LEGO MOVIE PT.3 (Lego movie f...

By homeofallfandomz

26.3K 555 602

After the events of the second movie, Emmet and the others are living life as awesome as could be in their ne... More

Authors note!!
Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter five:
Chapter six:
Chapter seven:
Chapter eight:
Chapter nine:
Chapter ten:
Chapter eleven
Official-unofficial Soundtrack idea!
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter eighteen:
Chapter nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: THE END

Chapter Sixteen

539 13 27
By homeofallfandomz

Emmet yawned as he woke up, he stretched a bit as he noticed the sun was shining a bit brighter than it did before. He got up happily as he practically jumped into his outfit, ready to start the day.

"Good morning everyone!" Emmet sang as he opened the door to the dining room where everyone was sitting down eating tiredly as Emmet went down the table, greeting everyone as they replied still tired and bummed out. "Morning Lucy~" he said as he kissed her cheek, "morning Benny!" Emmet said as he fist bumped him, "morning unikitty your looking under the weather~" Emmet said as Unikitty hissed as she wore a cast on her paw. "Anddd morning- Rex?" Emmet paused as he noticed Rex wasn't in his usual seat off in the back.

Everyone looked at one another worried as Emmet turned around. "Hey guys...where's Rex?" He asked confused. They all turned their head down to Lucy as she sunk a bit in her seat. "Um, your going to want to sit down for this Emmet.." Lucy said as Emmet nodded confused as he sat down. "So... We found out...Rex was...a..bad guy-" "well he WAS but now he isn't" Emmet laughed a bit. "N-no he was bad..AGAIN" Lucy emphasized again as Emmet tilted his head confused.

"W-we um, decided its best if Rex just left, it was the safest option at the moment-" Benny tried saying as Emmet paused, understanding now. "Wait- you threw him out?" He asked concerned. "Well, throw out- banish, exile, all that mumbo jumbo.." Batman said as Emmet's eyes widened bewildered. "W-what did he do?" He asked frowning.

"We caught him talking with Al and the others.." "I don't believe he would" Emmet attempted to defend Rex. Lucy sighed as she sent her phone to him. Emmet looked up at the others confused before he began to play the video. Everyone watched nervously as Emmet watched, once it finished he looked up at them squinting. " guys know he was being sarcastic right?" he then said as the video ended. Lucy took in that Rex said the same thing when questioning him.

"N-no he wasn't Emmet.." Jenny tried to explain as Emmet stood up, frustrated. "..I'll find the real cause of this, is there a security room where I can see this...fully?" Emmet asked Queen Whatevera as she nodded, "Mayhem is in control if that, shes in the other room but-" "-I guess I'll go ask her then" Emmet looked away sad. "Em.." Lucy finally spoke out, "I need to see the full thing or it will eat at me forever..I know Rex is a good guy... hopefully I'm right about it..." he said smiling a little. With that he then left the room. "He has too much faith in people.." Lucy said as she looked at him worried as Jenny patted her back.

Emmet walked into the other room where Mayhem was sitting, she was looking down at the crystal rose sadly. "Hey.." Emmet said quietly, "hey" she responded. "Um, I'm sorry about-" "dont be... it was stupid for me to believe he changed....i-its fine" Mayhem smiled weakly as she turned to him. "But There's a chance their wrong" Emmet said as Mayhem looked up at him, "...Lucy said you might know where the cameras to the castle are?" Emmet said as Mayhem frowned. "Y-yea, there in the library, I'll show you them" She said as he nodded going towards it.

"Okay, this should be it" Mayhem said as she took him to a room full of monitors. Emmet sat down in the seat as he began to fast forwarded through the days as he saw everything that happened the days leading up to when Al and the gang showed up. He saw Batman and Queen Whatevera hanging out in the garden, he saw Benny, Lenny, Jenny and Kenny all playing tag-which made him smile a little and even saw Lucy just sitting outside, thinking. Finally after a little while, he got to Rex...

Mayhem stared at the screen and frowned as she saw Rex walk out to Al. "...i-im sorry I...I cant-" she then said in pain as she rushed out before Emmet could stop her. He frowned more as he then turned back to watch the video.

He squinted as he looked closer into the video as he listened to what Rex said. His eyes then widened.

"I knew it.." He whispered.
"Alright, i'm just about full, thanks Queen!" Benny smiled and got up as the Queen smiled back happily. "Where you heading out to?" Lucy raised an eyebrow. "We're going to try to track where those guys went off to with our weapon" Lenny said, throwing an arm over Benny as he smiled, nodding. "Shouldn't you assemble a team of some sort to help you?" Queen Whatevra said worried.

"Were fine, we can handle it!" Benny said. "At least take Mayhem, she can save your butts which you will most likely need saving with.." Queen Whatevra said as Benny and Lenny groaned. "Why dont you just come Kenny?" Lenny asked. "Because I dont want to spend more time around you brick for brains..." Kenny muttered. "Yea..what he said" Jenny added and laughed.

"fine we'll take Mayhem, but shes too busy crying over the cliche twist of her boyfriend turning evil" Lenny said as Benny agreed. "He wasn't my boyfriend" they heard Mayhem speak coldly as they jumped turning around. Mayhem had her uniform on as she put on her helmet. "Now lets go before I change my mind as well" she said through the mask as Lenny and Benny nodded, gulping.

Queen Whatevra frowned at her comment as she left with the two following her. "..Good luck guys-" Lucy called as Mayhem only paused to nod before she left.

"Alright, so our plan is to find Al and beat him up, take back our weapon and save the universe, easy-" Lenny said as Benny nodded agreeing, Mayhem kept silent as she walked. "There you are!" Emmet said as he ran down the hall towards her and the two astronauts. "So i was looking through the video and you guys would NOT believe what i found-" Emmet said as he held a USB that had the video in it. Benny and Lenny looked at one another nervously as they turned to see Mayhem who paused. "I was right, that whole thing was taken out of context if you look at the video-" "i dont want to look at it." Mayhem cut him off as he paused. "w-why not?" Emmet asked.

"Maybe show the others first-" Lenny tried to interject, "i just thought you would want to see it know.." Emmet scratched his head. "You know WHAT exactly?" Mayhem snapped turning around as Lenny jumped into Benny's arms scared. "He wasn't my boyfriend or anything, why should i care?!" she continued, almost as if she was telling herself that instead of Emmet. "...Cause he was your friend." Emmet responded disappointed. Benny and Lenny looked back at Mayhem. Mayhem only looked down, "...Are we going or not?!" she then asked as Benny jumped, nodding as they continued to walk. Lenny shrugged to Emmet sadly as he then followed, calling to Mayhem to wait up. 

Lucy and the others went over the plan of defeating the beast as Emmet barged in. "Emmet there you are!" Lucy said as Emmet walked right to the front of the table, "you guys need to see this" Emmet said as he played the recording. "Oh not this again.." Kenny muttered as everyone started arguing. "just-STOP, this is important!" Emmet whined as everyone sighed watching. The video then began to play, the FULL video. Lucy watched as her and the others eyes widened at what they were hearing, finally the video then skipped to after he was banished. They saw Rex run out crying when he fell down, they then saw Al and the others approach him smirking. "...Oh no..." Jenny covered her mouth terrified, realizing what they have done. 


Benny, Lenny and Mayhem were driving in her new ship. "The tracker says the piece is....HERE!" Lenny yelled out as Mayhem halted the ship to a stop. They looked around seeing nothing but forest from the top. "We have to land in order to find this thing.." Mayhem mumbled annoyed almost as the ship descended. Once they landed they hopped out and looked around cautiously. There was nothing but trees surrounding everywhere, "Weird... the tracker is usually never broken.." Lenny hummed as Benny looked at it worried. Mayhem kept an eye out as she felt her mind drift a bit. Part of her knew the video she saw, but another part wondered what Emmet wanted to show her, maybe she should have listened to him...or maybe she should have trusted Rex...

"Hey Sweets-" Lenny then called out as Mayhem felt her whole body tense up, "What.." she muttered, Benny then elbowed Lenny, "O-oh sorry, t-there seems to be something coming towards us.." Lenny whispered out as Benny frowned, looking at Mayhem. "Where." Mayhem asked as she zipped back around with her blaster, ready to shoot whatever it was. "Here." they then heard a voice chuckle out as they paused confused, a cloud of blue smoke then came out of no where, surrounding them. "What the-" "ITS A TRAP, QUICK PUT ON YOUR HELMETS-" Mayhem said as she put on her helmet. "WE DO HAVE OUR HELMETS ON, BUT WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO COVER OUR FACES-" Benny yelped, "THEN WHY DO YOU WEAR THEM?!" Mayhem yelled out, "FOR THE SAKE OF FASHION" Benny screamed out. "Nah its all good guys, we dont have noses" Lenny explained as he then felt dizzy, "oh yea, but we have mouths-" he then said as he slowly began to lose consciousness, laughing as he did. "BENNY DON'T BREATHE IN THE SMOKE" Mayhem tried to get to them but felt someone yank her away, "Let go of me!" she yelled out as she tried to break free. 

"Mayhem its okay, its just- gas that makes you laugh-" Benny giggled out more as Lenny did as well, still laying on the floor. "Its like if it was laughing gas-" Lenny laughed more. "its because IT IS- LET GO OF ME!" Mayhem then yelled to whoever was pulling her back as she finally broke free. She couldn't get a clear shot of the person so she went to plan B, which was a straight up kick to the face. She managed to hit them as they fell back a bit, she then turned around to check on Benny and Lenny when she ran straight into Al, who was wearing a breathing mask. "Hello Sweets~" Al smirked as Mayhem's eyes widened. Al then punched Mayhem's mask, creating a crack in it. She gasped as the smoke then found its way in as she attempted to cover her face but began to feel dizzy. She stumbled forward a bit, but fell down exhausted right beside Benny and Lenny. 

"Wow, you were right for once newcomer, they ARE relentless, especially this one" Al chuckled as he crouched down beside Mayhem. "New...comer.." Mayhem whispered out confused before she fell asleep. Al smirked and stood up, "Take them back to the headquarters, their other friends might be close behind.." Al said as the gang member's nodded and picked up Benny and Lenny. A figure began to walk out from the smoke looking at Mayhem, "Hey look on the bright side, you finally get to see your little girlfriend again, Rex..." Al laughed as the figure was revealed to be Rex, who looked at Mayhem frowning. "Hey, hurry up, you can have your little moment later" Al snapped as Rex nodded, picking up Mayhem as they all made their way back to the headquarters. 


"Where's Mayhem and the others, they should be back by now.." Queen Whatevra paced back and fourth anxiously. "They will be, don't worry" Lucy reassured her. She then looked forward, seeing Emmet sitting by the table, still upset. Lucy slowly walked up to him, "Hey.." she whispered. "..hey.." Emmet replied, eyes still glued to the table. "i-i'm sorry i didn't trust you-" "it's okay, it seems to be a reoccurring thing" Emmet spat back as he crossed his arms, looking at her. Lucy paused, the way he looked at her resembled Rex so much it was almost as if they were the same- oh wait they were- But this look seemed to be Rex and not Emmet whatsoever. It was cold instead of its usual softness, almost as if the pure and innocent Emmet was disappearing forever and turning into what he was scared of becoming... 

"...Emmet, i-i dont know where to even start-" Lucy began as Emmet stood up, "It's fine, really, i just...want to be alone right now.." Emmet said as he got up and went to his room. Lucy looked down as tears welled up in her eyes, Mayhem and the others were missing, she basically ruined Rex's life and now she was losing Emmet again... she sunk her head down as she began to cry softly. Whatevra saw this and frowned as she went up to her. "Do you...want to talk about it?" the Queen asked, "It's fine.." Lucy whispered out brokenly. "you know what... no, it isn't girl- Were gonna talk about it! I dont want a bunch of miserable people in my castle anymore, its totally throwing off my groove" Whatevra said as she pulled Lucy up.  "Really i'm fine-" Lucy pleaded. 

"Ice cream cone, assemble all the girls, were having a sleepover!" Whatevra announced as he nodded and went to get the others. "A sleepover?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, "Yea! its gonna be SO much fun! we can paint each others nails and tell one another secrets!" Whatevra said as Lucy rolled her eyes a bit but went along with it anyways. 


Mayhem slowly woke up as she looked around confused, she was in a prison cell of some sort. "W-what the-" Mayhem whispered, she then noticed Benny and Lenny, who were still unconscious. She then noticed she was in chains, "Hey...LET ME OUT" she yelled angrily as she tried to break free. "Its no use, you cant escape..." she then heard a voice call out, the voice sounded familiar... "W-who's there.." she whispered out, not wanting to actually know but felt her voice deceive her anyways. She then saw the figure come out from the shadows, she squinted to try to see who it was. When her eyes finally adjusted she gasped horrified. 






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