Brawl stars x Reader One Shots

By EJsAFreak

189K 3K 4.3K

I enjoy Brawl Stars a lot so I decided "hey, let's write some fanficton." That is what I'll be doing and I ho... More

Intro (Hello Fellow BS Fans!)
Request Here! (Closed)
Ash x Reader (Body Guard) *Request*
Barley x Reader -Alt. Universe- (Long Live The King) *Request*
Barley x Reader (A Little Slip Up)
๐Ÿ‹Barley x Reader (Wired To The Core) *Smut Request*
Belle x Reader (Barracuda)
๐Ÿ‹Belle x !Fem! Reader (Mommy Loves You)
Bibi x Reader (The Visiting Biker)
Bo x Reader (Unexpected Guest)
Bo x Reader (This Is New) *Request*
Brock x Reader (Our Melody)
Bull x Reader (Bullfighting to Bullfriending)
Bull x Reader (Saddle Up) *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (Got A Secret?) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Highway Lovin') *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (I'm Not Jealous, You Are!) *Commission*
Bull x Reader (My Heart is Ticking For You) *Request*
Bull x Reader (My Kind of Rodeo) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Practice Makes Perfect) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Bull x !Fem!Reader (Who Has Your Heart) *Smut Request*
Byron x Reader (The Bargains & Deals to Make) *Request*
Carl x Reader (Magic Touch)
Carl x Reader (The Perfect Human) *Request*
Colette x Reader (I'm A Fan Of You) *Request*
Colt x Reader (Fixing The Broken) *Request*
Colt x Reader (The Traveling Stranger)
Colt x Reader (WANTED) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Colt x Reader (In My Head) *Smut Request*
๐Ÿ‹Colt x Fem! Reader (Revenge) *Smut Request*
Crow x Reader (Riddle Me This) *Request*
Crow x Reader (That Smile) *Request*
Edgar x Reader (I Call Dibs!) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'll Delete It)
El Primo x Reader (A Little Tipsy) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'm No Hero) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Fang x !Fem!Reader (Pay With Your Body) *Request*
Gene x Reader (Hold Me Close) *Request*
Grom x Reader (Trust Issues) *Request*
Jacky x Reader (Slip Of The Tongue) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Gamer Geeks) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Internet Fame) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Peek-A-Boo) *Request*
Leon x Reader (These Hands) *Request*
Lola x !Male!Reader (The Rival's Brother) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (A Little Fun) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Committed) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Follow My Lead) *Request*
Piper x Reader (We All Fall Down) *Request*
Poco x Reader (The Battle of Music) *Request*
Poco x Reader (Tongue Tied) *Request*
Bibi x Reader (Who's REALLY The Cool Cat?) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Poco x !Fem! Reader (A Touch Of Magic) *Smut Request*
Tara x Reader (Lose Yourself) *Request*
Tara x Reader (You're Beautiful)
๐Ÿ‹Tara x !Male!Reader (Not as Expected) *Smut Comission*
Sandy x Reader (Lost in the City) *Request*
Sandy x Reader (Upright Lovers) *Request*
Ash x Reader (False Judgment) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Sandy x !Fem!Reader (Unconscious Lust) *Smut Request*
Stu x Reader (A Little More On The Stunt Side) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Stu x !Fem!Reader (A Macsochist At Its Finest) *Commission*
๐Ÿ‹Stu x !Fem!Reader (Rockin' & Rollin')
Surge x Reader (Glowing Hearts) *Request*
8-Bit x Reader (Loved Hacktually) *Request*
โ™คSepration Chapterโ™ค
Barley x Reader x Stu x Reader (What If There Were Three?) *Request*
Gene x Reader x Tick (I Saw Them First!) *Request*
Bull x Reader x Barley (A Bull In A China Closet) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Bull x !Fem!Reader x Colt (Adventures Gone Wrong) *Commission*
Fang x Reader x Stu (Who's The Bigger Man) *Request*

El Primo x Reader (Old Friend, New Beauty) *Request*

1.7K 36 102
By EJsAFreak

Did you guys know that el primo means 'the cousin'? I'm still confused

(Y/N Pov)

Today was exhausting. I had to babysit Jessie while Pam was out helping Piper repair her electricity. After that I went over to the sheriff's office to help Shelly practice for her next bounty match. I finally had some relaxing time after ten hours of work so I decided to head to Barley's place to chill out. I was sipping on a (favorite drink) when all of a sudden, a very excited Poco burst into the Bar and rushed over to me. He must of had something important to tell me.

"(Y/N)! I'm glad you're here! I have something important to tell you!" Called it.

"Alright, lay it on my my fellow guitarist." The skeleton took a seat next to me, smiling wider than usual. "My good friend from a while back has been traveling the world to become the best wrestler and he finally made it into the biggest wrestling championship know to the world!"

I smiled, trying to hide the fact that I was grouchy and tired. "That's great buddy! I'm glad he's reached his goal."

"That's not the only thing though!" he continued. "He sent me two front row seat tickets to go watch him live and I wanted to take you with me!" Oh, me going to a wrestling match? It's not really my thing.

"I don't know Poco, I'm busy all week next week and I have no time for a trip." I say as I take another sip from my drink.

"Oh. That's a shame. I thought you wanted to go to Brawlville with me but, I guess I could ask Shelly." I choked on my drink at the mention of Brawlville. I've always wanted to go! It's the city of dreams! There is everything there and it costs a fortune to get there! I won't get another chance like this again!

Poco saw me choking and laughed "I think you just found some free time in your schedule." He joked.


When we arrived I could hardly believe it! I never thought I'd get the chance to get here! It was a 12 hour flight but, it was well worth it. This city hand more lights than Retropolis! There was excitement blooming everywhere you looked!

Poco too my hand and led me out of the airport. "Let's call a cab and head to where we're staying." I looked at him smiling like an idiot. "Where are we staying?" "My friend chose out a really nice place for us to stay. You'll love it!" 

We walked over to a telephone booth to get a ride but, a man in a suit walked in front of us and looked to me then down to Poco. He looked very serious.

"You're Poco yes?" Poco took two steps back and looked at the man cautiously. "Y-Yes I am."

The man's strong stare turned into a warm smile. "I'm glad to hear! I'm here of behalf of El Primo. He said you'd be visiting." He then turned his attention to me. "I presume this is your friend?" "Yes sir! This is (Y/N)." "Wonderful! Shall we go on our way then?"

The man escorted us out of the airport to a shiny, jet black limo. He opened the side door of the vehicle, revealing red velvet seats and a tiny box containing cold drinks and snacks. "Have a seat."

Fuck yeah! This trip was so going to be the best one I've seen yet! 

Poco and took our seats in the limo, looking around amazed. This car was more expensive than my house and everything in it combined! "We will be there in about 20 minutes." The man said as he shut our door. 

"Who the shit is your friend?! A millionaire?!" Poco looked just as shocked as I did. "I thought he lived in a tiny apartment! I had no idea he had this!" Poco's excited expression slowly turned to guilt as he looked down to his skinless hands. 

"He...He used to have absolutely nothing. No family, no home, I was his only friend. One day he came running to me, happier than ever, with a piece of parchment in his hand. It was a wrestling poster, you used to be able to join for free back then. He looked at me with a gleam in his eye and said. 'This is it mi amigo! I'm going to profit from this one day!' I was so scared for him. He was so scrawny and thin, I was afraid he'd get himself killed but, I didn't discourage him. I smiled and put my hands on his shoulders and said 'You are one of the most hard-driven people I have ever met. I know you can do it. Go out there and shine as bright as the stars!" 

We heard the trunk slam shut from where the man was putting our luggage and he got in the drivers seat of the car. "What kind of music would you like?" Poco smiled at our driver, "Can you play some (favorite genre)? That's (Y/N)'s favorite." 

He looked back at us through his rear-view mirror. "Oh! My kid loves that stuff!" He then swiched the radio over to a channel that has all kinds of my favorite music. I could get used to this.

I leaned over to Poco talking quietly, "How long has it been since you've seen your friend?" He continued to look at his hands. "Maybe about... Let me think. He was fifteen when he went off on his own and now he's..." Poco counted to himself for a bit. Once he finished he looked up, horrified. "It's been thirteen years."

I was speechless. "Thirteen years?!" I shouted quietly, "You were able to remember that?!"

"We've been sending birthday cards and letters every year to each other ever since he left! Of course I would know that!" "So, you don't even know what he looks like?" "I do not. I hope I can find him, I know for a fact he'll be able to find me. I am a skeleton after all."

The car came to a stop, time really flew by in that conversation. "We have arrived!" Our driver hopped out and opened our door for us. Poco hopped out first and gasped. "(Y/N), you really want to see this." I slid to the open door and hopped out as well, I must have died at one point because this was fucking heaven!

We were standing face to face with a massive luxurious white house! It had a humongous lazy river that wrapped around the whole building and connected to different pools, leading to the inside of the home. There where over 8 balconies as far as I could count and had a large marble bridge that crossed over to the river to the home. There were palm trees all around the home and tons of white rose bushes that decorated the out side of the mansion.

"This is where you'll be staying." The man said. Our jaws dropped, Poco's actually fell and hit the floor."THIS is where WE are staying!?" "Indeed. Would you like for me to show you around?"

Poco managed to pop his jaw back into place. "I-I think we can find our way around. This is Primo's place!?" The man chuckled, "This is one of his many homes. He's staying in a house that is close to where the competition will be held." Poco was dumbstruck. "Many homes..."

We took our luggage and made our way inside. The interior floors were a dark oak wood and the wall's where the same as they were outside. there was a giant golden chandelier hanging above the common's area where there was a large fire place with soft, white sofas. Off to the side was the kitchen. The pantries were a white wood and the floor was complete marble and there was a wine rack lined across the wall.

"I can't believe this." I mumbled under my breath. "I'll will inform El Primo that our prized guests have arrived. If you need anything, we have these mobile touch screen phones you can use to call us and don't worry Mr. Poco Sir. Mr Primo made yours especially for you so only your hand's can use the device."

 Poco took the phone an examined it closely. The case was black with a gold rimming and a dark pink guitar on the back. Poco's name was engraved in gold in the corner of the case.

"Call if you need anything!" The man walked out to the limo and drove off. Poco stood in place, looking down at the phone he was just handed. He put the phone is his coat pocket and smiled. "Lo hiciste mi amigo, lo hiciste. (You did it my friend, you did it.)"

Poco turned back to me, "I can't wait for my two best friends to finally meet!"


Tonight the wrestlers were having a huge party for the upcoming championship. Poco was very nervous to see his old friend again. He was however, so excited to the point where we got there super early. We didn't even have on the right attire for this so we were both given formal outfits by El Primo's attendants. 

We made our way to the changing rooms and started getting dressed. I went into my own changing room and he went into his. As we dressed, Poco kept bombarding me with all kinds of silly questions, the poor thing was so nervous.

"What do I say to him? What if I don't like him when I see him anymore. Am I too much of a commoner for him now? What will he think of me? What if-" "Poco, sweetheart, shut the fuck up. You'll be fine! I'm sure he has missed you more think. You're his best friend after all! How could he not miss you?"

He took a deep breath, thinking over my words. "You're right. I'm overthinking this. We still write to each other, it's not like we haven't kept in touch in these past thirteen years."

I could hear Poco unlock and exit his changing changing room. "Are you almost done?" I defiantly was not. I was having a tough time with my outfit. "I-I'll be out in a little bit! You can go on without me for now." I heard him shut the door behind him. Now then, I need to figure out this damn thing.

(El Primo's Pov)

I looked around for my old mariachi friend, I don't see him anywhere. I know he's here, I just can't find him. I stayed to the side, near a table with all kinds of finger foods and refreshments, searching for the skeleton man.

In the corner of my eye, I see a bright yellow in the crowd go by and I went after it. When I got to it I realized it was just some random, beautiful woman's dress. I might make my way over to her later. I started to walk back to where I was before but, I bumped into someone on my way there.

"Oh, lo sein- (I'm sor-)" When I looked to the person that bumped into me, I didn't see anyone. Strange, I though I- 

"El Primo?" 

I looked down to a very short skeleton man standing in front of me. I was overjoyed to see that face again! "Ahahaha! ¡Mi viejo amigo! (My old friend!)"

I picked him up and swung him around, he was light as a feather! I placed him down and he gave me a big hug. "How have you been mi pequeño amigo? (my small friend) It has been years!" He chuckled and looked up to me. "It hasn't been the same with you around. I so glad you've reached your dream!" "Heh, thirteen years was worth the wait. Now that you're here, we can cause some trouble like old times eh?" I looked around the room.

"Where is your friend, compañero? (Partner)" "Oh! They're still up stairs getting changed. I can't wait for you to meet them! I've told them so much about you!" "Sí, sí (yes, yes) I remember you talking about them in our letras (letters). I believe you said their name was (Y/N)?" "Sí!"

I looked around the room once more. "Are they a man or a woman?" "Oh they're a-" He was cut off by a large gasp from a couple right next to us. We directed our attention towards the staircase and I had the breath knocked out of me by the wondrous sight.

Someone absolutely stunning was walking down. They wore a white (Suit/Dress-long) with a (hat/flower), their outfit shimmered in the bright lights. They looked absolutely miraculous as they walked towards Poco and I!

"It took me a while but, I finally got into this thing. Does it look alright?" Their voice even sounded attractive, everything about them was incredible!

"I'm glad it fit! I really didn't want to be rude and ask for another outfit. Oh! (Y/N), this is my good friend El Primo!"

This was his friend!? He couldn't have warned me that they were this stunning!? "Why hello there. I've heard so much about you, mi querido (my dear). My name is El Primo." I took their hand and gave their knuckles a kiss.

(Y/N Pov)

This guy was kissing my hand like they do in movies! My face flushed red and I stood there dumbfounded 'This guy is a wrestler! How can he be so classy!?' 

"I-I-You-P-Oh." I couldn't find words. The words in my head were jumbled and they just came flowing out of my mouth. I was a stuttering mess! I don't know how to respond to this!

Poco chuckled at my response and pointed to an empty table. "Let's go sit, we're in the way."

We walked over to the rounded table and took our seats, the two friends began talking about the old memories they had of being kids.

"How's the old town doing? Is Barley still around?" "Everything is good and yeah! He's still just as kind as he was when we were younger." "Ah, bien, bien (good, good). I remember when he was introduced into the town! How old were we? Nueve? (nine)" "You were nine and I was seven. Remember when we had our two year celebration of being friends?" "Aha! Sí, sí, and Barley gave us a free bottle of champán (champagne) on the house?" "Yeah! He's not that carefree now, we have more kids in town." "Oh! maravilloso! (wonderful) Who are they?"

The continued their talking for a while until Poco decided to get up. "I'm going to go get some snacks. I'll be right back!" He said as he skipped off happily.

"So," El Primo started, "How did such a beautiful person like yourself make it to Brawl Town?" He leaned towards me a bit. My face was red once again and I tried my best to hide it but, the smirk on his face showed that he noticed.

"W-Well, I used to travel around before I settled down. I went everywhere I could." "Travel? did you walk or did you have an animal companion to walk with you on your way?" "I walked alone." "Aye, sounds tiring." "It was but, it was all worth it. The world is beautiful when you walk on foot. If you're driving, you don't get as much time to take it all in." "Ah, I see. Why did you stay in Brawl Town then?"

I smiled and turned in the direction Poco was in. He was talking to two lovely women, he seemed oblivious to the fact they were flirting with him. "I stayed because of Poco. He's a great friend and he helped me out when I needed it."

El Primo turned to Poco as well and nodded. "Sí, Poco has a kind heart and will help out anyone no matter who the person is." He turned back towards me and took my hand. "One day I should return to town and visit you and Poco again. You're just as kind as he is, you know?"

My face got red again and I looked down to his hand. I saw something In black written on his wrist. "Oh, do you have tattoos?" He lifted up his hand to see what I was talking about. "Ah, sí, I got this one when I first left Brawl Town." He pulled his sleeve down, revealing the mark.

It was a quote. There was a wrestling mask on one side of the words and a guitar on the other. The words were in cursive and read:

'Go out there and shine as bright as the stars.'

I smiled at the familiar words. "These were the words that Poco said to me before I left. They stuck in my head after all these years so I got them tattooed on my wrist so I can look down and know there's always one person who cares for me." He said as he pulled his sleeve back up.

"T-Thank you." I sputtered, "I-f you do come back when you can, I would be m-more than happy to show you around." I sound like an idiot.

He blinked surprisingly and smiled. "Maybe we can hang out at Barley's place after you show me around. We could hang out a bit." My face was on fire at this point. I smiled and nodded "Of course! I'd like that.

Poco returned to the table with drinks and snacks. He sat down and smiled at both of us wit a lipstick mark on his cheekbone. El Primo and I laughed. "You got luck mi amigo!" Poco giggled and waved his hand "I guess I did."

We all sat together, talking and laughing. We started planning what we would all do when we all saw each other in Brawl Town.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked this one! This one has been my longest so far! Hopefully nobody got bored halfway through! Thank you again for reading! :)

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