My Assassin - Love and Loyalt...

By the4moon

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After both of her parents died in serious major car accident, Hanna Li were brought to a secret organization... More

Chapter 1 : 200th mission
Chapter 2 : Under attack!
Chapter 3 : Save her
Chapter 4 : Why she still can't see it?
Chapter 5 : Her name is Hanna Li
Chapter 6 : Salt Sins City
Chapter 7 : William Hae and Lia Margaret
Chapter 8 : The Secrets
Chapter 9 : Number One
Chapter 10 : Assassinate John Yun
Chapter 11 : Don't leave me, my love..
Chapter 12 : The sensation of a kiss!
Chapter 13: He killed my parents!
Chapter 14: The truth! - Lawson Kir and Melhanwa
Chapter 15: A painful reunion!
Chapter 16 : Clara and Kei Vs Hanna Li and John Yun
Chapter 17 : Golden Red Organization
Chapter 18 : Enigma
Chapter 19 : The choice: Love or Loyalty
Chapter 20 : Close to her heart
Chapter 21 : Blood, Sweat and Tears

Chapter 22 : Final Chapter - Love yourself, Forgive yourself

68 41 5
By the4moon

One weeks later..

The sunlight escaping through the windows as the winds blows. It caused the curtains to flutter..

She felt heavy on her eyelids and felt a little headache. With all her might, Hanna tried to open her eyes slowly.

It's sunlight.. She muttered inside her head.

Suddenly, a black figure blocking the light and leveled down to her eyes. Finally, both eyes met..

"Hanna.." The man called her name.

"E-Erh..." Hanna couldn't talk normally since she's being unconscious for whole week. However, she fought back to let it her word out.

"Yo-you.. w-who.."

The man smiled as he took the woman's palm and brought to his side cheek. "This is John Yun.."

Her eyes flicked in surprise. That name is something that she can't forget easily. As she felt the warmth on her palms against the man's skin, she somehow felt relieved.

"I've been waiting for you.." John kissed her fingertips one by one gently. Then, he showered her with warm kisses on her face.

It's him.. I knew it..

Hanna don't whether to cry or laugh. The only person that love to kiss her so much is him, the assassin's target, John Yun.

She breathe deeply before looked again to him with soft expression."So.. I'm saved..?" She asked weakly.

John curved a smile on his charming face, "Yes.. My love, thank you and welcome back."

Not too long, Hans came in after hearing the patient is already conscious. He ran a full body check on her and gave his comment, "She will feel a little bit dizzy from time to time. After an appropriate amount of rest, she'll feel better."

Then, John looked at Hanna dearly and said, "You'll get well very soon.."

Hans: "..."

Hey, I'm still here dude, don't show-off your lovey-dovey act in front of this lonely dog here. Tsk..

Hans can't stand to see his pesty friend any longer, so he found an excuse to walk out as if he didn't see anything.

John helped her to sit up and added extra pillow behind her waist. After she ate some medicine, her expression suddenly turned serious. John saw the changes on her face and asked worriedly, "What's wrong? You don't like the taste?" He looked at the liquid medicine and about throw it out.

"Where's Zhang?"

John was taken aback. He don't expecting this conversation will come so soon. He chose his words carefully before replied to her, "After you fully recovered, you can see him."

"I want to see him now." She insisted and her words sounded pretty determine.

John Yun sighed heavily. After all, he can't fight her level of stubbornness. He can't say no to her. "Alright, I bring you to him tomorrow, I promise.."

After a lot of coaxing and kisses, he managed convince and calm her down. Because her body haven't fully recover, she felt asleep before the night fall. John accompany her all night as he never let go her hands.

Next day..

As promised, John Yun brought Hanna to see Glen Zhang. They arrived at the military center where the only heavy offensive crime suspect will stay at the military jail.

As Hanna waited in the room for visitor, the door on the other side suddenly opened. The soldier escorting the haggard-looking man to the chair and stepped back to guard from behind. The man had no idea who's visiting him. Until now, he always looked at the floor with head down.



Just a simple word, Zhang felt his world turned upside down all over again. His heart begin to beating so fast!

He raised his head and looked pass the partition. His eyes shuddering with disbelief. "Y-You.. Hanna..?"

"How are you?" She asked patiently.

Zhang don't believe his own eyes. He thought.. she.. she's dead!

He looked away and said in cold tone, "You're not supposed to be here. Go back!"


"!!" Zhang was surprised and starting getting angry. "Because you hate me. I killed you!"

Hanna calmly ignored the statement and replied, "You don't kill me, as you can see and.. I don't hate you anymore."

Zhang closed his eyes tightly, "Just go back.. I don't have right to see you again.. I hurt you, stole your happiness and family and lied to you. Now, please go back and leave." He said as he feel defeated.

"Yes, you did.." Hanna replied calmly. Zhang couldn't help but looked up and stared at her in guilty.

"However, despite all that.. you kept me alive all this time and chose to protect all the orphans back in the Golden Red. You've trained us well.."

"I know you did it because of your father. Even if I want to end your life right now, it doesn't mean I will get to see my adoptive parents again. It's my own choice to follow you to Golden Red, it has nothing to do with other. I could run away from you back then if I wanted to, but I don't. I wanted to get stronger to be able to protect myself. "

Zhang can't stop staring at her with his sombre eyes and continue to listen.

"Zhang.. When I'm still in unconscious state, I had a weird long dream. Inside my dream, I was visiting my adoptive father's grave in pouring rain that evening. When I wanted to get closer, I saw a familiar back facing towards my father's grave. I knew instantly that man is you. Even I can't see your face, for some reason, I felt sadness around you. Once you left a beautiful bouquet of flower on my father's grave, you said something before left the cemetery with your same umbrella.

"I don't have any idea why you visited the grave. Since I was curious, I came to his grave and looked at the flower that you've just left. There's a note between the fresh flower. I read it and it sounded like this: "no matter what happened, I'll stay alive.. so I can protect her on your behalf.'' –Z–

Zhang widened his eyes in shocked afterwards. How.. how did she..?

Hanna don't why he's so shocked but she continue her story. "After I read the note, I slouched down while hugging my knees in pouring rain. After spending for awhile thinking the meaning on the note, I suddenly came across with understanding. Not to long, I got carried away by a black hole and I woke up to reality."

Then, Hanna stared straight into his eyes and said, "You know what I found by understanding the meaning of the words? I realized, you tried to forgive yourself for many time but you felt your sin is too big to forgive it."

"Zhang, I also wanted to forgive myself because I had grave sins as well. So, let's love yourself to forgive yourself.."

With that words, Zhang couldn't help but cried. He knows where she's pointing at. In order to forgive him, she told him to love the present-self. You can't go back to the past, but you always can forgive anyone including himself.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.."

Hanna nodded and accept his apologies.


John and Hanna on the way to Salt Sins City. In the car, John told her briefly about the history and activities of Golden Red. In order to expand their influences in other countries, Golden Red actively seeking for opening to steal The Star Corp company's technology after they had lost William.

After Glen Zhang got arrested, he felt guilty and regret for what happened to Hanna, so he confessed everything what he does including killing all the member of The Bad Guys organization. The military court decided to put him behind the bar for 7 years in military prison.

John didn't miss to tell her about his assistant, Aldean Yu, since he had nothing hide to her. Aldean Yu already woke up from coma and now recovering pretty well.

Before he continue to tell the rest, he clasped his hands with her and caress her pink cheeks. "The court had decided what to do with you. You'll serve your punishment in prison in six month. This is best we can do with father." As he finished his words, he looked sad and guilty.

Hanna looked at him and said calmly, "Perhaps the judges are being too kind me. If anything, I should be sentenced with death. It's only six month. Thank you.."

John was relieved. He knew she will understanding of all this.

Very soon, they arrived at the Salt Sins City's cemetery. Hanna and John visited the grave that had been overdue to visit. Today, they had the chance to visit their parents personally.

[William Hae, Lia Margret]

Hanna stared both of the grave before putting flowers on their grave. "Although, you're not my real parents, you'll be forever be my family.."

On the other hand, John Yun had mixed feelings. He felt it's been a long time since the last time he saw them."Father, mother.. Sorry for being so late. Today I came to pay you both my respect.."

John held Hanna's hand and pulled her closer. "Also today, I came here with your beloved daughter. Using this opportunity, I would like you to give your blessing to us.."

Hanna was shocked when she heard this. John looked at her with determine pair of eyes."I, John Yun, with blessing from William Hae and Lia Margret, will take Hanna Li as my wife, to have and to hold from this day forwards, to love and to cherish her forever.."

After that, John kissed her lips and forehead to stamp his devotion. "I'll wait even it takes six month or years, I'll be there for you.."

At that moment, Hanna felt lost yet she found warmth from the man's words. She realized, she's not alone anymore. She hugged him and whispered to his ears, "Thank you.. I'll be back soon.."

John hugged her even tighter and kissed her on her rosy lips like no ending. When he felt Hanna struggling for air then John finally let her go, unwillingly.

Hanna now felt happy as she found the real meaning of life. The assassin can be happy once again because Stories end the same, in black and white.. In cemeteries and dust..

Therefore, for those who still alive, we can continue the story of our life. The story has just began..

Later then, Hanna and John just about to leave the cemetery, Hanna caught something in the corner of her eyes. She found there's another bouquet placed on William's grave. Hanna came back and studied the flowers. Like in her dream, she found a card inside the bouquet. She picked up and read it.

'As atonement, I'll protect her with my life on your behalf. I will live for you.. Sincerely - Zhang'



Finally! It's THE END! Thank you for being supportive and read this long last chapter 'till very end. Thank so much for those who read this story until the last chapter!

Shout out to @LilithMins for being a such dedicated voter and the first one to read as soon as it came out.

Also to @lisaabolo Thank you so much for beautiful poetry. I'm so happy to find this words through her. Big credit to her!

And thank you so much for those who voted and read this story. I can't mention every single of you because it's too many. Hehe ^o^

Thanks for you support for My Assassin!

See you in the next story! XOXO


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