Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

4.8K 81 28

Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


120 2 0
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

Vic's POV

It was the begining of the lunch period and I was walking into my guidance office. I came to my door and went to unlock it, but it was already unlocked. Huh, I could have sworn I locked it before I left this morning...

I opened my door and walked in. The seat across from my desk was empty, but curled up with her knees tucked into her chest was Cameron, sitting on top of my desk. I sighed, knowing she was probably just here to try to mess with me more.

"Cameron...What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at lunch." She didn't respond. In fact she hadn't said anything since I came in. She hasn't even moved. She stared blankly at the wall, holding her legs close to her. He face was pale, and she actually looked kind of scared. I've never seen her with that expression. "Cam?" I slowly walked towards her. I reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away. "Cameron what is it?" She didn't even look at me. I sat at the edge of the desk. "Hey." I moved my head so she had to look at me. She just dropped her face into her knees. I placed my hand on her shoe to get her attention, and again, she flinched. Her head shot up and I quickly move my hand away. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Cam, can you tell me what's wrong? I can't help you unless I know what's going on." She blinked a few times and her eyes flicked away from mine.

"A-Andy..." She stuttered, almost inaudibly.

"Andy? What did Andy do?"

"I-I tried to break up with him, but he wouldn't stop." I started to assume the worst. I mean, that's what it sounded like happened.

"Cameron." I started. She looked up with me with the same terrified look on her face. "Did Andy rape you?" She paused for a moment then shook her head lightly.

"No...but he tried to."

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to break up with him..." She mumbled, not answering my question. I sighed. This was the most intense thing I have had to deal with all year. I stood in front of her at eye-level.

"Cameron, I need you to talk to me, okay? When did this happen?" She took a shaky breath.


"Before school?"

"During school. I was going to class...he dragged me into a storage closet."

"God, okay. Alright well, I have to call your parents to come in and--"

"What!?" She shot up and got off my desk. I gave her a questioning look.

"Cameron, this is a case of sexual assault. If you're going to press charges then I have to--"

"No! Don't please! What ever happened to student confidentiality?"

"Cameron, all that basically goes out the window when it comes to this sort of thing. It becomes more than just you, he is a danger to the public." She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"That's why I told you! I thought of all people I could trust you!" She went to walk past me, but I held her arm.

"Wait Cam...I guess if you don't want me to, I won't tell anyone. But will you just talk to me?" She looked down at my hand holding her wrist. I let go. Note to self: no touchy touchy; freaks her out. "Come on. I promise that no one will know until you're ready." She nodded, but looked around the room nervously. She seemed to feel a little claustrophobic in here. "Let's go out on the roof." I suggested. That's right, my window leads out to the roof. I like this new school. She followed me out to the roof and we sat against the wall. It was a bit chilly as it was just approaching the end of November.

We didn't speak much, she just answered a question when I asked. I felt so bad for her. This must be one of the most difficult things she could possibly have to go through, and I can't do anything but talk to her about it. Poor girl looked exhausted too.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" I asked. The bags under her eyes told me no.

"Not really." To be expected.

"Why not?" She sighed and rested her head on her knees.

"I was scared of what he would do after yesterday..."

"Were you really anxious afterwards?"

"Yeah." She dropped her gaze to her hands, fiddling them in her lap. "Still am." She sighed. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I need to know how this affected you. There are some disorders that can originate from a traumatic event and the sooner we know the easier it is to control."

"Like post-traumatic stress disorder?"

"Yes. Also anxiety, depression, really any number of things."

"But, like, why do you do this? Why do you care what's wrong with me?" I looked over her. This would be so hard for her, I hated that this was all I could do.

"Cameron, there isn't anything wrong with you. I care because I want to help you. Why do you think I wouldn't care?"

"Because you ignore everything I say to you." Oh...

"Well...Cam, you have to understand. Those are the types of comments that I have to ignore. I don't ignore everything you say, it's just that I'm your teacher...and, well..." I didn't know where I was going with this.

"You don't have to."

"What?" I looked at Cameron. She had a sad look.

"Y-You don't have to ignore them...when they're true." I looked away as realization washed through me.

"Cam, I don't think you know what you're saying..."

"Yeah, I do."

"No, you just got out of a bad relationship. You're just getting over a traumatic event. This isn't what you think it is."

"Oh so now I'm crazy?" I looked down.

"I never said that..."

"Yeah, but you meant it didn't you? To you I'm just some annoying punk kid. You shouldn't care about me and you don't." I sighed. Cameron stood up and walked around the roof aimlessly and wrapped her arms around her waist to keep warm.

"Cameron, it's not that I don't care about you, I do. I just don't like you the same way. It can't happen between us." I said as I stood up too. She stopped walking and stood by the edge of the roof looking at the ground below. I walked up to her and turned her towards me.

"But I don't matter. Not to Andy not to you. No one cares."

"Hey, don't say that. Just because Andy was...horrible, doesn't mean there aren't good people out there. Don't do this to yourself, don't get torn up over a guy." I said. She didn't respond, just looked at me for a moment. Then, before I could react, she leaned forward and kissed me. She kept her lips on mine for a moment but I pushed her away when I realized what was happening.

"Cameron." I said. She opened her eyes which were filling with tears. We were still only inches away and for a moment, I felt the urge to kiss her again. Wait, where did that come from? As soon as I felt it, it dissipated and I was left staring into her teary eyes. I turned away, unsure of what to say. I couldn't yell at her, I couldn't tell her it was okay because it wasn't. I couldn't look at her either. I stared at the ground far below us. "Cameron, you can't do that." I said, I heard her suck in air and I shut my eyes. I turned, ready to face her, but she was already gone. I looked around and saw her going back inside through the window.

"Cameron!" I called after her as she left. I had to talk to her. I couldn't have her tell someone that I kissed her if she was mad at me. I could get fired for that, or worse. I slipped back into my office just as the door shut behind her.


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