Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

590K 27.7K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

88. The Rise of New Dawn

3.2K 167 52
By NeelamMenghani

Happy Forever Thursday!










Love you guys! for being such a great support! 

For all my amazing readers, each and every one of you!

Thank you so much!


My Queen, you have proved, that in this world, even a fragile human can make difference. With no power, just the will of heart, you have brought a huge difference. You proved, the power and command isn't all that's needed.

Someone's Forever



Is it wrong to hope for life and happiness,

I had always wondered while facing the dark phase of mine,

While the voyage was lost, the ship was sinking,

I had always wondered why only I face this hardship,

But every conclusion offering either victory or learning,

I see life with a different light; it's the brightest morning after darkest night!

New morning brings new light, with that light comes new hope, new energy and desires and a new strength that stays within to fulfill them.

I remove the curtains away, letting the morning lights to shine inside and brighten the room with our life. The night was dark, darker than the murk itself. But there the light had to conquer it, the truth had to conquer over the lies, the evil had to be defeated.

It's an irony, how everyone wants for the light, mornings but the darkness and murk are equally important because without the dark, there is no significance of light.

I let the smile draw on my lips, as I turn. The things are falling into place, the mess is finally sorting.

The culprit of Sahira is finally where she belongs; a shudder escapes recalling the painful scream before my eyes close shut in pain. How I wished the evil could leave this world and the peace rule but then what will be the meaning of life.

My gaze lands to the sleeping child in my bed, snuggling closer to her mother's photo frame, a scarf clutched to her hand. I smile in contentment as I found her in peace, which was lost in her since the murderer was back again to haunt her.

Defeated under the warmth bubbling inside, I find myself walking toward her sleeping figure, slowly caressing her flushed chubby cheeks. The feeling of being a mother is far the most precious feel of the world, it's a blessing a woman ever feels.

I have never thought of how I would be when I'll become a mother, but Tiara made me a mother, in her care and trust.

A child trust the most in this world is to his mother, why, because the whole world can betray you, even your own mind but the mother is one who can never betray you, you yourself can destroy yourself but when your mother will hold you in her embrace, even the biggest peril turns away.

I cover her with quilt and let her have her sleep while I made my way downstairs. The dawn has just pass, the glow of morning awaits for some more time.

I let my gaze roam around, letting the warmth of familiar surrounding seep into me and the remnants of that dreadful event melt. The same old sense of belonging takes away the pain and pressure I was holding within.

This place shouldn't be a thorn to prick me but should remain as my corner of solace whenever I think of home.

Descending the stairs, I walk down only to find Jerry seating with Sahira's photograph in his hand, sadness engulfed me at the same moment before his smiling face brings me to relief.

I walk further; I know he is aware of my presence because his eyes meet mine with a soft smile when I reach the sitting arrangement.

"You're up?" 

"Yes." I answer with a grin before plopping down beside him. He keeps the frame back on the center table before facing me whereas mine travels from my brother to the frame on table. The smiling face seems so real, like the soul of a courageous woman is smiling at me with adoration.

"I'll make breakfast."

Saying this he starts to get up only to be stopped by me.

"Jerry, I have something else to do, the morning glory awaits for someone, the new beginning is here." I state smiling holding his hand.

Jerry doesn't needs—never needed to be explained further, he kneels in front of me, before patting my head in pure affection he nods with a warm grin.

"Of course!"

I nod holding my own elation on my lips.


The sun is nowhere at sight, I let the cold breeze torture me with a smile, only the fog is coming out of my mouth when I blow the air out. The fog is hindering my gaze; the whole surroundings are covered in it, under the rule. The morning seems misty but my resolves aren't, and I will stand determinant until I give a new beginning to everyone like this new morning.

I am not alone, the chirping of the birds gives the evidence of it, it keeps me entertained as I wait alone.

But soon enough air whispers I'm not alone, I feel the presence before the presence makes it to my knowledge. I smile catching it before; it has become a nature for us, feeling each other better.

I turn only to collide to a hard chest which belongs to him, he caught me to him, letting the shots run through us. Now I cherish his touch like warmth, welcome it like blanket in cold winter nights.

"Good morning." I murmur to his chest. My eyes rise slowly to his, only to find him staring at me with severe intensity.

"Niera how—"

"The night has passed, the new morning has come. Let's forget the night and welcome the new day." I answer him, cutting off his query. His face relaxes a little at my smile.

It has always been like this, we go back to where we can't change anything. Coiling up to what has already left and in which ruining the moment where a new change can be begun: where the new start can take place.

Today I have decided, I won't let him go, neither will I let myself dwell in past. It's what that made me what I'm; it's what that made him what he is today, a King.

And now I'll give him back what is rightfully his, his desire, his wish. What he deserves, what he'll have today.


"Come!" I let the command slip, taking his callous hand in mine, I pull him.

Gideon doesn't seem reluctant but a doubt lingers in his soul seeping blue orbs. It makes me smile.

I let out a sigh, casting an assuring smile his way.

"Hesitation will only procrastinate what must be done right away."

Taking his hand in mine, I walk toward the gate. The gates which were always closed for him or perhaps it was his perception, a delusion he was living it.

Most of the time, life changes, not because of our decisions but the delusions we built around us which make us feel that the situation is far away from our reach. In reality, one must do is try to go out of where your reach is. Cross the bounds of delusions.

He was in dilemma; there is hesitation in his eyes, a certain unnerving feel which is ruling his mind at the moment. It is rolling off his features; I can easily sense it within me.

Standing in front of the old rusted iron gates, I avert my gaze to him. He stands in chaotic dilemma, squeezing his hand into mine, I encourage him. It is something that was to be done by him only, no one can take his place, I can be his companion but the steps are his decision to take.

Like fighting an inner battle and standing as winner, Gideon looks at me, his eyes communicate with me.

Receiving the assurance from him, my heart feels the ping of calm.

I gesture toward the gate; you'll take every step! I'll stand beside you!

He raises his hand to push open the gate, my smile widens when the gates open without his effort, automatically.

Absolute astonishment gracing his features while mine dancing in mirth.

"Sometimes, the efforts are just the steps that we forget to take." I whisper for both of us and someone who is listening us both.

The burning of wait and loneliness is not just from one end; both are waiting for the imprisonment of silence to end but the dawn is today, that'll bring the balm of happiness, breeze of life and freedom for both of them. I'll make sure of this today.

As we walk our way inside; what greets us is; the thick layer of fog. It is everywhere, hindering me to look even an inch ahead of me. It comes as a relief I'm fairly familiar to the surroundings from my previous surprising visits. Squinting I look around, despite the fog, trying my luck. It's when I realize my company.

Gideon however is taking slow steps, I know he doesn't have any difficulty with the fog but the inner turmoil is the reason, I squeeze his hand before tugging it to the deeper corner of the park.

He follows astound, there is so much in himwhich he has kept inside. So much, he has witnessed in his life, the breakage, the cracks, the grief and pain he hold in his scares that gleamed in his soul.

"I know you are still not sure." I whisper in soft voice, afraid I'll break the serenity and peace of this place.

I turn to face him, breaking our ascending steps and putting us at halt. Eccentrically his face is crystal clear in the clouds of fog; in fact the fog has been surrounding us, but never touching, like making way for us to enter and hiding us from world so no one can dare to chase us.

Gideon's eyes roaming to the surroundings, looking at what my eyes are unable to see, seeking what he is finding since ages.

"I can see your eyes brimming with questions." I whisper again, my eyes transfix on his curious features before his gaze leaves the surroundings and collides with mine.

"Do you trust me?" I ask expecting his response to match mine.

Gideon stays silent but I didn't take it as his denial.

"I know, I have no right to ask this, when my own belief in trust wavered when I faced the truth." I lower my gaze, not being able to meet his as the reminisce of my wounds pained me—us.

"But Gideon—"

"I trust you." He breaks me off with his statement—his trust. A new surge of adrenaline rush through my veins, I feel my resolves strengthening. Pure confidence and sincerity brimming through his voice, his eyes are the mirror of his confidence.

A relief reaches to my soul which cherished at the moment. I allow myself to free myself with the burden but then another is ready to take its place.

Would I be able to prove this trust worthy?

"I believe your efforts, Niera, I trust you. But I—don't trust myself, my destiny. It's not easy."

"It's not easy because it was never tried. You never took the step, the first step." I counter, I can understand his dilemma, I don't want his words to explain himself, I can see his soul through his eyes.

Words were never needed between us.

"Gideon, I can't guarantee you that this will—" I cringe mentally not even able to speak something negative in front of someone who is holding to fragile string of hope but it is a situation like a coin, where you expect two possibilities, two outcomes. The probabilities are simple, yet the risk is enormous.

Winning will bring new beginning for Kingdom,

Losing will destroy the fragments of hope the hearts have treasured for years.

The risk is maximum and the speculation is vague, and so much at stake.

An act of courage can build and destroy the patience and sacrifice of years!

When no words come from me, Gideon squeeze our joined hands, accepting my fragments of words as they are; apparently he also knows, that being all positive and confident on this matter is foolishness.

His eyes soften, and a smile falls over my lips, I nod taking his confidence in his acceptance, which seems most significant to me now. I turn, following the soft sounds of water in creek following the path made, it makes my smile strong.

The fog starts to fade away, slowly very slowly, I could see through the white thick clouds. Different colors coming out of plain white: green of greenery, blue of sky, brown of ground and trees: I can find through the fading mist.

The different thoughts, fears are pestering me, clouding my conscience, I find myself drenched in fear, afraid the hope I'm igniting in him, to all of them, will I could fulfill. I was until now in desperation to make Gideon smile, at peace but also a part of me was sane enough to think about the consequences of failure. The failure which won't only shatter Gideon's residual hope, but it'll close him for future as well.

Forever is a big word.

All the bubbling thoughts vanish when the fading mist halt, showing the outlines of someone, someone we have crossed the miles of distances for, years of wait to reach, to meet.

A woeful smile lingers over my lips, my Gorgeous Saviour's warm hold tightens over our joined hands. The beautiful scenery of nature sparks around us, when the girl turns, her long curls dancing all around, her pale skin shines like silver against the warm golden day. Despite the absence of any sunlight, the day glows around her.

Just like the wide space of galaxy around her, where she resides.

As a lifeless doll!

My heart warms at sight, her dark eyes for the first time, show the warmth in them.

The times stops, the world stills and hearts halt: when the longing in eyes and pain of hearts thunders.

Alicia: the Princess of supernatural realm, the ever-present aura of power, the identity that rules the entire world yet hidden in thick clouds of mist, locked up inside like a fragile doll, yet her powers rule over the Kingdom.

Her solace stands this park, a place where her aura can be free, can be alive, can be present.

An upset sigh escape my lips, as the girl turns completely in all her graceful glory.

If only it can be her in real!

A bubble of anticipation floats in my chest as I watch her small steps, her white dress flows, dances at her each step behind the clouds of fog.

The surroundings seems charged with electricity as she comes to stand, her warm brown eyes falling over her Family, she longed to reach for years who strangely looks at her with same longing. Then, flutters over me, a specie, humbled and privileged by all.

The thumping of heart came loud and clear, as they stand facing each other, in the eerie silence of around. None utter a syllable, none made an initiative.

A searing almost pull me in distress, I may put them in front of each other, but I can't burn the distance they had created.

I find myself at loss: looking above us, I quietly hope, the powers ruling us would help.


A strong scented gust of wind rush past us, rippling out a gasp from me. I watch how the air leaves an impact over me only. The sweet scent left me flabbergasted. At ease of recognition to whom it belongs, I let my stiffness relax.

Being knocked at the knowledge of invading a family matter, I attempt to pull my hand away only to be under the custody of Alicia's warm eyes and grunt from Gideon's who refuse to let my hand free, let me escape.

Should I take it: they want me to stay?


Both lost in pain keeping the wounds of past green in their heart, hopeful desperate for the light of life, yet unknown and unaware that they are the ray life for other.

One, if held the hand, if one had offered the other a hand of hope, the other would have leaped for it: then none of this could have happen, neither this pain, nor the suffering, neither the tears, nor the longing.

Only the blessed sunshine would have ruled and the misty clouds of mourning had long faded.

If they had tried once, coming out of their pain and taking a leap for other's suffering.

Life seems amazing, an amazing never solving maze which keeping on puzzling twisting further with every knot we solve.

For some; life seems hearts and roses, for some its trail of thorns, long and painful, we feel others are all blessed, happy and elated, but life has its own formula, no one is perfectly blessed, no one is in complete pain and prickled in thorns. It's just our perceptions we make at each smile and every tear of ours and others.

Between our own winces at the small thorn, we miss the deep wound on others.

And sometimes we disregard our wounds tending the small cuts of others.

That's how life is, that's how complicated it is, and that's where it is simple.

Between smiles and pain, wounds and joy, we end up living life without knowing, a long time, a whole lifetime.


Is there really a fragrance in air or it's just the joy of heart spreading scent around me.

I keep wondering this the moment we walk out of the park. The misty clouds are on edge like they know there is nothing to hide, nothing to shed because the one who used to hide behind them has now accepted the welcoming hand of life and happiness, in the face of someone who had his own gloom and grief coiling his heart.

My chest blossoms the warmth which comes as Gideon tightens his hold over mine, and I find my fingers grasping his, seeking more of his warmth.

Blush and joy settles on my face, I make a continuous futile attempt to conceal my stubborn smile. The melodious call of cuckoo at distance is creating an enchanting alluring song of nature; it fills my heart with warmth as my mind with a frowning curiosity.

The trust is tested, I had been once taught.

I'm glad Gideon and Alicia could believe and pass in this test along with me. The hope and faith they had cherished in dark corners of heart won against all the odds and life is again changing for them as well as for Kingdom Alicia.

"The day is getting clear and beautiful." I mumble, casting a glance his way. Gideon's blue eyes sparkle in daylight, and I watch mesmerized; how can a simple omnipresent daylight can bring such a drastic glory to someone, or is it's just Gideon.

When I receive no answer, I try to steal another glance but my gaze seizes when his gaze is on me, yet his mind seems far away in lost valley of musing.

A smile slips my lips, I lost hope of his answer when he mumbles, "It is. After a long time, the daylight has such shine and freshness."

"Are you happy?" I ask, or the words just slip out of my lips. And before I know, we both had been stopped, small grass leaves tickling my feet, giving a smooth comforting feel.

"Lamia is gone, Alicia and you are reunited. The Kingdom is safe and you too are in peace. Are you happy Gideon?" I can't help but repeat, some part of mine needs a said attestation from him, his words declaring that now his heart at peace, at calm.

Now he is not in pain, or any sorrow isn't biting him. His past isn't coming to him counting on his wounds, mocking him. I need an assurance, and I know which his eyes can speak.

With a leap of faith, I look into his blue pools, life shone there as they twinkle in his smile. The smile beings warmth and bubbles of joy in me, and I can't help but fall for this smile once again.

Then a gust of amused sparkles twinkle pass his gaze and it put in alert mode, "You seem happier." He states and I grin, bobbling my head like a gleeful child.

"I'm. Very happy. Tiara is safe, Jerry and Fergal are at peace, the lost girl in park—Alicia has now a hope for her, other people are happy because the King has brought them peace by eliminating a predator, and you—"


For a moment, I feel my lips are tied, I find myself lost in the joy of those eyes, Miracle is happy.

I fear to speak, I hesitate, but then words escape, with the will of heart ruling over sanity, "You are happy, Miracle is happy. I'm ecstatic to see things around you blossom."

The next I find myself drenched in blush, I bit my impulsive tongue, looking down when he smoldering gaze intensifies, the unnamed eccentric emotion which makes my heart flutter at its visit comes and I warm at the intensity.

"Miracle makes me happy."

"Huh?" my eyes shoot up, frowning at his endearment.

"Oh! Yes, Miracle is Miracle."

I grin.

A chuckle slips off his lips; I bit back a shiver at the husky tone, "Yes. Miracle is Miracle."

A loud yelp interrupts us, both our head snap at the direction, finding a small girl now on ground crying looking over her knee.

"Oh god!" I gasp, already leaping her way.

But stop. Gideon is already on his way, his eyes meet mine, I nod as he walks further.

I watch intently as he reach near the crying girl, whose eyes bulging out in shock. A chuckle escape me when he scoots closer to her, and she—apparently feels confused whether to cry and stare at the tall smiling dimple showing man.

Tilting my head, I find myself gazing at them, the Burj Khalifa of Alpha King kneels beside the small kid, their forms have huge difference, but slowly he brings her on his lap, dust off mud, treat her while interacting with her at such a natural ease.

Can anyone say: he is a ruthless Alpha and cold shrewd Mogul ruling over two worlds under two statues?

No. This man is what I want to know more of. This man is actually my Miracle, always puts others ahead of him, this person makes my heart warm. This person brings difference for me.

Only him.

I gasp when I feel a shuddering tinkle in my chest, the effect makes me shiver, and the same time, between my shiver, his gaze moves, from the child and falls on me.

The swivel of wind makes an effect as I watch a significant glow there, even at distance it's clear and I can't be more bemused.

My hand flee to my chest, as I feel the thumping of my heart, loud and clear, staring at someone, only him!

The moment stills for us, the world seems fading, for us, the gaze of other becomes significant and feel my pulse picking up. Even with distance I feel him close, very close to me, like he can feel my heartbeats.

Can the mysterious powers makes such fantasies real?

Or I'm just living a fictional fantasy?

"My trust won." The fragile soft voice reaches my ears making me turn, still smiling, warm cheeks and fluttering heart.

Through the bright day, a brighter ray graced me when my gaze falls upon the person standing at some distance from me. I gape, before my lips curve into a wide grin; I turn, almost leaping toward the person.

"Against all odds."

My head bows instinctively as I reach her, the white dress looks so pure but purer looks the serene smiling face before she blinks, making a gesture for me to come forward. And without any hesitation I follow.

The golden spark on her made her look almost a celestial, her divine features stay the same, when I meet her out of that park.

"It's so nice to meet you again."

The Guardian Lady!

Her warm eyes spark into pleasure, her smile spreading her face brightening the surroundings.

"Yes child, it is. A very nice meeting again."

I let out a chuckle at her choice of words, as she nods.

"So the Bambi finally found her way to become Queen." Cupping my face in her warm palm she speaks, and I frown deeper at each of her said word.

"Huh? Do you know Dr. Baron?" I ask her, frowning.

A serene chuckle rings in my ear, making me flush in response.

"Our realm knows of this Bambi, who is known to bring change."

My frown deepens as her smile brightens, the air seems light and fresh swaying around me, offering the peace of serenity.

I blush concealing a pout.

"My Queen, you have proved, that in this world, even a fragile human can make difference. With no power, just the will of heart, you have brought a huge difference. You proved, the power and command isn't all that's needed." Although her words like misty rainfall, I couldn't help but hear intently.

"Congratulations My Queen. This is a huge step."

"Another step ahead." The words like decree almost deafening, forcing all the forces to bow down in submission.

A soft but powerful gust of wind, the next I know kisses me, the mesmerizing ethereal scent in it almost jolts me in delight but at the same time I feel lightness in me. Like a rush of energy is travelling though me. Overwhelmed, I gasp.

Or maybe it was all my imagination.

"Can you promise something?" the lady asks with hope shimmering in her orbs, I hesitate: for once, to promise something that will be out of my reach. For second, what can a stranger ask from me when we aren't sure if we'll ever meet. But then a strange part of my heart whispers in agreement.

"Hesitation is apparent when vagueness surrounds, but a brave should come forward and embrace what destiny holds ahead." She smiles, I almost face-palm at the word play she offers to make me accept.

Shaking my head I find myself smiling again.

Taking the leap of faith, I find myself nodding softly. Her warm hand caressing my cheek comes to my chin. The look of warmth brewing in eccentricity holds me en-caged; the urge to submit myself in her gaze comes prominent in me.

"Don't be afraid, even if pain becomes unbearable. It'll end and bring peace."

An ever eccentric sanity of mine stands in alert, through numbness, I contemplate at her words.

Her gaze falls over my healing neck, as her fingertips descend down, to my chest. A rush of knowledge ripples, erupt inside me, her fingers stop just where my Saviour's gift reside.

My eyes widen, my breathing labors and her smile never wavers.

She knows!

She knows of our secret!


Her hand shoots up, halting me; my words melt as I read the underlying advice in her eyes.

It made me gulp, scared and worried for Gideon. It all melts when her lips crinkle into a small smile.

No one should know!

It should never be speak of!

"Will I die if he takes it back?" I ask, grasping onto the warmth of her skin over mine. The soft features of her smile, not in sympathy that I secretly was dreading but in comfort.

"I'm sure; Alpha King will find a way." Her calm tone leaves a balm of comfort on my searing guilt.

"Should I give this back to him?" despite the warnings of Ace ringing through my ears, I ask her. The warmth features, or perhaps her soothing company, or her resembles with of my mother's affection made me cross the precise warning.

A soft melody like chuckle from her made my heart light. As if Mumma is laughing at my innocent childish acts.

My mouth opens, the twinkle in her eyes brighten.

"He'll take it, replacing something for his claim." A soft brush over the healing skin, the junction of my neck and shoulder, ripples out a gasp from me.

"Very soon..."

"Bless you, my Queen." With one last touch of caress, I watch the lady turns, smiling walking away in the direction of retiring clouds of mist, leaving me perplexed and flabbergasted.

Her warmth still lingers on me, as I watch until I shriek.

I jump startled only to be pressed into cocoon of another warmth, and I melt knowing who can bring me this soothing comfort.

"What are you looking at?" he asks as I straighten meeting his gaze, tilting my head, I stare at him clueless, before Gideon thrusts a cup in front of my view.

I frown, before taking the cup from him, instantly the cold droplet around it wets my fingertips.

I glance inside and grin in surprise when the melting cream with dry fruits winks from inside.

"Faluda ice cream?" I catch as Gideon almost winces at my excited squeal.

"Yes." He nods; I pass him an apologetic smile.

"Aren't you having any, where is the girl?" my eyes already roaming around until they found the girl cradled in her father's embrace while her mum stuffing ice cream to the grumpy girl making comical faces.

My heart sores at the sight.

"Oh! That's cute."

My eyes shift only to catch Gideon's over me.

"You aren't having any?"

The Alpha shakes his head.

"Then why for me?"I dare ask, watching his intense gaze showering the glow of light over me.

"You like sweets." He shrugs, his knowledge stuns me, before I relax, he knows, he remembers.

"I do." I nod; offering him the cold cup; I can feel my palm getting numb brings me a grin as Alpha Majesty looks between the cup and my smile.

"How is Miracle?"

The spoon almost reached his mouth but stop at my query. What Gideon's eyes said, I read without any word. A new surge of distress gloom ripples inside me.

I let out a sigh looking away.

"Let's go there." I gesture toward the iron bench isolated under the natural shed of trees, though the day has no sun-rays, even if they had been present, the bench will be cool sheltered by Tree's shed.

Not waiting for Gideon, I slowly walk there; his towering figure follows, until we find ourselves seated.

Cold winds working on their nature, the tree above us sways softly at an unknown yet melodious rhythm, a few droplets falling over us, making me smile despite the heaviness of my chest.

"You never answered." I point out, looking at my Saviour who sits looking ahead, the ice cream in spoon melting before I reach for it to save his clothes from ruining.

Gideon shifts, before taking the cup from me, stuffing a scoop in his mouth.

"He'll be fine."

The response itself speaks more than it should.

"It's because of that incident, right? When you saved me?" I said before finding my hand on the cup of Faluda, taking the first taste, concealing the moan at taste.

I find myself finding his gaze which gazes ahead where he doesn't answer, "What have you done Gideon?"

The cup does back to him; I bit back a smile, how easily we are talking over such a crucial matter while eating ice cream sharing same spoon. 

Can it be possible, where the Alpha King, who witnessed the end of his Aunt last night, had a meet with his Princess after ages sometime ago, is arrested under the shed of tree with a human who was supposed to never make up till here, answering her questions which she shouldn't have asked at first place.

"Your saving me is not a small deal." I mumble, wiping off the wetness with my dress, the cup left within my palm.

"Why are we discussing this Niera?" he speaks, after a long time, and his husky yet guarded tone searing into my heart.

"Because it matters." I almost wince at his exasperated face. He doesn't like to be questioned; he hates to be in place of answerable.

"You aren't at fault; don't ever think of taking the blame—"

His words lost, when I join our hands, tinkles charging though my fingertips. I watch how his eyes swarming with perplex queries at my action.

I swallow the bile, my heart denies, whimpers in pleading sanity to not speak and ruin yet the resolves of mind stand strong.

I draw a deep breath, before I raise our entwined hands, placing his palm over my chest, where his gift of life resides.

A sudden shiver runs through me, no one, absolutely no one has ever found the right to come near me, and this man who has been new eccentric phenomenon, now stands so close, touching the forbidden and instead of feeling disgust, I swallow the eccentric shivers of warmth.

My thoughts fade as I feel him stiffen.

"Is it because of this?" a dark look lingers over his blue glow; I let the tinkles surge, over my chest spreading all around me. The feel seems foreign, forbidden yet desirable. I shudder away from the thoughts. His palm press there, the warmth amplifies, causing me to gasp.

My grip on his hand tightens, when he tries to move away.

"Why?" I whisper out.


"No, don't give me those preposterous excuses, whatever until now was—but Gideon, this. Why?"

"Niera, stop. It was my decision."

I stiffen under his livid growl. The feral look of his eyes left no chance to counter any argument.

I let out a defeated sigh, looking away. The ice cream melting, so does the prolonged tranquillity we have created. Gideon let silence draw us closer, he has no need to answer, he has given his decree, I have no questions left, his decision has bared me off my place to question.

"Your Miracle will be with you, I promise."

His quiet promise resounds making the wind bow. I hear and sigh, between the soft humming of breeze, the quiet whisper of my heart shrills me.

What am I that you would put your life on the line for me?

If you do this, it becomes harder for me to turn away from you, Mr. Gorgeous Saviour.


"Aunt Bambi! Can I have another glass of chocolate?" the soft mumble against my ear fills my heart with warmth and I smile turning to my Little Bundle of Joy, losing all excuses to refuse her third glass serving.

My smile said it all, she squeals before I find myself taking glass from her before leaning forward and replacing it with a filled one.

"Sweetie, look at these." I turn just the moment; the room witness Mrs. Mahriy—ah coming with a blue color mitten holding baking tray, other waving a spatula in air.

"Wow! They look delicious." I grin, peeping as the tray comes closer for my inspection, beside me Tiara, leaps forward in my lap, to take a look. Our dazzling gaze on her naans made the lady blush, as she squeals before rushing back, probably for next batch.

Placing my chin on Tiara's bouncing head, I look around, trying to seeping my heart with warmth. The very place of home I have come to know after my home. Staring it for a long moment I realize, the flashes of dread are not terrorizing me longer. 

They sure are present, somewhere because those figments are something imprinted on my soul. But along with them, the life's blessing, the moment of Miracle saving have attacked.

"Are you lost again?" a hand on my head, ruffling my hair, slips a groan from me, I pout at Jerry who grins before flopping down beside, the Kangaroo kid in my arms jumps to her Dada with a squeal, splashing some drink on his clothes along with mine.


"Kangaroo, sit still." I admonish making Jerry chuckle at her pout.

"Where are Fergal and Mr. Bunny—Mr. Dovin?" I ask—groan at word slip, as Jerry look over to Kitchen's direction. I conceal my grin, knowing my brother is having heart attack as Mrs. Dovin has captured his precious Kitchen.

"They must be coming, but," his gaze collides mine, a conspiring look settles he leans forward to whisper, "Was it necessary to give her kitchen. We could have made a decent dinner." I blow a bubble of chuckle, nodding my head at my brother who seems groaning at loss of words.

"Sorry Brother. That was the deal." The comical look on Jerry put us aunt-niece duo into fits of giggle.

A visit from the Guardians along with Royal Beta and Delta and known faces of Authority, bowing down in their King's presence, the look of pure elation and joy didn't need any proclamation to tell us how this meet between Royal members has reached them, the entire Kingdom.

Praises and blessings fall over me like showers of rains.

After I came back from park, Gideon left with a smile with accomplishment of my heated cheeks. With telling Tiara a tale of evil's defeat in a fairy tale, Jerry and I, along with Fergal told her about Lamia. Though it was a difficult task, not making her afraid, yet making her believe that her nightmares will never come back.

The child ended up crying her heart, leaving us all moist eyes, I let her, until she could empty all her fear and dread before a full blown smile of new beginning crafted on her lips.

With the stress linger I call Mrs. Mahriy—ah, en-cashing our promises for a lavishing dinner who agreed wholeheartedly and here evening pass for me preparing desserts and now she giving final surprises addition to her dishes.

My lips twitch into a broad smile as Tiara whispers something to Jerry's ears before jumping off the sofa, running to his room, apparently to fetch his laptop or mine to play music.

A sigh escape my lips, I lean forward to take my glass of water. Failing to resist the urge to not nag my brother with my chaotic thoughts.

"Was making Gideon and Princess meet a huge deal?" through the rim of glass I watch my brother stiffening at mentioned names before he bows and turns to face me.

I let my mind wonder to the words of Sir Gerard, his wise all knowing smile had me arrested, his words somewhat similar to the Lady from park, hoping for a bright and hopeful future.

"Yes, it is. The two haven't been together since a very long time."

Jerry pulls me out of my trail of thoughts with his spoken words.

"It's like a miracle they met." He shrugs, and I find myself giving him incredulous look.


"No one knows exactly, it's long back, apart from Guardians. I'm not sure anyone knows."

That's strange!

What can make two family members fall apart for years when they yearn for other?

"Well, one can never know." I offer self a thoughtful look, at Jerry's words.



What can be more frustrating reading the story which has no end,

What can be more exasperating to know there is no solution of the puzzle you spent hours solving

What can upset more than being in wait of something which can never happen,

What will you do, when you crash into the reality of something you wished in dreams?

The cloudless sky peeks at my way as I feel lost in my thoughts; the twilight today is brighter, like moon has been showering a special privilege to my way. I let it soak me; I let it seep into my body, heart and soul; rejoicing the moment of joy, guilt, grief, pain, curiosity and bliss all together. Sitting alone in garden, when people are enjoying inside, I can't understand the need to be alone, in my trail of thoughts.

"Miss. William,"

My head shoots up just to witness the Guardian's dark shrewd eyes over me; I smile softly, taking his unsaid hints as he walks at ease, his carefree stance can't trick his commanding aura.

Had I been surprised by his visit, but the look he had with his shrewd smirk this morning, I knew I have a meeting with Mr. Mycroft Quinn fixed. It may be why, when people of mine are enjoying while I'm here sitting under the bright twilight alone, perhaps I was waiting.

"It was remarkable, how you accomplished so many things in a small time."

"The meet of Princess with Majesty was one milestone."

I let the smile twitch as Guardian roams his watchful gaze around.

Tiara's loud giggles along with Jerry's not so stern orders ring around, causing a huge grin to glow on me.

"It was a brave move." It takes me a minute to decipher his words.

Despite myself I smile, "Wasn't it what Guardian was expecting from me? It was what you taught me."

To save the King, the Queen should risk her life...!

"I did. But mine or anyone's expectations didn't matter. It was your decision. Neither should you walk on peril every time, for others' and their sake." His crisp words feel colder than the cold night.

I let out a sigh, resigned, of how easily I'm being read or how efficient this supernatural Guardian is.

"I wanted to help Gideon." The grass beneath my feet tickles, enticing me to run my hand over it.

A sigh escapes Guardian, as he comes to take a seat beside me, neglecting the potential creases ruining his blazer. Tiara's loud squeals along with laughter from inside settle my heart at lightness, ease which despite the conversation I'm having with Guardian assures I've done right.

"You knew...I would agree without a second thought." I state, smiling, letting the heaviness settle down a little recalling how easily I let him manipulate the situation yesterday and ended up in woods.

Guardian nods, his sharp alluring features shines through the moonlight cascading over his face.

I resist the urge to groan at my nature, being too open for anyone to read me.

"Yes. You're too kind to deny."

I'm not kind! I scoff, the words roll off my mind but seize before escaping.

Instead I give myself silence, the world around me offer me quiet, and Guardian sat without a word, for a brief minute until he chose a question to quench his thirst for my perception.

"Why you opt for that punishment for Lamia?"

This question almost left me restless. The tranquil night, her malicious chuckles, along with all her confessions, all coming together pushing me into dark pit of petrifaction, despite all gone and passed past, I still feel it's never fading effect on my mind.

It wasn't me, yet it was me.

The dark night offers nothing but dark yet calm beauty to appreciate as I roam my gaze around, avoiding the feel of Guardian's piercing gaze.

"Was it wrong?" I can help but ask, this one question has left me at unease, I knew I had no right, no role but despite all the sane warning my sanity send, I let the command slip, like a nature.

"It was the most appropriate." My head snap at his statement, Guardian meets my gaze; a serene smile comes as my gift next.

"We have known Lamia for a very long time. Majesty took away her entire existence; this punishment isn't easy at all. This not only harms the being but also the bearer." I blink, trying to find definite meaning of his words.

"But even bearing the pain of punishment for years. Never once was a shred of change in her malicious nature."

"Lamia put her pride like her crown." The night agrees at my whisper, which seems like almighty agreeing with my perception.

"I wanted to give her pain similar to which she inflicted on others. Crushing her pride, I found was a punishment she never expected from Gideon." Biting into my lip, I find the dark orbs of Guardian, the serene tale of secrets flash across his gaze, yet untouched and unknown to world.

"You gave her the punishment which actually affected her. And your, taking the step to intervene affected the change."

"I hope this affect is positive. I hadn't put my life in danger for making things worse." I flash a huge grin, letting the lightness spread over the atmosphere.

"That I'm or anyone can't be certain for." The careless shrugs gains my attention and I find myself holding a thoughtful look. The cool breeze comes on occasional visits as I look over the resting plants in pots, twilight falling over them, bringing a look of mesmerizing painting.

"I'm sure you have many questions now, that Lamia raised." Squinting I look over the deserted road, a part of me hoping for someone to come for visit, a certain someone, whose growls pulls the strings of my heart.


I hope you're alright!

Then, I find myself shaking my head, "Not really, Lamia answered most of them."

I turn to Guardian, finding his lips curved into a small yet distinct smile, amusement dangling in his features.

"Has she, there is nothing to ask?" he asks, I let out an eased sigh before my head hang down shaking negative.

"You hadn't been quiet if she had." He assesses.

"Why? Are there things that I'm unaware, that I need to know."

"How can I be sure? It depends on you."

I almost bit out a groan; Guardian shoots up on his feet with a soft amused look, not even considering dusting off the mud.

"Some mysteries are revealed, some are buried, some we need to earn the right to unveil." The twinkling eyes shine under the moon light, his grin tantalizing, forcing my lips to twitch where I shake my head.

"Miss William, may I ask something?" I nod to self before shooting my eyes up his astute figure at distance now.

"You knew about Princess." It wasn't a question but a statement, an assertion

The corners of my lips twitch, and a flabbergasted look on Guardian flusters,

"I figured it out, who she is before she herself announced."

Indeed I have unveiled few but

There are tales, endless and long and

Awaiting to be unveiled...!


June 13, 2019

The two hearts awaiting since a long time to be embraced in warmth of hope and faith, are finally witnessing the new rising morning together.

All because, a fragile human, who proved it's not always the power and position required to being change.

Niera figured it out about Alicia, but when?

It concludes here, what's next?

Any guesses?

Tell me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Would love you have your comments sharing your views.

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