You Can't Handle Me (A Sirius...

By midnightowl

1.1M 35.4K 17.5K

Waverly Trinket. The only American witch to go to a school for magic in Briten. She keeps every one at a dist... More

Chapter 1: Hope
Chapter 2: 33 Galleons
Chapter 3: Praesidio
Chapter 4: Take Your Best Shot
Chapter 5: Do That Again, I Dare You
Chapter 6: Give Me a Challenge
Chapter 7: Tina
Chapter 8: Did I Just Call Him 'Sirius'?
Chapter 9: Snuffles
Chapter 10: It's Just You
Chapter 11: You Have Ten Seconds Before I Set Your Hair On Fire
Chapter 12: Yes I Do Know How Ridicules That Sounds!
Chapter 13: 'Mum'
Chapter 14: Waverly's Dream
Chapter 15: Veritaserum
Chapter 16: Different
Chapter 17: Dreams...
Chapter 18: You Said Yes?
Chapter 19: Not a Cloud In The Sky
Chapter 20: Woof Woof
Chapter 21: Expelled
Auther's Note...
Chapter 22: The One, The Only, Sirius Black
Chapter 23: Recruited
Chapter 24: *Mental Sigh*
Chapter 25: No, Your Not
Chapter 26: Then and There
Chapter 27: DON'T BURN IT!
Chapter 28: Potter Manor House
Chapter 29: Hypocrites, and Birthday Gifts
Chapter 30: Dum-Dum-Da-Dum...
Chapter 31: Maryian
Chapter 32: Try and Have Fun, For Once
Chapter 33: I Am Dead
Chapter 34: The Oracle
Chapter 35: 'Oh,'
Chapter 36: Long Day
Chapter 37: You Owe Me
Chapter 38: The Ball
Chapter 39: Oh How I Love to Be Me
Chapter 40: Black's Don't Cry
Chapter 41: Severus What-Ever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Snape
Chapter 42: Safe
Chapter 43: I'm Surprisingly Ok With That
Authors Note Part II...
Chapter 44: Sheesh, Who Peed in Your Tea?
Chapter 45: Paris, Spain
Chapter 46: Order of Merlin, First Class
Chapter 47: Pinky Swear
Chapter 48: No Buts!
Chapter 49: Get. Out.
Chapter 50: The Godfather(s)
Chapter 51: Names Names Names Names...
Auther's Note Part III...
Chapter 52: This Is Only The Beginning

Chapter 53: October 31, 1981

17.8K 461 760
By midnightowl


My computer is still crap. I'm on my mom's work laptop.

I didn't have the books or Harry Potter Wikia to help me with the story lines. Sorry!

This was orriginaly going to be three chapters, but I'm not sure when I'll have a computer again, so I thought I'd post all three of them.

Sorry it's so long!

This is also NOT the last chapter. There will be an Epilog cahpter/first chapter of the Sequal.

Yes. There will be a sequal.

;) love 'ya all!

I'm not requiering votes and comments, but the more there are, the faster I'll update! <3

Waverly POV

Leo was born July 31, 11: 57 pm.

Harry was born July 31, 11:59 pm.

Phoenix was born August 1, 12:01 am.

And Neville was born the day before.

When I finally got to hold my babies, I cried. I looked at Leo’s happy, wide eyed face. Phoenix was sleeping silently in my arms. Her tiny, quick breaths tickled my arms. She opened her eyes, the same color as Sirius’s, with my pale hair. It was longer, and fell in her eyes. I used a small clip the nurses gave me. It stuck strait up from her head, and flopped over her tiny forehead. She looked up at me with intelligence that I didn’t see in people under the age of 12.

“She’s special,” I whispered, Leo looked up at Sirius, and waved his arms at him.

“D-Da Da,” he said quietly. Sirius’s jaw dropped, and he gasped at me. I shut my eyes, and held Phoenix close.

“D-Did he just-” he started.

“He’s like me,” I said quietly. He sat on the edge of my bed, and looked at the small baby boy in his arms. “I said my first words when I was two days old. I was Muggle born…Leo’s got magic on both sides.” I said quietly.

Sirius kissed my temple, and held Leo so he was close to Phoenix.

“I wished this wouldn’t happen,” I whispered.

“Hey, love, think happy,” he said, looking at me with his silvery bedroom eyes. It’s been years, and those silver orbs still get me. “She’ll have the most kick ass brother to help her with everything. And, if she looks anything like her mother,” he paused to nuzzle my neck. “She’ll need a body guard.” I rolled my eyes, and jumped a bit when James burst in.

“Harry James Potter,” he said, tearing up as he walked over next to us holding out a black haired, green eyed baby. He blinked up at me, and smiled. I tried to fix his wispy mess as it stuck up in the back, but it floated back up.

“Well, he’s certainly your son,” Sirius joked, smiling as he held his baby girl. We all held them close to one another, and they just stared at one another. Harry raised his tiny hand and yanked hard on Phoenix’s hair. She yelped and glared at him. Harry giggled, and Leo giggled too.

“I give it 16 years,” James amended, looking at us. Sirius glared at him.

“What I do?” he asked as he held Leo, and I Harry.

“Hey, mate, you’re my best friend, but there is no man alive today, who will be good enough for her,” Sirius said seriously.

“Well of course not! Harry’s not even a day old!” he protested, a teasing smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes as they continued to argue. I looked down at my daughter, and smiled at her sleeping face. I looked at the giggling face of my son. I looked at the serious face of my husband. I looked at the face of James, and West through the window as he talked to Lily who was leaning in the wall. My friends.

I’d die before anything bad happened to them.


Sirius POV

I was gently swaying back and forth as Phoenix drifted off to sleep. They where six months old now, getting big fast. Leo’s taller-well, longer then both Phee and Harry. But Phoenix is smarter than both of them. I gently set her down in her crib in our room and James’s. Surprisingly he hadn’t kicked us out yet.

Just last week, we where all in the living room, Harry, as usual, yanked on Phoenix’s curls hair, and she yelped. She pouted for a moment, and then I saw a baby version of Waverly’s ‘Plan’ smile on her face. She hid a toy from the boys, and a few minutes later put it in the middle. Both boys dove for it, and hit their heads. Phee rolled back she was giggling so hard.

Harry said his first word when he was a few weeks old. I was in the kitchen, drinking a much needed drink with James and Remus, when Lily came down holding a smiling Harry.

“Sirius Black!” she growled, walking over to us at the island. “Harry said his first word,” she growled.

James sat up, and had a proud smile on his face, talking about how his son was a genius.

“Buddy hewll!” Harry giggled. I burst out in a roar of laughter, and fell on the floor.

“Amy son’s first words where curses!” she yelled. Harry stuck out an arm, and pointed to James.

“Pwongs!” he giggled.

“Aw! Look at ‘im! ‘E knows ‘is daddy!” he said, taking Harry from Lily, and swinging him around the kitchen. I was still laughing, Lily didn’t look as cross, and Remus was just smiling as he looked over the book her was reading.

“One day, you’ll have one,” I said, smiling. Remus just rolled his eyes.

“Moomy!” I heard Phee say in her high, light voice. Remus smiled and picked her up, tweaked her nose, smiling as she giggled.

I heard Leo let out, what I can only describe as cuss words. The whole kitchen was quiet.

“James, I’m beginning to regret teaching the Weasley boys all those swear words. They taught them to Rory and he taught them to Leo, who, I’m guessing taught to Harry?” she asked, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“’Is name is Ronald, love,” I reminded her. She waved me off, and Lily talked like she didn’t hear me.

“Yep,” Lily smiled, looking at James and Harry, who where in an intense game of ‘Harry Has James’s Glasses and Won’t Give Them Back.’

“Oh, Dumbledore wants to see us, all of us,” she added, pulling on a jacket, and tugging a fleece one over Leo’s head. I did the same with Phoenix.

~After the Meeting~

I walked out stunned, looking at Leo who was tightly in Waverly’s arms, Harry who was tightly in Lily’s, and Neville in Alice’s. West had a hand on Waverly’s shoulder, and was walking with her. I was clearing the yard with Remus. There where countless spells over James’s house, but after what we just learned, we went taking any chances.

“What-What are we going to do?” Waverly asked as we got inside. West quickly said he had exams the next day, and Apperated away after giving his niece and nephew a kiss as well as his sister.

“Go into hiding, I guess,” Alice said quietly.

“No, no we’re stronger together,” I insisted, gripping Waverly’s hand. She nodded in agreement.

“But, if he finds us, he’ll kill all three of them without a second thought, not caring to think and ask what one it is.” Lily said quickly. “We should split up.” There was a silence. I don’t know if it was a second, a minute, or an hour.

“Let’s split up,” Waverly breathed. Everyone nodded.

And, so it begun.

Within the next two days, James’s house was packed up. Phoenix’s and Leo’s rooms where put in boxes, and shrunk to fit in a backpack, as was my and Waverly’s stuff. Dumbledore gave us each a safe house; James, Lily and Harry in Godric’s Hollow, Alice, Frank and Neville in Ireland somewhere, and Waverly, Phoenix Leo and I in a cottage on the Scottish cliffs. We all met before we left to choose Secret Keepers.

“West, West is ours,” Waverly said. We hadn’t talked about it, but I agreed. West poped in, and agreed quickly. He swore, and the small goldish light that came from the tip of Waverly’s wand gently hit West in the heart as Waverly whispered to him where we were going. He shook his head, and righted himself, before smiling at all of us, saluting, and Apperating back to his dorm.

Alice and Frank choose Molly Weasley (her and Alice being distant family) as theirs, and we watched the whole thing again. James and Lily where whispering to one another.

“It should be me,” I stated, looking at them.


“Don’t ‘Padfoot’ me!” I snapped, a bit harsher than I wanted. “I’ll be protected to! Isn’t that the best way to keep a secret safe? Have another Secret Keeper keeping yours safe?”

“No, no it’s to obvious,” Lily said. I glared at her slightly, but looked away.

“Peter,” Waverly said quietly.

“Hm?” James asked, breaking out of deep thought.

“Peter. He should be your Secret Keeper.” She said, her voice thick, and her face hard as she held Phoenix tightly.

“But-” Remus started.

“Do you think I like this situation?” She snapped. “Sirius is to obvious, just like the rest of us, and no one will think James and Lily Potter would trust theirs son’s life with a man who I believe to be a Death Eater. He’s. Their. Best. Chance.” She growled, looking at Remus. There was another long  silence.

“She’s right.” James said quietly. “I don’t really like it either, but she’s right.” He handed Harry to Lily, and sent a Patronus to Peter. Within moments, my short, fat friend was there. We told him what happened, and he quickly said he was honored, and glad to be Secret Keeper. Waverly was holding both our children tightly, and glaring at Peter as the gold ball of light hit his chest as James whispered their location to him.

“I’m scared for them,” Waverly said, I saw a tear in her eye. I wiped it away with the tip of my finger, and kissed her cheek. She leaned into me, and we left through the right wing door, when James and Lily left through the front wing, and Alice and Frank through the left wing.

“You Apperate, I’m gonna ride,” I said, pulling on my jacket, and handing her the small boxes from my pocket, they where small enough to fit on a bracelet. She nodded, and put them in her sweatshirt pocket.

“Be safe will you?” she asked as I got on my flying motorbike and revved the loud engine. I nodded, and winked at her.

“Always and love,” I said, she shook her head, and Apperated away to the cottage on the Scottish coats line.

Waverly lied.

Back at the Ministry I mean.

This was the bad thing she felt.

And I felt that their was something worse coming.

September 24, 1981

Waverly POV

I sighed, and gently put Phoenix in her crib, and tweaked her nose gently, enough to make her giggle in her sleep.

I kissed Leo’s forehead, and gently shut the door to their room, and went back into mine and Sirius’s room. He was asleep, snoring slightly as he laid on his stomach. I kissed his cheek, and pulled on my jacket.

The words from the meeting rang in my ears.

It was giving me a headache. Harry was ok, safe living with James and Lily. Leo was safe as hell. There was no way a fly was going to touch him or Phoenix  with Sirius there.

Now, I needed to find out of Alice’s boy, Neville (he was such a cute, chubby baby!) was ok.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. … Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies … and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not … and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. … The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…

Those words chilled me to the bone. I pulled my leather jacket tighter over my body, and flipped up the hood. I looked back at the small house, over a cliff in Scotland, that held my husband, and my children.

In a puff of pink flames, I was at Frank and Alice’s doorstep. I knocked on the door, feeling my wand in my sleeve.

I saw a small door at eyelevel open, and I saw an aged, brown eye stare at me.

“Who are you?” she hissed, I saw the tip of her wand show.

“Waverly Black,” I said softly. “Order of the Phoenix.”

“At what point does water boil?” she asked, the standard password. Lily came up with it.

“When you’re not looking.” I said smartly, winking. The woman rolled her eyes, and opened the door. I saw the light yellow of the walls in the dim light. I looked around, and poked my head in the bedrooms, quickly stopping in my Godson’s room to smooth his thin dark hair.

“Where are they? Where are Frank and Alice?” I asked, looking around, and back at the older woman who was wearing a robe and a dark green night gown.

“I thought they where with you.” She said, confused.

“Have they checked in?” I asked, my mind racing.

“No,” she breathed.

“Have…Have you heard it?” I asked discreetly. If Dumbledore didn’t tell her, I doubt I should.

“The Prophesy? No, I don’t know what it says, but I know the gist of it,” she said stiffly, taking a drink from the teacup on the side table, next to a book.

“How long have they been gone?” I asked, remembering something.

“’Bout a week…I’m getting worried. Frankie always checks in before he goes for a long time,” she said. I saw a flicker of worriedness in her eyes.

“You’re his mother?” I asked, she nodded.

“I need you to listen to me,” I said forcefully. “Go to 983 Godric’s Hollow, James and Lily Potter. Tell them to send a Patronus to Padfoot, and get him and the twins there. Tell them Wave is ok, and if they come looking for me, I’ll kick their ass.” I said, flipping my hood up, and walking out of the house.


This was the last spot I had to check.

I stopped in front of the doors, when I heard a voice in my head.

‘Waverly! What are you doing here?’ West asked. I wondered where he was.

‘Second floor, third window.’ He answered. I looked up, and saw neat, cropped hair show through the dark glass.

Why in the hell was he here? Where are Fabian and Gideon?

‘Looking around, we just got here. Why are you here?’

I’m looking for the parents of my Godchild. I thought bluntly.

‘James and Lily? Or the Longbottomes?’ he asked. I puffed into the room with West, and saw him still in his Hogwarts uniform.

“They just left you here?” I asked grabbing his collar and pulling him with me as I pushed my hood back to look out the door. My long hair was tucked in a braid, and over my shoulder.

“I-Uh-I went off on my own,” he mumbled. I rolled my eyes at him.

I head a few muffled voices, and I saw two flashes of green light. I took of running, Wests’s hand in mine.

I stopped at another door. I flipped my hood up, so it covered most of my face. “Put your hood up,” I whispered at West. He nodded, and pulled the hood of his robes over his head. I drew my wand, and burst through the door.

I saw five Death Eaters standing over two dead bodies in a full body bind spell. They’re red hair was still smooth, and in place. Four of the Death Eaters vanished as I flipped my hood back.

Ah…They knew my reputation.

“Antonin Dolohov.” I laughed, looking at the two different colored eyes. One dark, dark brown, the other a pale, pale blue. I’m happy to say that the pale one was completely blind. As a result of one of Lily’s spells, it sent a blinding ball of light right into his eye.

Saved my life. I think I owe her seven now…

“Trinket,” he said, pushing his mask up. He was smirking now.

“Oh? You didn’t hear? I got hitched,” I smirked, showing him the black band on my hand.

“Yes…I heard…Too bad, Black could have at least bagged a Half-Blood,” he snapped.

Without using my wand, I threw him back into the wall, as West had a hand over his mouth, looking at his protectors. Dead.

“Why did you kill them?” I hissed, making my mental hold on him so tight, he was beginning to choke.

“Needed-Information!” he gasped, raking his hands on his neck, trying to feel the invisible force holding him up. His wand was on the floor.

“About what?” I asked, tightening my grip.

He choked out a breath. “Your son!” I felt rage bubble up in me, and I threw him across the room, he slid down the wall.

“Get up!” I spat, glaring at him. I looked at West who was leaning against the wall, about to be sick. “Go to James and Lily’s.” He didn’t move. “Now West.” I ordered him. He Apperated away.

I spun on a heel to face the supposed feared, and dangerous Death Eater who was gasping for air as he leaned on the wall.

“Why do you want to know about my son?” I growled, kicking his ribs lightly. “I said, get up.” I tacked on, glaring at him.

He slowly stood up, and held his throat. “The Dark Lord knows of the prophesy. He wants to know what child it speaks of.” He hissed.

I tilted my head at him, still glaring. “What do you mean, ‘what child?’” Praying he didn’t know about Harry and Neville too.

“The Potter boy, and the Longbottom one.” He snapped. I got fed up with him, and stunned him with a flick of my wand. I put a full body bind on him, and flipped my hood back up.

Then, I heard it.

The piercing, heartbreaking scream of Alice. And Frank.

I ran toward it, trying Alohomora at the lock, and nothing. I gritted my teeth, and the dry wood burst into flames.

I ran down, and stopped.

I was at Lestrange Manor.

I knew this dungeon. I had every brick memorized.

I saw two figures tied into chairs, back to back. They had their hands bound behind their back. I saw their fingers entwined.

I saw a shadow in the back move. In an instant, I lit every torch along the wall. I saw Bellatrix Lestrange leaning there, smiling.

“Come to join the fun?” she cackled. I puffed away in flames, and materialized an inch from her, my wand under her neck.

“What. Did. You. Do to them.” I growled.

“Oh…You know. Fun,” she grinned sickly. I stunned her, and put a body bind on her. I took her wand, and threw it across the room.

I knelt by Alice. My best friend.

“Hey, Alice,” I asked softly, feeling her wrist for a pulse. It was there, firm and strong.

I saw Alice looking at her lap, her dark eyes, that there usually deep and curious, where flat and blank.

“A-Alice?” I asked again. She looked up at me, tilted her head, and looked back at her lap. I went to Frank. He was the same.

I fell back on my butt in the dirt, and sobbed. I had tried ever healing spell I knew, they just bounced back at the walls, like they did if they knew it was no use.

I heard four loud Pops.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?” I heard Sirius bellow. I looked up and saw Sirius, Remus, James and Lily, all glaring at me. I slowly stood up, wiping the tears away from my face.

“I-I’m sorry,” I choked out. Sirius’s face changed as he saw Frank and Alice.

“Are-Are th-they-” Lily whispered, her voice breaking. I shook my head no, and brushed off my jeans. I heard a loud, muffled shriek.

“Your cousin just joined our little party,” I huffed, looking at Sirius. I went over to Bellatrix, and took the bind off her mouth. I put my wand under her chin, and she didn’t say a word.

“What. Did. You. Do to them.” I asked, my voice flat, again. I saw her eyes flicker to her wand on the floor a few feet from her, and the other four wands pointed at her.

“Cruciatus Curse,” she said finally. Her voice low and deadly, that insane glint in her eyes flashed.

“That-That’s illegal!” Lily burst, James put an arm around her shoulders, and murmured in her ear, trying to calm her. Her hand was shaking as her wand was pointed to Bellatrix.

“Well Ginge all the legal ways to get people to talk are to easy to avoid. Plus, this is more fun,” she giggled like an insane school girl. I slapped her, hard.

“That curse doesn’t do that to them. What. Did. You. Do.” I asked, pressing my wand into her jugular.

“That curse can to many things when you have five people cursing them.” She sneered. My heart broke.

I stunned her again, and I put the bind back on. I stood up slowly, and looked at them.

“Fabian and Gideon are dead.” I said softly. “Dolohov.” I added. Remus took James to go and look. Lily tried more complicated spells to try to heal them. She wasn’t pronouncing the words right her voice was so thick.

“Hey,” Sirius said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, kissing the spot just under my ear. I leaned into him, choking out quiet sobs.

“I heard there screaming. It was when they cursed them to insanity. I could have saved them.” I said quietly.

“It’s not your fault.” He said quietly.

“What about Neville?” I asked, turning to look at him. His eyes where sad as she shrugged.

<October 30, 1981>

“Hey Alice, Frank,” I smiled sadly as I stepped into the room. They where sitting in cushy chairs, looking blankly out the windows. Alice’s cropped hair was mussed, and stuck up in the back. “Alice, Frank.” I said again. They both looked at me, blank stares.

“I brought you a visitor,” I smiled. “Four actually.” I said, nodding to Lily as I shifted Neville in my arms. Lily came in with Phoenix in one arm, and Harry in the other. Phoenix. Harry reached over, and yanked it. Phoenix jumped and squealed, smacking Harry shoulder with her palm.

Leo came running in. He was able to walk a week after he was born.

He smiled as he looked up at his auntie Alice. He reached up, wanting to be held. Alice leaned back and tilted her head at him. He looked up at her, smiling.

“Sorry ‘bout him,” Lily laughed, pulling Leo back. “He’s enthusiastic.”

“I mainly wanted you to see this little guy,” I smiled, moved Neville out so he could see his mother. He smiled and reached out to Frank and Alice eagerly. Alice tilted her head at him, and leaned forward.

“This is your son, Neville,” I said, kneeling by there chairs so he was closer. Neville grinned up at his mother, and reached forward toward her. She slowly put out her hand, and touched his tinny hand with one finger. He grabbed it in his small fist.

Alice jerked back and leaned back in her chair. Neville’s lip quivered as he looked at his mother. A small tear rolled down his cheek, and I could feel a wail building in his tiny baby chest. Frank who was looking at Neville intently, pointed to the small tear, and looked at me. I just smiled sadly at him, and looked at Lily. James was at the door, holding a squirming Leo, and a sleeping Harry. Leo grinned, and pulled on the straps of Harrys elastic overalls, and let them hit his shoulder.

He was just like Sirius. Even as a baby.

I saw Phoenix wobbling towards me. I picked her up, and put her on my lap next to Neville. I looked at her, my little Birddie. She was looking at Alice, then Neville. She took a handful of Neville’s hair, and tugged it, reaching forward to pull on Alice’s own dark hair. She looked at Alice with her intelligent eyes, and then to Frank. Alice looked at Neville, then at Frank. She pointed to him, then Frank, then herself.

“You’re a family,” I said, tears brimming in my eyes. Frank looked at Neville, and poked his cheek. Neville giggled.

“Visiting hours are over,” I heard a nurse say softly. I nodded.

“Just let us say good bye,” I said, a bit harshly. I turned back to Alice and Frank. Frank had settled back into the chair, and Alice was looking at Neville.

“He’ll be back Alice. I wont be here next time, but he’ll be back,” I said weakly. She just sat back. I held in a sob, and walked out, Phoenix in one arm, Neville in the other. I gave Neville to his grandmother, his new legal guardian, and went over to where Sirius was playing with Leo.

He smiled sadly at me, and gently pecked my lips. He put Leo in his arms, and we Apperated back to our house.

“Can we try to do something fun?” Sirius whined after we put the kids to bed hours later. I had gotten us a Muggle television, and I quickly found out how boring it was when you could just go flying on a broom. Sirius had more fun with the remote than with the picture on the screen. He threw it down, and walked over to me. We haven’t done anything remotely as Sirius put it ‘fun’ since we left. We hadn’t seen James, Lily, Remus, or West. The last one was what was bothering me. He wrote me everyday, using a different owl each time. I missed him. All of them.

“Like what?” I asked, looking at the Daily Prophet as I leaned on the kitchen island. He didn’t say anything. I felt his arm go around my waist, and he gently tugged me into the master bedroom on the single story cottage. I squirmed, and giggled as I felt his thumbs trail up the back of my shirt. I pulled the door shut, and spun in his arms. He crashed his lips to mine, with the same enthusiasm as when we first kissed. I wound my fingers through his thick, black hair and he cupped one side of my face and traced his thumb along my cheek bone as he teeth playfully grazed my lip. I felt weak at the knees, I gripped the shoulders of his sweater to keep myself up as I leaned against him.

He moved an inch, then I felt him grab my waist, and jump up, and land us both on our bed. I was giggling like crazy, and I kissed him again. I played with the button of his sweater, and pulled it over his had when I couldn’t get them undone. He chuckled, sending vibrations through me from being so close.

“I love you,” he murmured around my lips.

“I love you more,” I teased as he trailed kisses long my jaw and neck… ;)


I rolled over, smiling as I saw Sirius, shirtless, the sheets covering half his chest, and his head lolling off the side of the bed. He snored softly on every third breath.

I pulled the sheets over my chest, and grabbed his button up from last night, pulling it on, and walking to check on Leo and Phee. Both still sleeping. I put a light sound proofing charm on the kitchen, and turned up the radio loud to one of the Muggle Stations. I kept calling them the ‘normal’ stations and Sirius would protest that they weren’t ‘normal’ to us anymore. I danced around the kitchen in Sirius’s shirt, and jumped when I felt his arms around my waist. He kissed up my neck to my ear. I stopped stirring the pancake batter, and leaned against his bare chest.

“Good morning,” I said quietly, just loud enough for him to hear over the music.

“Well, it certainly was for me, seeing you dance around the kitchen,” he drawled sleepily, kissing me lightly on the lips before sitting at the counter, and waving his wand making a cup of hot tea float into his waiting hand. He spilt some on his hand, that he wiped on his sweatpants.

“Why don’t you drink coffee? More caffeine,” I asked, leaning over the counter toward him.

He shrugged. His eyes never leaving my chest. I sighed deeply, and grasped the top of  the shirt so it was close. His head snapped up. “Sorry, what was that?” he asked casually.

“Why do you drink tea when coffee has more caffeine?” I repeated.

He shrugged again. “I’m British.” Was his excuse.

“You certainly are,” I smiled, letting go of my shirt, but his eyes stayed at my eyes. He smiled, and raised an eyebrow. “That wasn’t supposed to be dirty,” I sighed, about to laugh at him. He frowned.

“I liked it better when it was dirty,” he said seriously.

“Don’t you always,” I sighed. He smirked. “That wasn’t supposed to be dirty either.”

“To late,” he said, reaching up to kiss me. I gently wound my hand through his thick back hair. I let my tough graze his lip, and almost didn’t hear the small pop.

“Ah bloody hell!” Remus said, I turned to see my furry buddy with his hand over his eyes.

“Hey Remy!” I laughed, quickly adding that I was going to change. I went to the master bedroom and shut the door behind me. I came back out in a pair of jeans and a dark orange sweater. It was Halloween after all.

“Put a shirt on,” I sighed to Sirius, shoving him towards the bedroom door.

“Yes ma’am,” he smirked. I rolled my eyes, and smacked his rear as he went through the door. “Don’t tempt me woman!” he yelled over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and went back to the kitchen.

“Want a cup of coffee?” I asked, quick checking on the kids. Still asleep. I saw Remus raise an eyebrow at me. “Fine, be British.” I grumbled, pouring him a cup of tea. He took it from me, and smiled in thanks.

“How are they?” He asked, nodding towards the kids door.

“Good,” I nodded. “They keep asking for Uncle Moony, Uncle Prongs, and Auntie Flower.” I said sadly. He nodded sadly, and sipped his tea.

“Hello all!” Sirius yelled, walking out in a pair of black slacks, and the ugliest sweater I’d ever seen. The huge pumpkin on the front was bouncing aroung, and flashing different colors. Before I could saw anything, Remus flicked his wand absentmindedly at it, and the pumpkin slowly turned into a chard blob.

“I said I’d never let you wear that out,” he sighed, pocketing his wand.

“You’re no fun Moony,” Sirius grumbled, waving his wand over his head and was now dressed in a plain white shirt.

“I’m plenty fun,” he countered. I heard the kids stir in their room, and I quickly went to check. Leo was still sleeping, but Phoenix was standing in her crib, smiling at me.

“Hey Phee,” I cooed, scooping her up. “Guess who’s here?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

“Unca Moomy!” she squealed, reaching out for Remus, who chuckled, and picked her up.

“Well look at you! You’ve grown!” he said, lightly pinching her nose as she giggled.

I saw Leo toddle out of his room, I rolled my eyes, and picked him up. “You have to fix his crib again,” I told Sirius as I set Leo in his high chair.

“I just did last night! That kid has some serious accidental magic,” Sirius compleained as he walked into the kids room.

“Missed you at Thanksgiving,” I told Remus as I made Leo and Phoenix’s breakfast and looked at him out of the corner of my eye.

“Was at Lily and James’s…Her-Her parenets died. Two weeks ago,” he said quietly, looking at his tea. I stopped, and looked at him.

“Why-Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, smacking his shoulder.

“She didn’t want to worry you!” he defended himself. “I wanted to tell you!”

Lily’s parents where so nice to me, and West. They both treated Leo and Phoenix as their own, gave them both stuffed animal for their first birthday. Leo a lion, and Phoenix a red bird (Mrs. Evens said the normal toy stores didn’t have ‘all those wonderful imaginary-but real’ creatures), Harry got an owl, along with other things.

“Poor Lily,” I said quietly, smoothing Leo’s messy curls. Sirius came in.

“Oh…You told her?” he asked, taking a pancake and folding it in half, shoving it in his mouth. I spun around to face him.

“You knew?” I asked, loudly.

Sirius’s eyes widened. “No,” he said slowly. I rolled my eyes at him, and smacked his side. “Sorry, James said Lily’d kill me if I did. And I believed him.” He chuckled. I sighed, and pulled Sirius and Remus into a tight hug. They both patted my back, Remus kissed my forehead, and Sirius lightly pecked my lips. I took a few shaky breaths and pulled myself together.

I smiled at my kids, as I thought about how lucky I was.

But, that feeling that something bad was going to happen, it was stronger and heavier than ever.


Leo and Phoenix where asleep, and us three adults where drinking to the holiday in the kitchen. The stars had a slightly orange glow to them, well, maybe that was the alcohol. But, I didn’t care. This was the most normal things have felt in more than six months.

I jumped when I saw a silver stag apper in the kitchen.

“PRONGS!” Sirius bellowed, grinning.

“Get here!” James’s frantic voice yelled. “Now! Get here now!” Then there was a loud bang. “Lily! Lily get Harry upstairs!” he screamed.

I listened in horror. “Please let this be a joke,” I whispered, begging.

“James!” Lily yelled in the back round of the Patronus message.

“Now Lily!” James bellowed, I heard him shout curses at something, but they where deflected, and I herd them crash into something.

Then, those two, deadly words where uttered in the cold, mean voice of the worst man I knew.

“Avada Kadabra.”

After a light thud, the message went quiet.

We all sat there, staring.

“R-Remus,” I whispered. “Get-Get Leo and Remus to the Weasley’s. Now.” I said before puffing to Godric’s Hollow. I saw tall, arching green and red flames coming from one of the houses. I ran through the light snow that was starting to fall, trying to get there. I had my wand drawn as I looked at the chard house.

I fell to my knees, and my wand dropped.

“No,” I breathed. “No. No no NO!” I yelled, my fists hitting the pavement. I heard footsteps, and I saw a black cloak walking briskly away.

“Hey!” I yelled, scrambling up and running after the figure. I used my Presidio powers, and slammed the person against the fence.

I saw Severus, with tears streaming down his face.

“Both. Dead.” He said, before pushing me away harshly, and continued to walk.

I stood there, waiting for Sirius and Remus to catch up to me. With my wand drawn, I slowly went into the house. Or, what was left of it.

I choked in a sob as I saw James on the floor, eyes looking up at the ceiling, his glasses cracked, worry etched in his face. I felt hot tears dribbled over my eyes as I looked at one of my closet friends, dead on the floor. I pocketed my wand after clearing the floor, and I ended back up in the living room, in front of the front door. I pulled a singed blanket off the sofa and gently put it over him.

He didn’t deserve to be seen like that.

I made my way up the stairs. There where smoldering spots on the walls where spells hit. I stopped as I saw Harry’s door open, his cries coming from it. I slowly opened the door, and I broke down. Lily, dead.

In front of her crying son.

Only she wasn’t just thrown there. Her hair was smooth, and her arms where crossed over her chest. Maybe Snape had a touch of a heart. I pulled a slightly burned sheet over her face just like James. I then went to Harry.

“Oh, shh, shh,” I murmured, picking him up.

“Mummy! M-Mummy!” He cried, reaching out to Lily. I moved the sheet to cover her flaming hair.

“Shh, shh Harry,” I cooed, trying to keep my voice steady as I bounced him to calm him down. I smooth his hair, and I gasped slightly as I brushed his hair out of his face. I gently brushed my fingers over the scar now on his forehead. It was shaped like a bolt of lightning. I heard the familiar, loud sound of Sirius’s motorbike.

“Waverly!” Sirius and Remus screamed from outside. Their voices where thick and broke several times. I came out, clutching Harry.

Sirius was about to run in, but I stopped him. “Don’t.” I said shakily. He stopped, and looked at Harry.

“J-James?” Remus asked. I bit my lip not to cry. “Lily?” he asked. I broke down. I leaned against Sirius and held Harry so tight I though I might hurt him. I slowly loosened my grip, and looked up when I saw Hagrid.

“Oh, hello,” he said, looking at all of us. “Haven’t see you all in awhile.”

“Both of them,” I sobbed, using a blanket Remus got with the Accio spell to wrap Harry up. He looked up at me.

“Auntie Way,” he said, smiling. “Where mummy?” he asked. I felt tears start to fall again. 

“M-Mummy’s away,” Sirius said quietly to his Godson.

“I’ve got orders from Dumbledore to take ‘im to ‘is aunts,” Hargid said, I heard a thick tone in his voice as he saw James’s leg through the open door.

“W-Wait. Petunia’s getting him?” I aske,d snapping my gaze up at the man.

“Yep,” Hargid said sadly. “I don’t like it either, but tha’s what Dumbeldore said, and I don’t see ‘ny point in questin’in it.” He siad.

I gave Harry one last hug, and Sirius did the same. Remus just looked shattered.

“Take my bike,” Sirius said, tossing Hagrid the keys to the shiny black bike. “I’m not going to need it anymore.” He added sadly, I saw a dark, silver fire building in his eyes.

I watched Hagrid fly away, towards Surry.

“I’m so, so sorry I didn’t believe you before love,” Sirius said, kissing me deeply for a moment, gripping my shoulders and looked deep in my eyes. “And now, I’m going to go kill the lying basterd.” He spat, Apperating away.

I looked at Remus.

“Where’s Peter?” I asked slowly, feeling rage bubble in me.

I had been so preoccupied that James and Lily where gone, I hadn’t even thought about how they got that way.

Peter was the Secret Keeper.

He told Voldemorte where to find James and Lily.

It was his fault they where dead.

“He-He’s getting off a shift at Diagon Ally,” Remus said slowly. I puffed away in flames, and I bumped into Sirius. He looked ahead, not looking at me. I saw Peter quickly walking from side to side in an ally.

“Sirius-Sirius no!” I hissed at him, he gently threw me against the wall, and he stared at me with his deep silver eyes.

“Waverly, Annabella, Black.” He said sternly. “I’m going to do this weather you like it or not. I might get thrown in Azcaban for it, I might not. But, there is no way in hell I’m letting you be apart of it. You have to go, and say you had no idea about this. For Leo and Phoenix’s sake.” He said.

“But-” He flicked his wand, and then I had a full body bind spell on me.

“I love you,” he said whole heartedly, putting both his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead. I felt hot tears fill my eyes as I tried to use the counter spell.

“Oi! Pettigrew!” He yelled.

“S-Sirius,” he stuttered, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“You rat basterd,” Sirius spat. “How could you do that to James and Lily?” I saw Peter come from his timid stance, and stand up to look Sirius in the eye.

“Oh Sirius,” he sighed, shaking his head. “James and Lily are only the beginning.” He sighed, shaking his head as he flicked out a knife.

“Really Peter? I knife?” Sirius laughed, leaning on the wall. “You make me almost sad.” He joked.

Surprisingly, Peter cut off one of his own fingers. He winced at the blood dribbled form his stump on his hand.

“What are you doing?” he asked, a waver of fear in his voice. Like me, Sirius knew when people where planning something.

“Good bye, Sirius. I really did like all our times at school,” he said, before a bang shook the sound barrier. I felt a rat run across my foot. Probably came up from the sewers.

When the smoke cleared, I saw Sirius looking around, confused. His wand drawn, and his clothes shredded.

I also saw the bodies.

Twelve bodies.

In the next second, Remus was there. He un-cursed me, and I was about to run to Sirius when Ministry officials surrounded him.

“Sirius Orion Black the Third, you are under arrest for the murder of Peter L. Pettigrew, along with the twelve Muggles by the names of Kathrin and Joe Hawkins, Liza Smith, Hennery, Nathan and Jeffery von Walzer, Kelly Quinn, Hunter Pence, Walter Wakz, Jim Jonathan, Matt Smith and David Sams.” The Official said.

Sirius just brst out laughing, roaring with laughter as he was pulled into a fireplace with the officials. He was still laughing like a mad man when he went away in a puff of flames.

I fell to my knees, oblivious to Remus who was fumbling over his words. The screaming Muggles. The dead bodies around me.

I’m shattered.

Thoroughly, and completely shattered.

Out of all the bullshit Peter had spewed over the years, there was the one thing that kept running through my mind.

This is only the beginning.

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