Falling for my boss ✔️

By Saaraaaxy

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bubbly person A x stern person B ship 10k on 13/7/2019!! ♡♡♡ Sara Atkins just wants to start anew. No Noah an... More

Prologue - The Interview
The cast
Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss
Chapter 2 - Advances
Chapter 3 - Mr. Beaumont's past
Chapter 4 - Cheating husband
Chapter 5 - Lunch with my boss
Chapter 6 - I'm attracted to you
Chapter 7 - It's never enough
Chapter 8 - The Devils
Chapter 9 - Please give me a chance
Chapter 10 - Worth it
Chapter 11 - Family's opinion
Chapter 12 - The morning after
Chapter 13 - How could you do this to me?
Chapter 14 - Heartbreak
Chapter 15 - Bleeding heart
Chapter 16 - Death anniversary
Chapter 17 - Fighting spirit
Chapter 18 - Game plan
Chapter 19 - I miss you
Chapter 20 - Forgiveness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - His ex-wife
Chapter 23 - Divorced?
Chapter 24 - The first date
Chapter 25 - I'm crazy for doing this
Chapter 26 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 27 - Famous couple
Chapter 28 - A falling out
Chapter 29 - Double date trouble
Chapter 30 - My little boy
Chapter 31 - Mentally damaged
Chapter 32 - Home sweet home?
Chapter 33 - Don't you dare
Chapter 34 - Stay in your lane
Chapter 35 - Our future
Chapter 36 - Revelation
Chapter 37 - Ambushed
Chapter 38 -Bienvenue à la maison!
Chapter 39 - Michael's home
Chapter 40 - Watching your every step
Chapter 41 - They know everything
Chapter 42 - A baby?
Chapter 43 - Ups and downs
Chapter 44 - Loving vacation
Chapter 45 - Opening up
Chapter 46 - Our big day
Chapter 47 - Family
Chapter 48 - Approval
Chapter 49 - I'm home!
Chapter 50 - Cuddled up
Chapter 51 - I desire you
Chapter 52 - May I ask for her hand?
Chapter 53 - The culprit
Chapter 54 - Will you ... ?
Chapter 55 - Hide!
Chapter 56 - Did you bug me?
Chapter 57 - Big events
Chapter 59 - Sexual discoveries
Chapter 60 - What a first day
Chapter 61 - House viewing
Chapter 62 - And here's why
Chapter 63 - Let me clear your head
Chapter 64 - Our perfect home
Chapter 65 - Let's settle this in court
Chapter 66 - First-degree attempted murder
Chapter 67 - Celebrating
Chapter 68 - Moving time
Chapter 69 - Wedding preparations
Chapter 70 - Therapy session
Chapter 71 - I deserve happiness
Chapter 72 - Darkness
Chapter 73 - Empty
Chapter 74 - Why would you do that?
Chapter 75 - Adrenaline
Chapter 76 - Coma
Chapter 77 - Slow recovery
Chapter 78 - A moment of happiness
Chapter 79 - Soon married
Epilogue - The wedding
Extra chapter - The Beaumont's
Sequel is live!!!

Chapter 58 - Time to go home

1.2K 51 1
By Saaraaaxy

Michael's POV

We spent more time on the ground, Sara still crying, looking at the ring, at me, and breaking out into tears again, all while I brushed through her hair and watched her intently.

"If you are crying this much right now, how much will you cry at our wedding then?"

"I don't know", she sobbed, suffocating me with her hug.

"Are you crying out of regret? 'Oh god I have no marry this man?'", I joked.

Sara cried harder, calling me an idiot and scolding me for minutes on end how I could think such a silly thing - I finally silenced her with a kiss.

"I'm choosing a long-sleeved dress for our wedding." Sara hiccuped.

My heart made a jump. Immediately I imagined her walking down the aisle to me in a beautiful white dress. My future wife.

"Perfect", I whispered. I wiped her smudged mascara away. "You know what Lejla wanted to tell you before?"

Sara shook her head.

"I asked your father for your hand - and we talked about everything until he gave me his permission." I told her.

Sara smiled brightly. "Thank you - I'm sure that means a lot to him."

After Sara finally calmed down and wouldn't suffocate me with kisses, we decided to go back home and tell the others.

Sara wouldn't let go of my hand, raising her hand to stare at her ring and giggling like a girl.

I had to smile big at her happy mood. I was so glad she had accepted my proposal, I was so glad we were engaged now - and then it dawned on me; I would really marry this woman!

How on earth had I gotten this lucky!?

My smile grew so big, my mouth started hurting.

This happy feeling was overwhelmingly strong, unlike what I've felt before. This felt right. I looked forward to it. I caught myself thinking about the wedding already.

I kissed her again, holding her long in my arms.

We skipped to the house and stormed to the door.

My fiancée, my perfect fiancée, cute and smart, sharp and lovely, mine!

My future Mrs de Beaumont!

Sara ran inside the living room and I closely followed suit behind her.

Everybody looked up.

Sara raised her hand with the ring, screaming happily.

Marthe dropped the bowl of popcorn.

Lejla broke out into a happy scream, rushing to Sara and pressing her against her. Both were jumping in joy.

Amar sat there, paralyzed, until both mother and daughter turned into a sobbing mess. Then a smile spread on his lips and he joined them in their hug. Emma jumped up too and hugged me and Sara tightly.

Marie and Gerard pulled me to them to give me a strong hug.

Victor said "What a couple!", to his wife, who elbowed him softly. My oncle went over to me and ruffled my hair. "You fully grew up into a man now; this is the highest honour you must fulfill; make your wife happy, raise your children right, protect your family, spoil your grandchildren right, and watch the next few generations grow prosperously through your influence. Additionally, you two will become the spokesperson of the Beaumont family once married. You've got big shoes to fill now."

"And I'm ready for that", I firmly stated, looking over to my fiancée who gave me a confident look back, her eyes brimming with love.

Amar drew me into his arms as well. "You promised me you would take care of her."

"And I'm a man of his word - I'll do anything for her."

"Let me go get some champagne!", Marthe stepped over the popcorn and pinched my fiancée's and my cheek. "This needs to be celebrated!"

Sara's POV

Adrien and Estelle nudged closer to Rebecca to see Sara, all while Rebecca and Leon eyed us the moment we stepped into the room.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood?", Leon asked with a grin, throwing Estelle into the air who protested. She immediately crawled back to little Sara.

We exchanged a glance and Michael nodded his head forward. I stepped forward, raising my hand.

"We are engaged!", I squealed.

Rebecca and Leon's mouth dropped open, then both beamed.

"No big deal, I just have a fiancée now", Michael grinned.

Rebecca commanded us closer so she could hug us, kissing our cheeks happily. "Engaged! I'm so happy for you two!"

"It only goes downhill from here", Leon winked, nudging his wife.

"When did this happen? How?", Rebecca ecstatically asked. "And do not spare any details you've heard me!"

"She has a nose for details", Leon touched his one. "Being a literature prof after all."

Rebecca patted the bed and we sat down.

"After we got home from the hospital, we went up to the swings", I started, taking Michael's hand.

"We talked a bit, expressed how happy we were for you, for Sara, and how happy we were." Michael followed up.

"I was gushing how happy I was and how I didn't want to forget that moment."

"So I thought it would be a good time to pop the question - so it stays in her mind as a joyful moment."

Rebecca clapped happily.

"You could have asked in Marseilles or wherever you two went on your little holiday though", Leon joked.

Michael thought about it. "No, we had been riled up and Sara had been in pain. I don't want the proposal to replace that, I want the proposal to add to the moment."

"It was perfect", I assured him.

Rebecca took my hand to see the ring more clearly. "It's dazzling!"

"When's the wedding? When are you going to have kids? How many are you going to have? When are you moving in together? When are you starting to plan your wedding?", Leon bombarded us with a snarky tone. "Expect those questions and many more from others."

"Even if you had your child willingly. Some even asked me how it went down", Rebecca frowned. "Or just touched my stomach without my permission. People are strange when it comes to 'the big three'."

"You call engagement, wedding and kids the big three?", I asked.

"Those three cause a lot of idiots to tell you their advice and they word it as if it were absolute!", Rebecca raised her finger. "The unnecessary, unneeded, unsolicited and unjustified advice I got for the big three was sometimes baloney!"

"Talking about that - I totally think you guys should-", Leon started, before breaking into a barking laughter. "No but being serious, I think I can give you a bit of advice." Leon raised three fingers. "One, enjoy your engagement time, no need to rush straight into wedding planning. Two, once the big days come, don't stress about the must haves. Nobody cares if your candles are white or eggshell-white. Three, the most important thing is that you are getting married to your loved one - so marriage itself. You guys should enjoy that day, that's what you'll remember many years later."

Rebecca nodded her head. "And fourth - if advice doesn't feel right, ignore it. It's your decision how your marriage and life will go, not the other's. You are married to each other and not to some stranger who thinks they know better."

"Sounds like a fun time ahead", Michael laughed, taking my hands. "But thanks guys, we'll keep it in mind."

I nodded. "Any advice on the wedding?"

"You should love it", Rebecca said simply. "Have a budget and stick to it", Leon told us.

"We do have an idea what we want, but we haven't talked numbers yet", I thoughtfully said.

"And that can wait - you should move out as soon as possible", Rebecca reminded us.

"And get some restraining orders", Michael stressed for the n-th time.

I reached over to Sara who was sleeping peacefully. Cute little bean, so blissfully unaware of everything.

"Everything will be fine, it must be", I whispered, cradling the baby. Just like yesterday, she cuddled up to me. I kissed her cute little face.

"We got appointments for the house viewings", Michael let Sara wrap her little hand around his finger. She seemed so small compared to everything.

"They are soon, aren't they?", Leon asked silently.

"We'll be leaving in three days", Michael stated. "They'll start on July 5th."

Had it been this long already? Was it really time to fly back to New York again?

"I'll miss you all", I mumbled, my head lowering by itself.

"Ask me", Leon seemed ten times sadder. "This was the longest Michael and I had ever spent with each other ever since we were separated."

Michael got up and went to his brother, drawing him into a deep hug. "We'll visit over the holidays, as always."

"Even then, time is too short with you", Leon said against his shoulder.

"It's always too short", Michael agreed.

Estelle didn't know what was going on and hugged Rebecca. Rebecca held her.

"Everything's fine, Estelle. We all love each other."

Three days later

Sara's POV

Mum, dad and Emma picked up their suitcases at the same time as us.

Mum made a sad face, which I could only reflect. "It's been far too long."

"It was", mum sighed. "What I know now is that we have to see each other more often - and you need to call more often, you heard me?"

I nodded.

Mum turned to Michael. "And if she doesn't call, then I expect you to give us a call, understood?"

"Yes ma'am!", Michael saluted.

"And I expect you to watch after her now that I'm gone again", dad said to Michael, putting his hand on his shoulder.


"If you need help for the wedding planning, give us a call and we'll fly over", mum sing-sang. "Are you trying to have children somewhat near in the future?"

"Mum!", I cried out.

"I just wanted to know", she raised her hands defensively with a smile.

Marie and Gerard had gone this morning already, returning into the little village both had been born in. The last few weeks had shown their age, they hadn't been able to spend the day with us or weren't able to keep up anymore. So they made the decision themselves to stay here and not be a task for us back in America.

Michael had taken it fairly well, but there was still the sadness in his eyes.

Victor and Marthe came, handing my parents fruits and vegetables. "I wish I could give you something as well!", Marthe cried to Michael and I. "Nothing you could give them would come even close to their engagement", Victor told her. "Now, come here, let's hug goodbye before it gets too hard."

Leon waited by the living room with his children. We had said our goodbyes to Rebecca yesterday, who had one last check-up today before she could return home.

We hugged. Leon came over and hugged us tightly and long. The kids did too. Estelle immediately fell into a crying-fit, crying so much she was getting red in the face. Leon reminded her to breath, which caused her to hiccup. She pressed her little hands against her eyes and continued crying. Adrien hugged her and waved at us.

We waved back.

"Such a good child", I quietly said. "It breaks my heart to leave Esi like this."

Michael was quiet. It must be so hard to leave this many people behind. It was hard to part from my family as it is, but from your brother, his wife, nieces, nephew, oncle, tatie and the people who raised you?

I took his arm. "Maybe I should drive."

"You should", his gaze was distant. He just needed time to think it all through, needed time to let it dawn on him, let it sink in.

I put the address of the airport in while my parents took off to drive towards Germany, then from Germany to Austria.

I took off, leaving behind my future-husband's family that had grown to be as loved as mine.

It hurt to leave Ghordes behind, Marthe and Victor's cherry red house, the vineyard, the lovely silence, the charming village.

What awaited us was New York and our office, as well as Michael's flat, a meeting with Lucas and Eleanor's father.

"When we have a family", Michael spoke, facing the window. "Then I want my grandchildren to grow up close to grandma and grandpa."

My heart crushed at his tone. "We can arrange that, we'll be closer to them. More often over."

"Good." Michael grew silent again.

Once we arrived at the airport, Michael took over again, parking the car at the spot Victor would need it later again. He took out our suitcases, got us checked in and led me to the gateway, holding my hand all the way through.

We sat down by the benches, waiting for our gate to open. Michael stared at my ring, a smile on his lips.

I wrapped my arm around his and rested my head against it. "Love you."

"Love you too", Michael said, kissed my hair and leaned back. "Distract me please."

"Will we go right back to work once we get home or will we take a day off?"

"It's the 4th of July", Michael shut his eyes. "We are celebrating."

"Murica", I said, causing him to snort.

"Don't disrespect my country. We'll pop some beers, grill and shoot some fireworks."

"Sounds good. Who else will celebrate with us?"

"Our friends of course", Michael said, then cranked open his eyes. "Didn't you celebrate the 4th before?"

"I didn't", I shrugged, causing Michael to jerk up straight.

"What else did you do!?", Michael asked perplexed.

"Stay at home", I told him as surprised, raising my hands. "I wasn't used to the ... wild celebration. It's like you Americans are normal until the 4th of July. You get loud, proud, think America is the best - then you calm down on the 5th again. The sudden surge of energy scared me, so I stayed inside."

"It's not that wild as it seems!", Michael seemed offended. "It's quite nice actually, you'll see! We celebrate the Independence Day. It's the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. It's a big deal for us!"

"I've noticed", I raised a brow.

"You'll like it, you'll see", he patted my knee. "And our kids and grandkids will like it too!"

I laughed.

"Also, I think we should rest once we get home; just for the 4th. Then we go to work, house viewing and have a nice dinner, just the two of us, under candlelight." Michael brushed my hair back, giving me the look what would look after that.

Lots of cuddling, kisses and sex - just the two of us. Cuddling without haste. Talking about everything we wanted. Freedom.

I smiled. "That means we can also do anything we want?"

"Anything we want", Michael grinned. "Have smores afterwards. Cuddle in underwear. Watch netflix late into the night. More loving."

I intertwined our fingers, giddy.

"We'll go furniture shopping for the house, pick colours, curtains, carpets, cushions, pillows - anything we need!", Michael continued.

The announcement told us our airplane was ready to be boarded.

"And one day we'll organize the wedding", I said.

"And after that the baby's rooms", Michael kissed my hand and led us to the stewardess. "Hi. My fiancée's ticket and mine", he said while handing it over. We were flying business class on our way back. I had Michael's and my laptop chase on my shoulders. He had some work to do.

"Fiancée first", Michael said as we boarded the plane.

"Are you going to keep on calling me that?", I giggled while he gave me a charming look.

"It's my duty as your fiance to do so", Michael insisted, his hand on my back.

I heard the stewardess giggle at his antics, another quietly commented 'how cute we were'.

Fiancée - I already loved the sound of it.

Now I couldn't wait to get to New York to tell the others about our engagement.

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