Hidden Sanity

By bonafideinsomniac

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Labelled as cunning and a sharp-witted psychopath, Jack Kinley has his way of getting away with his murder cr... More

Chapter 1 - Jack Kinley
Chapter 2 - Caged In
Chapter 3 - Closer and Closer
Chapter 4 - Vigilant Eyes
Chapter 5 - Mysterious Jack
Chapter 6 - Full of Wonders
Chapter 7 - Warning
Chapter 8 - Renewed
Chapter 9 - Legal Blindness
Chapter 10 - A Call To Arms
Chapter 11 - The Unfolding
Chapter 12 - Drag Her In
Chapter 13 - Misled
Chapter 14 - Midst
Chapter 16 - A Step Away From Risk
Chapter 17 - Fallen
Chapter 18 - Hide
Chapter 19 - Darkest Secret
Chapter 20 - Odd Phase
Chapter 21 - The Withdrawal
Chapter 22 - Full Moon
Chapter 23 - Escape
Chapter 24 - Breathe Out
Chapter 25 - Dive
Chapter 26 - Blueprint
Chapter 27 - Eyes Wide Shut
Chapter 28 - Heart's Desire
Chapter 29 - Uncover
Chapter 30 - Discoveries
Chapter 31 - Bloodline
Chapter 32 - Meltdown
Chapter 33 - Memento
Chapter 34 - Puzzles
Chapter 35 - Locked In
Chapter 36 - The Devil's Triumph
Chapter 37 - One Step Ahead
Chapter 38 - The Hanging Thread
Chapter 39 - Metanoia
Chapter 40 - Assault
Chapter 41 - The Prudence
Chapter 42 - The Last Act

Chapter 15 - Temptation

111 14 0
By bonafideinsomniac

As Alice hung up, Jack can't help himself but to clench his fist and get angry at Joe, who ruined it all.

His rise from such humble beginnings had called for intelligence, hard work and a touch of a genius. Intelligence had persuaded him to show respect to those he despised but those who had the power to affect his plans and intelligence had to foresee what death looked like.

No one liked Jack, no one had openly insulted him; yet only he, Joe Schmidt, had seen reason to put on such a negative case to accuse him.

But that was not a hindrance for Jack. It was never one.

He let it pass and planned to talk to her later instead. Even though practically he was apparently a poor catch for any woman, he'd never doubted she'd accept him. After all, she'd already been in her late 20's—most women were married by twenties—he could get her easily, and the best anyone could say about her looks was that she was very pure and looks very kindhearted, anyone can get her.

As a final point, he went to his office to work.

He mentally listed his major possessions and Alice was first on the list.

The call from his office phone interrupted his pleasant thoughts.

He leaned forward and picked up the phone.

"Sir Jorge, the project manager wanted to raise a suggestion about a new project. She's here." ,said Morrie, the assistant secretary.

He was expecting to hear someone else's voice. Where the heck is Alice? That's what he thought inside.

"I'm too busy," he replied.

"I told her you weren't seeing anyone, but she's insistent."

"Tell her that I'm even more insistent that I'm too busy." He once more leaned back in the chair.

"The vice president says that you've got to see her."

A wise man knew when to accept the inevitable. "Alright. Show her in a couple of minutes."

He picked up a photo of Alice in his table and put it in the central drawer of the desk, which he locked. Although the figures could not possibly have meant anything to anyone else, life had taught him that a man should sometimes be too secretive.

Later, after he talked to the project manager for a few minutes, he felt that it's the right time to see Alice. His schedule was really vacant, not busy at all. He just tried to appear busy so no one would bug him. One could always distinguish an educated gentleman not by the way he behaved—a gentleman laid down his own standards of conduct—but by the way he dressed. He had never forgotten that. He put on a newly laundered cotton suit and linen pants, looked at his reflection in the mirror on the wall beside his table, he decided with complacent pride. He knew the growing excitement of expectation.

He thought that he would assuredly bring to an end her coquettish hesitations tonight.

He asked the project manager to call Alice as she goes out. She did but Alice took so long before she enters his office. She didn't want to talk to him. Jack calls for her again. He was starting to get irate.

She checked herself first before she entered. From his room, there came a strange sound, it was her boss yelling, but which for some reason disturbed her. She hesitated, then crossed to the door and knocked—in a spirit of contempt, he had ordered her to knock before entering any room; in truth, she would have never have done otherwise for fear of what disgusting scene she might witness if she did not. There was no answer to her knock so she opened the door. The body of Jack was slumped in his chair and he had become an attraction for a swarm of lights that didn't get too lacking to make his body glow in her eyes.

He put down the phone when he saw Alice. He was just talking to someone on the phone.

Alice stared down at the untidy pile of papers on his desk, an expression of sad bewilderment on his meek face. Her entrance changed Jack's mood.

"Didn't you hear me call the first time?", he asked curtly.

"I was in the far room, typing," she answered in a flat expressionless voice.

He wondered what were her thoughts concerning the women who visited him in his office a few minutes ago. But then perhaps she didn't really think about anything much?

It was comforting to be certain that Alice would never subject him to such ridiculously emotional scenes.

She knew the score. But as sophisticated as she might believe herself, he'd soon identified her weakness. It always amused him that Alice had no idea of anything about it.

He said "You look good."

"I don't feel bloody well," said Alice, annoyed that Jack talks to him normally like that.

"You're sick, perhaps?"

"Jorge," said Alice warningly. She was thin and rather faded, as if she had been left out from the sun too long. "I told you, I'm not beating around the bush..."

"But it's much better if you stay calm."

"And just how am I supposed to do that?"

"But if it upsets your blood pressure, I'm okay but so to get excited—"

"Yeah, actually it's a wonder it's not gone through the bloody root."

Jack said soothingly. "Let's sit down. I am certain we can very soon sort everything out. There's a solution for everything."

"I don't give a—"

"Alice," pleaded Jack.

But Alice just won't sit. So Jack just let her stand up if that's what makes her comfortable. He said "Now, tell me what the trouble between us is. Maybe talking could help." He sat down.

"No talking. Why did you call me in your office, sir?"

"Because this is the only way I could talk to you, you don't talk to me outside, you don't talk to me on the phone as well, so I thought talking to you in the office is the only rightful choice I have."

"Why do you need to talk to me?"

"I did not explain myself clearly. I must apologize."

"You explained yourself very clearly. Don't make any mistake over that."

"Then I am afraid I don't understand what's going on."

"How the goddamn hell can you not understand that you won't have me around like this any longer?"

"I want to help you."

"I don't need your help anymore. I have somebody else helping me with the case."

"That has nothing to do with what I really want. That is not necessary."

"What do you mean not necessary?"

"Please, Alice," said Jack, "Do keep calm."

He swung around and seemed to be about to say something to her, but checked the words. After a moment, he turned back and spoke to her in a quieter manner.

"When we first came here to this point, you and I both have that look in our eyes. I know what you wanted. I can see it in your eyes when we started talking to each other."

"What's the point? You could see it, then? You knew right from the beginning there was a conflict of interests?"

"This relationship meant there was a conflict of interests, Alice." He continued, "Alice, I just want you to know that nothing can be so certain. Imagine what could happen here. I might die, far more regrettably, you might die. A hundred possibilities. So it is known precisely what is to happen."

"I don't need to be reminded of that... Don't you make the mistake of thinking you're putting the picture over my eyes. I now know exactly what's been going on. You're just a..."

"Please, Alice," said Jack.

She ignored him. "You're just a miserable little crook."

"That's not very polite," said Jack sadly.

"I'm not trying to be polite. I'll say it again. You're a miserable little crook! Because you really are!"

"Don't judge me yet..." Jack expressed himself in terms which made Alice wince, then continued, "From the beginning, I've done all I could do to string you along. You never told me the case had started 9 years ago, you said that just finding out the other side, how Kinley's mysterious mind works, was good enough. I couldn't understand what the hell was going on so I started doing things I don't usually do. I researched. I looked for that man. I did that because I want to keep you safe. But here you are, standing in front of me, telling that I'm miserable little crook. How lovely."

Although her expression remained the same, suggesting concern that Alice should be under such an unjustified misunderstanding—Jack was amused. Did this pompous man really believe that any complain of her would carry weight?

She judged immediately because of the way in which some of the words he said were slurred of judgment, confirmed by the dark brown hair, his green eyes and last but not the least, by his manner, which was one of the evidences that he's trying to get her through his sweet words.

"You don't get it, do you?"

"I really don't. Please clear it out. I don't know what's in your mind."

"You have been a friend of Morrie, haven't you?"

"That's none of your damn business."

"She needs you. I can see that. We talk everyday! She's a friend of mine. I am here to tell you that you must give it."

For a moment, he was too surprised to speak. Then the words came in a rush. "Must! I must! A tattered woman comes here and tries to tell me what I must do!"

She appeared quickly clear that she had been close by, listening to what he said. She spoke to him in a low voice, "Why won't you?"

He shook his head. She spoke again, with more urgency. "You don't have to lie." He shook his head the second time. She shrugged her shoulders and was silent.

"Alice, I beg you to understand..." ,began Jack.

"Good. Then I haven't upset your working day... is that what it's all about? Me trying to learn from you?" She scoffed. "But as I've told you before, we shouldn't be talking about irrational stuff inside the office. That's the rule." She smiled.

Jack couldn't understand the significance of that and had the uncomfortable feeling he was being mocked.

He stood up and said, "Alice, did you see my pants unzipped before? No, right? Because I neglected. I didn't want it. She did. I did not give in! Nothing happened. I don't see any reason for you to be mad. Please open your mind in this."

He went closer to her and when his hand brushed her body, she moved away casually rather than indignantly. She said "Yes, that's right. You did, but I still disagree with you."

"Fine." He went to his kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Whisky and poured some to his glass. He asked "Want one? Might help to calm you down and talk about this coolly."

"I don't drink Whisky."

He put a glass down in front of Alice, sat then raised his own glass. "Alright. But I'll leave you the option to."

"Why should I?"

"I thought it would be an idea to have a chat—quite apart from the pleasure of meeting again." He drank then set the glass on the table. He sat back on his chair.

"Things aren't going too well here, Jorge."

"Don't try to hide behind your overdeveloped sense of modesty."

Alice puckered her brow. She said "What? I don't understand—"

"You are beyond any doubt a very sharp and intelligent woman. That, of course, why I accepted you to this company in the first instance. That and the fact that you are equally obviously are a woman who—how shall I put this?—knows how to fix things greatly to her advantage."

"What did that really mean?"

Jack just gave her a crooked smile, very seductive.

Alice said "There's no need to continue talking to you, I have to save my breath for someone else."

Jack stood. "Thoughtful dishonesty can be sharply reversed, thoughtless inefficiency can take a fatal time to correct. And I'm saying that you can still defend yourself from your immobility right now and tell me thoughtfully the truth and stop the denial."

"What truth?"

He walked and stopped in front of her, "Alice, you know what I mean. Let it go."

She looked away, trying to escape his gaze. "You'll have a refill, won't you?"

Jack chuckled. He did not immediately move away after picking up the glass, but remained by the table, in front of her.

Alice thought about everything that had been said by him and her anger was replaced by a sense of comforting superiority of Jack.

She sighed. "Don't drink. That's a strong alcohol." She kept trying to persuade him not to drink so much because it might get him drunk.

"Alice, let's not fight anymore. I already explained myself. Do not think I'm that kind of man. I did not have sex with her."

"Yeah, I get that!"

"Why is it so hard pleasing you?" He laughed and took it as a joke. He drank again.

Clearly, Alice did not have the slightest idea of exactly what had been going on inside his office...

Jack put his lips apart and pressed it together on the lip of his glass and sipped. He drained his glass. Alice stared at his lips. Everything about Jack was just too damned provocative. Was that a malicious dig at his personality? Alice didn't know the answer and silently cursed her inability to understand Jack.

Jack said "Why don't you grab a seat and let's talk about it very closely."

"What are we going to talk about?"

"Just a head count, I'm still one of the people helping you in the case."

"I can handle myself, Jorge. I'm not a chump."

"You're putting yourself into serious trouble. Did you know anything about it?"

"I didn't know. But I know what to do about it, myself."

"Oh how do I love your vulgarity?" He put the glass down at his table.

"I don't know but the days we haven't talked to each other... I enjoyed that. Please stay away for good."

Then Jack said, "We didn't make out! Is that what you want to hear? Goddamnit, Alice. I couldn't believe this. Don't push me away just because of that unproven fact you believed in!"

"I believe you in some ways." She said after seeing how serious Jack is being.

"Good! Thank God!!"

"Are we done? 'Cause I'll leave now." She took one step backward.

"I could join you to the case again?"


Jack smiled. "But, you know, in fact, that's not really the issue why I want you around."

"What? You want to kiss me? Like that?" She joked.

Jack moved closer, almost inches away from Alice. But Alice moved away. "I have a very great respect for your intelligence and your position. You're my boss. I respect you... so..."

"You don't have to respect me in this example."

"What do you really mean?"

"Respect me, by doing what I told you so."

Alice smiled and bowed down. "That your subtle hint?" Her hair slide down her face. She felt embarrassed by talking like that with him. She doesn't know what has gotten to her mind for her to say that, but she likes what's going on.

Jack just stared at her. Alice said "I never wanted to do that with you. I have my control."

"Listen Alice.......... I'm normally a gentleman.... Unless you like it rough."

She gave a half smile. Way too sexy for Jack. "I might see that side soon."

"You might not enjoy that." He turned away.

"I'll see."

Jack looked back at her, stared at her straight in the eyes and says, "Is this a yes?"

"Well............ I don't know."

Jack knew that Alice was already giving him the signal. Alice had never been so nasty. She didn't know why it always turned out a hot discussion between them whatever is happening.

He said "You have control huh? Then I'll make you lose it."

"Did you do this to Morrie too?"

Jack got serious. He stared more deeply into her eyes. "How many times will I tell you that it didn't happen?! It's you that I want! It's always been you!"

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows. "Didn't see that one coming. Hmm... Not a bad approach, sir Jorge."

"Alice—don't get it over this again." He looked at her lips. Suddenly, he was so tempted to kiss them. He could only imagine how soft it is by how it looks. Those pink lips that he once owned before.

He attempted to kiss her but Alice's head tilted to the left and avoided his lips.

"Why?", he asked.

"I don't drink Whisky," she said, afraid to taste it in his mouth.

"Oh come on, you haven't even tasted it yet." He finally kissed her. He laid his hands on both sides of her face then put his arms around her waist, brushing it around her back.

Alice felt the gentleness in his touch but she stopped herself from feeling it and getting herself through the climax. She pulls away. "I can't—"

"Respect me Alice, do what I told you so...... now kiss me." He kissed her again, but very powerful this time. It almost had her tripping down her heels by the strong impact. She felt how strong his desire is toward her. He really wanted her, missed her as well. He just wouldn't let go of her.

When Alice can't breathe anymore, she hardly tapped his back.

Jack then stopped. Alice said "Jorge, we're in the office. This is so not right."

"Screw the place! We're doing this in my office!" He covered her mouth with his again, pressing on her lips tighter. He had begun showing how obsessive he is to her. He dragged her closer to his door while their lips are intact. Alice moved to the wherever Jack brought her.

Jack then locked the door. The blinds were still closed so they're covered up.

Nobody got to touch anything inside his office but him so the blinds were left unscathed too, fresh from Morrie's hands.

Quickly, Jack unzipped the zipper from her back. Alice let him. Was she giving herself to him this time?

He pulled down the strap of her bra. He kissed her neck. It tickled her down to her spine. She unexpectedly found herself unbuttoning his long sleeve.

He carried her, grabbing her through her ass. Jack didn't really care about anything now. He can't help it. He just wanted the taste of Alice's lips and body parts so roughly. He let her sit at the top of his table and continued the kissing there. He wore off his suit jacket himself to make it easier for Alice but he's still not letting go of her lips.

Alice thought that it was very striking that he did it like that. Indisputably, Jack is a hustler in this. His hands touched the back of her neck, shoving her hair on the side, away from her face, to kiss her ear. Her ear was her weak spot. She was awakened by that. He licked it next. She can't describe how she liked that feeling. His mouth travelling over her face to reach her lips once again.

He opened his mouth and puts his tongue inside hers. She cooperated. She knew this was the thing she's good at. She played with his tongue inside her mouth.

Jack liked it. It made him hard.

While they were kissing, he's pulling down her dress. He stroked her bare back, aiming for the band and unhooking the eye of the closure of her bra. He did it with one hand. His other hand was unbuttoning his long sleeve. Effortlessly, he successfully unhooked it, as if it was the very usual thing he does. Then he parted his lips from hers. He stared at her face. They were both on fire, he saw that.

So then he took all her clothes off while he's looking into her eyes, without saying a word.

Alice reached out for his pants, unfastened his belt then unzipped the zipper.

Jack smiled then said "Let's have sex in the toilet."

He stood up and held Alice's hand, leading her to the toilet room inside his office room. They got in and he locked the door. Now, they are extra secured. Toilet sex is the new black.

Jack saw Alice's bare body but she was covering her breasts. He said "Don't..." He pulled her arms off her and now he witnessed the wonder of her upper body. He bit his lower lip then softly pushed her to lean on the tiled wall so she wouldn't have any places to go, only in his arms. He slowly licked her neck.

He was going down to the spot, licking the lining from her neck up to her belly button.

But Alice said "Jorge, this is not safe." She swallowed in nervousness.

Jack looked at her. "Alice, this is safe sex. Don't worry."

He pulled out a condom from the pocket of his pants. Alice said "You have it in your pocket?"

He carved a smile and said "Always."

He tossed the hair that slides down in her face, to look at her with a clearer view. "You're so beautiful, Alice."

She smiled then kissed him again as a reward for his compliment. Jack pulled away and said, "Wait. Give me a second... Sit down on the toilet lid."

Alice followed his instruction. He turned around. She watched him as he wore off his pants and put the condom on. It was a nice view. He got a sexy back.

When it's on, Alice wore off her shoes and spread her legs.

Jack started it with a warm hug at first and then finally began the process. He said "Alice, I'm allowing you. Bite me. Spank me. Scratch me. Anything you want."

She replied, "Why?"

"Just maybe this gets rough and I get too wild, do it."


And just when Jack started, she was shocked to feel how strong his passion is. He got an untamed affection toward her. He was physically powerful and that made Alice a slave for him through that. She was completely under his strength. Jack kept it going and it hurt a lot for Alice so she did what he told her so. Biting, spanking, scratching, she did them all. A perfect score for Jack. He liked it so much.

Pain was Jack's pleasure.

Alice gave back the pleasure that Jack gave her. It was normally a give and take process.

He loved the feeling she brought to him. She turned him on. It's exactly what he's been craving for and he gave it to her strong. She was screaming for his name when he did it. Jack was ruthless when it comes to this.

They were able to do it in such a very crowded place. They enjoyed doing it in a crowded place, maybe. A place where they can't run anywhere but only to each other's bodies. Jack was able to touch all of Alice's body parts. It satisfied him.

When they were both tired, soaking in sweat, they got over it. They were up to it for 20 minutes. Fast but demonstrative. But it alarmed Alice because people from the office might wonder why she was inside his office for that long so she hurriedly went out of the toilet room and wore her clothes.

Jack got it done inside the toilet room, pulled his pants on again then went out while pulling his zipper up. He said "That was fun."

Alice can't look at him straight. She suddenly felt self-conscious for what she did to him.

He said "Alice, don't worry, what happens inside my office, stays in my office."

"Sure." She was stooping her head down. Jack walked to her and tilted her head up for her to look at him in the face. He said "You don't have to feel that way. It's okay."

But she saw that there are a lot of bruises in his topless body. She said with her wide eyes open, "Oh, shit, Jorge... Did I hurt you that much? You have a lot of bruises!"

He smiled like the bruises meant nothing. "Sex bruises are good bruises."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah." He picked up his long sleeve on the floor. "Don't tell anybody about this."

"Oh, I surely won't. How foolish was I to?"

He chuckled. "Alright, fix yourself and don't act weird when you got out."



She fixed herself, being attentive about the details in her body, making sure she looks normal when she goes out. Jack also dressed up to appear like nothing happened.

Later on, Alice was already done, she was about to go out. But Jack said "Hey, wait... Here," He handed her loads of paper works. "Just so you'll look like I assigned you so many tasks. Tell them I explained it all to you before you leave."

"What if they questioned me?"

"You can handle that. I believe in you. Do it your way, tough woman." He winked at her.

"Alright." She got the papers from him. It was a bit heavy.

"And before you leave Alice, let's make a pledge here..."

"What kind of pledge?"

"Please... If you receive a phone call from me again, it must be about something really important or you're just fucking special so I suggest you pick up next time."

Alice smiled perkily. "OK. I got it." That just made him more attractive.

"And... this won't be the last, just saying."

Alice turned around and walked to his door.

"Oh, by the way, nice ass," cried Jack.

Alice didn't look back and just unlocked and opened his door. She grinned before leaving.

As she went out of his office, she pretended to be so busy. She looked around but nobody was looking at her. No one minded. It was good news for Alice that no one from the office noticed. But she felt bad that she almost betrayed Joe and herself. She told herself that she would stop hanging out with him but lately, she just actually made out with him.

She couldn't help it. It was a scorching heat she felt toward him. A shameless temptation. She feels sorry, yet, she couldn't forget how good he made her feel right now.

Perhaps, it's the thing she wanted too.

She walked to her station, happy that nobody suspected her.

But on the other side, Morrie was glaring at her, like she was going to eat her alive through her stare. She looked displeased by her sight. Did she see her? Could it be that she noticed?

Then she walked her way to her with annoyance in her eyes.

However, inside the president's office, a man couldn't stop smirking. He kept on saying, "Getting there...... getting there..."

He looked up at the ceiling and vaguely smiled. 

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