Upon Shattered Wings

By xWintersolsticex

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She was ripped away from him Drowned in the cold hands of death But he would do anything To have her back... More

Welcome, Young Fledglings
Prologue: Never Again
Chapter 1: The Human World
Chapter 2: Rescue Misson
Chapter 3: Maid to the Prince
Chapter 4: Strange Encounters
Chapter 5: Dinner
Chapter 6: The Familiar
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 8: Princess Bitch
Chapter 9: We Shall
Chapter 10 Part 1: Meeting the Royals
Chapter 10 Part 2: Playing Victim
Chapter 10 Part 3: Dancing with the Prince
Chapter 11: Field of Poppies
Chapter 12: Arrows and Knives
Chapter 13: Serving the Bitch
Chapter 14: Attack
Chapter 15: See You Soon
Chapter 16: Shot
Chapter 17: Marriage
Chapter 18: A Glimpse of the Past
Chapter 19: Berry Red
Chapter 20: Casor
Chapter 21: Confrontation
Chapter 22: Stay
Chapter 23: Ellisar
Chapter 24: Stay Awake
Chapter 26: Kiss
Chapter 27: It All Started With A Naked Painting
Chapter 28: Amaline
Chapter 29: Revelation
Chapter 30: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 1
Chapter 30: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 2
Chapter 31: Leave
Chapter 32: Found
Chapter 33: They're Here
Chapter 34: Reunion
Chapter 35: Promise
Chapter 36: More Time
Chapter 37: Divine Beads
Thank you!

Chapter 25: Awake

504 34 6
By xWintersolsticex

Sometimes you wonder if the reason people treat you so well

Is because you remind them of someone they once knew

Five days.

Five days I had not left his bedside.

The King and Queen had stood outside of the room while the medic was removing the sword out of Kilian's back. That was one of the most nerve wracking moments of my life. I was restless, pacing up and down the hallway until Cora dragged me to sit down beside her.

Now, I currently sat on the chair I had dragged over to his bed, braiding two golden pieces of yarn. At the other braided end was a speckled brown feather.

"You better open your damn eyes." I muttered, yanking the yarn tight. "I even ripped out a feather for you."

A knock sounded at the door. I looked up just as I finished tying the knot. Cora peeked her head in and sighed.

"Amara you need to go rest."

I looked down at the feather in my hand. "I'm not tired."

She walked over and yanked me up, making me nearly topple over. "You stink and you don't want my brother to wake up smelling-" She abruptly cut herself off as she saw the feather in my hand. Then she looked up at the gray one that was still clipped in my hair. She smirked.

"It's just a feather I found on the floor."


"Really. I think it might be from a bird."

"Mhmm." She had a smirk on her face.

"Okay okay fine! It's mine."

She patted me on the head as she walked towards the door. "I know, girl. I know."

Following her out the door, I looked back at his unconscious form before making my way back towards my room. Taking a fresh set of clothing, I decided to take a shower before going to see him again.

Taking off the feather clip, I set it beside the sink and stepped into the tub. Turning the knob, I let the warm water pelt down on my sore muscles. Despite being days later, my body still ached from the attack. I stared off into the wall, letting my thoughts consume me.

I couldn't help but worry. The sword had went straight through him. Everyone was in a panic when we got back and even when Cora said it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help thinking it was. If I had just refused his offer. If I had just listened to Vulcrian. The thought of him made me stop.

Now that I was thinking about it, I hadn't seen him around when we returned. I frowned, I'll check in with him later.

Quickly washing off, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. Drying off my wings, I slipped into the night clothes and clipped the feather back into my hair. Pocketing my feather chain, I walked out the door.

"Lady Amara." The two guards greeted.

"No no, don't call me lady. I'm just uh..." I quickly scratched my head. What am I? "A servant?"

They looked at each other. The one on the left let out a small chuckle. "This is not the West. We don't have servants here."

The one on the right nodded. "I think Lady won't fit either."

They shared a look again. My eyes narrowed. "Princess will work."

I balked. "What are you talking about?" I looked both ways down the hall to make sure the coast was clear. "Don't call me that."

They scoffed. I blinked. "Aren't you guards supposed to be good boys and stand there with your lips zipped?"

They looked offended. "Princess we are not boys."

"Stop calling me that!" I hissed and reached out a hand to smack them both on the arm. They remained unfazed, purposefully flexing their arms. I gave them a deadpanned look.

Righty crossed his arms. "How about this. We don't call you princess, you don't call us boys."

I nodded.

Lefty smiled, all pearly whites showing. "Bye Princess!"

I groaned. Should've known they wouldn't keep their word. "Bye boys!"

Walking took too long so I flew instead. Waving at the two guards stationed in front of his doors, I was about to open the door until one of them stopped me.

"Lady Amara, Prince Killian is not in his room."

"What? Where is he?"

"He has requested to be alone for a while."

"Are you stupid?!"

They looked startled at my outburst. "He's injured! He can't go around walking by himself! What if he suddenly bleeds to death in the middle of the halls? Huh?"

"Lady Amara-"

"For Lunaravia's sake stop calling me that!" They snapped their mouths closed.

I turned away and flew down the hall but not before catching the smirks they threw each other. Boys.

I had been flying all throughout the castle but there was no sign of him. Damn him. Damn him. Not even a day after he wakes up and he's already prancing around the castle like a toddler high on sweets.

I stomped down a familiar hall, glaring ahead. "If you don't appear in the next five seconds, I'll tell Cora to have you on bed arrest."

However it seemed like that wasn't needed when I caught a glimpse of light gray feathers standing near an open window. Seeing him standing there as still as the night had me breathing a sigh of relief. Not wanting to make my appearance just yet, I ducked around the corner and peeked out.

Even through the thin pale shirt he had on, I could still catch a glimpse of the thick bandages underneath. Guilt gnawed in the pit of my stomach. And so, guilt made me walk up silently behind him.

"It's not your fault." His voice was scratchy but underneath, I couldn't detect any anger.

I opened my mouth but closed it when I didn't know what to say. Sensing my silence, Killian turned around with a breathtaking smile that made my breath caught. Why was he smiling like that when he literally has a hole in his body?

"I was the one who insisted on you to go. It was my responsibility to look after you." He reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"But if I insisted on not going, you wouldn't have been distracted and... and you wouldn't have gotten hurt." My voice broke at the end.

He scoffed, eyes twinkling as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Are you saying you distract me? Don't be so cocky."

I gaped at him. Here I was trying to be serious but no. He had to twist my words around. "No! Stop turning my words on me."

Killian chuckled and without warning, pulled me forward and into his chest. My face flushed red as I laid my cheek on his sturdy chest. "Come on, I have something to show you." He pulled away but grabbed my hand in his.

Walking out of the castle, I followed him through the fields. The cool night air brushed by us; I closed my eyes and breathed in, a small smile appearing on my face. The silence was in no way uncomfortable. It was a welcoming silence, each of us enjoying the presence of the other.

I pulled him to a stop when I realized where he wanted to lead me. "You're going to hurt yourself more if you climb up that."

He rolled his eyes, "Stop worrying, I'll be fine."

I glared at his back as he tugged me up the hill. "That's what they all say but inside they're slowly bleeding out and dying." I raised my voice at the end to make my point across but he only laughed. We'll see who's laughing when I'm right.

As we made it to the top, my mouth dropped open at the view ahead. The full moon seemed to cast a white glow on the small hills scattered throughout the land. Grass swayed together as if listening to a melody only they could hear. Several long winged bugs flitted above the grass, dancing joyously in the wind.

Something about this scene seemed nostalgic. As if I've been here before.

"This is the first time I've seen you smile in a while." I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced around.

"Things aren't going really well, I guess."

"I'm here for you, you know that? If you need to rant get so angry you want to hit the daylights out of me, I'll be here."

It was two voices. One boy and the other a girl. The longer I stared ahead, I thought I could see two shimmering figures sitting side by side on the grass in front of us.

The girl looked mortified. "Why would I hit you?"

The boy shrugged and shook out his dark hair. "If you have no one to let your anger out on."

"I don't want to hurt you, stupid!"

"As if a tiny girl like you can hurt me." The boy's voice turned cocky.

She raised her fists up. "I learned from you and I'll make you regret teaching me."

The boy laughed as he laid down on the grass. "You love me too much to lay a hand on me."

I blinked and the two shimmering figures were gone. I let out a breath. What was that and why had it felt so real? I rubbed my arms as goosebumps appeared.

Killian looked down at me, concerned. "Cold?"

I shook my head but nonetheless he wrapped a hand around my shoulders and brought me closer to his body. I was lost in thoughts as I stared up at the stars. I knew without question who the boy and girl was.

"You want to dance?" I blinked. I hadn't even realize Killian stepping away and now had his hand held up towards me.

I gave him an incredulous look. "Right now?"

He shrugged and gave me a boyish smile. "Why not?"

It was hard to resist his smile. Damnit. Sighing, I placed my hand in his. He smile turned into a smirk and I quickly snatched it back. He frowned.

"You're going to strain your wound and then it'll rip open and you'll bleed all over the-" He covered my mouth with his hand.

"You talk too much." He whispered with a soft smile. His hand was so warm.

He grabbed my hands before I could protest and yanked me into the air. All noise died in my throat as I stared up at his golden eyes. Our wings beat together in sync as we swayed. 

A part of me wondered if he danced with her like this too. If he only offered to dance with me because I looked like her. 

Heeeyyyyy you guysss. 

Summer break for me is almost coming to an end and I'll be going into my last year of high school. I'm not ready T.T someone come save mee. 

If y'all didn't know, I published a new book called Sun & Moon. So feel free to check it out! I feel like I'm always publishing and then taking down stories because I either haven't planned the whole thing out or it's not going how I wanted it to go. So I apologize if you guys keep getting notifications on this. 

Anyways, do you guys think Killian is dancing with her because she looks like Mira? Where do you think sketchy Vulcrian has disappeared to? 

Vote, Comment, Enjoy!

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