Conflicting Attractions // h.s

Von harmonicstyles

179K 6K 2.6K

In which a woman meets an arrogant, attractive, smart asshole that she wants nothing to do with but he wants... Mehr

1\\Latte Mishaps
2\\Cold Waffles
3\\Bailed On
4\\Fatherly Arguments
5\\Mishandled Situations
6\\"Date with Destiny"
7\\Suddenly Sassy
8\\Lunch Date With Bee
9 [PART ONE]\\Unexpected Visitor
9 [PART TWO]\\Day Off
10\\The Date
11\\Morning Jitters
12\\Breaking The Rules
13\\Irritating Vibrations
15\\Party Scene
16\\Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
17\\Sisterly Advice
18\\Girly Chats
19\\New Roommate
20\\Tempting Fate
21\\Too Close For Comfort
22\\Carpark Realisations
23\\Three's A Crowd
24\\Night In With Niall and The Girls
25\\Rooftop Gestures
27\\Holmes Chapel
28\\Newly Introductions
29\\Shed Talks
30\\Day Out with Harry
31\\Benchtop Envelopes
32\\Guilt and Regret
33\\A Gig and Work
34\\Anger and Clubs
35\\Lunch Date and Surprise Visitors
36\\Questions and Answers
37\\Butter Knives and One PM
38\\Tension and Forgiveness
39\\Wedding Dresses and Chinese
40\\Flowers and Filthy Looks
41\\Ice Skating
42\\Christmas Shopping
Fanfiction Awards 2018!!
44\\Hen's Night.
45\\Bee's Wedding Day
46\\Waiting Room
47\\Christmas Day
49 [PART ONE]\\Hints
49 [PART TWO]\\Get Together
50\\Midnight Confessions
51\\Cutting Ties
52\\Catch up With Niall
54\\ Work Shenanigans*
57\\Picture Frame
59\\Heart to Heart
60\\True Colors
61\\Date Night*

62\\Bacon and Eggs

398 23 3
Von harmonicstyles


I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face. Remembering what went on last night only made me even happier than the smile on my face. I couldn't quite explain how happy I am, hearing Harry say he's "madly in love with me", by being ready to be intimate with him, this day couldn't get any better. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the sun that was shining through took a few moments. I was laying on his chest as it rose and fell to the rhythm on his breathing.

He looked so peaceful when he slept, his hair was messy either due to last night's events or him moving around a bit in the night but it looked poofy. His face was slowly making small facial expressions as he dreamt, which only made me love him even more. I tried not to move since I didn't want to wake him, but I really wanted to get up, even though he's in a position sleeping peacefully.

I moved his arm from resting around me so I could get up, moving slowly so I didn't accidentally bump him and wake him up. He stirred in his sleep, letting out a breath making me freeze in the spot. I turned to look at him, still sleeping soundly as I smiled at him; moving from my spot, putting my clothes back on and throwing on Harry's hoodie he had hung up. I walked out of the room, closing the door gently.

I walked into the kitchen, putting the jug on for a hot drink, sighing as I leaned against the counter. My mind was racing from last night, so many things happened and I'm grateful for all of it. I had such a good time with Harry on our date, when we got home and hearing the words I've been wanting and craving to hear. It felt like it was a dream. I walked over to the coffee table, grabbing our wine glasses with a smile.

My phone was also on the table from last night, not having a care about who had messaged or called. I grabbed it, seeing a few texts from Rilee and a few missed calls from Louis. I frowned when I saw the calls, knowing he'll probably want me to go into the office today. I sighed, redialling his number and putting it towards my ear. It started ringing before someone picked up on the other line.

"Good morning Ms. Evans," I heard Louis on the other line say. I was confused as to why he was being so formal about it, but I just brushed it off. "I was kind of hoping you could come into the office sometime today, I have a few things I would like to discuss."

I sighed gently. "Yes, Mr. Tomlinson. I will come in later."

"Good to hear. I'll be in my office, we can meet after lunch, say, 1:30 pm?"

I walked over to the kitchen as I held my phone to my ear. "Sounds good, see you then." We hung up shortly after that; I leaned back on the counter with another sigh. I didn't want to go in and see him, but I'm his assistant. I wanted to spend the day with Harry since we hardly ever get too anymore with his new job.

The jug had finished boiling which put a small smile on my face. I was wanting to have a coffee before any shenanigans happened, but with how many missed calls I had missed from Louis, I had to call him back as soon as possible. I was pouring the water into my mug when I felt arms snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. "Good morning," Harry spoke.

"Morning sleepy head," I replied with a smirk on my face. I put the jug back down, turning to face him, he had his sweatpants on with no shirt, which only made me smirk at him even more. "Did you sleep well?" I asked to which he nodded, smiling at me. We stood looking at each other for a bit before he grabbed me with his arms, picking me up so I was sitting on the counter.

His soft lips met mine; missing the feeling of them from last night. His kisses were soft and mesmerizing, leaving you wanting more. He knew just how to tease which only made me love him even more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist. He moved my legs open so he could stand in between them. He broke away first, looking at me with his beautiful eyes. "I slept so well with you by my side, babe."

I giggled gently as he kissed my cheek. "I'm glad, you looked super tired last night after the fun we had," I winked. "I didn't want to wake you so I snuck out here. I checked my phone since I didn't care to check it last night. I had a few texts from Rilee, but the most important calls I missed were from Louis. So before I had even had a sip of my coffee, I called him back."

"What did he want?" He asked, staying in the same position, not having any intentions to move.

I let out a sigh. "He wants me to go into work because he wants to discuss some things with me apparently. Probably either to do with the upcoming board meetings or something completely different that I have no idea about. But I'm guessing it's about the board meetings."

Harry nodded. "I'll have to catch up with him sometime soon, I miss the guy," I nodded, watching him look around. I had to admit, Harry was handsome in every possible way. I still have yet to find out how I was about to snatch him up with how handsome he is. Didn't think I had a chance with someone like him. "What are you staring at, baby?" I snapped out of my thoughts to catch him smiling at me.

"You," I replied. "How did I get so lucky with you?"

Harry chuckled before he kissed my cheek again, which I love it when he does so. "I think I should be asking you that question babe. Why would someone as beautiful, sassy, caring and kind be with someone like me? I think I'm the lucky one in this scenario, you're the best thing I could ask for in my life and that's why I love you."

I wiped a small tear that was threatening to roll down my cheek as I giggled softly. "I love you Harry, more than I've loved anyone else. I've never felt this way about someone before, I don't ever want to lose you, not to anyone or anything. You're my home Harry, and that's never going to change. I'm so in love with you and everything about you. You make my heart flutter when you say my name, or even when you look in my direction. I love you, Harry, so much."

Before I knew it, Harry's lips were on mine again; my arms wrapping around his neck. I really did love Harry, more than I've loved someone else. I don't ever want to lose him to anything or anyone, I don't know what I would do without him. He stopped kissing me before he moved down to my neck, kissing it gently. "I love you so much, baby. I don't know what I would do without you."

I smiled before pecking his lips once more. "I'm starving," I announced, getting off the counter, earning a chuckle from Harry.

"I like how we were confessing our undying love for each other and all you can think about is your stomach."

I turned to face him with a smile on my face. "You should know me by now, there are moments that are all loved up and then the other moment is 'I'm starving, we have to eat.' There's no in between," Harry moved from where he was and walked to the fridge, grabbing a few ingredients to make some food. I didn't know what he had in mind so I just watched him.

He grabbed eggs, bacon and some orange juice from the fridge. "Do you feel like bacon and eggs my love?" My heart fluttered at his pet name, just like any other pet name he's come up with and called me. I nodded, watching him as he grabbed the pan to cook. I didn't want to get in his way so I stepped back, only to be pulled back in. "Where do you think you're going?" He smirked.

"I was going to let you cook breakfast, I didn't want to get in your way."

"Babe," he started, "you're never going to get in my way. I would rather you be in the kitchen with me than be sitting in the living room. You can watch the bacon for me, I'll cook the eggs," I nodded again, letting out a giggle. I stood, waiting for the pan to heat up whilst Harry started to get the eggs ready. He grabbed my waist, pulling me towards him in surprise. "I love you, Phoebe."

I blushed slightly, feeling my cheeks heat up at hearing those three words. "I love you, Harry," I said back, pushing him away from me so I could watch the bacon. "Now cook the eggs, I'm starving."

"A girl after my own heart," Harry said as I shook my head with a giggle.


Having breakfast with Harry was something I'd love to happen every morning. We were laughing, talking, throwing "I love you's" every so often. I enjoyed having breakfast and cooking it too, I loved this playful side of Harry, it only made my love for him grow stronger. After breakfast, I had to get ready to go into work and see what Louis wanted to speak to me about.

I didn't really have any idea what he would want me for, I presume it was to do with the board meeting that would probably be upcoming. I wasted no time walking to the elevator, saying hello to the ladies on the desk, stepping inside with a few people staring at me with a smile. I smiled back politely, the elevator stopping at a few floors before it reached mine.

Stepping out from the elevator, I walked past a few people who said hello to me, which I returned, trying to get to Louis' office fast so I can get back to my handsome Harry. I knocked on his door, hearing a "come in", pushing the door open and closing it behind me. Louis was leaning on his desk, with a letter in his hand. I was a little confused as to why he had a folder in his hand but I brushed it off. "Good afternoon Mr. Tomlinson."

"Good afternoon Ms. Evans, how was your morning?"

I cleared my throat before looking at him. "It was good, spent the night at Harry's flat. We made breakfast and just hung out for a bit before I came here," I said as he moved to sit on his leather couch he has in his office, to which he motioned me to come to sit with him. I followed, sitting beside him. He opened the letter, putting the envelope down on the table, grabbing the few sheets out and spreading them out on the table. "What's this?"

Louis sighed before he moved a few things around, grabbing a specific one to show me. I grabbed it, reading it over. It was a letter he had received, from a court, specifically telling him that Brooke was wanting a restraining order against him, which I thought would never happen in a million years. "Brooke doesn't want me near her anymore," he spoke lowly, which only meant one thing. He still loved her with his entire heart. "But that's not all," he spoke, grabbing a handwritten letter and handing it to me.

Dear Louis.

For the past few months, I've done nothing but bathe in my own self-pity. I should've seen this coming, the late nights, the constant excuses not to hang out with me, the constant reassurance, the lies; everything you had done to try and keep your secret. I didn't want to believe it, nor did I want to accept the fact that you either got bored of me or fell out of love with me. It was hard, knowing that the minute Sarah walked into the church, on our wedding day that she was the one you were fooling around with. What made it harder was her baby bump that was showing, that made me feel numb. We wanted to start a family together, we were even trying for a baby until that stopped. And once I found out the true reason why it pained me. I locked myself away after the dinner Phoebe held, I couldn't bear to see anyone because of the shame I had felt. Until one day, a few weeks ago, I wasn't feeling very well, which was unusual since you know I hardly ever get sick. I decided to go to the doctor, since feeling like that was odd. Fast forward the waiting time and what do you know, the last time we had sex made a baby. I found out I'm pregnant. I named it little peanut, I don't know the baby's gender yet so that nickname will suffice for now. And before you go asking if it's yours, yes, it is. I haven't had sex with anyone else besides you. It made me burst into tears because this baby, will only have me to love it. You not only left me for someone who you thought could make your world better, but you also left us. But that's okay though, I hope Sarah and the baby make you happier than I ever did. By the time you get this, I'll probably be boarding a plane to go somewhere, to get away; I don't know if I'll be back. Please don't worry about me and little peanut, we're both fine. But tell Phoebe I love her and that I hope her and Harry are well.

With love,

Brooke and little peanut xx

I sat back after reading the letter, unsure of what to say. Brooke never indicated that she and Louis were trying for a baby, I mean it was pretty obvious that they would be after they got married but that didn't happen. I sighed, patting him on the shoulder but he brushed me off, getting up and walking over to his desk, leaning on it. "I'm so sorry Louis," I said; unsure of what to say at this moment. There wasn't anything I could say to make him feel better about this.

He sighed, turning to face me. "I still love her Phoebe," he spoke with a slight crack in his voice. "I love her so fucking much, but I lost her and I lost our baby. Why did I have to have these little flings with Sarah, I regret it so much. But I don't want to leave her with this baby we made either. I'm a mess right now, I fucked up, and I just wish I could take it all back. I want my Brooke back, I want the love of my life back, I want to be a real father to this child and now I've gone and blown it."

I stayed quiet for a bit, unsure of what to say again. I do really feel for Louis right now but part of me also is glad he's getting karma for what he did. He broke an innocent girl's heart, not once, twice. The first time was the finding out he was cheating on her and the second one is bringing an innocent little baby into the world that wasn't planned for. "I know you love her so much Louis, but maybe the best thing right now is to focus on the baby Sarah is having and then focus on Brooke. She'll need some time to herself to grow and become accepting of little peanut and then maybe you guys can talk when she gets back."

Louis walked back over to the couch, sitting down before he burst into tears, his face in his hands. "I love her so fucking much Phoebe, I can't believe I was an idiot and lost her."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, patting it gently. "I know, Louis," I said, waiting to be corrected but wasn't. "I know you love her and she loves you, but right now, the best thing you can do is focus on yourself, deciding what the right decision is going to be. Do you want to be with Sarah and give up all chances with Brooke or do you want to fight for her along with setting up an agreement with Sarah so you're not without seeing your other baby?"

He sniffed gently, lifting his head from his hands. "Thank you, Phoebe, for always knowing what to say. I'm glad you're my assistant, I'd be a right mess without you."

I nodded as he turned to give me a hug, which I wrapped my arms around him. "Just know Louis, whatever you decide, will be what's best for you and for your babies on the way. It'll be a hard road, but I feel like if you take some time, you'll have a clearer idea on which to pick. I'll always be here to support you, whatever you decide."

He broke away from my hug as he nodded, getting up from the couch and picking up all the bits of paper he had laid out. "You can go back to Harry now, no doubt he'll be missing you. I'll let you know tomorrow's schedule," he said as I nodded, grabbing my bag and making my way towards the door. "Have a good night Phoebe," he said after me.

"You too, Louis," I said back, closing the door and walking towards the elevator. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, I was pretty sure my head was going to explode. The elevator ride was short lived when it reached the bottom floor. I just wanted to get home to be with my Harry. I missed him, hearing all that stuff Brooke said about Louis, I just wanted to get home to cuddle with him.

The car ride to his flat was long, it felt like, even though I was singing along to some songs that came on in the car. I was walking up to the door, unlocking it with the spare key I got given. I was concerned as to why it was locked, but I brushed it off when I walked inside. I closed the door, setting down the keys on the table. "Babe?" I called out, with no answer. I sighed, checking my phone seeing no messages from anyone. "Harry?" I called out again, with no answer.

I brushed it off, thinking maybe he got called out to work and was too busy to text, but I didn't even find a note saying where he had gone, which I found odd. I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, I was pretty thirsty, and so I grabbed a glass of water, taking a few sips out of it. I was thinking of all the places Harry could've gone, even if that made me sound paranoid.

It wasn't until I got hit by a hard object at the back of my head, dropping the glass with a shattering sound as I hit the floor, my vision going black that I realised I wasn't alone in his flat.


hello lovelies! I'm super duper sorry this took longer than I thought. I had the biggest writers block I've ever encountered. It was more or less I didn't know how I wanted to word what I had in my mind, its pretty rough. But finally, finally, I'm updating!

thank you all so much for the continuous support, even when I'm not updating, I love you so much<3 thank you also for 170k reads! that's insane guys, I appreciate every single one of you <3

don't forget to check out the story I'll be producing after this one called "before the storm", it'll be a harry one too :)

I love you so much, thank you for sticking by me and being understanding

with love and handwritten letters,

emma xoxox


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