Brawl stars x Reader One Shots

By EJsAFreak

197K 3.1K 4.4K

I enjoy Brawl Stars a lot so I decided "hey, let's write some fanficton." That is what I'll be doing and I ho... More

Intro (Hello Fellow BS Fans!)
Request Here! (Closed)
Ash x Reader (Body Guard) *Request*
Barley x Reader -Alt. Universe- (Long Live The King) *Request*
Barley x Reader (A Little Slip Up)
🍋Barley x Reader (Wired To The Core) *Smut Request*
Belle x Reader (Barracuda)
🍋Belle x !Fem! Reader (Mommy Loves You)
Bibi x Reader (The Visiting Biker)
Bo x Reader (Unexpected Guest)
Bo x Reader (This Is New) *Request*
Brock x Reader (Our Melody)
Bull x Reader (Bullfighting to Bullfriending)
Bull x Reader (Saddle Up) *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (Got A Secret?) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Highway Lovin') *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (I'm Not Jealous, You Are!) *Commission*
Bull x Reader (My Heart is Ticking For You) *Request*
Bull x Reader (My Kind of Rodeo) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Practice Makes Perfect) *Request*
🍋Bull x !Fem!Reader (Who Has Your Heart) *Smut Request*
Byron x Reader (The Bargains & Deals to Make) *Request*
Carl x Reader (The Perfect Human) *Request*
Colette x Reader (I'm A Fan Of You) *Request*
Colt x Reader (Fixing The Broken) *Request*
Colt x Reader (The Traveling Stranger)
Colt x Reader (WANTED) *Request*
🍋Colt x Reader (In My Head) *Smut Request*
🍋Colt x Fem! Reader (Revenge) *Smut Request*
Crow x Reader (Riddle Me This) *Request*
Crow x Reader (That Smile) *Request*
Edgar x Reader (I Call Dibs!) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'll Delete It)
El Primo x Reader (A Little Tipsy) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'm No Hero) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (Old Friend, New Beauty) *Request*
🍋Fang x !Fem!Reader (Pay With Your Body) *Request*
Gene x Reader (Hold Me Close) *Request*
Grom x Reader (Trust Issues) *Request*
Jacky x Reader (Slip Of The Tongue) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Gamer Geeks) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Internet Fame) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Peek-A-Boo) *Request*
Leon x Reader (These Hands) *Request*
Lola x !Male!Reader (The Rival's Brother) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (A Little Fun) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Committed) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Follow My Lead) *Request*
Piper x Reader (We All Fall Down) *Request*
Poco x Reader (The Battle of Music) *Request*
Poco x Reader (Tongue Tied) *Request*
Bibi x Reader (Who's REALLY The Cool Cat?) *Request*
🍋Poco x !Fem! Reader (A Touch Of Magic) *Smut Request*
Tara x Reader (Lose Yourself) *Request*
Tara x Reader (You're Beautiful)
🍋Tara x !Male!Reader (Not as Expected) *Smut Comission*
Sandy x Reader (Lost in the City) *Request*
Sandy x Reader (Upright Lovers) *Request*
Ash x Reader (False Judgment) *Request*
🍋Sandy x !Fem!Reader (Unconscious Lust) *Smut Request*
Stu x Reader (A Little More On The Stunt Side) *Request*
🍋Stu x !Fem!Reader (A Macsochist At Its Finest) *Commission*
🍋Stu x !Fem!Reader (Rockin' & Rollin')
Surge x Reader (Glowing Hearts) *Request*
8-Bit x Reader (Loved Hacktually) *Request*
♤Sepration Chapter♤
Barley x Reader x Stu x Reader (What If There Were Three?) *Request*
Gene x Reader x Tick (I Saw Them First!) *Request*
Bull x Reader x Barley (A Bull In A China Closet) *Request*
🍋Bull x !Fem!Reader x Colt (Adventures Gone Wrong) *Commission*
Fang x Reader x Stu (Who's The Bigger Man) *Request*

Carl x Reader (Magic Touch)

2.6K 44 61
By EJsAFreak

(?) WARNING (?)

This gets pretty weird? Would this count as some fetish shit? I don't know. I had a hard time writing this one. Read at your own discretion.

(Carl's Pov)

It was a beautiful day today in the mines. (What a dork) I went around for the second time, examining all of the crystals and rocks in their natural habitat. It was so fascinating to see the glisten from the sunlight that shined down from a couple of holes in the surface. I took a deep breath and went back to the entrance of the mine. My work was done for the day and, as much as I love rocks, I was feeling a little lazy. I reached the surface and was welcomed by the bright, warm sun. It wasn't my favorite but, you can't really turn off the sun.

I started making my way back to Dynamike's place but I, tripped on something and fell to the ground. I heard a cackle from behind me as I tried to collect myself, I turned my head to see Mortis laughing at me with his shovel in hand.

"You should really watch your step, silly toy." "I am NOT a toy!" he scoffed and looked down to me. "There's a thing called a mirror, you should look in one some time." I grumbled to myself as I tried to get to my feet but Mortis knocked away one of my hands, making me loose balance. He let out another laugh as he continued to push me over and keep me on the ground.

I was about to lose my mind and temper until I heard a loud thud and Mortis yelp. I heard another thud and turned on my back and looked over to the noise. Someone was throwing rocks at Mortis.

Mortis hissed and retreated while the figure ran after him and stopped next to me. "Take that you grave-digging piece of shit!" They laughed. It was (Y/N). They were a civilian of Brawl Town. I don't know why they were so far out here but, I honestly didn't care what they were doing.

"I didn't need your help!" I spat. My temper from Mortis was bubbling to the surface, I was furious. (Y/N) looked down at me with a grin and then reached a hand out to me. "You couldn't even stand! I decided to help out." I swatted their hand away and picked myself off the ground, my head started steaming and made a whistling noise.

"I can handle myself! I'm not a child!" I shouted. "Holy hell, you sound like a teapot when you get mad." They laughed once more and smiled at me. I'm done, I'm so done, I pulled out my pickaxe and threw it at them. They dodged it with ease and their smile grew wider. "Woah there friend, you should calm down a bit."

My pickaxe came around and without even turning around they hopped out of the way. My pickaxe swung back to me and hit me in the head. "Oh my word!" They rushed next to me and looked at my head with concern in their eyes.

(Y/N Pov)

I looked at the spot the weapon landed and freaked out. "Are you okay!? Do I need to go get someone!?" "I'm fine! Go away! I don't-" He stopped speaking when I gently rubbed the spot with my hand.

"Does that hurt? I can get someone to look-" "N-No... Don't..." His tone changed very quickly. He looked like he was in pure bliss as I rubbed the the spot where the pickaxe landed. He leaned into my hand while one of his engines revved inside of him as I continued, almost like a cat.

This was pretty weird, now that I think about it so I lifted my hand and got to my feet. I reached my hand out once more to him. "I can take you to see Pam or Jessie if you want." His expression changed to fear and then anger once again. His face went red and he started steaming and whistling like before. "N-N-No! Leave me alone!"

He got to his feet and ran off without looking back. He was one weird bot, that's for sure. I shrugged it off and walked back to Brawl Town, not giving much thought to what just happend.


(Carl's Pov)

I tossed and turned in my bed, I was plugged up so I was charging but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what happened earlier today. When (Y/N) put their hand on my head, I just completely shut down. Their hand was so gentle, so soft.

My heart fluttered and my stomach turned as I continued think about that moment. This was ridiculous! Why was I so effected by this!? I wanted them to do it again. It felt... nice. Argh! I'm going to be up all night because of fucking (Y/N) of all people! I hope they're having just as much trouble sleeping as I am.


(Y/N Pov)

I woke up feeling better than ever! The birds were chirping outside my window as I got up and made my bed. I took a quick shower and made myself breakfast. After I ate, I did a couple of quick chores around the house then I made my way to Brawl Town.

Once I got there I heard a bit of shouting from the sheriff's office so I decided to see what was up. I walked over to the front and spotted Colt looking absolutely drained as Dynamike and Carl bickered and snapped at each other, turning to yell at Colt every now and then.

"Listen," Colt interrupted as he rubbed his temples "Why don't you just move to the mines? We could build you a little cabin inside and Dynamike can stay where he is." "Do you understand what I'm saying?! The mines are extremely close to the abandon graveyard! Mortis would pick on me twice as much! Not only that, he would steal my shit when I'm not looking!" Carl shouted.

"What's going on over here boys?" I walked over with a bright smile. Colt sighed with relief, Dynamike turned his head from Carl with a grunt while Carl turned red and looked away from me.

"Thank God you're here (Y/N)." Colt turned to me. "Mike is complaining about how Carl takes up too much space in his home and that he's very loud when he's trying to sleep." He walked over to me and leaned close to my ear. "I need your help to convince Carl to move out."

I nodded and walked over to the two heated roommates. I looked down to Carl with my arms crossed and tried a keep straight face. "What's up teapot?" He was now looking up to me "DON'T you DARE call me that!" "What if I took care of Mortis for you? I definitely could. You saw what I did before, I can do much better than that."

"Can we also talk about this inside?" Dynamike started. "It's hotter than Hell out here!" I walked over to Mike and spoke in a low whisper. "You can go home. I'll take care of Carl. He'll be out before you know it."

He looked at me with a enraged look but, his expression softened and he sighed. "Okay, you're helping me out a lot (Y/N). Thanks." He walked away as the three of us went inside. "Where is he going?!" Carl questioned. "Home. Come with us."

We all went into the Sheriff's office and sat down. Carl sat down and I took the seat next to him. His face went red once more but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Okay, Carl." Colt began. "We can make sure Mortis doesn't come around to bother you. I have some ideas of keeping him away. First we can comprmise and if he still refuses, we will use... uhh... (Y/N)'s Idea." Colt leaned closer to me.

"You're not going to kill him right?" "Nah." I responded "The fuck does 'Nah' imply?! are you going to kill him or not?" "I won't kill him, I'll just rough him up a bit." Colt sighed once again. "Please don't kill him." "I won't!"

"Just because you get him to stop doesn't mean I'll move out!"

Colt got up from his chair, ignoring Carl and walked out the door. "I'll call him here." "Um no!?" Carl yelled once again but Colt still didn't listen. We sat there in silence for a bit until I spoke up.

"The mines are really nice and you spend most of your time there anyways. Why don't you move teapot?" I questioned. He grumbled at me and got up to leave. "Wait a second!" I grabbed his arm, making him flinch. "N-No!"

He grabbed my hand to get me to let go but he didn't try to struggle. He started trembling and stared down at my hand. "Woah... You really don't look good. What's going on?" He didn't respond. He just kept staring at my hand with fear but, also with a bit of excitement. "What has gotten into you?"

I looked down to my hand and looked back at him. Then it hit me. Does he enjoy this? I pulled him back to his seat. He was no longer struggling to get away, staying silent. I looked to his head when he was hit yesterday.

"How's your head doing?" I put my hand on his head and he sighed shakily. I rubbed that spot like I did yesterday and the engine in him started revving like yesterday. He was like putty in my hands. He leaned into my touch and was a totally different Carl from before. He looked kinda adorable like this.

"You know." I spoke quietly. "If you moved to the mines I could see you more often. Dynamike wouldn't get in the way." He looked up to me with half-lidded eyes. "I-I'm s-sold...I-I'll move then."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a big hug. I felt him warm up and his head started whistling again but, he accepted the hug. "I-I can't believe you. You're the worst." I chuckled at his words and pulled away from him, giving him a quick kiss on the nose.

He was hotter than before and his body jolted up and I heard a huge snap noise come from inside his body. His body went limp and he fell to the floor. I think he blew a fuse. "SHIT!" I shouted and rushed to get Colt.


After a couple of weeks, we finally had Carl moved into the mines. We made a small little hut out of rocks and wood for him to live in. He really likes it! He says it's cooler there and it doesn't smell as bad. He told me it was one of the best things he has ever done and was happy I convinced him to move out.

We were sitting on his couch and watched a movie together. His head was in my lap and he was really enjoying himself. Half way through the movie I could hear little tiny snores come from the robot. I smiled to myself and continued to watch the move.

This wasn't that bad. I'm glad I convinced him too.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one! It was a little weird and different. Hopefully nobody disliked it too much. Thank you once again for reading! :)

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