Just Another Teenage Outcast

By BeYourselfByYourself

16.8K 263 27

Ashley Walker's life is far from perfect. She lives with her easily angered brother, and a careless mother wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 17

390 6 0
By BeYourselfByYourself

Chapter 17~

     I had a fucking fever. And I had a fucking fever when Jeremy was expecting a friend over; some Cole guy or something. We were expecting him anytime soon. Jeremy didn’t really describe him very well. He said that Cole usually keeps to himself a lot and is very quiet. For which I’m glad because living with two teenage boys is hard enough.

     I was curled up on the comfy couch, my head resting on Jeremy’s lap. He was running his fingers through my hair, which felt comforting. But every few minutes he’d keep asking me if I were alright. I mean, how can my fever skyrocket a couple more degrees within 3 minutes?!

     But I couldn’t bring myself to snap at him. He had been so nice to Tyler and I; letting us stay in his house for a while till we were ready enough to continue to New York. Speaking of which, Jeremy and I were talking about when I should leave.

     Jeremy seemed extremely reluctant despite my desperate persuasions that I would see him soon. He kept insisting that he came with Tyler and me to New York and back. But I knew it would cause even more havoc with both of them together.

     “I have to use the bathroom,” I mumbled, after Jeremy asked me if I was alright for the nth time. I scrambled to my feet and walked up the steps, trying to focus on where my feet were stepping. I finally slipped into the bathroom and glanced at myself in the mirror.

     I looked shitty shit. I hadn’t worn any eyeliner or mascara that day since I was sick. My damp bangs were stuck to my forehead from the sweat because of my fever. My hair was dishevelled and tangled up due to Jeremy’s constant head massages.

     My face was terribly pale, and my eyes had giant bags under my eyes. Overall, I looked sick. Really sick.

     I sighed to myself and turned the tap on, splashing some cold water on my face to cool down. Then I ran my fingers through my hair to detangle it and I brushed my teeth. After applying some eyeliner and a thin layer of mascara, I headed back down the hall.

     Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in a room. I gasped and before I could scream, a hand clamped down on my mouth. Horrified, I looked at the person and saw Tyler’s blue piercing eyes staring right into me.

     Immediately, as if someone switched on a light, a queasy butterfly-y feeling appeared in my stomach. I could feel my shoulders slump in relief. “Ashley, I need to speak with you,” Tyler whispered, sending shivers down my back.

     “Yeah well, isn’t that obvious? You practically yanked my arm out of its socket. Couldn’t you at least stop me in the hallway and talk to me like a normal human being? Seriously, I-“ Tyler cut me off by clamping his hand on my mouth again.

      “Ashley, you should really shut up sometimes. You’re seriously turning into Jeremy now, goddamnit.” Tyler murmured, smirking.

     I gave him a flat look and slyly poked my tongue out and licked his hand. He immediately sprang back in disgust and terror, glancing at his hand, then at me. “Eww! Ashley what the fuck?!” Tyler exclaimed, wiping his hand on his t-shirt.

     I chuckled and crossed my arms over my chest. “Okay so? What do you want to talk me about which is so important like you discovered Narnia or something?”

     Tyler sucked in a deep breath of air and let it out slowly, walking back to me. He reached out his hand and gently caressed my face, causing electricity to bolt through my every limb. Why must he do this to me? Why does he have this effect on me?

     I held my breath, as his face came closer to mine, finally only a few inches apart. “Ashley,” Tyler started, his face very serious and searching. “If this Cole guy does or says anything to you- anything that you don’t want to do or hear, you scream out for me and I’ll be there within a fraction of a second, you hear me?”

     What he said shocked me immensely. Did he really care that much about me? I looked into his eyes which were filled with determination, seriousness and something else that I couldn’t really put my finger on. It was a strange look- not a harsh one- a look that was gentle, and which made my stomach to somersaults.

     “Do you promise me that Ashley?” Tyler asked again. I realized I didn’t answer to his previous question. Fuck! I was too busy ogling his beautiful features. Those deep blue eyes, the way his brownish blonde hair flopped over his right eye. His perfect jaw muscle……

     I snapped out of it as soon as I realized I didn’t answer this question again. Not quite trusting my voice, I nodded- a bit too eagerly though. Relief and calmness were clear on his facial expressions after, and he leaned in just a bit more forward, his hand still resting on my cheek, toying with a few strands of my hair.

     I stood rooted to the spot, too shocked to lean forwards either, so I just watched him get closer and closer. He was going to kiss me. I knew it. He was. He was! I anticipated his every move as he inched his face closer. And right when we were a few centimetres apart, he pulled away, sighed, and brushed past me.

     He left. Just like that. No kiss, no nothing. I stood there at the same spot, staring straight ahead where Tyler was just standing. I could still smell his cologne that was lingering in the air in front of me. I could still see his blue eyes that I just wanted to fall into and be lost in forever.

     But he left. He left without a kiss. And I think I saw disappointment and frustration in his eyes before he left. Why? Why didn’t he just kiss me? Was there something wrong? Was it Jeremy? I thought he didn’t care about my relationship with Jeremy. I thought…

     I shook my head viciously and ignored the empty longing feeling I had in my stomach. I was just going to pretend like nothing happened. Because nothing did anyway. I let out my breath which I hadn’t realized I was holding in all that while.

     I shrugged off all my various thoughts and walked back down the stairs, still deep in thought. I then came across a very anxious worried Jeremy at the foot of the stairs. Aw great. Couldn’t this guy leave me alone for like, 5 minutes without having to run around like the world's going to end? I mean, it's sweet but geez, he needs to relax for a bit.

     “Hey, you were taking quite some time in there. You okay? You look slightly pale; maybe I should take you to a doctor. Or maybe you should-“I cut him off by planting a quick kiss on the lips. I pulled away and saw a surprised yet satisfied smile on his face. Little did he know that I only did it to shut him up.

     “Cole should be  here any minute. Why don’t you sit-“ he got cut off again by the doorbell. The annoyance in his eyes quickly changed to excitement as he nearly bounded towards the door. I felt my heart rate starting to pick up. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was because I was worried about who this Cole guy would be.

     I hovered around the side of the stairs, preparing to race up the stairs in case I didn’t like the looks or intentions of that Cole guy. Jeremy flung open the door and greeted in his own super-friendly way. I heard a guy's voice behind the door, which was surely Cole's.

     I peeked from around the corner just as Cole entered. I took in his appearance- he had long blonde hair that was ruffled slightly from the wind outside. He wore a dark blue hoodie with black jeans and a white beanie. He was actually pretty good looking. But nothing and no one would top off Tyler.

     He also looked really strangely familiar. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It suddenly clicked in my head. But no, it couldn’t be….could it? Naaaaw. Probably not. There are a lot of guys that probably looked like him. But still…could it be…?

     “Ash! Come over here, I want you to meet Cole!” Jeremy exclaimed, just as I was about to dart up the steps. Aw great. I blew out a deep breath and turned to face the two of them, plastering a fake smile on my face.

     Sauntering up to Cole, I noticed him watching me with interest and something else….recognition? Naw it couldn’t be. I didn’t know any Cole in my life. “Hi” I murmured shyly. “Hello” Cole replied, smiling slightly. His lopsided smile was strangely familiar.

     After a few moments of awkward silence, Jeremy finally broke it by showing Cole where his room was going to be. I followed a little behind, staring at the floor, blocking out Jeremy's animated speaking. Cole's face looked so goddamn familiar! I had a hunch, but I suddenly wasn’t too sure. It couldn’t be him…it just couldn’t be Elliot Cole Barker.



     I was in my room, going through some pictures on my phone when I heard her say to Jeremy that she needed to use the bathroom. That was my chance! That was my chance to tell her that I was in love with her, and that we were supposed to be together.

     I slammed my phone on the bed and scrambled to my feet, standing in the dark doorway. I finally saw heard the bathroom door close, and the tap starting to run. After a while, the door opened again, causing my heart rate to speed up. What if she doesn’t want to get together? What if she actually likes Jeremy? I couldn’t ruin it for her. I couldn’t.

     Just as she was passing by, I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the room, covering her mouth so she doesn’t scream. She let out a muffled yelp and tried to wrench her arm away from my grip.

     “Ashley, I need to speak to you,” I whispered into her ear. I could feel her easily relax as soon as she realized it was me. But she was still stiff from our closeness.

     “Yeah well, isn’t that obvious? You practically yanked my arm out of its socket. Couldn’t you at least stop me in the hallway and talk to me like a normal human being? Seriously, I-“ I stared at her lips while she was ranting. I wanted to kiss her so badly to shut her up, but I clamped my hand over she mouth instead.

      “Ashley, you should really shut up sometimes. You’re seriously turning into Jeremy now, goddamnit.” I muttered, smirking. I could see her eyes filled with curiosity, wonder, and….something else I couldn’t really point out.

     She gave me a flat look from under her fluttering eyelashes and her eyes suddenly turned mischievous. I auddenly felt wet slime on the palm of my hand, realizing it was Ashley’s tongue.  EW! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I leapt back in horror and glared at her, wiping my hand on my shirt. I looked between her and my hand.“Eww! Ashley what the fuck?!” I exclaimed.

     I looked over to her and saw her arms crossed over her chest, chuckling. Why does she need to be so fucking pretty? It’s just making everything so much harder! “Okay so? What do you want to talk to me about which is so important like you discovered Narnia or something?” she asked impatiently.

     This was it. It was either now or never. Make it or break it. I tell her now, and it could either strengthen us, or break us down. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly while walking back to her. She was so beautiful…so so beautiful…

     I reached out my hand and gingerly touched the side of her face, electricity shooting through my nerves, causing me to shudder. How does she have so much power over me? She could make me run the ends of the earth for her. Anything-for her.

     I could feel her hold her breath as I leaned closer to her, only a few inches apart. “Ashley,” I started in a serious voice, gazing into Ashley’s green eyes. “If this Cole guy does or says anything to you- anything that you don’t want to do or hear, you scream out for me and I’ll be there within a fraction of a second, you hear me?”

     I could see her beautiful eyes widen in shock. Why? Was it that hard to believe that I cared about her? I fucking loved her! Ofcourse I’d care about her. Even if she said she hated me and never wanted to see my face, I’d love her. Forever.

    Why was she not replying?

     “Do you promise me that Ashley?” I asked again, slightly nervous. I could see her eyes search my face, moving from my eyes to my cheeks to my lips….

     Her eyes snapped back to my eyes and she nodded, a bit too eagerly.

     Relief flooded through me, causing me to release my nervous breath. I leaned in just a bit more forward, my hand still resting on her face, toying with a few strands of her soft hair.

     I had to kiss her. I just had to. I leaned forwards even more, watching her eyes change from curiosity to shock, surprise and the same expression I saw earlier. What was it? I bended forwarded, till our lips were centimetres apart.

     Then it snapped. She was dating Jeremy. I couldn’t do it to her. I couldn’t be so selfish and cause her confusion and pain. I couldn’t make her hate me again. I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. I wouldn’t. I wanted to.

     Frustrated, I sighed and just brushed past her, walking to the bathroom. Ashley should be happy with Jeremy. She deserves to be happy. She shouldn’t be with a fuck up like me. It just wasn’t right.


A.N. :)

hallooO! I know this is a really short chapter, but I'm currently writing another one right at this minute. you see, i was gonna post this chapter last night, but the internet was all weird so I posted it today instead. BUT, im posting another one tonight as well! :D two uploads in a day! yayay!

its finally the weekend :O thought it would never come 

anywho, please VOMMENT! as always!! :D

it would honestly mean the world to me. oh, and also fan if you can :) THAT RHYMED. sugaricedtea.

iloveyou! :*



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