Hidden Sanity

By bonafideinsomniac

5.4K 591 10

Labelled as cunning and a sharp-witted psychopath, Jack Kinley has his way of getting away with his murder cr... More

Chapter 1 - Jack Kinley
Chapter 2 - Caged In
Chapter 3 - Closer and Closer
Chapter 4 - Vigilant Eyes
Chapter 5 - Mysterious Jack
Chapter 6 - Full of Wonders
Chapter 7 - Warning
Chapter 8 - Renewed
Chapter 9 - Legal Blindness
Chapter 10 - A Call To Arms
Chapter 11 - The Unfolding
Chapter 12 - Drag Her In
Chapter 13 - Misled
Chapter 14 - Midst
Chapter 15 - Temptation
Chapter 16 - A Step Away From Risk
Chapter 17 - Fallen
Chapter 18 - Hide
Chapter 19 - Darkest Secret
Chapter 20 - Odd Phase
Chapter 21 - The Withdrawal
Chapter 22 - Full Moon
Chapter 23 - Escape
Chapter 25 - Dive
Chapter 26 - Blueprint
Chapter 27 - Eyes Wide Shut
Chapter 28 - Heart's Desire
Chapter 29 - Uncover
Chapter 30 - Discoveries
Chapter 31 - Bloodline
Chapter 32 - Meltdown
Chapter 33 - Memento
Chapter 34 - Puzzles
Chapter 35 - Locked In
Chapter 36 - The Devil's Triumph
Chapter 37 - One Step Ahead
Chapter 38 - The Hanging Thread
Chapter 39 - Metanoia
Chapter 40 - Assault
Chapter 41 - The Prudence
Chapter 42 - The Last Act

Chapter 24 - Breathe Out

95 13 0
By bonafideinsomniac

Jack talked while they were hugging, "Do you want to sleep in my apartment instead? Just for tonight."

She said "Not here. It's unsettling. Not anywhere near. He might hurt you too if he comes back."

Jack smiled knowing that Alice was concerned about him. Alice is slowly going back to her sentimentalist self.

He replied, "Then shall we go somewhere else?"

She pulled back and looked at him, "But it's near 6 already."

He shrugged while shaking his head, "And what about the sunrise?"

"We have work."

"And who are you with by the way?"

Alice smiled for the first time again. She said "Alright, Mr. President."

He gazed at her smiling face like he missed it his entire life.

"I missed you, Alice."

Jack was upfront to what he feels. Alice loves that about him.

She felt that the terrors of what happened lately were slowly paved by his presence.

She stepped backwards while saying "Do I have to pack my things?"

"You should."

She packed some of her belongings, good for at least two nights. Jack didn't leave her as she packed, protecting her from any harm that might happen although it was done and over, she just wanted Alice to feel secure with him.

It didn't take her so long so they went to his apartment next for him to pack his.

She entered his apartment. It is now neat and the things around are back in order like nothing happened.

Before he packs his things, he turned to face Alice again like he never wanted her to be out of sight. He slightly smiled as he grabbed her hand again and played with her fingers.

They were both not talking, just staring at each other's eyes.

Jack said "I might need to leave you here for a while. I won't be that long." like he was asking for permission if he could go on and pack his things from his bedroom.

Alice looked at her hand as he played with her fingers, flirting. She noticed his hand with fresh wounds.

It worried her.

"What happened to your hand?"

He looked at his hand and said "Oh, this?" He raised it and looked at it closely. He chuckled, "I punched the mirror lately."


"Well, I'm a wreck without you too, Alice."

Then they both giggled.

"Now excuse me while I pack my things. You're safe here, don't worry."

"Can't I be there at your room as you pack your things?"

"Uh... privacy?" He said as he walked towards his room, not allowing her to tag along. He didn't want her to see something she might suspect him of, like her picture in his cabinet.

"Such a tease.", she mumbled.

Jack packed quicker than Alice and got out of his room dressed with a black trench coat, carrying with him a single bag. He looked more handsome.

Alice said "Where are we going?"

"To my place."

"But we're here?"

"No, silly. To my real house."

"Your mansion?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. You can probably call it a mall, but sure, mansion." He joked.

Alice laughed.

They went off the building with their bags, like a migrating couple.


It was dawn outside. The surroundings were tinted blue and the sky was starting to brighten up.

They put their bags at the back of the car and sat inside, ready for the ride.

He said as he starts the engine, "Put your seatbelt on, it's going to be a long ride."

"Where exactly do you live?"

"New Hampshire." He said while he puts his seatbelt on.

"How far is it from here?"

"4 hours to say the least? Probably 5 because we have to eat along the way."


He looked at her, waiting for her to say the words he knew she have been mulling over since lately.

"I'm sorry for what I said. And... and thank you."

Jack just smiled charismatically and said "Forget about it."

"But..." She halted to speak the rest of her words and thought it is best to keep off the subject a bit.

He might be a little sensitive to the topic about his parents and he's a man who had successfully lived his life privately. Mysterious, it is, but Alice didn't want to spoil everything between them and instead, very willing to wait for him to reveal a different side of himself. Maybe not today, but she's hoping soon enough.

She's not rushing the process.

She continued with "Nevermind."

Jack said as he stepped on his clutch, first gear, and ready to go, "We're going to be in for a ride, long enough to talk about the projects."

Alice looked at him in dismay, "Really?"

He laughed. "I'm kidding."

He started driving. Alice said "That was so anticlimactic."

Jack laughed more.

Her eyes were fixed on the side of his smiling face while his face were facing the front of his car, focused to stay centered in his lane. She never knew Jack would drive and do these things just to bring her the comfort she needed like it was a part of his obligation.

She saw a hint of softness beneath the heart of steel, ironic exterior and his good soul came more sharply into focus.

The sun was soon up in the sky, brightly shining.

Alice looked around as the streets were painted yellow, then she looked back at Jack, who's unaware of her, staring.

He drove seriously, but the thought that they were alone in his car and heading towards his real house, made her snicker like a fool.

It was perfect, she thought.

Alice was blinded by his charm, not having an idea that he killed a lot of people and actually killed someone she knows, few hours before this moment.

Jack played his game too well to hide that he was a devil in smart disguise.

Jack broke the silence. "Have things changed much?"


"In the office? I haven't been around."

"Like now?"

He gusted air from his nose and smiled at her humor. "For someone traumatized, you are considerably energetic"

Alice laughed. He looked at her and caught her expression.

He said "Not so mad now? Ms. Bull in a China shop."

Alice rode along with his humorous wit. "What? Who yelled at me and walked out?"

"Okay. Alright. That was... alright, we need to change the subject." He said while obviously cringing at the thought.

Alice liked that they were back to how they used to be and she thought that even though embarrassing, their fight had served its purpose, especially when she knew something he doesn't normally talk about or haven't opened up to anyone.

Their smiles faded for a while and the atmosphere turned serious.

Alice watched his hand on the wheel while he drives.

She talked. "Does it hurt?"


"Your hand. Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't feel bloody well but it's fine."

"Why did you have to hurt yourself?"

He sighed. "The awful idea of the fight itself..."

"...Made you lose your mind and do it?"

"Lose my mind?" He laughed. "To be fair..." He became serious. "There was always something about you which warned me that I might."

Alice didn't speak. She doesn't know what to say.

Jack noticed the mood so he said, "Please accept that as a compliment and in no way critical."

Alice slightly beamed. "You do really know the right words to say."

He looked uneasy looking at her and looking at the lane in front of him while he talks but he still did it. "Now, satisfy my curiosity on one point, who humiliated you in the office?"

"Out of everything I said, that's what you remembered?"

"Tell me."

"No one."

His voice got deeper and more serious rather than in a joking manner. "No, really. Tell me."

"What are you going to do if I tell you?" She discerned the change of tone in his voice.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? Jorge, the whole office fear you enough. So whatever you're thinking, stop it."

"Really? They fear me?" He scowled while smiling, like it was funny.

"Yes! I can't believe you don't notice that."

"As they should..." His face suddenly turned blank. It was hollow.

There was a moment of silence.

She stared at him again, more intently at his face.

She said "I think I saw a bruise on your face lately. Did you get into a fight?"

He got conscious. "Oh, I was supposed to punch the wall and I slipped so I accidentally punched myself." He made an excuse with the rational thinking that she weren't able to see his face clearly in the dark when they talked beforehand.

"Glad you didn't slip when you punched the mirror." She teased.

"I made sure the second time."

"I never knew you could be so---"

Before she could finish whatever she'd been going to say, he said, "Let's eat breakfast."

He slowly pulled over in front of a diner.

Alice was surprised he actually liked eating in diners. A millionaire who likes to eat in a diner is totally a breath of fresh air for her.

He ordered the usual, pasta,, but this time, with fries.

Alice ordered pancakes.

She watched him eat like a hungry man who hadn't eaten in days.

She said "Hungry?"

"Starving.", he replied with his mouth full. He didn't even glance at her. He just went on about his food.

Alice found him more close to reality as she witnessed him do things normal people do as well. She thought it was silly but she really thinks highly of him.

When they were almost done eating, Alice cleared her throat and acted polite.

"Jorge... about the note."

Jack moved from his chair, grabbed the table napkin and patted his mouth with it while saying, "So you're now ready to talk about it."

"I just thought that maybe you can help me interpret them and find out what they really mean."

"You're remarkable. You experience something dreadful and you just bounce back then get back to business."

"Every time something bad happens to me, you were there to comfort me. That's how I recover."

He gazed into her eyes, not saying anything back. His stare made her anxious. She doesn't know what he was thinking and that made her uneasy.

Jack smiled and thought, "It was easy to get you back every time either."

He planned his every action. Most certainly, it was his plan to do such things to get her back and gain her trust.

She said "So do you think Lopez knows about something?", leading back to the topic so Jack would stop staring.

She was successful as Jack touched the rim of his glass and looked at it instead. "I figured. So we need to go back and ask him."

He got the glass of water and drank from it.

"But before we get into that. Let's keep going, shall we?"

He stood up, brushed his pants clean, placed money on the table and left together with Alice.

They get back into the car. Alice looked bothered.

Jack put his hand on her leg and said "Relax... You have me."

"This is risky. You might get into serious trouble now that things are becoming more vigorous than before."

He hushed Alice. "Ssh...shh..shh... Forget about what happened first and let's go on about our day, okay? And if ever that happens again and I'm there, I'm willing to catch a bullet for you."

"Please don't die."

He grinned. "I won't." He was confident he wouldn't die.

She came to a stop, realized that he sounded convincing so she tried to relax. She watched the scene from the window as they drive all over the cities from New York as they approach New Hampshire.

They were both not talking for hours. Tired of what they have gone through the night.

It was a comfortable silence.

Jack stretched his neck to loosen his neck muscles which began to contract while driving.

He checked on Alice and saw her half-awake state.

He calmly said "Hey..."

His voice sounded so soft, like a lullaby in her ears.

"Alice... you can sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."

"But you're driving."

He chortled a bit. "I can drive. You must rest. You need one."

"Are you sure? I can slap myself to stay awake so you won't get sleepy too."

"I admire your spirit but I can sleep whenever and wherever I want as soon as we landed on my house. Now, you go rest. Besides, you need it more."

"You're right about that.", she said as she slowly put herself to a partial slumber.

The hours went by fast and they arrived at his place. Jack woke her up after he shuts down the engine of his car.

"Alice... We're here."

He remained seated as he reached for their things from the back. His face close to hers.

It was the first thing Alice saw as she opened her eyes. She was awestruck by how good looking he is, especially up close.

She was too observant that she saw the tiny stubbles of hair above his lips and a little bit from his chin. Something anyone won't see unless you were several inches away from the other person.

He pulled their bags with him and put it on his lap for the meantime while he unlock the doors.

He said as he gets off the car, carrying their bags, "Stop staring and let's go, snoring lion."

Her face turned red and watched him as he walked in front of his car and signalled her to go out. At the same time, he flashed a mischievous smile.

She had never felt so embarrassed. Both by being caught staring and by snoring. She walked out of his car, awkward.

She asked "Did I snore too loud?"

He didn't answer the question. He spread his arms wide open, welcoming her to the view.

"Good Morning.", he said with unusual cheerfulness.

Alice looked around and was so amazed by what her eyes see.

It was a huge mansion, enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

She spun around to take a full view of his house from the outside.

The leaves on the floor of his garden was well-trimmed. There were a lot of statues around, one within a fountain basin.

The marble floor of the stairs leading to the entrance door looked excellently polished. It looked maintained despite the fact that he's seldom around.

She felt like she's in a movie setting. She can't almost construct a word.

Jack grabbed her hand, the other hand carrying their bags, and he pulled her gently to the entrance door.

Alice still couldn't believe what she's seeing.

"Are you sure----I have never felt so small."

"There are almost no one around inside. Just a few people."

"You don't have security guards?"

"No. But this house is technologically secured."

"How many girls have you brought here?"

"And why the skepticism?"

"I just get the impression that you do this a lot."

"Nobody even knows where I live. You are the first one to know and the first one to step inside."

"It was a privilege to be your secretary."

The door automatically opens like it already knew that it was him standing in front of it.

It was a never ending amusement for Alice as she toured inside his house. The house and its setting were looking exceedingly attractive in the daylight.

"How did you become filthy rich? I mean... this is incredible."

He responded while watching her roam around, "Tons of hard work? Most of it... gambling, but yeah, I earned this."

Gambling could be a valid reason as to how because he's wise so Alice didn't ask further questions about it.

As they walk around, an old woman came out of a room which Alice didn't know what it is specifically for because there a lot of doors.

The old woman was shocked when she saw Jack.

Jack acknowledged her presence by saying, "You've never been up this early."

The old woman replied, "You've never been here since ages."

Then they both smiled. Alice assumed they know each other.

Jack walked closer to the woman and tapped her back. He faced Alice and introduced the old woman.

"This is Aunt Maria."

She gave an awkward handshake.


Jack introduced her next. "This is Alice, my secretary."

"Well hello, young lady. Are both of you hungry?"

Jack talked so kindly. He was totally different in the office, she thought.

"We just ate. Don't worry about us." He looked at Alice then looked back at Aunt Maria.

He said "Aunt Maria, kindly give us a second."

He faced Alice and said "You can pick any room from the second floor and put your bag in it. If you still feel sleepy, I suggest you sleep. You can sleep in my room if you don't feel comfortable anywhere."

Alice was still shy by the fact that he heard her snore back in the car so she said "Uh, maybe another room."

"Okay. I'll get back to you later." He turned around and Aunt Maria led him through the house.

Alice never knew he could be so kind. If Jack could be like that permanently, he must have been the talk of the town, but of good qualities., but of good qualities.

Had it not been for what happened, she would have not be able to go to his private space and learn things she didn't know about him.

She felt a rare sense of optimism that staying within his walls will most likely let her discover more.

Had she been playing her role in his plans all along? Or had it been a different purpose for Jack?

After standing so long in her position, left alone, fired with the thoughts of how his wealth is beyond imagination; wealth greater than he had ever shown, she excitedly went to a room to set her things down.

The room was too spacious for a single person to reside. She opened the curtains to let the sunshine in and the view surprised her even more.

It had a superb view of the sea.

She paused and lived the moment. It is not everyday she gets to see this view. She looked down and it was the view of the garden.

She saw Jack sitting on the grass with a kid. He never looked that happy before.

Alice never saw him that friendly. She actually never knew he could be kind to other people. He behaved differently as soon as they got in his house.

Unknowingly, she has been smirking the whole time while watching him from the room.

Until someone talked, "Looked great from here, doesn't it?"

It was Aunt Maria standing by the door. She forgot she left it open.

She was startled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's fine. I was just---"

"How would you describe the relationship you have with him?"

"We're... we're not... No. Why did you ask?"

"I just find it interesting now that he's back and he's with a woman."

"I... it's not what you think, Aunt Maria."

"But I see you staring at him just now."

She blushed and couldn't defend herself. She didn't know how to react properly to such direct inquiries.

"Are you fond of him?"

She answered the question, or because, that, she can, "Naturally, because he's from work. He's my boss."

"I see."

She walked to the window and looked at her view. She spoke as they both watch them talk joyfully.

"Jorge had never been here for a long time. Maybe that's why he's taking the most of his time now with Lucas. I hope you understand."

"Who is Lucas by the way?"

"I'm surprised you don't know."

"He never really talks about his life to anyone, not even to me."

"Lucas is his precious one. Ever since they bonded, Jorge had sworn to protect that child."

"Did he tell you why?"

"We found Lucas when he was too young. He was on the street, alone and penniless. He was acting very unusual when we spoke to him. We brought him to a hospital to check what's wrong. He might be traumatized but then we were wrong. It turned out to be an autism disorder. At first, he couldn't talk, so Jorge decided to adopt him, disregarding the fact that he's socially impaired. As soon as they formed the bond between them, Lucas started to show signs that he's getting better. I really thought Jorge helped him a lot coping up as he grew older."

"Is he okay now?"

"He's still inside the spectrum but he's making progress."

"And it's because of him..."

"Right." She paused for a while, smiled as they watch them laugh at the same time from the garden.

"He really loves that child."

"Is he living here with you?"

"Yes. I took care of Lucas on his behalf."

"I have no idea. If... if you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Jorge?"

"Oh, we are all here because of him, he kept us warm in his house."

"Did you say 'we'? How many are you here inside?"

"Just 4."

"Really a few people huh... For a big house."

"That, I couldn't understand but it's not for us to lay our hands on."

"What do you mean?"

"Jorge rescued us. The other two are on the other sides of the house, probably mowing the lawn in the garden area or cleaning some of the rooms."

"He rescued three of you from where?"

"From the home of the abandoned elderly. He was a tough shell to crack. At first he was a cruel young man, but I can tell by his intentions, no matter how bad his actions turn out, he's good deep down."

Alice held back her words. She thought "Abandoned..." The memory of their fight last night was still fresh in her mind.

Aunt Maria asked, "You do know he's an orphan, right?"

"Yes. But I only have a vague idea about the whole story."

"We don't know either. He rarely talked about his personal life in details. But I can understand... One can understand not just through the mind, but through the heart. He wanted to help us because he probably knew how it felt being abandoned."

Alice learned that his vulnerable side. A story untold and masked by the apathy he portrays.

Aunt Maria continued, "All I thought we are going to grow to a community at first as we grew in numbers and become 3, like a family, but he stopped and he didn't come back here for a very long time. We didn't know why."

"He just came back now?"

"Yes. After several months."

"You must have missed him a lot."

"He didn't talk quite much when he's around, but he talked a lot to Lucas. He's a mystery to all of us here too. However, we are eternally grateful that he provided us a better home, a better life, even if he left us again, he came back, and that's what matters."

Alice nodded and said "He did the right thing."

"Thank you for bringing him back here."

"No, it's not exactly what you think that happened."

Aunt Maria faced her, smiling. "Are you in love with Jorge?"

She said, with timorous scorn, "That is a ridiculous question."

"Well... you best be figuring that one out, young lady. The eyes never lie."

Alice cannot answer. She was caught off guard.

"I have to get going. I'll cook for your lunch.", Aunt Maria said, exiting the door.

Alice walked to the door and closed it lightly and leaned her back on the door.


She felt her heart beat wildly. It came to her all at once.

She realized she had only swam in the shallows and hadn't seen the deep, until now. She started to see the depth of his soul.

The impression she had now of Jack has largely affected her.

Jack may be evil on the outside, but behind all that was a heart that dared to feel for people. Who would ever thought that a wild soul can only be tamed by a child?

He had a soft spot for Lucas.

As far as one knows, Jack is no different from Lucas in specific ways which is why he relate to him a lot. They complement each other.

He didn't want people to feel what he felt and reached his helping hand to some.

Jack may have done really bad things, but he's good in the eyes of four people.

She was swayed by the thought that she knows too little about him after all.

The feeling was overwhelming, she sat on the side of the bed and couldn't understand what she exactly feels at the moment. It was unexplainable. She knew she wasn't herself recently.

It was a feeling she knows but afraid to name. She felt it in his touch, in the sight of his smile, the way he cared for her, the way he made her laugh, the way he drove for 4 hours to keep her safe, the way he let her in his own home...

And from that moment on, everything started to feel so right.

She gasped for breath as she slowly realized and accepted the feeling inside her chest. Something she had kept behind the barricades she built for herself and now she's ready to set it free once again.

It has been so long. She thought it was time to give it away.

Subsequently, she heard someone knock on the door behind her.

She quickly opened it as her reaction to the shock it caused.

It was Jack. He said "That was fast."

He blinked twice. "I just want to ask you what do you want for lunch."

Alice just stared at him while breathing heavily.

"Alice?------Is everything okay?"

Her emotions took over her whole body so she suddenly threw herself to him and kissed him.

Jack stepped his other foot backward, pushed by Alice's impact. He stayed still as his lips were attached to hers.

It was an innocent kiss.

Jack wondered and said "What was that for?"

Alice let out a speech to proclaim, "For years, I've felt I wasn't good enough. For years, I wondered if I mean anything in the world. 'Till this day I feel that way. But when I see you wildly smiling above all the fires of this hell brought us all, my heart jumps. My heart had grew bigger and just when I thought it's deflating, I think I found my pump."

Jack's eyes were wide open. He was in awe of what she just did and said.

He had a face she couldn't explain. It was not completely happy and not sad either. He looked drained out of thoughts.

They were just staring at each other.

Jack took a deep breath and breathed out.

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