Falling for my boss ✔️

By Saaraaaxy

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bubbly person A x stern person B ship 10k on 13/7/2019!! ♡♡♡ Sara Atkins just wants to start anew. No Noah an... More

Prologue - The Interview
The cast
Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss
Chapter 2 - Advances
Chapter 3 - Mr. Beaumont's past
Chapter 4 - Cheating husband
Chapter 5 - Lunch with my boss
Chapter 6 - I'm attracted to you
Chapter 7 - It's never enough
Chapter 8 - The Devils
Chapter 9 - Please give me a chance
Chapter 10 - Worth it
Chapter 11 - Family's opinion
Chapter 12 - The morning after
Chapter 13 - How could you do this to me?
Chapter 14 - Heartbreak
Chapter 15 - Bleeding heart
Chapter 16 - Death anniversary
Chapter 17 - Fighting spirit
Chapter 18 - Game plan
Chapter 19 - I miss you
Chapter 20 - Forgiveness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - His ex-wife
Chapter 23 - Divorced?
Chapter 24 - The first date
Chapter 25 - I'm crazy for doing this
Chapter 26 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 27 - Famous couple
Chapter 28 - A falling out
Chapter 29 - Double date trouble
Chapter 30 - My little boy
Chapter 31 - Mentally damaged
Chapter 32 - Home sweet home?
Chapter 33 - Don't you dare
Chapter 34 - Stay in your lane
Chapter 35 - Our future
Chapter 36 - Revelation
Chapter 37 - Ambushed
Chapter 38 -Bienvenue à la maison!
Chapter 39 - Michael's home
Chapter 40 - Watching your every step
Chapter 41 - They know everything
Chapter 42 - A baby?
Chapter 43 - Ups and downs
Chapter 44 - Loving vacation
Chapter 45 - Opening up
Chapter 46 - Our big day
Chapter 47 - Family
Chapter 48 - Approval
Chapter 49 - I'm home!
Chapter 50 - Cuddled up
Chapter 51 - I desire you
Chapter 52 - May I ask for her hand?
Chapter 53 - The culprit
Chapter 54 - Will you ... ?
Chapter 55 - Hide!
Chapter 56 - Did you bug me?
Chapter 57 - Big events
Chapter 58 - Time to go home
Chapter 59 - Sexual discoveries
Chapter 60 - What a first day
Chapter 61 - House viewing
Chapter 62 - And here's why
Chapter 63 - Let me clear your head
Chapter 64 - Our perfect home
Chapter 65 - Let's settle this in court
Chapter 67 - Celebrating
Chapter 68 - Moving time
Chapter 69 - Wedding preparations
Chapter 70 - Therapy session
Chapter 71 - I deserve happiness
Chapter 72 - Darkness
Chapter 73 - Empty
Chapter 74 - Why would you do that?
Chapter 75 - Adrenaline
Chapter 76 - Coma
Chapter 77 - Slow recovery
Chapter 78 - A moment of happiness
Chapter 79 - Soon married
Epilogue - The wedding
Extra chapter - The Beaumont's
Sequel is live!!!

Chapter 66 - First-degree attempted murder

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By Saaraaaxy

Lucas's POV

Eleanor climbed to the podium, sat down and crossed her legs. She gave me a cold stare as she waited for my questions.

I strutted around, keeping up eye contact with her. She didn't seem nervous in the slightest, which was odd.

"Ms Hawkins", I started. "Is it true that you released all those headlines against my client Ms Basic?" I didn't waste no time.

"It is", Eleanor spoke, giving me smile.

I didn't reply it. "Why did you think it was a good idea to publish those?"

"Well, as my lawyer stated, I firmly believe Sara here isn't good enough for my Michael."

"And you do not believe your ex-husband is capable of deciding for himself who is worthy of him and who not?", I asked.

"We-Well", she stuttered.

"I heard multiple times how you were gushing over Mr de Beaumont's wise decisions. You often said he always chose right and that he had an inkling for the things that were good for him."

"This is an instance where I believe he made a wrong decision", Eleanor stubbornly stated.

"And you do not believe my client can make this decision himself, even if it was wrong in your eyes? Do you have any power over him as to decide by yourself Ms Basic is not the right woman for him?"

Eleanor looked to the ground. "I do."

"What is your reasoning?"

"He's mine. Mine mine mine!", Eleanor smiled. "All the good times we had. Sure, we had our ups and downs and sure, he was pissed when I cheated, but that's any other good marriage, isn't it? We still love each other, I'm sure of it!"

"It is not part of a good marriage, Ms Hawkins", I stopped her. "A marriage is a bond between two people only. Cheating is not a part of marriage. Nor do I believe my client has any feelings left for you."

"Well, I thought it was a good marriage and I'm sure Michael did too", Eleanor played with her hair, staring at us all with a big smile, then pouted. "My Michael would always get so angry at me when I took his money!", Eleanor suddenly turned angry. "He would always yell at me to let his stuff be! But it's our money. It's my money! I should have used it however I liked! I should have been allowed to sleep with any men I desired! And when he wouldn't give that to me, I had to beat some sense into him! Hurt myself. Called around and spread rumors about this dick. It's his fault - I bore his name. We were married. What's his is mine!"

"So you admit to being physically and emotionally abusive to Mr de Beaumont?" It was hard to keep a straight face at this crazy.

"What are you going to do?", Eleanor shrugged. "Charge a woman for domestic abuse?"

I could hear the imaginary face slaps her lawyer was giving himself. Before I could speak, Eleanor went on another rant.

"Sara is a cruel bitch who took my Michael away from me! So I beat her up, wanted that bitch dead and gone and I nearly succeeded - but of course she kicked the guys I hired hard enough to let her go for a few seconds and she just took off! Just ran away, can you believe it!? At least they stole some things from her and beat her up quite good. If only my engine hadn't stalled, I would have just run that bitch over myself!"

I could hear Sara start sobbing. I never ever allowed myself to become emotionally invested with my clients, it was the biggest mistake a lawyer could do. It could turn into judging, one-sided arguments, favoring someone over the other - but in this case?

This girl was clearly nuts. Sara had done nothing wrong, neither had Michael. Both wanted to just be with each other. It was as clear as day.

Domestic abuse. First-degree attempted murder. Stalking. Eleanor, you were digging your own grave here.

"You do know hiring those people was illegal?", I continued.

"Sara would always wear such slutty underwear for a virgin", Eleanor stated out the blue, causing me to flinch confused. "All the bugging, everything I heard from them - Michael went after her like some horny dog! You should have heard them flirting, sleeping with each other, talking about babies only  5 months into dating! They are the crazies!", she yelled into the microphone, tugging it to her. "What do you see in her Michael baby? She's too curvy. Her tits are too big. Her ass is too big. Her thighs are too big. Her nose too, as well as her eyes. She's a fucking foreigner! Me? I'm a model. I was renowned the most beautiful daughter of a billionaire!"

"What did you intend to do with the information you gathered after bugging and stalking the couple?", I asked her sternly.

Eleanor gave me the coldest smile I had seen in my 20 years of practicing. "What do you think honey?"

"Your honor, I would like to refer to the evidence numbers 7 to 20 as well as call Angus Hawkins forward." Eleanor had by this point basically admitted to everything we had accused her of.

"Permission granted. Mr Hawkins, to the stand", the lawyer stated. I knew those eyes on the judge. This case was already won.

I turned to a mortified Sara who wouldn't stop crying. Michael's face was frozen in anger as he held her.

Angus looked defeated. Repeated that he would tell god's truth. Made a cross across his chest and broke down sobbing.

"I know what you are going to ask me, Mr White."

"Then please, tell us your story."

"Eleanor started showing these issues when she was small, a little girl. Anger issues. Paranoia. Always came up with strange allegations and was quite manipulating. My wife and I, fearing our name would be dragged to mud if Eleanor's condition ever came to light, home schooled her, raised her, tried our best to show her what was right and wrong. She seemed to make progress and I thought nothing of it. Nothing bad happened until she married Michael. He came to me one night, bearing a deep cut under his cheek and a swollen eye. He had assured me he hadn't fought back, but asked if I had something to tell him. Then Eleanor went wild again. Stalked him, his workplace, went around spinning different tales, always took the blame, always threatened us with suicide if we wouldn't let her be with Michael - she had a tendency to be ... particularly obsessive with things and people she liked. It brought her back to square one after she married Michael and when she divorced him, it only got worse. I couldn't stop her from writing those emails to Sara and Michael. I knew she had bugged them. I knew of all those actions in her past, but I sheltered her."

"You clearly knew Ms Hawkins has a mental problem."

"I knew." The old man started crying again. "I knew, we all knew, the whole family knew!"

"Did you suspect anything she did to my clients?", I asked.

"I didn't suspect it. I knew it. I heard how both Eleanor and Veronique mentioned eliminating Sara from Michael's life and replacing her with Eleanor. Their plan was to run Michael's company to the ground, for Eleanor to get all his money and leave him and for Veronique to thrive while he went bankrupt." Angus looked at me. "That's when I called Michael immediately and wanted to speak to him. Our meeting was cut short due to Eleanor coming into my office. They left. I couldn't tell them this part." Angus looked at his daughter. "Our company is ruined no matter what we do now Eleanor. Admit that you are guilty. Take the punishment and don't make it any worse."

"I didn't do anything", Eleanor huffed.

Angus's sad eyes went back to me. "I apologize for everything. Once we are out this room I'll send Eleanor to ... a doctor. It's finally time ... I was a bad father and for that, I apologize."

That is if the judge would let her leave this room.

As if he had heard my thoughts, he spoke. "We'll have another hearing for Ms Hawkins", the judge decided. "For stalking. Domestic violence. First-degree attempted murder against Ms Basic." The judge looked at Veronique. "Come forward Ms de Beaumont, then we will hear what charges fit you best."

"Objection your honor!", both lawyers cried.

"Denied. There is more than enough proof both women were involved in Ms Basic's 'accident'. Ms de Beaumont wanted to ruin her son's career and relationship with malicious intend. Stalking which falls into harassment."

"As well as child abandonment", I said. Michael snapped his head up at my words. I'm sorry Michael, but it's time for your past to be over with.

"Do you have any evidence for that claim, Mr White?"

"Yes your honor. Ms de Beaumont can justify it herself, as well as a death certificate, and all the de Beaumont relatives."

Veronique sat down.

It had been 4 hours already since we started. Sara's loud sobbing turned quiet, but her tears didn't stop.

"Guilty on wanting the best for myself", Veronique stated, her expression dead. "Did I hate my children? Partly. Did I still raise them like a mother? Yes."

"My client stated that you preferred work over them - is that true?"

"Yes", Veronique said without hesitation. "I had a growing company to take care of and my ex-husband looked over the kids. Soon Michael looked over his brothers for us, so that was taken care of."

"How old was my client when he started taking care of his younger brothers?"

"10 or so", Veronique said. "But he did just fine. I don't remember helping either kid with homework from that day on."

Did I have a bunch of idiots up against me today? "Did you give them any money?"

"They never asked for any."

"How long did my client do this for?"

"Until he turned 13. Hector and I finalized our divorce and I got full custody of the kids."

"Did you raise them after the divorce?"

"No, I sent them to different relatives all across France."

"From America to a whole different country?", I stated and she nodded.

"Why yes, it helped them with their mother tongue."

"Did you leave any kind of support for them? Financially or so?"

"None. My family never had trouble with money, so I didn't bother to."

"Did your husband pay child support?"


"What happened to that money?"

"I investigated it into the company I would later give Michael."

"The company that had millions of dollars of debt?", I asked.

"It was his problem now", she shrugged.

I looked at the judge. Back at her. I asked: "How old were your children when you sent them away?"

"Michael was 13. Leon was ... 10? Sebastien 5? I don't know anymore."

Michael was shaking with anger. And I understood. How could you care that little? "Did you make any minimal efforts to support and communicate with any child?"

"I sent them to a new home, so yes."

"Did you talk to them for a period of at least six months? Did you reunite with them?", I probed.

"I visited Michael when he turned 18."

"So five years later. Did you talk before that?"


"To any child?"


"Did you leave the children at home for a period of time that could have potentially be of risk or harm to them? Did you fail to respond to their protective proceedings or were you unwilling to provide care, support and or supervision for the three boys?"

"I was a bad mother, I'll admit that", was all she said.

"Did you want those children at all?"

"It was expected of me to have them", she went around my question.

"Lastly, did you care for the children when they were sick?"

"As long as they were under my roof, yes."



"So you let your youngest son Sebastien die willingly?"

Veronique froze for a second, then said. "It would have been too late to save him. I was too busy too."

"Your uncle has tried several times to reach out to you to ask you to sign his vaccination papers so he could save him. But you didn't react. Hector was forbidden from talking to his children until they turned 25, as you decided in court. It was in your hand to save your own son, yet you were too busy?"

"Michael could have done it."

"Your son hadn't turned 18 yet and you know it, Ms de Beaumont. It is also, truthfully said, vile of you to push your blame onto your son. He was not responsible for his death. Because of you, my client had to watch his son die."

Veronique turned quiet.

The judge picked up the hammer.

The loud sound echoed in the room.

"I've heard more than enough", the judge spoke. "Never in my life have I expected a simple order of protection to turn into suspected murder, child abandonment, abuse, emotional trauma, mental problems and so forth. The court will discuss your case now."

It didn't take long. After fifteen minutes, we were called back inside after we all stayed silent.

"Sara Basic. Michael Philippe de Beaumont."

They stood up. They held each other tightly. Sara's eyes were red from crying. Michael looked heart-broken and angry at the same time.

"I'll grant you an order of protection for five years, as the complainant Ms Basic suffered a physical injury and additionally the defendants committed other acts allowing the court to conclude there is both an immediate and continuing danger to the complainants. Furthermore, Ms de Beaumont and Ms Hawkins will receive further trials. Ms de Beaumont on the claims of involvement in the first-degree attempted murder, emotional abuse and child abandonment. Ms Hawkins on the claims of domestic violence, harassment of the complainants as well as other people, emotional abuse and first-degree attempted murder. Mr Hawkins."

We all looked to Angus.

"Due to admitting his guilt and flaws, you will be put on a 10 year probation as well as pay a fine of $10,000. Once you leave this vicinity, Mr Hawkins, you will take your daughter immediately to a mental hospital. The order of protection is effective from this very instant."

The sound of the hammer closed this case.

We lawyers shook hands.

I guided both of them outside.

Michael and Sara were in a frozen trance, not registering a thing.

I couldn't leave them alone just like that.

I brought them home with me and had my wife make them coffee and give them some cake. She hurriedly did so while worryingly glancing at the couple.

I kissed my children hello and shushed them into their rooms. "We will play later", I promised both girls and watched them go into their rooms.

Michael and Sara were still silent, still clutching each other.

"You got what you wanted", I told them. "Now, cheer up already. We should be celebrating."

Sara was silent.

"My mother will pay for Sebastien's death?", Michael couldn't believe it, seemingly. His voice was confused.

"The judge's eyes - and words - said it all", I poured them their coffee. "I worked with him before and he is a brutal man who lives by the rules. Eleanor and Veronique need to count themselves blessed if they will ever see the light of day after their hearings. So yes, both of them will be convicted for every single little thing they have done. The evidence is overwhelming after all."

"They will be convicted ... for their crimes?", Sara's voice broke. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Highly so; and I'll represent you again, though I-"

Sara started sobbing. "Oh I'm so relieved! Michael! Michael! They'll finally act! They finally- They will be- We are-!"

Michael nodded strongly, as if he understood every broken sentence of hers, and drew her into his arms. They both sounded so, so happy.

My wife laid a hand on my shoulder and we watched them cry in relief. Michael tried not to, but I could visibly see a burden had been removed from his shoulders. Sara was clutching him tightly, her cries were hearth-wrenching. Poor girl, she must have been so scared.

"Now you two can get married", I said as Sara sobbed into my arms. "And Michael can move on from his past."

Michael looked at Sara with such loving eyes, that I questioned how Veronique had wanted to separate him from her. Their hugs were bone-crushing.

"How can we ever repay you?", Michael asked.

"Pay the bill", I jokingly said.

"That's not what I meant", Michael said firmly. "Can I do anything for you, Lucas?"

I thought about it. "Get married - and invite us. My girls would be good flower girls, I promise."

My wife laughed at my directness.

"Deal", Sara cried, taking our hands, to our surprise. "Please, come to our wedding! And you can choose their little dresses, I'll gladly have them as my flower girls!"

"I-If that is alright with you?", my wife quickly chimed in. "We'll feel honored to have them be part of your special day!"

"No, we are honored", Michael disagreed, shaking our hands.

My wife seemed to float after the couple left, swooning left and right about them.

"They love each other a lot, don't they?", my wife said, brushing through her hair. She stopped humming to say that to me.

I laid my book down. "What do you mean?"

"Their looks", she sighed happily. "It says it all. As if they are the only people to exist on this world. We were like that too."

"We still are", I half-heartedly flirted.

She turned around in her chair, laughing happily, her golden hair falling over her back. My wife scanned be with her blue eyes. "And you took a liking to them too, dear."

"I never like my clients on a personal level", I objected and quickly picked up my book again.

"You were smiling the whole time, Lucas. I know you", she got into bed and snuggled into me. "I know my husband of 10 years."

My shoulder sunk in defeat. I wrapped an arm around her. "I can't even tell you what crazy things I heard today. I'm just glad they are finally safe again."

"They got their order of protection?"


"Then you did a good job - yet again", she kissed my cheek goodnight and turned her lamp off. "Now go to sleep with me. You promised the kids and me we would go to the park tomorrow."

"I know", I put my book away and hugged her back, kissing her hair. Whenever I looked at her, it was as clear as day that our daughter's had inherited their mother's beauty. "I look forward to it already. How do you think they'll react to being flower girls for Michael and Sara?"

"Overjoyed - like I am", my love mumbled into me, yawning.

It didn't take either of us long to fall asleep.

(sorry for the many publishing notifications, my dumb ass realized Lucas name is not Luca and I had to fix that ASAP lol)

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