[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease:...

By KayLitha

155K 3.2K 373

This is a story of how I fall in love. Love so deep that I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn'... More

What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl]
Chapter One - Wow, that was soo inapropriate...
Chapter Two - Well, I can see why people just can't get enough of you
Chapter Three - Operation Fake Dating Starts
Chapter Four - I hate...
Chapter Five - Well, let's impress this one hell of a teacher
Chapter Six - Making our love forbidden when we could be forever in peace
Chapter Seven - YES! IT'S PERFECT!
Chapter Eight - No Need To Play Hero, I Can Handle Them Myself
Chapter Nine: This? A Sex Guide...
Chapter Ten - IT'S MIRANDA
Chapter Eleven - Why Don't You Come See Yourself??
Chapter Twelve - Puppy Dog Eyes
Chapter Thirteen - I'm Your Teacher
Chapter Fourteen - Go Out With Me...?
Chapter Fifteen - One on One Time
Chapter Sixteen - Finish What you Started
Chapter Seventeen - IaskedMiroutbut...
Chapter Nineteen pt. 1 - FML
Chapter Nineteen pt. 2 - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty - Detention
Chapter Twenty One - Detention Day One
Chapter Twenty Two - Damn Tease
Chapter Twenty Three - Pachinko balls
Chapter Twenty Four - If you fall, I'll fucking catch you
Chapter Twenty Five - Jealous Rebecca is so kissable
Chapter Twenty Six -

Chapter Eighteen - The Best Way To Move On

3.1K 83 5
By KayLitha

Charter Eighteen

-Hey, it's Cass. Can we talk?-

I sent the text quickly so that I wouldn't have time to back out of this.

The reply came instantly.

-On the phone? -

-No, can you come to my house?-

-Alright, be there in an hour-

An hour! That's not enough time to prepare for this!!

Immediately I jump out of my bed and go to the bathroom to shower for a bit.

The warm water calming me down slightly and I start thinking about what happened with Matt.


"W-what are you talking about Matt?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Don't play dumb Cass... I know that you already knew..." He frowned at me.

"I-... Matt..." I couldn't found any words at all to tell him.

In the end I settle for "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? What for?" He looked at me confused.

I shrugged at him not really knowing either what I'm sorry about.

"Well, it's fine... I'll get over it... Just don't... Wait, you didn't like her too right?" He frowned again.

"What?! No! No way!" I shook my head foriously.

He sighed.

"Yeah good... That means you and her won't be parading in love in front of me... That's good enough for me..." He grinned a little but I could still see the pain in his eyes.

"Matt, you know I wouldn't do that to you... I don't feel for Miranda... And besides...." I glanced at the small piece of paper forgotten on my nightstand.

When did that even get onto my nightstand?

Suddenly Matt squealed out loud.

"That's right!! How could I even think that you'd like Miranda!! You're hot for the English teacher!!" He started giggling like a fool.

"Matt, I swear sometimes you're much more of a girl than I am..." I glared at him.

"Text her! Text her!!" He cheered.

"Nuh-uh!" I groaned at him.

"Aww Cass... Do you not pity your broken-hearted friend? I might not believe in love anymore..." He used his broken heart as an excuse!!

How dare he!!

"That's got nothing to do with this Matt!"

" Yes it does!! If you show me that your forbidden love can work out, then I'd know mine will work out too!! Well maybe not with Miranda but yeah... You get the point!!" He grinned proudly as if he just recited an Einstein theory or something.

"You said it yourself it's forbidden Matt..." I frowned.

"Well yeah, but only until you graduate Cass!!" He smirked at me.

"You only need to keep it in your pants till you graduate and then you can have hot hot sex with the teacher!!" He winked at me making me want to gag.

"Matt!! Seriously?!!" I whined at him with a red face.

He just wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Stop that!! You're disgusting" I scoff throwing my nearest pillow at him.

"Hey!!" He frowned at me and threw the pillow back.

It went on with a small pillow fight before we ended up tiring ourselves.

We just laid there on my bed slightly out of breath not saying a thing for a while.

Then he suddenly spoke up.

"You should text her."

I sighed at him.

"I mean you should just tell her Cass... What's the worst thing that would happen? You get switched class and you won't see her as much again... Then you'd be able to move on..." He told me.

"It's more complicated than that Matt..." I frowned at him.

"Why?" He demanded sitting up.

I sighed and sit up to face him.

"Because I think I love her already Matt..." I groaned after saying it out loud and plopped myself back onto my bed.

"You what?!"

I didn't reply, I just turned my back on him.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up again.

"That's more of a reason you should tell her Cass... So you can immediately stop feeling and not get deeper in love with her... So that you won't get hurt even worse..." He explained.

I guess he made sense...

"I guess you made sense Matt..." I frowned thinking.

"Oh and you have to sort out your Miranda problems too..." He said.


"Well you know... If it didn't work with the teach, you could try being with her..." He shrugged looking away.

"Matt, I would never do that to you!" I frowned again.

"No, it's okay really Cass... You know what they say, the best way to move on is to find a new love..." He smiled a sad smile.

"I think you're more in need of a new love than me Matt..." I shook my head.

"But I guess I'll think about telling her..." I said again quietly.

At that Matt stood up abruptly saying he needed to leave.

I didn't questions him because I knew he'd need some time alone.

I said bye and he went away.

And then I laid on the bed thinking about his words and decided I should finish all these problems.

So I ended up texting her.

Hopefully it all ends well.

Hey everyone, I'm sorry Cass is not with becca yet... But I swear it won't be long anymore so just be patient please... And I swear I'll update sooner as well before I get super busy for moving... Anyway I hope you enjoyed that and yeah I think it's short so lol sorry...

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