sight of Cherry's concern.

"Shane-" He looks at Shane and then smirks, "The intruder happened to be me aparently, so Shane decided to beat the shit out of me." Cherry glares at Shane and then me.

"What the hell dude!"

"Let's leave Cherry to take care of Jason while we see what food we can eat. I'm starving." I rub my stomach after heading to the stairs. "And I really can't stomach any more of the new couple's touchy-feely crap." I mumble.

*bedroom door closes*

I slip into Shane's pantry and search for anything edible that doesn't need cooking. "You know.." Hands so hot that it feels like a heating pad slide under my shirt and up my butt. "I can give you something to eat.." Pleasure forces my eyes close and my body to go limp.

"Really..what's that.." I slur. I know exactly what I want right now..but I don't know what Shane's referring to. Well I do, but it could be to suck his blood, or give him a BJ. I want to taste him again..the never ending thirst burns my throat at the mere thought of his warm, sweet blood sliding down the back of my throat..allowing urges of pleasure to surge through me.

He slides his hands around to the front of me..and then down into between my legs..close enough to my vagina to make me tremble in anticipation but far enough that I'm not begging him to get closer. Was he wanting sex right now? I am so confused as to what he wants.

"You want to do somethin naughty..Jason and Cherry won't know..they're probably doin it right now.." His husky voice enters my ear.

"Ooh Shane.." I blush but it's interrupted by Shane's finger entering me causing me to squeal. Shane picks me up and lays me down on the kitchen counter. His lips caress mine as his finger enters and exits me in a tantalizing speed. "OOoh Shane.."

"Is that a yes.." I fight my eyes from closing and allowing him to take advantage of me..but I want to feel every part of him..physically and spiritually.

"Shane...we can't.." He slows his pace down purposely trying to tease me into begging him for more.

"Yes we can."

"I don't want to..if you...aren't my soul mate." I try so hard to keep up my strength but every time his finger enters me I picture what it'd be like to feel the real deal, and my guard slowly begins to fall.

"We are..and you know that." I sit up against my will and look into Shane's eyes. They are glowing blue once again and that evil sly smirk sits on his lips sending shivers down my spine. It appears to get even more sly looking when he notices me moaning in delight of being fingered. "I know you want can't deny it. I can see straight into your soul sweet heart." I cringe at the pure wickedness of his voice.

Is he trying to be naughty and failing..or is he turning evil? "OH Shane!" I scream when he enters another finger inside of me. "Baby stop..I don't want this!" Tears flood my face as he slides his shorts off. The look he keeps giving me makes my spine crawl and it's like he's possessed!

I pound into his chest trying to get him off of me but he quickly restrains me by holding my hands to the table. I release a low, vicious warning growl letting him know what he's about to unleash if he doesn't get off of me. Those pearl colored fangs elongate and the desire for my blood surges through him! He lunges at my neck but is thrown off of me by Dylan. "This is why I needed you to leave Annie!" He breathes heavily while staring down at Shane, laying unconscious.

"What's wrong with him!" Dylan pulls me into his arms bridal style.

"He's not a vampire..he's a blend."

"What's a ble-"

"I'll tell you later. I need to get you away from here. Hold your breath for me sweet heart..this will feel strange.." I do what he says and we disappear into the cloak of darkness.

"Woa..that was so cool! Can I do that!" I kneel on my bed while Dylan smiles at me.

"That's not important right now! Why the fuck were you letting him kiss you and do those awful things to you?! Do I mean NOTHING TO YOU! DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THE BOND WE SHARE?!" His nostrils flare furiously as he glares at me with teeth baring and muscles rippling down his back.

"I- Dylan..I don't know what happened...I'm sorry.." He growls viciously and then rubs his face with his hands in utter frustration. "I couldn't control myself...I don't know what I was thinking...I'm so sorry." I whisper feeling a twinge of pain every word I utter.

"We'll talk about it later- Are you okay?" I look down to the floor as tears well around my eyes and blur the newly acquired vampire vision I possess. "'s okay..I know this is all new and very rough to you but, one day," He walks over to me and takes my hands into his, "you will become a full, very beautiful vampire." My gaze drops to my hands resting in his. This feels right. I feel safe, warm..and at home. He's the one. Not Shane. Not Tod. Not any guy I've ever met before, it's him. Only him.

" didn't really rape me?" He pulls me into a hug and rubs his hand down the back of my head in a comforting manner.

"No sweetheart. I would never do such a thing. Like I said, it all just went so very wrong. I should have waited until after I changed you." A gentle kiss touches my head.

"I know." Those words surprised me more than him. I felt solitude with him. It's like we're meant for eachother. I felt this way for Shane, once upon a time, but recently..I'm not so sure who Shane is any more.

Dylan moves away from me and heads to the bathroom. "Get dressed into something other than that awful shirt of his. I'll be in here until you're done."

"You don't want to watch?" I ask a little insulted..the last time I was over here, he practically begged to shower with me.

"I do..more than you know Annie..I just think we started off on the wrong foot. I want to get it right this time." I smile finally feeling like I belong somewhere, with someone. I don't feel the need to rip off my clothes in order to be loved unlike when I was with Shane. I don't feel the need to doubt everything that is said to me here, unlike with Shane. He's different, a good different. Even though everything feels so right, I'm going to promise myself not to get so attached this time..whether I like it or not.

His hair is dark blonde and a little curly giving off the messy but sexy look. Light grey eyes hide underneath his hair that dangles over them and his jaw has a square shape to it making him look irresistably manly. I literally drool over the idea of sliding my hand down his tone abs..I growl in desire to myself.

"Thankyou. I must say Dylan...I was totally wrong about you." I sigh and look out the window at the night sky. I miss Shane and am worried sick about him. Is he okay? Is anyone going to help him through what ever it is he's goin through? He needs help..but I'm more worried about Cherry and Jason. There's no way he would hurt them...right?

"Something wrong my dear?" Why does that sound familiar..I mean I know Dylan is familiar from the last time we met..but I feel like I saw him before the intruder at Shane's. Something wrong my dear...something wrong my dear..something wrong my dear.. the question kept repeating in my mind driving me nuts! Where did this come from...that's when it snapped.

"Something wrong my dear?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm not going to tell you, until you know how much I care for you."

"Do I know you?"

"Might I say that dress.." I replayed the conversation I had with Lane a few hours earlier on the bench. He looked remarkably similar to Dylan and their voice is exactly the same!

"Are you Lane?"


"A few hours ago, I sat down on a bench on the sidewalk after leaving Shane's house. A man about your size, that looked like your twin, sat down and comforted me. He told me to call him Lane until I knew that he cared for me...was that you?"

Dylan clears his throat hoping that his blushing cheeks with clear too, "Uh..yea. That was my plan until I sensed Shane hurting you.."

"You sensed that? How?"

"Believe it or not..but you called out to me."

"I did not..atleast I don't think I did. I don't know how.."

"somehow I got a feeling that you were in danger being with Shane. I flashed in to check on you and at first I thought he was just hitting on you and you weren't enjoying it. Then I saw the evil glare in his eye when you denied him..."

"And that's when you saved me right?" I smile at him in an adoring manner.

"I had to..and I wanted to. If I hadn't...I honestly don't know what would have happened." I gaze back out the window at the moon and a little piece of me dies inside. This world I once learned about in science class every year is completely different from what they teach. There are other creatures out there we don't know about. And my religion class was certaintly wrong about their being no immortal creatures on this earth. What if there are others? Are there evil ones? Evil..immediately that look Shane gave me pops in my head.

" he gonna be okay? I still really care about him..and I don't want Jason or cherry to get hurt.."

"I'll send one of my guys to check on him."

"One of your guys?"

"I'm in a protection agency. We make sure vampires stay in control and in the background. That's how I didn't go to jail when you accused me of raping you.." Dylan walks back over to the bed and sits down knowing I have a lot of questions I want answered.

"Oh..they kept you out of it?"

"They were the judge and the jury so either way I was safe."

"I'm glad you didn't really rape me..otherwise you'd be goin down right now!" I pound my fist into my hand looking serious but end up laughing.

"Oh I would huh?" Dylan jokingly pushes me in the shoulder.

"Yea! Down like downtown!" I catch a glimpse of him looking at my lips. He wants to kiss me..or is he just curious?

"I don't think so." He waves off my threat like no big deal.

"You don't want to take on these guns." I joke sarcastically as I hold up my arms and flex.

Dylan leans over me and has me trapped against the bed. I thought I'd be terrified, but my stomach bursts into butterflies and heat stings my body. We both stare into each other's eyes seeing the desire..and want to do more. "Dylan..."

"Yea sweet heart.." He's breathing heavily and clenching his jaw..I assume he's extremely turned on and just trying to hide am I.

***Authors note***

I know I know I's short again. But no need to worry, the next few chapters will be better. But for now, another one is complete! YAy! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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