Spears of Redriver

By Kostavo

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Carthus, a young orphan trained to be a warrior like his father before him, is considered to be one of the be... More

Part One - Hunt in the Hills
Part Two - Captured
Part Three - Friends
Part Four - Morside
Part Five - Deeper into the City
Part Six - Laying Low
Part Seven - Plans and Preparations
Part Eight - Blood in the Dark
Part Nine - Darkness before Dawn
Part Ten - Caught in a Blaze
Part Eleven - The Prince of Swords
Part Twelve - Reunited
Part Thirteen - Good News and Bad News
Part Fourteen - Murderer
Part Fifteen - The Spear at the Feast
Part Sixteen - The Scarred Ordethi
Part Seventeen - New Charge
Part Eighteen - Desperate Measures
Part Nineteen - Friends and Enemies
Part Twenty - Ythara and Isidore
Part Twenty-One - Bitter Blood
Part Twenty-Two - Black Hemlock
Part Twenty-Three - Spears of Redriver
Part Twenty-Four - The Welcome Back
Part Twenty-Five - The Catacombs
Part Twenty-Six - The Shadows in the Deep
Part Twenty-Seven - The Guard and the Faceless Man
Part Twenty-Eight - Think Before You Speak
Part Twenty-Nine - Between Death and Shadow
Part Thirty - The Master and His Pupil
Part Thirty-One - Tension
Part Thirty-Two - Departing
Part Thirty-Three - Stories on the Road
Part Thirty-Four - Through the Storm
Part Thirty-Five - The Fire Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - Into the Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - The Threat Above
Part Thirty-Eight - Three Left
Part Thirty-Nine - Tassos
Part Forty - Burning Hands
Part Forty-One - The Dead
Part Forty-Two - Fighting Dead Men
Part Forty-Three - Among Assassins
Part Forty-Five - The Rebellion
Part Forty-Six - To Morside?
Part Forty-Seven - The Dead Tower
Part Forty-Eight - Into the Darkness
Part Forty-Nine - Shadows
Part Fifty - Through the Dead
Part Fifty-One - The Caves
Part Fifty-Two - The Stone Beneath the Tower
Part Fifty-Three - The Stone Man and the Crystal
Part Fifty-Four - Facing Death
Part Fifty-Five - Not a Spear
Part Fifty-Six - Worthy
Part Fifty-Seven - Across the Chasm
Part Fifty-Eight - The Paths Ahead
Part Fifty-Nine - In the Valley of the Dead
Part Sixty - Back in Morside
Part Sixty-One - Swords at the Crossroad
Part Sixty-Two - Revelation
Part Sixty-Three - Betrayal and Honor
Part Sixty-Four - Setting Bone
Part Sixty-Five - Old Friends
Part Sixty-Six - So It Begins
Part Sixty-Seven - I Am Still Here
Part Sixty-Eight - Preparations
Part Sixty-Nine - Silent March
Part Seventy - The Bitter Prince
Part Seventy-One - Honorable Man
Part Seventy-Two - An End

Part Forty-Four - The Ancient Ones

13 0 0
By Kostavo

Carthus, Tassos, and Enlief followed the party of assassins through the night. They pressed on with a hard pace despite the darkness. The only light was that of the few torches among the group, and that of the moon above, coming and going between the clouds. The Maad wasn't sure where they were headed and why he was following the Ordethi, but he wanted answers.

It was a few hours into the night when the Ordethi slowed their pace, several dismounting to walk by their horses. The Spears matched their speed eagerly, tired of the long day and the long ride. They had stopped several times to let the horses rest, but they were very short breaks, and now, none seemed to be in a hurry. That's when Carthus noticed a few faint lights flickering in the breeze ahead.

"Tharsand, my friend" the tattooed man slowed to ride beside Carthus.

"What is Tharsand?" the Maad asked.

"A ruin of a more glorious time," the man replied, "you will soon see."

"I guess I will...tell me something else...uh..." Carthus stopped mid-sentence, not sure what to call the man.

"Call me Lyor," the man nodded.

"Lyor...I left one of ours at the top of the cliffs where we came down...he should be waiting with our horses," Carthus began, "can I send my men to get him?"

"Aye...you can, but your men here are tired. You left him in a safe place?" Lyor asked.

"I did, but I can't help but fear for him," Carthus said with a frown.

"Very well, send one of yours, and I will send one of mine to accompany him," Lyor nodded.

"Thank you" Carthus bowed his head and turned in his saddle to Tassos and Enlief, waving for them to catch up.

"Aye?" the Nord rode up first with the young man behind him.

"We left Farg out there in the wilderness, too close to the Blue Army Camp...I know it's been a long day, but I need one of you to fetch him" Carthus looked from one to the other, and the two men exchanged quick glances.

"I will go," Tassos replied quickly.

"Thank you, Tassos...you are a true Spear!" Carthus placed a hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Yaltos!" Lyor shouted to another man in the group of Ordethi, and he walked over quickly, pulling his horse by the reins.

"Yes, master?" the short assassin with two blades on his back asked eagerly, bowing to the tattooed man.

"Go with this one, you are to watch over him and return with him, and his friend camped out on the cliff tops," Lyor commanded. Yaltos bowed again and patted his horse's neck before mounting up.

"Ride safe" Carthus nodded to Tassos and the assassin.

"They will be fine" Lyor added as the two turned back the other way.

"This is Tharsand?" Enlief asked as they all turned their attention ahead again. Carthus could now see stones lying in the dirt here and there, littered across the plains. Each one, bigger than Carthus and his horse. Further ahead, the stones were more piled upon one another. Columns rose up into the night sky with archways overhead. They were now riding through the ruins of some ancient place.

"This is Tharsand," Lyor smiled.

"I cannot believe that I am here," Enlief grinned widely.

"What is it exactly...what was it?" Carthus caught himself.

"It was an ancient Brahda citadel...a holy place...now it is one of our rest-posts within the plains...Ordethi come here to rest and recuperate when out on the job...these plains are dangerous." Lyor answered. Carthus eagerly glared around at everything, as did Enlief. Torches lined a few of the columns and stone walls, lighting up the elaborate stonework around them. Carthus caught sight of several carvings in the walls, of giant men fighting winged beasts. There were also figures watching the battles from above, faceless but humanoid.

"These are Brahda fighting the Ferdag?" Carthus asked.

"Yes, these carvings depict history..." the Nord sounded fascinated.

"And those figures above them?" Carthus asked. They reminded him of the faceless shadow he saw now and then.

"They are the gods? The Watchers? Something else?" Enlief said.

"We cannot know for sure, but everywhere they are shown, they are faceless like that..." Lyor added.

"Interesting" Carthus and Enlief both sounded out at the same time.

"You two need rest, the ruins are better explored in the daylight," Lyor said quietly, and waved an assassin to him, "Kithar will take you somewhere quiet to sleep, and we will meet again in the morning."

"Thank you for your hospitality...despite us being enemies" Carthus bowed.

"I do not see us as enemies any longer," Lyor smiled and bowed back, "rest well." With that, the tattooed man rode off into the darkness. Carthus now realized they were in the middle of a campsite surrounded by beautiful stonework and columns. There were yurts set up all around with fires raging in small pits. Ordethi marched to and from carefully, while others cooked at the flames. Carthus spotted several reading off to the side, and another one sketching the campsite and the columns.

"This way" Kithar motioned and began walking briskly toward the yurts.

"Let's get some rest," Carthus said to the Nord and followed.

"I don't know if I will be able to sleep knowing we are in Tharsand" Enlief grinned, looked around one last time, and followed the Maad and the Ordethi. 

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