My Assassin - Love and Loyalt...

By the4moon

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After both of her parents died in serious major car accident, Hanna Li were brought to a secret organization... More

Chapter 1 : 200th mission
Chapter 2 : Under attack!
Chapter 3 : Save her
Chapter 4 : Why she still can't see it?
Chapter 5 : Her name is Hanna Li
Chapter 6 : Salt Sins City
Chapter 7 : William Hae and Lia Margaret
Chapter 8 : The Secrets
Chapter 9 : Number One
Chapter 10 : Assassinate John Yun
Chapter 11 : Don't leave me, my love..
Chapter 12 : The sensation of a kiss!
Chapter 13: He killed my parents!
Chapter 14: The truth! - Lawson Kir and Melhanwa
Chapter 15: A painful reunion!
Chapter 16 : Clara and Kei Vs Hanna Li and John Yun
Chapter 17 : Golden Red Organization
Chapter 18 : Enigma
Chapter 19 : The choice: Love or Loyalty
Chapter 20 : Close to her heart
Chapter 22 : Final Chapter - Love yourself, Forgive yourself

Chapter 21 : Blood, Sweat and Tears

60 39 2
By the4moon


"Next, clamp!"


The operation room extremely chaotic at the moment. For the sake of keeping the woman alive, Hans Zu and his subordinates don't dare to lose focus.

On the surgery bed, the woman lying unconsciously, covered in blood around her chest. Hans carefully opened up her wound with giant clamp open up the way. The bullet stuck between her lung and heart.

"Doctor Hans, her BP's drooping!" The nurse on his right side giving her report with urgency tone.

However, he didn't move his eyes away instead ordered his colleagues calmly. "Prepare for suction, we going to take out this bullet."

All of them nodded and said in unison. "Yes, doctor!"


It's been seven hours..

There's no sign at all the door will open very soon. Even so, this certain man not feeling tired at all..

While John leaned his back against the wall, his solemn eyes keeps staring at the door, waiting patiently. Not to mention, his white t-shirt, chin and hands all covered with blood. He didn't bothered to wash it away because he had this scary thought of his that if he washed it he felt like he's letting her go as well.

Gloominess and darkness emitting dangerously around him. His adoptive father, Lawson Kir also present with him, also worried about his daughter who had been in the surgery for a long time without any news to hang on. Lawson couldn't give any words to comfort John and his ruffled heart.

Lawson heard about what happened at the Golden Red base briefly from Captain Quha. By the time Quha and his squad arrived at the secret tunnel, it's already too late. Hanna ran between Zhang and John in pinch moment where Zhang couldn't stop any longer because it's happened in a blink eye. As they heard the gun being shot, it was a dead silent for seconds before the could react to what just happened. Zhang and John obviously stopped fighting as they tried to called her name again and again but it's helpless.

Quha had to step forward to resolve the intensity because clearly both men starting losing their mind with injured woman on their arms side by side. He called the paramedic that standby outside and immediately escorting her to the First Hope Hospital. Before they move out, Quha ordered his subordinate to get Zhang arrested and bought him to military center for later investigations.

As soon Lawson got the news, he called Hans Zu to personally perform the surgery since it not meant to be for public disclosure.

Right now, Lawson only can pray that Hans will do something about it and hoping for good news.

Not too long, the surgery room's door opened slowly. Hans looked pretty worn out after a long operation. Lawson first to asked, "How is she?"

It took a second for Hans to regain his senses, "Uncle Lawson.. the operation went well, however.." Hans hesitated his own words to continue the rest.

"Talk." John demanded coldly. His expression obviously impatient and merciless.

Hans sighed heavily, "We managed to get the bullet out from her. Thankfully, the bullet missed her heart. Despite all, she still in unconscious state because she loss so much blood. We need to find a suitable type of blood for her immediately. That being said, actually, there's a problem with it. We checked her blood type and found out she's the among of the rarest type of blood to find. We don't have that particular blood stock in this hospital."

Lawson quickly asked, "R-rare?"

"Yes, it's AB-negative."

Upon this, Lawson's face shrunk and felt at loss. He knew very well it's the rarest type of blood in the earth! And the worse things, he's not an AB- type even though they shared the same DNA!

"What we should do? Mine doesn't work with her, should we called another hospital?" Lawson eagerly suggested.

Hans immediately nodded, "That's the initial idea, I'm going to asked around right now." He turned around to his office to get his phone.


Hans stopped his track when he heard a deep voice. He looked back and met his friends cold eyes. "John.."

"How about you check.. mine?"

Hans and Lawson was shocked at the same time. "Yours? You know what type are you?"

John shook his head weakly and said, "No, I don't remember if I have gone for blood check before. I just..don't remember.." He sounded calm but Hans knew he suffered sudden shock that made him seems couldn't remember certain things. However, thought about it and replied, "Very well, let's run the blood check for certainty. Follow me."

After that, they went into the pathology lab. They used the fastest test the get result, so after half-hour, Hans got the result on his hands and..

"John.. you, you are AB- as well!"

The end result simply beyond unbelievable! Hans was surprised. He compared Hanna's blood with him to insured the result. The machine told them the same result!

John don't know how to react. Not only he didn't remember or expecting it, he also can't believe that he had the rarest blood type in the world. Lawson was overjoyed, "My son! Look at this, it match!"

Hans stared at his friend in awe, "You both, really a perfect match of heaven.."

When John heard this, he felt happy that at least he somehow had same thing with her to begin with.

"Of course they are!" Lawson looked really proud as a father for his son and daughter. "Don't wait any longer, let's do the transplant process immediately!"

With the good news, they rushed to other room to perform the transfusions. The nurses put Hanna next to John Yun's bed to began the blood transplant. While his blood being pumped out, he reached out the woman's cold hand and murmured softly, "Don't worry, I'm here.. I won't let anything happen to you again.."

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