The Art of Falling in Love

By pacificoceans

23K 723 17

❝I never used to believe in soulmates, but now I find myself questioning every thought I once had about love... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Two

225 11 0
By pacificoceans

Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.-Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger

Noah (1:20 am): I'm drunk and I love you.

Noah (1:47 am): I lovr you.

Me (1:50 am): I love you, too. I'm going to bed now, babe. Get home safe please.

Noah (1:52 am): dint go to bed. I miss tou.

Me (1:55 am): fine I'll stay up. It's too hard to say no to you.

Noah (1:56 am): thsnk you. I loce yoi.

Noah (2:00 am): disna?

Noah (2:08 am): wjy did you go hiome? I miss yio.

Noah (2:14 am): yoi felk asleep. Silly diana. Its ok I stull lovr ypu.

Noah (2:33 am): I'm sooo druink anmd I miss you doooo mucg.

Noah (2:47 am): Hinter puked.

Noah (3:05 am): alyxe is takung care od him. We Gucci.

Noah (3:12 am): I LUVE YIU

Noah (3:28 am): I'm guing to bwd. Luv you sp mich. camt wait to see you tomprow.

It tended to be a bad habit of mine to fall asleep immediately after texting someone saying that I am, indeed, awake. It seems as though Noah was the most recent victim of my awful habit.

Despite the fact that a lot of people find it annoying to wake up to drunk text messages from friends, I find it quite sweet. It is an unexpected, though welcoming, surprise to wake up to someone blowing up your phone telling you they love you. A lot of the time, drunk moments are the most authentic moments.

The second thing I noted was that Noah and I hadn't made plans for today, since I'm assuming he meant today when he said "tomorrow" at 3 am.

It's ten am and I figured Noah would still be passed out, but I call him anyway. Surprisingly, he picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He murmurs, his voice groggy from sleep. Was it bad that all I could think about was how hot his voice sounded right now?

"Noah? It's Diana." I chuckle, imagining the mess of a state Noah must be in right now.

"Hey, love," I could hear a smile in his voice. "God, I am so hung over. Did I do anything stupid last night? Oh fuck, we're still dating, right?"

"Unfortunately," I drawl with amusement. "You texted me saying you couldn't wait to see me. Did we make plans?"

There was a pause, "I think I was practicing asking you out. Guess I never actually did. You free today?"

"For you, always."

❀ ❀ ❀

Noah thought it would be a great idea for me to come over and cook dinner with him. I figured doing anything with Noah would be worth it.

Noah spent most of the morning after I had called him nursing his hang over. He told me he needed to make some arrangements but that I should come over for dinner. What he failed to mention was that there was no dinner prepared, and that I would have to help cook it.

"Is there a reason we're making dinner for an entire family?" I ask dryly, looking at the measurements of the recipe printed before me.

"Yup," Noah nods, humming to the song playing in the background. "You know how we were going to drive down to visit my dad and Mabel this weekend? Well, instead, I decided to invite them here...oh, and my mom is coming home for dinner, too."

I almost drop the plate in my hand. "You thought it would be a good idea to have your divorced parents...your dad's new wife...the loud, eight year old twins...and Harley, your wild, younger sister who wants nothing to do with your dad in the same room?" I ask in disbelief.

"And my mother's boyfriend of a year, Chris," Noah adds with a cheeky grin. "Whom my father doesn't know exists."

"Noah, I just want to know," I start quietly. "Are you trying to start World War III?"

Noah laughs, "you're dramatic, love. Everyone's civil with each other in my family. My parents always put my best interest first, and you're my interest. I want you to meet my family. Every single, insane aspect of them. One day, you'll be apart of it."

I couldn't help but kiss him. "You're crazy."

He winks, "crazy about you."

❀ ❀ ❀

"Would you stop fidgeting? You're shaking the table," Noah asks, resting a hand on my knee and circling his thumb in a relaxing manner. "You've already met half of them. They love you."

"I've been over so many times and I haven't even met your mom," I think aloud in disbelief. "I met Mabel before I met Rachel!"

Noah makes a face, "I never realized their names rhymed. Freaky coincidence."

"Don't worry, Diana," Harley's melodic voice interrupts. She was sitting across from me, pouring herself a glass of water. "If the conversation is going bad, I'll just jump in and tell them I had a pregnancy scare. It'll take the heat off of you."

I chuckle, knowing full well that she's being serious. "Thanks, Harley, it means a lot."

Harley shrugs, "you let me hook up with your ex."

An awkward silence hung in the air between the three of us. "No talking about hooking up with Joshua at the dinner table, please." Noah kindly says.

Just then, the front door opens and in steps a beautiful woman. Her black hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and her deep, blue eyes mimicked the depths of an ocean. Her tan features complimented her dark hair and lovely eyes, looking as though she had just stepped off of a beach in the middle of summer. It was undeniable that this was Rachel, Harley and Noah's mother.

She drops her briefcase by the door, kicking off her heels. She notices the dinner set up in the dining area and smiles, catching my eyes. "You must be Diana. It's so nice to meet you," Surprisingly, she pulls me into a hug. "Noah mentioned you were beautiful, but I thought he was being a typical, lovestruck boy."

I blush at the compliment, and thank her for having me. Soon after, a man follows, placing his briefcase right beside Rachel's. This man has dirty blond hair with a small amount of grey hair beginning to peak through. He was handsome, with his strong jaw and baby blue eyes. He introduces himself as Chris, Rachel's boyfriend. It seems as though Chris has a good relationship with both Noah and Harley, seeing how they interact with ease and joy.

Noah's dad's family arrives last, Richard holding Reina's hand and Mabel holding Cam's. Just like Noah said, they were all civil with each other. In fact, Mabel and Rachel seemed to enjoy each other's company.

I have never met Noah's father, but the striking similarities hit me as soon as he walked through the door. Richard Jackson was compellingly handsome, just like his son. He was tall, with dark hair and familiar hazel eyes. For some reason, Noah's eyes remain more beautiful.

Cam, Reina and I all hugged briefly, Mabel sending me a subtle wink. Richard and I shake hands, and though he reminds me of Noah, I've never felt more intimidated.

"Diana, yes?" Richard hums. "You made quite the impression on my family; Cam, Reina, Noah and my wife are all obsessed..."

"I'm just glad they like me," I breathe out, relieved. I watch Noah and Harley hug the twins. For the first time in a long time, I see a certain softness in the eyes of Harley.

"Diana, you are aware that Noah is leaving for school, aren't you?" Richard asks me, looking me in the eyes with such intensity that for a moment, I'm at a loss for words.

"Yes, I'm happy for him," I say, but I sounded like I was trying to convince myself, even to my own ears. "We're trying long distance. If it doesn't work, then that's life and I'll eventually learn to let go, but if it does, then I'll know we can get through anything."

Richard raises an eyebrow at me, interested, "you two are pursuing...this high school romance? Don't you think that's unrealistic?"

There was a tone in his voice that I didn't quite like, almost condescending or miffed. "You ask a lot of questions."

He chuckles, but it held no humour. "I'm just trying to look out for my son."

"Trust me, I only want what's best for him, too. I love him a lot."

"You can't expect me to believe that," Richard moves towards the kitchen and I follow him, irritated. "You two are in high school. If you truly want what is best for him, you would break up with him and let him focus on school in LA. That scholarship guarantees him an internship, and there is no way a hometown girlfriend is going to be the reason he's distracted."

Anger and annoyance ran through my blood. Richard didn't even know Noah. He had left his two kids, barely ever trying to contact them. I may be biased, but Richard shouldn't be telling Noah what he can and can't do.

"No offence, Richard," I start off, knowing full well this will offend him. "I don't think our relationship is any of your business. You may think I'm some dumb, naive, high school girl, and maybe I am, but I really do love Noah. I only have Noah's best interests at heart and you will just have to take my word for it, because believe me, I'm not backing down."

Richard was silent for a moment, and I'm suddenly hit by the weight of my own words. Every ticking second added more and more weight to my shoulders, crushing me beneath his stare. But it was too late, and I was already in too deep, so I decided not to take back my words and I straightened up my back, meeting his glare.

"You have to respect what I say, Diana," Richard tells me, for the first time a coldness fringing his voice. "I'm his father."

"Then act like it."

A/N: sis snapped.

Tag yourself in Noah's texts I'm Hinter puked.

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