Stony OneShots (SteveXTony)

By i_ship_ship

102K 2.4K 977

You know, Captain America and Iron Man,right? Just something a little more private from their life ;) A mix o... More

1: We Fight all the Time
2: Strip it, Steve
3: Bye Bye, Denial!
4: Vacation Love (1)
5: Vacation Love {2}
6: Date Night
7: Let it Go
8: Webbed Hearts
9: Did someone kiss me?
10: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {1}
11: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {2}
12: Our Goddess of a Daughter? {3}
13: Flirty Captain
14: Stranger with a Weird Connection
16: Shut up and Just Hug Me
17: I'm not Flirting, I'm being Nice
18: Good Luck Kisses
19: What? You asked for it
20: Brutal Beginnings
21: Getting You Back {1}
22: Getting You Back {2}
23: Dear Future Husband
24: You're only MY Piece of Art
25: Jealous Moments {2}
26: The Fry Way
27: A Virgin Playboy (AU)
28: Shouldn't you be sleeping?
29: Jealous Moments {3}
30: Hold On! I still Need You
31: Blind Dates
32: Stuck Tony!
33: You're Insecure. Don't know what for?
34: True Love {1}
35: True Love {2}
36: A Date Out
37: A Search for Steve {Crossover}
38: A Search for Steve {Crossover}
39: All of Me loves All of You

15: Jealous Moments {1}

3.6K 80 30
By i_ship_ship

A/N: Alright, so guys this one's not like a series but because I love this part in a relationship, there will be countless jealousy moments. All of them will have the same heading so yeah.
Steve and Tony are great friends. They are the happiest around one another. And absolutely adore eachothers company. They know each other's deepest secrets, they've been there to help the other sleep when the other would wake up from a frightening nightmare or calm them down if they feel anxious. Everyone in the family ships them and have foretold the obvious, that one day they'll be a couple. However, the pair always seem to shush them away.

But, in all truth, what they can't shush away are the feelings they have for another. It's not been long, since they developed them. Steve, knew eversince he saw Tony fly into that wormhole during their fight with Loki. And Tony, well, he has had an undying crush on the Captain eversince, Howard started boasting about him. The only thing keeping them away from one other, from the confession, is the fear that their perfect little friendship would be ruined. They are blind to the other person's acrions and affection and mistake it to be out of pure friendship.

Damn you, nutheads. What's the use of having a super body and a super brain if you can't figure out simple love?

Well, after a whole war between Tony and Steve. Well, not exactly, just a lot of argumentation, it was decided that Bucky will be let in on the team. Yes, Sargeant James (Bucky) Buchanan Barnes. The man, Steve adored with his life and Tony, well, Tony was coming to terms with because For the sake of God, he killed his damn parents. If it wasn't for Steve sitting Tony down and explaining him everything in his sweetheart voice and showing him reason, by now Bucky would've been shot down dead by Tony.

Tonight, the whole team had officially decided to meet Bucky in a way more civil way and that was to invite him to their Avengers Family Movie Night.

Tony was initially pissed at why they had to have him in on a 'family' moment but settled down when the others told him that Bucky really needed some mental peace right now and being around people that showed him acceptance and loveliness would just help him get over it sooner. Tony, who himself was a target of a non-existent mental health just felt for the lad and let him in but ONLY that once. He had made the team promise that till the team Bucky isn't completely secure, he wont move in the facility.

"Tony, you still aren't ready?" Natasha's voice rang in Tony's ears as she entered his workshop to find him hunched over some car in his usual attire, a black Sabbath t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He turned to look at her, grease lacing his forehead and cheeks while his hair stuck out if random places, completely disastrous. "For heavens sake, Tony. They're suppose to be here in less than ten minutes and Steve personally requested everyone to be on their best behavior" Natasha huffed out. She looked nice. She hadn't put in much effort but she still looked presentable. She was wearing a grey full-sleeves shirt tucked in a black high-waited pants. Her hair were down in a Dutch braid.

"Agent Romanoff, it's a family gathering not a freaking ball party. I'll arrive as i usually do" Tony did sound pissed "And if I'm not welcomed like that, then i wont" he deadpanned.

"Tony..." Natasha stepped forward "Dont say that, alright? You can never not be welcome to your own family" Natasha's words brought a small smile to Tony's face "Although, sometimes we have to things that we don't like for our family, alright? Steve really wants this to be great for Bucky. That Bucky dude, means a great deal to Steve and we all know why. And he believes, us, his family won't let him down. So, dont do that. Don't let Steve down. Do it for Steve" Natasha knew where to use her words very nicely. She had hit the right points with Tony as he now looked to be in deep thought.

"Argh" Tony grunted throwing away his tools "Alright" He ultimately gave in as Natasha lowly smirked.

"That's my boy! I'll see you upstairs" Natasha started walking back to the door "And please, get cleaned up. Steve will kill you if he sees you like this!" Natasha yelled going upstairs.

Tony huffed as he sat down in one of his chairs. Natasha's words ringing in the back of his head 'Steve really wants this to be great for Bucky. That Bucky dude, means a great deal to Steve and we all know why' Tony knows how much Bucky means to Steve and as much as he wouldn't admit to it, he feels a little jealous. It's another one of the reasons, he minds Bucky. Steve's been raving about him eversince, he got to know that Bucky's alive. It's just been bugging Tony. He has seen so many people leave him in life but he knows that if Steve departs from his life, he- he doesn't know what he'll do.

With a final sigh, Tony pushed all these thoughts in the back of his head as he moved out of the workshop and up towards his room not forgetting to instruct Jarvis to save his projects on his way up.

"Hey guys! We're here!" Steve yelled walking in to the Avengers game and theater floor. Bucky loosely trailed behind him.

"Hey, Steve! Finally!" Wanda spoke as everyone walked out of different rooms, everyone had started playing their own games and stuff while waiting for Steve and Bucky and Tony...

"Yes. Y'all, this is James Barnes, my best friend eversince, I can remember. You can call him Bucky" Steve pointed at Bucky smiling as he waved a little 'Hi' "And Buck, this is my family, the Avengers" Steve pointed at the whole group opposite of them as his eyes roamed around to find the one person he's been dying to see since the morning.

Tony and Steve had not met eachother since morning when Steve decided to take Bucky out and spend the whole day with him. And even though, he'd been with Bucky the whole day, he'd be lying if he said, Tony wasn't the only thing on his mind. It was just, Steve really loved him and even a second apart was difficult. He had been so worried when he was telling Tony about Bucky, his past and truth. He feared that he'd have to choose but was grateful when Tony gave in but now, his fear outgrew when he didn't gind Tony anywhere in the room. God, will he not come? The anxiety had started to gnaw on his insides.

"Hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow"
"Hey man, I'm Clint Barton or Hawkeye. Just call me Clint"
"Hello, Buckannons. I'm Thor, the God of Thunder"
"Hi, Mr Barnes. I'm Vision. It's a pleasure meeting you"
"Same. I'm Wanda Maximoff or the Scarlett Witch"
"I'm her brother, Pietro Maximoff. Quicksilver"
"Hello, sir. My name's Peter. Peter Parker. I'm Spider-Man"
"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange"
"I-i am Bruce. Bruce Banner"
"He's the Hulk" Natasha rolled her eyes at her husband who always apparently, minds telling people of his superpower.
"I'm Lieutenant Colonol James Rhodes. War Machine"
Everyone introduced themselves to Bucky as Steve smiled at them gratefully.

"Perfect. Now that you know everyone, let's get to the drinks, shall we?" Clint suggested as everyone nodded "Bucky, there are other Avengers as well but not all of them can make it here. However, we have this annual meetup where EVERYONE comes together so you can get yourself acquainted with them over there. Otherwise, for now, my friend, grab your drink we're off to watch a movie!" Clint patted Bucky on the back as they moved to the mini bar.

Steve's eyes kept on travelling to his watch as then the floor's elevator as they walked away from it. Where's Tony?

"Dont worry. He'll be here. He just got out of his workshop a little late" Natasha answered his worries walking past him as he smiled at her gratefully.

They were all picking their drinks, when the elevators 'ting' entered their hearing. Steve's head turned towards the bar's door at the speed of lightening as he breathed out in relief when he saw Tony's handsome frame appearing from behind the door.

Steve gave him a whole look, from head to toe. Tony's hair were damp from the shower and tight curls had started to form in his hair just the way Steve liked it. He smiled fondly at the sight. He was wearing a midnight blue dress shirt that was tucked out of his black pants. His sleeves were pulled up. Steve just wondered how he managed to pull such a fancy look off so casually? And how the damn he turned out to be so strikingly hot and cute at the same time? Steve just stared at him.

There was a small commotion when Tony appeared. He just took in an invisible gulp. He got a few extra minutes late so he could ignore the introduction part. He just cleared his throat and moved up to the bar, making himself his famous cold cola.

"Uh, Tony, we have uh, a guest" Rhodey silently went to his side nudging him as everyone else got back to their drinks.
"I really don't care, Rhodey" Tony muttered back, annoyed already.

"Hey, Tones" the voice he could recognize anywhere rang in his ears as he looked to his other side, looking at Steve.

Steve. Steve Goddamn Hot Rogers. Steve Finger licking good Rogers. Steve Hot Cheetos Rogers. Steve McCrispy Rogers. Steve Stark-Rogers. God, only the thought made Tony's heart flutter.

"H-hey, Steve" Tony almost sounded breathless.
"Um, yknow, I just really wanted to thank you for joining us" Steve looked at Tony sincerely while Tony looked back sternly. Shit, Steve had messed up.
"Steve, this is my family time, alright? I won't miss it for a goddamn metal head!" Tony huffed angrily at Steve and although, low-toned, everyone got the idea that something had happened.
"Shit, Tony, i didn't-" Steve was the wrong one here. He should've realised how much it already took for Tony to come down there and then, Steve had to rub it in his face.
"Make your own goddamn cola" Tony turned away from him walking towards the other corner to Bruce. Steve further huffed looking away. God, not the cola! Steve loved Tony's cola.

"Alright! Let's get going. It's movie time!" Pietro quickly announced trying to get the tension in the air to evaporate.
"Yeah, let's go!" Tony said walking out of the bar room.

He sat down in one of the couches, in the farthest corner as he sipped onto his cola and swiped on his Stark phone. He hoped Steve would sit next to him.

On the other hand, Steve hoped the same as he lead Bucky to the room.

"Punk, i always thought that the tabs spoke too extra but that Tony Stark is damn right hot" Bucky murmured to Steve.

Steve just stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Bucky, shocked. What the hell. No.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?" All color seemed to have vanished from Steve's face as he asked Bucky.
"Chill out, Punk. Imean, i know he hates me and all but God, if he ever decides to give in, I'd definitely hit on him" Bucky sounded so determined. Steve was horrified but he quickly concealed it.
"Alright. For now, let's go inside" Steve ushered Bucky inside almost smacking himself when Bucky rushed to sit besides Tony.

For some odd reason, Steve felt really pissed off and angry at Bucky. Meaning, how could he think stuff like that about Tony? His goddamn Tony! He felt jealous. God, jealous of his freaking bst friend.

From the looks on Tony's face, you could see he wanted to murder Bucky. The others just snickered at his state.

"Let's watch 'The Notebook'" Wanda suggested hugging Vision lovingly from where they both sat in the lovers seat.
"Nah, too sappy!" Tony said not even sparing them a glace from his Stark phone.
"Why, Mr Stark. You dont like Romance?" Bucky winked at him as Tony looked at him equally as bewildered as Steve. Is he trying to flirt with Tony!? Tony quickly regained his posture.
"Let's just watch it" Tony ignored his question as he motioned Wanda to play it.

The movie had just begun and everyone had just started getting comfortable. Everyone except Steve and Tony. Bucky had slowly started leaning towards Tony's side and as much as Steve tried to keep his eyes straight, he couldn't ignore Bucky's tactics.

"So, Mr Stark, I dont think we've been properly introduced. My name's Bucky Barnes" Bucky spoke lightly not wanting to grab anyone else's attention although Steve's was already on him.
"I dont think either of us need to do that. I know you well and good, Mr Barnes" Tony seethed out but instantly felt bad when he saw Bucky's face fell.
"Tony, I-I never would've done it if i were in my senses. Trust me. I looked up to your dad the same way as Stevie did so, it's literally even more painful to me. I still can't get over the remorse of whatever I did while under Hydra's control" Bucky looked os close to crying.

Bucky's felt voice felt so small, weak and sincere compared to his large existence and Tony, for a fact, had to accept that Bucky was quite good-looking although, not as much as Steve. Tony's eyes flickered over to Steve's face, he looked worried for some reason. Was it because of Tony, because he wasn't behaving properly with Bucky? Tony would never want to worry Steve.

"I-I- it's alright. Just forget it. It's in the past" Tony gave Bucky an earnest smile. He couldn't keep this in forever anyways.
"OHMYGOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH, TONY!" Bucky yelled lunging right at Tony and hugging him. Of course, everyone saw the scene and were more shocked than confused.

Steve had stood up all crazy. And when he saw Tony letting out a laugh and hugging Bucky back, he just lost it. He walked out of the room. He went straight to balcony to breathe in clean air.

God, what was he thinking? He knew Tony would eventually forgive Bucky. Damn, he was sure. And he was even more sure, when Bucky had initiated the conversation with Tony. Oof. Everything was going crazy in his head and heart. Does this mean, if Bucky now asked Tony out, he'd go with him? The mere thought caused a pang in Steve's chest as his eyes watered. No. No. No. But, he loved Tony. And Tony didn't know that. What will he do if Tony agrees to Bucky's proposal? What if he doesn't? Why would he not!? Bucky's everything Tony could ever want! But Bucky doesn't know Tony like Steve does. He doesn't know that when Tony has a panic attack, he can only be calmed down by a hug and cuddle while you carressed his face and massaged his scalp. He didn't know Tony liked onky black coffee with two sugars or how he would listen to nothinf but AC/DC wherever he went. Bucky didn't know Tony cannot keel his hands from fixing anything broken. And he does exactly that. He fixed Steve...

"Steve? Are you alright?" His voice was the most soothing thing Steve had ever felt. He instantly found himself calming but alongside, many emotions rose in his heart as he thought of never listening to this voice again. He lightly nodded his head. He felt two hands coming over his arms and turning him over. His touch, it was everything for Steve. Even after years of familiarity and sleeping around with one another, Steve couldn't get himself accustomed to Tony's touch. His feather-like, soft, dilligent and affectionate touch.  

Tony looked at Steve, shocked. What's going on? What's wrong? He thought his acceptance of Bucky's apology would make Steve burst with gkee and joy instead, he just walked out of the room and now, he's standing in front of Tony with tears in his eyes!?

"Oh my God, Steve. What's going on? What's wrong? Please, I'm sorry if this is because of my behaviour earlier. I just over reacted. Please don't be mad and dont be worried. I will bear with Bucky if that's what you want. I promise i wont let you down and I'll put up my best behaviour, i promise. I am so sorry-" Tony had just started with his babbling unaware of how to get the older man smiling but was shut down when a pair of lips were slammed on his own. Tony's eyes were wide open in shock but he kissed back nevertheless, his hands moving up in to Steve's hair.


For Steve, that was all he could do. He didn't know what else. What else would help him to keep Tony here so he decided to take the leap. Leave behind every complex and concern, just dive in straight. He didn't care what would happen after their lips broke apart but he had to tell Tony now or it wiuld never be possible. His hands moved down to Tony's waist as Steve pinned him on the railing wrapping Tony's legs around his torso, he ksised him senseless.

Their kiss was simple and soundless. It spoke nothing but urgency and extreme desperation to one another. But it was the best kiss either of them ever had.

Finally breaking apart for a breath, they joined their foreheads as Tony breathed out a "This was perfect"
"So are you" Steve looked a flushed Tony in the eye, cupping his face "I love you, Tones. Eversince, I've first set my eyes on you. I love and I cannot lose you" Tony saw Steve's eyes getting watery again. What's going on?
"Steve. Steve. Steve. I love you too. Hush, baby. What's wrong?" Tony cupped Steve's face as well as he looked at him concerned.
"Buck, he-he is interested in y-you" Steve slowly spluttered out as a lone tear dropped from the corner of his eyes "A-and I-I was scared y-you'd l-leave me" Steve slowly sniffled as Tony teared up now. God, he looks so adorable.
"God, Steve. I could never leave you. Hell, i only forgave Barnes because I thought I was worrying you because of that. Damn, i can't believe I was on the same page as you a few hours ago" Tony pecked Steve's lips as he looked at Tony dazed "I love you too much, darling. Too lot much. Even more than what your super body can handle!" Tony giggled circling his arms around Steve's neck and closing in joining their foreheads.
"You-you love me?" Steve asked shocked.
"More than myself" Tony answered back honestly.
"I can't believe this. I love you too, Tones" Steve hugged him closer.
"I am the one who's still in shock. My dream man is in love with me" Steve chuckled at his words finally hugging him fully. Tony's head nuzzling in his neck while he sweetly and softly pecked his hair hugging him close.

"I'm never letting you go, Stark. You better be aware!"
"And I'm never going anywhere, Rogers. You better be sure!

I'm so sorry, my updates are a mess, i know. My internet's been messing up like crazy so please bear with me. I'll make it up to ya lot. Thanks for reading my book. Do share, comment and vote.

Ps. I take requests.

Love, N

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