Hidden Sanity

By bonafideinsomniac

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Labelled as cunning and a sharp-witted psychopath, Jack Kinley has his way of getting away with his murder cr... More

Chapter 1 - Jack Kinley
Chapter 2 - Caged In
Chapter 3 - Closer and Closer
Chapter 4 - Vigilant Eyes
Chapter 5 - Mysterious Jack
Chapter 6 - Full of Wonders
Chapter 7 - Warning
Chapter 8 - Renewed
Chapter 9 - Legal Blindness
Chapter 10 - A Call To Arms
Chapter 11 - The Unfolding
Chapter 12 - Drag Her In
Chapter 14 - Midst
Chapter 15 - Temptation
Chapter 16 - A Step Away From Risk
Chapter 17 - Fallen
Chapter 18 - Hide
Chapter 19 - Darkest Secret
Chapter 20 - Odd Phase
Chapter 21 - The Withdrawal
Chapter 22 - Full Moon
Chapter 23 - Escape
Chapter 24 - Breathe Out
Chapter 25 - Dive
Chapter 26 - Blueprint
Chapter 27 - Eyes Wide Shut
Chapter 28 - Heart's Desire
Chapter 29 - Uncover
Chapter 30 - Discoveries
Chapter 31 - Bloodline
Chapter 32 - Meltdown
Chapter 33 - Memento
Chapter 34 - Puzzles
Chapter 35 - Locked In
Chapter 36 - The Devil's Triumph
Chapter 37 - One Step Ahead
Chapter 38 - The Hanging Thread
Chapter 39 - Metanoia
Chapter 40 - Assault
Chapter 41 - The Prudence
Chapter 42 - The Last Act

Chapter 13 - Misled

84 14 0
By bonafideinsomniac

The sun shone brightly this morning, good enough to oppose the cold weather.

Alice went to work with her hair tied up. She looked extremely gorgeous. She didn't fail to catch Joe's attention. He walked his way to her station right away.

"Hey, Alice, What's up?"

"Hey!" She turned around from her rotating chair.

"You free to talk to me?"

"Oh, that one. Sure, hang on." ,she said sweetly. Too sweetly. She fixed some of the folders in her table, compiled it and put it on the corner. When she was done, she said, "What do you have with you?" She leaned forward, resting her head in her hand, her elbow propped on her messy table.

He sat on a chair beside her. "I kind of had a hint about Kinley's purpose."

There was a silence after. Alice seemed to be out of herself out of the blue.

"Alice, did you hear me?"

"That son of a bitch is just making me so out of my routine. He's the reason why I can't work well these days. Can you fucking believe it?"

"What about the word?" It was Joe's attempt at a joke. He had given up a boost and she'd given up her favorite swear word. They had both agreed that such language wasn't good.

Alice smiled, reached out and adjusted the cups on her table. She shoved them away from her elbows. She's really into coffees. "I'd like to get some information from you about all of it. You see, the media and the FBI never told me much." She took a breath. "I talked to Kinley's friend in the prison, and he said that Kinley was indeed looking for a girl even when he's still in there. Then I got chased when he's out. Didn't you see the correlation?"

"Holy shit." he muttered without thinking. He grimaced. "Pardon my language."

She laughed a husky laugh that seemed laced with an odd mixture of relief and sheer terror. "It's OK. My promise to myself was to cut down the use of the f-word. It's my favorite word, right after ice cream."

He found himself chuckling with her. "So how you doing on that promise?"

"Not as well as I was. Not since I found out about Kinley."

"Me either. The state victims' services somehow screwed up. Gladly, the internet fed me the whole thing to study about it. Why didn't the police know that it's possible to do that rather than going on it personally?"

"You couldn't catch a suspect through the internet though. They couldn't just study all the time. Sometimes they need a plan of attack too. Also, a girl just disappeared a week ago..."

He scowled, his nutball alarm going off in his head. "So?" he wanted to say. Sad fact was, girls were kidnapped every day. What did that have to do with Kinley?

"I know," she said seeming to hear his thoughts. "Girls disappear all the time. Except that this girl was still on search until now and Kinley was suspected in the crime."

"And you think Kinley kidnapped this girl? Where is he nowadays? He's not killing anymore." He didn't mean to sound so cynical—it just came out that way. Maybe because he was so damned cynical.

If she took offense, he didn't hear it in her voice. "Maybe it has something to do with the rehab, he's rehabilitated, right?" She muttered.


"He has precisely the right attitude. Everyone deserves a second chance to kill." Her tone equally biting.

Against all reason, Joe liked this woman. She was tough, gritty and clever.

She smiled and said "Or maybe you're right, I'm just too paranoid or too attached reading a criminal's mind."

"You know what, no, I'm wrong. I think you have the reason to worry. If that's what the FBI told you, maybe you really are the target. Not trying to scare you, don't mean it that way." He raised his hands as if he's waving a white flag.

Alice cackles. "So now you believe me huh? Finally! 'Cause you know, before, I thought you were on his side by the way you defend him, but thankfully........."

Joe was dazzled to her smile. He said "Your smile is gorgeous. You should smile often. That's... that's just your best costume."

Alice listened to his voice, trying to get a different feeling for him. He didn't sound like a crazy so far. "Thank you, Joe," she said softly as if someone were listening in. "So......... what about your research last night by the way?" She avoided getting way deeper to that kind of topic with Joe.

Joe knew what she did. He'd always known that Alice wouldn't drive in closer to that path. He explained then, "I've searched about Jack Kinley's victims. Names are Alex, Findy, Ashley, Jessie, Leighton, Sally, Timothy, Harry, Smith and Jake. And guess what I found out, Alice."

Her head goes closer to Joe. "What? Tell me!"

They had gone more serious while talking to each other.

"Jessie and Timothy are actually couples and they study from the same school. So they know each other. Ashley was Jessie's best friend, leader of a cheering squad way back in their Junior High, who is paired up with the captain of basketball, Jake Adams. Then I also found out that Smith and Harry were Jack's college friends."

Alice looked so confused, her eyes full of questions she wanted to know the answer to.

Joe continued, "For the 4 remaining, well... Alex works in a restaurant, not stated where but she was an usher there. Findy and Leighton are Kinley's neighbors. Lastly, Sally was Jack's former girlfriend."

He stopped talking, marking that he's done.

She said "I don't get it. Why am I involved? I don't even know those people!"

"You might have connections with them. That's the only possible reason if you are his next target."

"Joe, I'm not familiar with the names you mentioned! What does Kinley want from me?" She appeared nervous.

"Won't you try to know?"

"I already tried! Found nothing but mystery!" She raised her hands then hit her legs. She looked desperate.

"Okay Alice, my point here is, the victims all have connections to Jack Kinley. They all have a stand in his life, some may have not but looking at a closer view, they might have had a history involving Jack. Jack is a genius. I believe that he won't kill just for no reason."

"I just don't understand, why me?!"

"That's why I came here to ask you if ever you know any of those people. But knowing that you don't, that leaves me in a spot where I think I have to search more."

"No, thank you. You've already done a big help."

"Come on, Alice, we'll do this together. I'm here to help you."

Alice was glad to have Joe around. She bowed her head and stared at the monitor. She said "He killed so many people at a very young age. What kind of person is he?! What he did was not humanitarian!"

"He's crazy, Alice. A psychopath! Psychopaths' minds are not humanitarian." He laughed at the idea.

"Oh God..." She took a deep breath.

Joe looked at her and sees that she looked like someone who would hyperventilate any minute. He held her hands, cold and sweaty.

"I had the clues. We'll look for the reason, together..."

Alice stared at Joe's eyes. He had that very manly look she can't stop fantasizing about. She said "Did you do this all night?"

"Not all night but all for you."

Alice laughed at his punch line. "What the hell was that?"

Joe laughed with her. Alice faced him and said "How were you able to do it? It's just so amazing."

"I just expanded my mind then work on it. I was interested in it too, anyway."

"You sure you don't want to be one of the FBI?" She joked.

He smiled widely. "Well if you'd be my FBI partner, I'm on it!"

"Hey, but really, isn't it weird? Who am I really to Jack's life? His life was very complicated and messy and just too bad... But it's making me curious."

"I know it's weird. What do you expect from that psycho? Think straight? For heaven's sake, no." He laughed again.

Alice chuckled. They were like a couple, talking while sitting in front of a bonfire. Too cozy and comfortable. She talks, "But where is he nowadays by the way? I never heard of him again. You think he's having a hard time finding me?"

"Having a hard time? I bet he found his targets within a day before though. Maybe he's just out there, having a vacation, drinking coffee in the coffee shop, with a girl...... you know, Thursday night."

Alice laughed hard to Joe's good sense of humor. He's trying to ring a bell to Alice through it.

She replied, "Fine. Yeah. Later, I'll go with you."

"Would I get any reward? Because I searched for it the whole night and having a skill in researching stuff is pretty extraordinary. You might as well give me some credit for that." He's obviously hitting on her.

Although she knew that Joe doesn't mean it seriously, she smiled beautifully and said "Let's see."

She sure knew how to be bold. Joe chuckled. "Oh Alice, you are so damn fine."

"Just a little bit damaged, eh?" She pulled out a gag.

Joe laughed again. They talked to each other for like the whole daytime. Joe assisted Alice to her job.

Alice appreciated his voluntary effort. She enjoyed his company too, anyway.

She was glad having a guy like Joe, being so supportive and caring, around her. She was lucky enough, maybe.

She knew very well that Joe was helping her not for their job. He was aiming for a different thing.

He likes her, she knew that. She liked him, she also knew that. But she didn't know if it has to exceed the limit like what he's originally been thinking.

Later on, the office assigned a task to Joe. They already part ways. Only when it's already afternoon. They sure did spend a lot of time together.

Alice was called by the vice president to come to his office. Might be a new assignment or just a favor.

In the intervening time, Jack was resting in his office. He got his mind empty on everything but Alice. He walked to the kitchen area of his office and made himself a tea to drink. He dipped a tea bag into his cup and brought it with him. He took a seat. He remembered what happened last night with Alice. He painted a smile on his face. He gently touched his lips and he still can't forget how soft her lips were. He licked his lips as if he'll be able to taste her one more time. He was so into her.

Then he took a sip of the tea, soothingly feeling each flow inside his mouth. He closed his eyes and visualizes Alice again. She's really a good kisser, that's all he can memorize.

While everything's calm and under control inside Jack's office, Morrie was walking to the hallway of their building and she heard the good news about the presentation. She knew she's been MIA for a few days, not MIA meaning she's not around but MIA meaning she's not too active with Jack. She saw pictures of Jack together with the officials of the other company, framed and hung on the wall along the hallway. She gapes at his face. She can't stop thinking of how handsome he looked in the photo.

Unexpectedly, her feeling has taken over her. She wanted to see him again, say something or just do something to him. She missed his touch, his breath and his lips that used to wander around her body.

Jack was Morrie's addiction. She can't stand not seeing him. He's like a drug she kept on thirsting for every day.

On her way to the main office of their building, she passed through a staff. She asked "Hi. Is Mr. Kione around?"

The staff replied, "Always in his office, ma'am."

"Oh, thanks." She continued walking.

She's so wet for Jack. She felt warmer as the temperature inside her body rose. It got her hyped up.

A couple of minutes later, Morrie entered Jack's office. Jack was sitting at the throne-like chair on the corner of his office. She saw that he was drinking a tea. Not a coffee this time, but a tea. He looked at Morrie who just entered, with her short leather white dress and high heels. He said "What is it?"

He was crossing his legs, all relaxed but looking tired, wearing his grey suit and slacks that looked too proper for a slouching man like him.

Morrie said as she walked around his office, "I don't know why you neglected me the last time... I just want to check you out this time."

Jack drank his tea. Morrie walks near his office's windows and pulls the rope to fold the blinds and close.

She turned around and looks at him when everything's closed already. She smiled. "So, hey, Congratulations! I know this greeting is kind of late. But you made me so proud..." There was an allure in her voice.

Jack said "We're in the office, Morrie." He warned her. Perhaps, he already knew what's running on Morrie's mind. He knew it right when she just flipped the blinds.

Morrie said "I don't care. No one can see us now, anyway." She walked closer to Jack.

Jack gazed at her from top to toe. He said "Nice dress." Then he gave a little smirk.

"But I don't like it..." She laid her arms back down to reach for the zipper of her dress on her back. She got Jack's glass of tea and put it on the top of a bookshelf next to his chair. "Won't you chill for a few minutes?"

Jack looked up to her who was standing just in front of him then said "Morrie...... This is not right."

But Morrie sat on top of him, both legs spread apart. Jack was still crossing his legs, not moving, not giving in. She put her finger over his lips and hushed him. "Sshh... Not a word, Jorge."

Jack said "What's wrong, Morrie? We could talk about this..."

Morrie's eyes are on fire. She was very much in for a hot night with him. She leaned her knees on the chair, having Jack's crossed legs in between. Morrie was Jack's biggest temptation.

She slowly pulled the arm of her dress down. Her back was nude because the zipper was already pulled down. Unquestionably, she's not wearing a bra.

She said "You want this, right?" She was seductively showing him her body bit by bit. She was stripping on top of Jack. She unbuttoned Jack's blazer after.

Jack was too tempted to just ignore her. She was too hot-blooded for him not to be ready and willing to take advantage.

Seconds later, he swiftly felt that he's already raring to go. He grabbed her ass, his hands almost getting its way inside her dress and just do it dirty with her. But Morrie, held both of his hands to stop him.

She chuckled and said, "Not here. I don't feel comfortable..."

She stood up and pulled him to the sofa in his office. Jack gave himself to her. He allowed himself to be pulled and just return the favor of her craving connection.

They got in their destination, standing beside the sofa, facing each other. Until, Morrie beamed. Too much seduction in her smile. Jack was provoked. Morrie pushed him to sit on the sofa. It was too strong that he was thrown to the sofa. It left him breathless. He smiled and saw himself getting closer to that picture she had in mind. She went closer to him, bent down with her head low and buttocks up. She unbuttoned his blazer. Jack let her.

Then she rode him again while he's sitting, her legs welcoming his presence. She leaned forward until she can feel his genital below hers. She attacked Jack like he was her prey. She aggressively licked his left ear. She bit his earlobe.

Jack closed his eyes when she did it. He felt some kind of erection going on beneath his pants. He mumbled, "Ugh!" like he was hurt.

Morrie looked at his face and saw that he seemed to be struggling over something. Morrie thought that it was just some kind of men's sexual arousal. She kissed his lips and forced her tongue to get in his mouth. She was very violent when it comes to this. Jack kissed back but less passionate.

After few seconds, while Morrie is still kissing Jack, she noticed that Jack's head was moving away. She kept on chasing after it to keep her lips on top of his. But when she realized that he did it more than twice, she stopped. She said "What's wrong? You used to like this."

He spoke, looking anywhere away from her, "This is very wrong. I have my etiquette in my office. We shouldn't do it here."

"Oh Jorge, we're not going to get caught. Don't be a pussy." She unbuttoned two from his long sleeve, to see his chest bared.

"Please go." He claimed.

But Morrie kissed his neck and gritted on his hair from the back of his head. His hair was rumpled a bit. Jack felt the tingles in a very silly place in his body when she did that but he fought the call of her body through his mind and he said, "Morrie, stop. I need you to go."

"Why?" She faced him.

"You're at the wrong zone. Put your dress on and get out, please." He declined to get it done with Morrie.


Jack kept his silence.

Morrie waited for his response but he didn't. Jack was serious about it. She felt insulted. She instantly stood up and said, "What is wrong with you?!"

Jack replied, looking at her eyes with dominance, "I'm your boss. Just follow what I told you to do so."

"Fine. I get it. You're not in the mood tonight? Alright! You should've told me earlier!" She zipped her dress from her back and hurriedly went out of his office, very upset.

She felt like her pride was stepped on by Jack. She never really liked being ignored and rejected.

When she went out of Jack's office, Alice was just about to go in to deliver a message from the vice president. She saw Morrie looking so displeased. She called her, "Morrie? What happened?"

Morrie replied "Nothing! I'm going home!" She smiled vaguely to Alice then left.

Alice wondered why. She entered Jack's office and saw him standing in the middle of his whole vast space.

She hesitated to speak a word because he looked grumpy. He was fixing his hair when she came in. He was acting different, trying hard to act like nothing happened but still appearing very suspicious for Alice. She observed the way he looks. She saw that the buttons of his long sleeve was unfastened and his blazer too. Therefore, she thought that something happened here right before she entered.

"What are you going to say?" He said at the same time as being busy fixing his hair.

She swallowed hard. "I...... The vice president wants to say that....." But she's too completely bugged by the thought. Jack looked at her as she strived to speak. He didn't give a word to her, not even once while she's stuttering. He waited for what she's going to say instead.

Alice feels like she was an intruder inside that room through Jack's stare, a look from his eyes that seems to tell that she's not supposed to be there now. So she did what she needs to do to end her purpose there, she said "He wants to tell that the collaborated company would want to hold meeting with you and the vice president in their building. They have some private business to discuss with you. The address of their company is here..." She gave him a calling card. "That's what he wants me to say..."

Jack took the card. "Thanks."

Alice believed her gut feeling about what really happened from what she saw from him. She was rapidly sickened to his character. She watched him as he buttoned his long sleeve and his blazer, trying to suit up to get back to normal.

Alice spoke, "Did anything happen?" She thought that it was funny that she was asking something like that to him like she's his girlfriend or some sort. She knew she wasn't supposed to act like that because they're not even committed. Not even a confession was done. She felt used, betrayed, and cheated on, although she knew that she shouldn't have considered it that way.

Jack looked up at her after buttoning his blazer. "Why?"

"You and Morrie?" She stared in his eyes.

He can tell that Alice was disappointed about it through the look on her face. He said "Don't ask me about it."

"What? So you can keep it a secret? So you can go back to her anytime you want without anybody knowing?"

He was bowled over, unable to talk back. Alice continued, "I looked up to you! I hope you know that." She looked like she disgraced him a lot, like she was wrong for respecting a man like him.

"Alice, you're seeing it wrong." He walked closer to her but she took a step backward. Jack still came closer to her and held her arm.

Alice moved away, removed his grip, and said, "Hey, and about the thing that's going on between us, whatever that is, let's stop it from now on." She had made a decision quickly.


She talked even before he spoke and explained, "Don't come to my apartment. Don't call me. Don't see me. Just don't. Besides, this is really how it's supposed to be, you as my boss, and me as your secretary. Let's just try to keep it that way. Do it the professional way, nothing else more... And the rest that happened, I sincerely apologize to any of what I did but let's forget about it."

He stared at her eyes, looking so emotionless. But he was thinking so hard of what he needed to do to stop her from leaving.

"Thanks for all of your help. It was my honor." ,she said.

She walked to the door and opened it, until, Jack said "Alice... You don't have to do it like this."

"Excuse me, but I have to leave now... sir." She said, emphasizing the word, 'sir'. She went out of his office and closed the door.

He was left inside his office. He can't believe what happened. It was a double let-down. He couldn't let Alice go just like that. Did he follow her?

He can't move like his feet were glued on the floor. He knew that Alice wouldn't treat him the same as before. She already set a wall. He got fueled up all of a sudden that he wanted to hit something, smash something, or just kill somebody. He was frustrated. He was angry. He was tired of being blamed for everything that went wrong. Year after year, he had gotten them through one disaster after another. All he got for his efforts was more grief. He disliked it a lot.

He held both sides of his head and clamped on them.

In deep exasperation, he said "Jack...... What have you done?" Sounded like he was losing his mind again.

Alice went out of the office with Joe, wrapped a scarf around her neck. She let down her hair out of being tied up. Joe watched her as she did her thing.

He was dumbfounded, again. Without doubt, she's the prettiest woman he'd ever seen.

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