The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Co...

By HyperNinja453

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A young boy looked down upon by his family. One day, the young Y/N Rose leaves in pursuit of something more... More

The Formation of the Clouds
Bio of Y/N and Cross
First Mission, First Partner
The Akatsuki Fall
A Lesson in Superiority
The Resurfaced Rose
Quick Message from the Hype
The Old Partner Switch
Immobilize the Clouds
Rose vs RWBY, JNPR in The Abyss
Rose Stuck in the Abyss
Purple Meets Silver
Painful Memories, Flooding Back
Clouds Disperse
Writer's Block
Something.... Isn't Right
An Old Friend's Cruel Return
This Ends Now
One Battle to End It All

The Storm is Rolling In

95 0 1
By HyperNinja453

Vale was in chaos once again. RWBY thought it was over, but it was far from over. The Akatsuki were just getting started. Everything was going fine, until Ozpin was found dead. The council was in panic as the two men responsible stood before them. What Cross had predicted, was almost spot on. Once Ozpin was assassinated, the council was overcomee by fear of being next. Deidara had bombs placed on each council member. It was quite simple. The blast was small enough to only kill the person it was attached too. One by one the Akatsuki nin questioned the council members. Whether or not they would follow them. If they refused, Deidara would detonate the bomb attached to said council member. After they were done, only half remained.

Deidara: Well, we have control of the council. So now what, hn?

Cross: We get rid of Ozpin's right hand. Glynda Goodwitch. I bet you, if she is kept alive. She will find a way to make this collapse on top of us.

Itachi and Kisame had easily killed the headmaster of Shade Academy and swung the council to their side, by using a very powerful genjutsu. Y/N and Sasori were back at base, awaiting further orders. Hidan and Kakazu were sent to Mistral to gain its control and considering how pathetic Lionheart is. They wouldn't have a difficult time. The organization still had to worry about Atlas, considering it was one of the most secure of the four kingdoms. Pein decided that he, alongside his other Pein paths were attempt to take control of Atlas.

Cross was currently talking to Y/N over a private secured channel.

Y/N: How are things going in Vale?

Cross: Ozpin is dead. We managed to liberate and collapse the council. We just have to worry about Goodwitch.

Y/N: Great. I'm also suppose to tell you that within a week, you and Deidara need to have full control over Vale. If we are to stay on schedule. We have Vacuo under our control, Hidan and Kakazu are heading to Mistral. Pein is going to Atlas.

Cross: Hmmm, Atlas is going to be a bitch to conquer. What's gonna happen if we can't take it in under a week?

Y/N: We'll wipe it off the map, so they don't interfere with our plans. On another note, has Qrow interfered at all?

Cross: No. He hasn't even shown up at all. The only other people of Ozpin's group to worry about is Goodwitch and Ironwood. I doubt Ironwood is gonna try anything, afterall he is probably trying to fortify Atlas.

Y/N: That's the truth. How do you plan to keep the people at bay.

Cross: Easy. We have taken control of all of the mechs and droids in Vale. Isn't it great, we have soldiers that will do whatever their told without question.

Y/N: It seems things are going great. Me and Sasori are back with the information. Get this, it's information regarding what Suna plans to do to stop us. They have apparently alright know what happened in Vale. They were just debating whether or not to help. They have decided to help and are sending teams to Vale. So if we have rain-nin ambush the teams, we can keep everything controlled.

Cross: It isn't gonna last. Once the elemental nations catch the news of what happened to Vacuo, their gonna take action whether or not they are allies with the Remenant kingdoms.

Y/N: Then all we have to do is gain full control before they do. The Remenant kingdoms have more military power than all the ninja villages combined. Once we have full control, they should stay back. As to not start the 4th Great Shinobi War.

Cross: You are right about that. Anyway I have to go, my job here isn't quite done yet.

Y/N: Alright, just don't fuck it up.

Y/N stay on the channel for another couple seconds till he heard the beeping, signifying that his partner hung up. Gathered around him was Sasori, Konan, and Zetsu. Waiting to hear the news.

Y/N: They said everything is going great and that Ozpin is dead.

Konan: Good, if something happens. You and Sasori must be ready to move out.

Zetsu: I thought Pein wanted Y/N to not head back to Vale. Yeah, what the fuck are you doing?

Konan: That is true, but if something happens. Y/N meeting RWBY again is a smaller risk than losing Vale entirely.

Y/N: We'll be ready, Konan-San.

     Within the Village Hidden by Sand, sat the Kazekage, Gara of the Sand. With him were his sister and brother, Temari and Kankuro.

Kankuro: We owe Vale nothing. So why bother?

Temari: That's true, but what if the Akatsuki comes after us or the leaf next?

Kankuro: They already attacked us before. Why do it again? It makes no sense!

Temari: When has the Akatsuki ever made sense!

Gara: Silence. Now is not the time to begin conflicts between one another. As for the situation with Vale, both of you are right. We owe nothing to the Remenant kingdoms, but after the Akatsuki take control of the kingdoms. What is stopping them from coming here?

Kankuro: Then let's just increase our fortifications and stay away. It isn't our fight.

Temari: If we couldn't stop them last time. What makes you think we can this time?

Gara: Temari is right. We could stop two of them getting in, but imagine if they have all of the military power that Vale has under their control. One of the four kingdoms has enough power to destroy one ninja village in minutes. Now imagine the power they'll have if they have control of all four kingdoms. In conclusion, we were fools for not taking care of them sooner.

Kankuro: Then what are we gonna do?

Gara: I will contact the Hokage and we will work something out.

Hidan: I can't wait to sacrifice the entire kingdom, hahaha!!

Kakazu: You will not be sacrificing anyone and if you continue to yell. I'll kill you.

Hidan: Shut your mouth Kakazu!

Kakazu: You will only be killing Lionheart, if he defies us. If you do anything else, I'll dismember you and leave you in the middle of the forest.

Hidan: Your no fun.

     Hidan and Kakazu neared Mistral's main gate and passed through without conflict. They infiltrated Haven with ease and were soon outside Lionheart's office.

     Kakazu detached his hand and his hand shot threw the door, slamming it open in the process. The ex-steam-nin's hand clasped itself around the headmaster's neck, pinning him against the wall.

Kakazu: We are not wasting time. Hand Mistral and all of its assets and power to us or you will die here, today.

Lionheart: cough, I-it will b-be d-done.

     Kakazu released Lionheart and turned towards the door.

Kakazu: Good. Hidan, kill him.

Hidan: Don't order me around Kakazu!

Kakazu: Shut up and do the only thing your good at. I'm heading to Mistral's council, once your done meet with me at the council. Bring the headmaster's body for extra convincing.

Lionheart: Wait, that wasn't the deal.

Kakazu: There was no deal, it was an order that you chose to follow. There is also such thing as lying.

     Kakazu left the office and made his way towards where the council was located. Hidan soon followed with the dead Leo Lionheart slung over his shoulder. Just like that, the zombie brothers had taken Mistral. With Mistral and Vacuo under the Akatsuki's control. All they needed was Vale and Atlas.

Deidara: Do we really need to worry about her? Hn.

Cross: Yes, because she will stop at nothing to make sure we fail and that is worrying.

Deidara: Then what do we do?

Cross: Hmmm..... Have all the AK-200s search the entirety of Vale. Give them the order to find Glynda Goodwitch and kill her on site.

     Deidara nodded and proceeded over to Ozpin's desk, where the central nexus was located. Within a couple of minutes. AK-200s were flooding the streets, looking for one person.

     RWBY stood outside Beacon, alongside huge groups of other people. Civilian and huntsman alike. No one could get in, due to the fact that the mechs surrounding the academy would shoot at anyone getting too close.

Blake: Who do you think is doing this?

Yang: Who else? Those guys that were wearing the black cloaks.

Ruby: If they really did come back. Then that means Y/N is probably up there right?

Yang: Don't get your hopes up, Rubes.

     RWBY continued their conversation as JNPR walked up and greeted the other team.

Jaune: This is bad ain't it?

Ruby: Yeah. Ozpin is gone too.

Ren: From what I have heard, half the council is dead and the other half is under the enemies control.

Nora: Don't worry! Whoever they are, we'll just break their legs!

Yang: I would love nothing more than to do that, but these guys actually know what their doing. 

Deidara: The people are gathering around the academy, hn. We gonna do something?

Cross: Like what? You want to slap on Beacon's intercom and tell them who we are?

Deidara: No, but we could tell them why we're doing this, hn.

     Cross looked towards the blonde artist before walking over to the intercom. Turning it on, he addressed everyone gathered outside.

Cross: People of Vale-

Yang: What the hell! It's the same voice of the guy we fought!

Jaune: What?!

Cross: We have our reasons for doing this. Some may be justified, some may not. Just know this, we want what every other person wants. Peace.

Weiss: If they want peace. Why attack and destroy Vale?

Cross: However, peace can never be achieved through normal methods. But rather, through fear. If the entire world fears the thought of death and war, no one will attempt to destroy the created peace. I think you get the rest. Do not oppose us, do not hate us, we just want peace, but unlike everyone else. We are not afraid to get our hands dirty, to obtain such a thing.

     6 people with orange hair, wearing black cloaks blazing with red clouds. Approached Atlas.

Pein (Tendo): Soon, our goal will be within our grasps. Madara thought he could control me, but I broke free and we will succeed without that Uchiha.

(A/N: This chap is a shorter one. I just ran out of ideas towards the end. I'll probably take a day off and brainstorm. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, please share.)

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