The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Co...

By HyperNinja453

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A young boy looked down upon by his family. One day, the young Y/N Rose leaves in pursuit of something more... More

The Formation of the Clouds
Bio of Y/N and Cross
First Mission, First Partner
The Akatsuki Fall
A Lesson in Superiority
The Resurfaced Rose
Quick Message from the Hype
The Old Partner Switch
The Storm is Rolling In
Immobilize the Clouds
Rose vs RWBY, JNPR in The Abyss
Rose Stuck in the Abyss
Purple Meets Silver
Painful Memories, Flooding Back
Clouds Disperse
Writer's Block
Something.... Isn't Right
An Old Friend's Cruel Return
This Ends Now
One Battle to End It All


43 0 0
By HyperNinja453

     Ruby was lying on the ground, panting hard. She honestly didn't think it would be this difficult. It didn't help that Y/N was constantly yelling at her.

Y/N: Come on! Is that all you got?! I thought you wanted to train, not lay around! A ninja must always be on guard!

     Ruby stood up and charged at her brother. Y/N immediately grabbed her arm and flipped her over his shoulder.

Y/N: In a real fight. You'd be dead.

     Ruby stood up and threw a punch at Y/N. He blocked it and countered by kicking her away.

Y/N: Dead. Again!

     The hood wearing girl stood up and once again rushed her brother. Head on. Y/N easily sidestepped her and kicked her feet from under her.

Y/N: Sigh. We have a lot to cover.

     Ruby was sitting on a rock and Y/N was standing in front of her.

Y/N: Number 1, Never charge head on without a way to escape if it backfires. If I was a real enemy, you would've been dead. Over 15 different times!

Ruby: Ahh, alright, alright, I get it.

Y/N: No, if you got it. You would have tried a different approach. After awhile, it became predictable. Everything you just did, I could see with my eyes closed.

Ruby: But, how do you see with your eyes closed?

Y/N: That's not what matters right now! Anyway, number 2, always have a backup plan you can fall on. If your main plan fails and you don't have a backup, your left with nothing and I'll tell ya. In the middle of a fight, that isn't good.

Ruby: What if the backup plan fails?

Y/N: Do your best and improvise. Number 3, never let your enemy catch your weakness. If they see your true weakness, they'll immediately know how to beat you.

Ruby: And if you don't have a weakness.

Y/N: Impossible. Everything has a weakness. I have a weakness and so do you. We'll continue the lessons later, right now we have to work on your hand-to-hand.

Ruby: And I can't use my sweet sweet Crescent Rose, why?

Y/N: I'll answer your question with a question. What if your opponent disarms you?

Ruby: Ehh, umm. Sigh, ok, I see your point.

Y/N: Exactly, now up. I want to run through different scenarios and how to counter or block each one.

     Y/N removed his cloak to reveal that under he was wearing a simple white shirt. Very different compared to the usual fishnet shirt he mostly has under. He also wore simple black sweatpants with black anbu sandals and to top it all off, he wore black fingerless gloves.

Ruby: Ok! What no-

     Ruby was cut off as Y/N a punch at her and surprisingly, she managed to block it.

Y/N: Good, however you must be able to act on instinct. Not fear. You feared that you would be hit, therefore you blocked.

Ruby: Alright, how about this!

     Ruby took her other hand and swung it at her brother. Y/N easily with barely any effort, locked her arm behind her back.

Y/N: Predictable. You practically told me you were about to attack. Sigh, ok I want to do a simple test.

Ruby: Ok?

Y/N: It is known as the bell test. (A/N: Seems familiar doesn't it?)

     Y/N proceeded to pull a single bell from his back pocket. Holding it between his thumb and pointer finger. The string just barely grazing the Akatsuki ring he had on.

Y/N: This bell is going to be strapped to my hip. Your goal is to get it from me, by any means necessary. You have until sundown. Good luck, little sister.

     Ruby stared at her brother as he used his semblance and he slowly decenigrated. Then it finally hit her like a 1000 punches from a furious Yang.

Ruby: How am I supposed to find him in this entire forest?!

     It had been 3 hours since Ruby began looking for her brother, oblivious to the pair of silver and purple eyes watching her.

Ruby: Ahhhhh, this is impossible! My first day training and I'm stuck wandering the forest.

     Ruby was caught in her moment of sulking and failed to block an attack from the back.

Y/N: Clock is ticking, Ruby. You got 30 minutes left and I'm right here.

     Using her semblance, Ruby ran behind her brother. Throwing her fist at his back, it went right through him. He turned around and grabbed her wrist.

Y/N: Gotta do better if you want this bell.

     Reaching her other arm out, she attempted to snatch the bell. Y/N moved out of her reach and flashed through the handseals for Wind Style: Great Breakthrough. Blowing a small amount of air out, Ruby was blown away and almost smacked into a tree.

Ruby: W-What was that?!

Y/N: It is known as ninjutsu Ruby. After you either get this bell or fail, I'll explain more.

     Ruby once again used her speed and charged at Y/N. Anticipating the attack, Y/N got into a fighting stance. She dashed past him, suprising the ninja. No second later, a clone joined from the trees, holding a timer. It was at 0.

Y/N: Good job Ruby. However.

     Y/N opened his hand to reveal he still had the bell. Disappointment covered the reaper's face.

Y/N: You failed. Don't worry, you'll get another chance. Let's head back to the clearing to get our things, we'll continue this tomorrow.

Ruby: Hmph, alright.

     Y/N entered his hotel room, put his gear away and hung up his cloak. He pulled out Cross' scrolls and continued where he left off. He stopped once something interesting caught his eye. It was that same seal again, from Cross' room, but smaller. Releasing the seal, a paragraph of writing appeared. Y/N assumed it was just some more info, but no. It was actually a letter directed towards him.

Dear Y/N Rose,

     If you are reading this, I am most likely dead. If you are not Y/N, stop reading or else I will make your life a living hell from the afterlife. Anyway, if it really is you, partner. Well, since your reading this, I'm assuming I probably gave my abyssal eyes to you. Use em wisely. I wanted to tell you this, but probably didn't because well, I'm dead. Madara is going to want your newly acquired eyes, assuming I did indeed give you my eyes. Don't let him get them. If he does, the entire world is completely and utterly fucked. The reason he hasn't taken Sotan's was because she is more powerful than him. Also, worth meaning that I recently discovered that Orochimaru is dead. He was killed by Itachi's little brother. If I was correct, Orochimaru's subordinate, Kabuto is working with Madara and Sotan. Again, I may be wrong. Also, don't stray from your path, don't die like me. Knowing myself, I probably died in a very stupid way. Also, since the eyes you were given are most likely from me, you indeed have access to stage 2 abyssal eyes. They are known as the dakuabisu eyes. However, you must reawaken it for yourself. Goodluck, kid.

                        Your friend and partner,
                                 Cross Cabello

       PS: Burn these scrolls completely, once your done. Wouldn't want it getting into the wrong hands.

Y/N: Not good enough. Again!

Ruby: But, Y/N, we've been at this for hours!

Y/N: Do you think your enemy will give you time to rest. Also, that is Y/N-Sensei to you.

      Y/N put one arm behind his back, extending his other. He presented his palm.

Y/N: Now. Again!

     Ruby threw her fist out at her brother's palm. Thinking it was gonna be like the other 500 times they had done this, she expected nothing of it. That was until Y/N tightened his grip on her hand and flipped her onto her back.

Y/N: Always expect the unexpected. Anyway, enough hand-to-hand today. Today I want to focus on what a jutsu is.

     Once Ruby picked herself up, she looked at her brother/teacher. Confusion clouding her thoughts.

Ruby: But, I'm not a ninja. I'm a huntress. Hunters don't use ninja techniques.

Y/N: Us ninja are trained in the same things you are. Does that make me any less of a ninja? The answer is no. So, why would learning ninja skills make you any less of a huntress?

Ruby: Umm, because both groups have two different ways of fighting?

Y/N: Sigh, Ruby. It doesn't matter what skills fall under which group, what matters is how you use them. Anyway let us start.

     It took awhile for Y/N to get Ruby to calm down, but once he did. She was attentive the entire time.

Y/N: There are three main groups labeled under a jutsu. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu is based around the five main elements. Fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind. Now, of course it is very rare to see to someone that has all five elements. Almost impossible.  Each person usually has one or two different affinities. Mine is wind.

Ruby: Then, what is mine?

Y/N: Well, before we can actually figure that out. You have to actually awaken your chakra first.

Ruby: Ummm, ok. How exactly do I do that?

Y/N: Close your eyes, clear your mind completely. Concentrate and just imagine one thing. A new form of energy flowing through your veins. Stay like this for 10 minutes. Hopefully it awakens within that time limit.

     Ruby did just that, unknowing that Y/N was pumping chakra into her. To, say, speed things up. After 10 minutes, Y/N allowed the reaper to open her eyes. Upon opening her eyes, she saw her brother holding a signal piece of paper.

Y/N: Time to find out your affinity and if the awakening actually worked. Put this paper in between your hands. Concentrate again, if the paper turns to ash, your affinity is fire. If it tears in half, wind. If it becomes wet, water. If it crumbles into dirt, earth. And last but not least, if it wrinkles, lightning.

Ruby: Got it!

     The eager girl took the paper and put it tightly between her hands. About 30 seconds later she opens her hands. The paper had wrinkled.

Y/N: Lightning, ehh? Kinda surprising if I'm being honest. That will be difficult.

Ruby: Why?

Y/N: Because, I don't have lightning affinity and the only person I know that would be willing to help that had lightning affinity is, dead. However, he had some scrolls of different jutsus ranked in difficulty. I can teach you the basics on how to learn a new jutsu. The rest is up to you, little sister.

Ruby: Alright, but you said there was other stuff as well.

Y/N: Ya know, I have seen your grades at Beacon. If you were this attentive in class, you'd be an easy A+ student.

Ruby: I know, but the stuff we learn in class. Is Boring!

Y/N: Hmm, ok. Anyway about the other stuff. Taijutsu is basically hand-to-hand combat and don't worry about Genjutsu. I'm hardly even good at Genjutsu and I've been fine without it and so will you.

Flashback- 7 Years Earlier

Yang: What makes you think, we want you here?

Y/N: I-I just thought W-we cou-

Taiyang: You thought wrong. Go to your room.

Y/N: But-

Taiyang: Go! To! Your! ROOM!

     Knowing what would happen if he spoke back. The 12 year old boy proceeded to his pathetic excuse for a room. It wasn't always like this. Back when he was the only child, back before Aunt Raven left. Back when mom was still alive. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't. The despair, pain, sadness. The boy did the only thing he could do. He broke. His father always used the same damn excuse. "You look too much like your mother and its your fault she is dead." That is bullshit. Her sister looked more like their mother than him and. How was it his fault? It didn't make sense. None of it did. The word "love" didn't mean anything anymore.

Present Day- Beacon Tower

     Professor Glynda Goodwitch sat at Ozpin's old desk, scroll to her ear.

Glynda: Yes, Ozpin is gone. Yes, he is also here.

Taiyang: Alright, thank you Glynda. I'll be there by tomorrow.

Glynda: (Hurry back, Ozpin. I can't do this alone.)



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