The Unexpected

By lovejeleah

78.3K 2.5K 374

A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ More



876 31 5
By lovejeleah

Jens pov

"Dammit Jennifer" Leah says the second I get in her car. "What?" I said sounding annoyed. "You look pretty" she muttered and shakes her head. I smile and look away and put on my seatbelt. "Thank you" i said softly.

We went on our way to the club. She was driving pretty fast, cutting everyone off and speeding up behind everyone driving like the hottest woman I've met, because her friends were waiting for us. The vibes felt fine though. I didn't feel awkward and I hope she didn't either. I feel like we're friends which is what we planned to do. Bringing her Starbucks everyday helped developed that. Even though I'm so attracted to her, I learned how to just let things go with the flow and not force myself into anything.

A few times she'd hit the brake a little hard but that was fine. Well it was fine until she stopped super hard since someone cut her off on the freeway, she immediately stuck her arm in front of me and..I don't know.. it was cute and hot. She held me back so I wouldn't lean forward as she braked hard. Like she wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt?

"Sorry" She says. "It's okay haha.." I said.

Once we arrived, we met up with her friends who I remembered all. Then we start to walk inside. Leah places her hand on my back letting me pass in front of her. When we got inside, I turned around to her but kept looking around.

"Have you been to this club?" I ask her then look directly at her. "I have. Have you?" "Nope" I said. "It's pretty fun.. are you planning to drink?" She asks me. Just like the old times. "No. If you wanna get drunk go ahead. I'll drive for you going home" I offer.

"No I'll stay sober"

"Listen..we aren't girlfriends anymore and I know you wanna go get drunk so go ahead" I force a laugh. "No its fiiine. You know I don't really drink" leah says. "Okay" I shrug.

So I got kind of amazed by how we ended up in the area not many people are allowed to be. We're by the DJ and just partying along with the celeb who I've never really looked into. I've just heard of them.

Me and Leah we're getting super friendly with the DJ for fun. We decided to pretend we were straight and flirt with him just so he can play some songs we liked and he kept saying he can get us connections to more famous people.

I look to my right and see one of Leahs friend and his man making out together. "Woo!!" I screamed to them. Leah laughs at me and shakes her head.

"Come on lets dance! It's your kid free night at the club. You have to make it last" She says. I shake my head as we start to dance. I kept observing her beauty. That's something I'll always do. I don't care, she's gorgeous. But we're having fun as friends. I'm actually having a lot of fun with her. We had our moments, lots of laughing to the point that we couldn't breathe to dancing like crazy having all eyes on us. There was no grinding of course. We just had fun.

Later after the night was coming to an end, as usual her friends wanted to go out and eat.

"Come with us Jen" Leah says. "My mom is gonna be so mad" I said. "No she won't! She loves me. I'll make an excuse" she chuckles. I pout and look around at her friends waiting for an answer. I was even getting these looks from that gay couple. I smiled at them because I knew that look they gave me was a joke. Then Leah holds my arm and shakes me. "Come with us!" She begs. "Okay fine! Sheesh" I said. She gets happy and throws her hands up with my arm since she was still holding it at the time.

"Okay so we'll meet up. At ihop as usual. Send the address since we haven't been to this one" she said to her friends and she kind of softly pushes me away from them as a hint that she wanted to go already.

"Okay see you all there" one of her other friends says.

And you'd think we were actually going to leave..

"Don't be late just cause y'all fucked on the way there" a friend says to her. I press my lips and my nose flares. Leah gets defensive real quick because we aren't even close to fucking tonight. Then the conversation.. well argument, lasts about 10 minutes before we actually left.

"I'm sorry about that" Leah says as we walked to their car. "It's okay. The one who said that was kind of tipsy so whatever" I said.

We get in the car and she turns it on.

"I had fun tonight though" I said. She looks at me and smiles. "So did I..we really made that DJ think he can get it from the both of us!" She laughs and I laughed too. "I know! What great actresses we are" I joke. "Right? If we keep this up who knows what other free things we can get." She says.

I giggle and look around through the windows as I waited for us to leave. Then I look at her again who was on her phone.

"Okay hurry up!" I said. She looks at me and laughs. "Chilllll I'll get us there" she says. I giggled and snatched her phone from her hand and pressed the home button. But then my smile faded.

"Y-you still have us as your wallpaper?" I ask her. "I meant to change it a while ago as I tried getting over you..and I- I guess I just got too used to it and forgot all about it" She says.

"Change it! It's weird" I giggle trying not to make this awkward. "To what? I really have nothing. I don't want a plain background of the ocean or some shit."

"Of Veronica" I joke. But I'm also not joking. That'd be cute if she was her wallpaper.

"I don't have a picture of her" she says. So I pull out my phone and picked the cutest picture of my baby and then airdropped it to her. Then I changed it on her phone myself.

"There hahah" I said and showed her. "So cute.." She says. "Yeah" I softly smile. She places her phone down and starts reversing the car. She's all quiet now. I hope she didn't get too hurt about me telling her to change it. I mean shes the one who broke up with me though. Ugh I'm too kind hearted. She shouldn't have us on her phone by now. I'd rather her have it of my daughter since they have a close bond.


Leahs pov

After we ate, I was on my way to bring Jennifer to her house. It was a quiet ride. It's my fault though. I started over thinking after she changed my wallpaper so I barely spoke.. It felt so weird to see it actually happen that I'm out with my ex and she wants me to change my wallpaper because we're over. She's right but it just felt weird. And honestly I didn't really focus on trying to change the wallpaper because I've been so busy and it's a cute picture. It didn't effect my feelings though just seeing us on my phone everyday. I just wish I knew what I want now because I'm seeing her a lot more again than I'd ever expect. Like..who sees their ex this much unless they're coparenting?? I'm just Veronica's teacher.

We get to Jennifer's house, I walked her to the door and her mom somehow just knew she was home and opened it before Jen even had the chance to get her keys.

"Hey" I smile at her mom and gave her a hug. "I'll see you Monday" Jennifer says and starts making her way in her house but she reaches out for a hug first. "Yes I'll see ya" i said and pat her back. "You sure you want to drive home this late?" Her mom asks. "I'm fine. I'm not that far. I'll let Jennifer know when I'm home"

"Yeah please be safe" Jen says. I nod my head and smile at the both of them. "Bye guys. Tell Veronica I said hi"

"Ill tell her" Jen says. Then we said bye again and I finally left.

Once I got home I texted her.


"Good I was waiting for you before I could sleep lol. Glad you're safe" she replies. Okay that's cute. But she's a sweet person. I cant get myself twisted thinking it's a flirting thing.

"Thank you for waiting. I had fun tonight! I hope we can do this again."

"I'd surprisingly like that :) I only have one other friend who loves to party which is Vanessa but she's my baby sitter. Then my family loves to party. You know that lol"

"Yes I do lol. We'll figure something out soon"

"Yeah. Goodnight Leah"

"Goodnight!" I replied. And that's it. The night..well mid morning ended..

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