Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

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Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29

780 18 1
By ThaliaLikesLove

This one kind of started off feeling like a filler chapter and went off on its own tangent loooool.

Clubbing, bonding, and some cheeky MacManus PDA. Although this time I should call it PDC since it's more claiming her out of possessiveness then affection. ;')


The next day, Lila was thrumming with excitement about going to a club. Back in New York, before she became a carer to her granda, she often went clubbing, even underage, and she loved it. The nightlife there had been insane and she always got such a buzz off it. The night before, after the trio had gotten home from the pub, they had a slight argument when Lila informed the twins she was going to be meeting Emily at her place, alone. The boys wouldn't hear of it, having her going on her own and them both go to the club, meeting the boys there later. But Lila put her foot down. She wanted the chance to get ready with Emily in peace, getting to know her more. And since the boys had work, she picked a time just before they would be home to leave so they couldn't stop her. She wanted to get to the club before them, have a few drinks just the girls and get Emily relaxed so she felt more at ease around the boys. The boys were pissed, but they knew she would be leaving before they got home from work no matter what they said so they had nothing to do but accept it.

She was currently at Emily's house as the girls got ready. Lila had gotten herself ready first and she brought a whole load of clothes with her for Emily to pick from, knowing the girl wouldn't have anything Lila deemed club appropriate. Lila was wearing the same black bralette from the boys birthday, but she had paired it with a tartan mini skirt instead of jeans. The skirt was high waisted, cinching in her already tiny waist. It fell to her thighs, just long enough to cover her ass. She knew she had crossed the vampy line and into slutty just about but it was more acceptable in a club with the low lighting. It was a skater style skirt, so it flared out and she had on her black wedges from the boy's birthday too. She had her hair half up, two small messy space buns either side of her head as all the other hair fell to her waist, wavy as usual. She did a smokey eye with winged liner and her usual vampy matte red, almost black lipstick. She wore a large choker with it that had a big hoop attached, like a leash should attach to it, it was one of her favourites. Her friend had complimented her profusely, telling her how amazing she looked and how she wished she could pull something like that off. Lilas mission was to make Emily see herself for the beautiful woman she was.

Emily had told her she didn't feel comfortable in a dress or skirt, not this time at least, so Lila picked her high waisted skinny black jeans. She opted for a simple top for the girl, a dark grey cami with lace trim, tucking it in the pants for the girl and showing off her figure. She wasn't as curvy as Lila, Lila had an hourglass figure with a tiny waist. Emily was a little more skinny, but it looked good on her. She finished the outfit with some ankle boots, making her look more womanly, but nowhere near as exposed as Lila, baby steps as it were. Lila did the girls make up for her, and with the look Emily had given the makeup, Lila doubted the girl was used to it. So she opted to keep it simple, unlike her own dramatic makeup. She gave the girl a simple brown smokey eye with some eyeliner and finished the look with some nude gloss. They both looked hot as hell, but at the same time their outfits showed their personality. Emily being more reserved and Lila being edgy and honestly unashamed to show her body. She never had been when she was clubbing, she knew what the scene was like after all.

They linked arms as they got out of the cab, walking inside the club. It wasn't too far from the pub which is why Lila knew it was there, seeing it on her way to work. She had no clue about the clubs here in Boston so this seemed like a good place to scout. If they didn't like it, she could find somewhere else to go for next time. Emily was actually excited after Lila had pumped her up whilst they got ready, Lilas excitement was contagious. Emily admired the redhead, she seemed so confident and did not give a shit about what other people thought, Emily wished she could be more like that and hoped spending time with her might help.

As they made their way in, Lila grinned, looking around and feeling like home. The atmosphere was worlds apart from McGinty's. The light was low, the occasional strobe going off, a sea of bodies on the dancefloor gyrating against each other to the slow beat of the music, giving the song a sexy feel to it. Lila gripped Emily's hand so she didn't lose the girl as she made her way to the bar. She knew she only had about an hour with the girl before the boys showed up and she knew without a doubt they would get ready as soon as possible to get to her, wanting to know she was okay and made it here safely. Half an hour in and the girls weren't drunk but they were tipsy, they were sat in some chairs in a corner where Lila was telling her new friend about her horrible first time, losing her virginity at 16 years old to a guy in her class.

"I wasn't the prettiest in school you know? I wasn't popular or anything like that. I didn't really get on with people that well, I was still dealing with losing my da, and I was a pretty angsty teen. I was a loner, people just kinda avoided me. So when he started showing me all this attention, I guess I felt special. Like the cool kid noticed I existed." She sighed. Emily nodded intently, she was engrossed in the story, enjoying having a friend. Lila was grateful for the girl. As much as she loved her boys and Rocco, she seemed to be always surrounded by men, even at work. She was glad to have some good old girl talk.

"He would shower me with gifts, be all cute and leave sweet notes in my locker. At one point he even told me he loved me." She scoffed bitterly and shook her head. Emily frowned and reached out, squeezing her hand. If she was honest the story felt so similar to her own already and she related to it.

"I was nervous, obviously, I hadn't ever done it before and I told him that. He told me he'd be gentle, told me I was it for him. I believed him like a fucking idiot. So I gave him what he wanted, and then right after, not even five minutes, he tells me to leave...I was so shocked, I was hurt. He was suddenly cold. He laughed at me when I cried and told me I meant nothing, I was just a conquest he could brag about, so I left feeling humiliated and heartbroken. Sure enough, when I get to school the next day, everyone's whispering about me, he'd told everyone and there were rumours flying around about how much of a slut I was, some even that I'd fucked the whole football team." She huffed, taking a long pull from her beer. Emily scowled, sipping her own beer.

"He's an asshole." She frowned, making Lila snort a laugh at her, she liked Emily a lot. The girl had already warmed up to her pretty well and she was a different person to the meek girl she met the day before. Lila was happy she was opening up to her.

"Yeah, he is. But it doesn't matter, I made my peace with it and I'm still alive, shit just happens you know?" She shrugged, and of course, Emily knew, Lilas own boyfriends had done it to her. The whole thing was strange, to be friends with the girlfriend of the very boys who had hurt her, but it wasn't awkward like it should have been, she genuinely liked Lila and she liked how even though she loved the boys, she had stuck up for her and made them say sorry to her.

They had a few more drinks, still not drunk but well on their way, and that's when the twins and Rocco showed up. They pushed their way through the sea of bodies, scanning the crowd for their girl. They had been to clubs a few times, they liked the energy here sometimes but they much preferred the relaxed atmosphere of the bar. Rocco was the first to spot her with Emily, pointing her out to the boys as he shouted something they couldn't hear over the loud music. Their eyes went to where he was pointing and they almost stopped dead in their tracks. She was wearing such a tiny fucking skirt and they didn't fail to notice all the eyes on her. They felt mixed emotions. First of all, they wanted to remove all the leering eyes from the skulls that dared look at their girl. But at the same time, they felt that swell of pride that she belonged to them. She was breathtaking, and as she turned and saw them, a beautiful bright smile gracing her pouty dark red lips, their breath caught in their throat. She was a vision, like a dark angel calling them home. It made their hormones go fucking nuts but it also caused a swirl of emotions in both brothers. And Murphy being Murphy, couldn't hold back.

He stalked right over, his possessive need to claim her in front of all the watching eyes reaching an all-time high, and much how he had done in McGinty's, he grabbed her face and crashed his lips on hers. He could taste the alcohol on her lips and he felt her moan into the kiss as she fisted his hair, not caring who looked on. It wasn't like there weren't other people making out all over the place. His tongue invaded her mouth, like it was exploring every inch of it and he got lost in the taste of her. When he moved away she gave him a grin, clearly tipsy but also feeling the rush of the kiss. Lila had noticed the boys were wearing their usual black t-shirt and jeans combo, she had a brief fleeting thought of how unfair it was that they could make such little effort yet look so sinfully good.

His hands were still on her face as he took a small step back, his eyes roaming her beautiful body up close and he hummed in appreciation. Leaning forward again and resting his forehead on hers.

"Fuckin' hell m'girl, yer tryin' te kill us." He chuckled, making her snort a laugh at him. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the alcohol and she looked well on her way to being merry. He kissed her nose before moving away and she noticed the lighter haired twin watching them, biting his lower lip as he gave her a hooded gaze, his eyes traveling all over her body. She flushed under his stare but made no move to go to him. He always expected her to and the alcohol singing in her veins made her feel cheeky. He looked at her almost expectantly and she quirked a brow with a smirk, shrugging at him. She heard Murphy laugh beside her, watching the two as he gave his brother a smug grin. In any other circumstance Connor would have stuck to his will, being the one in control and waiting until the girl caved and went to him, but he had the deep need to claim her as his twin had, he'd seen at the men with their tongues practically hanging out as they looked at his girl. He growled low in his throat as he closed the gap, grabbing her hip with one hand, the other on her neck. She was more than surprised when his lips attacked hers with as much desperation as his brother. Connors kisses were usually more controlled and slow, yet still sensual. This was different, and she knew he was laying his claim, honestly, it turned her on.

When he moved away, they were both breathless and she smirked at him, licking her lower lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.

"Hi." She grinned, looking so happy she was practically radiant, he couldn't help but smile down at her.

"Hi." He replied with a cheeky grin. She just kept looking up at him with a lovesick smile, making moon eyes at him and he loved it. She heard Murphy laugh again next to her, she was definitely on her way to being drunk and it was adorable. Connor pointed over to the table, where Emily was now sat with Rocco, and Connor smacked her ass lightly, commanding her to go and sit down. She glanced at both boys for a second before complying. Murphy rubbed his lower lip, Connor scratching the scruff on his chin, as they both tilted their heads, watching her walk away. The way her hips swayed, the little amount of clothing she was wearing, she was a fucking vision. They noticed a guy at the bar also watching her walk away and they squinted at him, but when the man noticed them he blanched, looking terrified, he had seen their public display of affection as it were, and he turned away quickly. The twins just shot each other sly smirks feeling more than pleased with themselves, they made their way over to the bar to order them all a round of drinks.

When Lila got to the table, a smirk worked its way onto her face as she saw Emily and Rocco talking intently. It only widened when she saw Emily laugh at something Rocco said, he was the funny man after all. It seemed like they were getting cozy, and it made her feel all warm and fuzzy. They'd make a cute couple. She wouldn't say anything to embarrass them though, she knew how Emily was and she wasn't about to make her new friend feel awkward, that's not what friends do. So instead, she sat at the table and smiled warmly at them as they looked at her, smiling back. She'd made sure to sit a bit away from them so she wasn't imposing and she was more than pleased when they resumed talking. She was glad she'd had the chance to ply Emily with some booze before the boys got here because it seemed to have loosened her up. She also had a feeling it was to do with the fact that she and Emily now felt like real friends, and Emily knew Lila had her back, it made her much more relaxed about being around the three assholes that once hurt her. They had changed after all, and Emily could see it.

The boys got back to the table and she was surprised when Connor sat next to her and Murphy sat opposite her. Connor rarely went to her like this and the scowl on Murphys face told her the needy twin wasn't impressed with this turn of events. Connors' arm wound around her waist and she reached across the table, holding her hand out to the darker twin. He turned his scowl from his brother, softening when he looked at her but he still wasn't happy. She bat her lashes at him, giving him a little pout and he couldn't help but smile as he took her hand, feeling good that she had wanted to include him and hadn't just forgotten him, even when drunk.

The brothers kept talking to each other in a language she couldn't understand but she was too drunk to care, enjoying the warmth radiating from Connor and how Murphy was stroking her hand affectionately. She was getting the itch to dance, watching all the bodies on the floor moving to the beat. She was distracted though when she felt Connor laugh next to her and she glanced to Murphy, he was watching Emily and Rocco amused and he was about to say something, but it was like Lila just fucking knew, always in tune with them. She kicked him under the table and he yelped, his shin took quite a hit with those monster heels of hers. Connor barked a laugh next to her, fucking delighted about the fact she had actually kicked his brother, and Murphy scowled at her indigently.

"The fuck was that for?" He asked petulantly, his voice higher than usual and she couldn't stop the snort that left her lips.

"Not a word Murphy MacManus!" She scolded, glancing to her new friend and her best friend really getting along. Realisation crossed his face then as he glanced from them to Lila again. As much as he wanted to make a smart ass comment, he knew Lila would have his balls if he did, this was her night after all and they had just fucking encroached it without care since they wouldn't even dream of letting her out the house dressed like this without them.

Some time passed with them laughing and drinking, Emily and Rocco now sat with them properly again as they joined in and Lila was having a great night. It was nice to be back in a club and now with her new favourite people too. But still, she was getting the urge to dance again. She was going to ask the twins to dance, although she felt like dancing wasn't really their thing, but then she got an idea.

"Emily, come dance with me!" Lila pleaded, giving her friend a grin. The twins and Rocco quirked a brow, looking somewhat amused as they look from girl to girl, like they were excited about her answer and to see them dance together. Lila snorted. She had no doubt the whole experimentation story she had told the three was playing on their minds and it was hilarious. Emily looked at her with wide eyes, blushing just slightly. Lila knew she'd enjoy it if she gave it a go, so she stood up, sauntering over somehow gracefully despite all the alcohol in her system. She took Emily's hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

"Lila...I've never...I don't know how to." Emily admitted looking embarrassed and sheepish. Lila thought as much and shot her friend a winning smile.

"Just do what I do, let your body respond to the beat." She smirked as she started swaying her body to the deep slow base of the song. She always felt alive being in a club, letting the music sing through her veins like this, her body always seemed to have a mind of its own and just moved accordingly. Emily watched her for a moment taking note of what her more confident friend was doing. She was excited to try it, this whole thing had been a new experience for her and Lila hadn't steered her wrong yet. She copied Lila, her movements a little jerky at first, unsure of herself. Lila moved closer to her, wrapping her arms around her neck with a wicked grin, and Emily laughed lightly, her cheeks blushing. It did help though, as she rested her on hands on Lilas' hips, it helped her move in sync with the redhead as they both danced together. Emily's face heated up when she noticed a lot of people looking their way, smirking at them, seemingly enjoying the show. But it felt good to be noticed that way, after spending so much time a fly on the wall.

The boys and Rocco were staring at them, eyes wide and jaws slack. When they saw Lila move closer to the girl and wrap her arms around her neck, they almost fucking died of a heart attack right there. The way she moved was so erotic, how her hips swayed and her body moved so sinuously, they felt their jeans suddenly feel a fuck tonne tighter. Their eyes weren't really on the other girl, although just the fact that Lila was dancing with another lass got them hot and bothered. But it was just the way Lila moved her body altogether that got them going. Especially when she was wearing that short fucking skirt. They tensed visibly through when some prick came up behind Lila, just inviting himself in on the party. Murphy's blood turned to molten lava when said pricks hands rested on Lilas' hips just below Emily's and he was gyrating behind her, no doubt rubbing his dick all over her ass. They looked to each other, faces like thunder, and Rocco looked at them both and swallowed thickly, knowing what was about to happen.

Before they could get up to kick the assholes teeth in though, Lila had turned around, moving away from him. The guy was handsome, she'd give him that. Usually she'd dance with anyone, she didn't really care, but she was in a relationship now. She glanced to the boys, seeing them watching and looking like they were about to shit a brick and she had to hold back her laughter. She was really tempted just to dance with the guy, to see their faces and because honestly, when they were jealous and possessive, it was really fucking sexy. But she knew the guy would end up dead if she did, and she didn't want to hurt the boys. It was one thing making them jealous when they weren't together or just saying something to get them riled up, but to do this would be crossing a line she didn't want to cross. Their relationship was already one that would be considered strange and needed more attention. Polyamorous relationships needed more communication than others and it was a big deal to keep jealousy at a minimum. And even though this wouldn't cause them fighting with each other, she didn't want to make them mad, because if they pulled that shit on her now they were together, she'd fucking kill them.

"I'm sorry, I'm taken." Lila grinned warmly at the man, he hadn't really done anything wrong after all, no need to be rude to him. He held his hands up in mock surrender as he laughed lightly and Lila was glad he was taking it so well and didn't cause a scene.

"Hey, no worries. What about you?" He asked with a smile as he glanced at Emily. The girl's eyes widened like saucers and Lilas laughter chimed around them. She pulled her friend in for a hug so she could talk to her privately.

"You don't have to if you don't want, but I think you'd enjoy it if you did." She whispered to her, letting her know she had her back, but really wanting her friend to just loosen up and have a good time. She knew Emily seemed to like Rocco, and it seemed like just maybe Rocco liked her back, but if she danced with this guy and Rocco got jealous, Lila would have that answer. Emily looked at her, then to the guy, before back at her. If she was honest, she was really tempted to. She had enjoyed dancing with Lila and now this hot guy wanted to dance with her. It was just a dance, it wasn't serious, and she knew Lila would have her back if things got too awkward. She nodded shyly and the man grinned at her. Lila walked away as the two started dancing, she would go and sit down with the boys and watch to make sure she was okay and didn't need help.

The boys relaxed when they saw Lila move away and the prick was no longer touching her, but they still watched on with scowls as she continued to talk to him, fucking smiling at him as he smiled back. But when the man started to dance with Emily instead and Lila walked away, they exhaled a breath they didn't even realise they were holding. Rocco was the one who was now scowling as he watched the pair dance and the boys glanced to each other with smirks, trying not to laugh. Lila joined them with a beaming grin, but before she could sit down, Murphy grabbed her and pulled her to sit sideways on his lap. She giggled, wrapping an arm around him so she didn't just fall right off, she was pretty tipsy and she didn't trust herself not to slide off and hit the floor.

She heard Murphy's beautiful laugh in her ear and she glanced over to Connor who was grinning at her, thoroughly amused. Murphy nuzzled her neck, nipping it playfully and making her gasp.

"Ye been a wee naughty lass Lila." He purred against her skin and she flushed from his words and squirmed a little on his lap, his arms around her waist tightening. Connor was still staring her down and it was intense, a sly smirk on his face as he watched them both.

"I told him I was taken." She whispered, her heart beating faster still from Murphy's words. Her voice sounded shy almost as she clung to him. The twins certainly knew how to push her buttons. Murphy hummed against her neck, seemingly pleased with that news and Connors smirk widened.

"Good girl." Murphy smirked, nipping her neck once again and making her let out a quiet moan, all other people in the club seemingly forgotten and it was just her and her boys.

Murphy suddenly latched his teeth onto the skin of her neck, sucking hard and marking her up for him and his brother. He remembered the first time he had seen her with her hair up, how he had wanted to do this even back then and he felt a surge of primal satisfaction from it. That he was finally able to do it. Murphy's hand started sliding up the inside of her thigh and she moaned again, squirming more as her chest heaved. Connor watched with rapt attention, eyes wandering the whole of her as he took her all in. How her cheeks were flushed and her eyes closed, definitely fucking enjoying the attention his twin was showing her.

When Murphy was done, he made a noise of satisfaction in the back of his throat as he admired his handiwork, a large hickey standing out in stark contrast to her beautiful pale skin. She looked at him, blinking slowly like she was dazed and he gave her a devilish grin, loving how she responded to him. He pulled her lips to his own, kissing her deeply as he massaged his tongue with hers, making her moan into his mouth. He fisted her hair, his kiss getting more intense and desperate. She whined when he eventually pulled away feeling breathless. He chuckled at her as he tried to catch his own breath. She was fucking perfect in every way. He loved how her body reacted to his touches, or how she never seemed to care who was watching when she was with them both. It made him feel good.

"Go te me brother cailín álainn (beautiful girl)." He commanded, brushing his lips against hers teasingly. His tone and words sent another thrill through her and she swallowed hard, nodding as she got up obediently. Connor was looking at her expectantly. His eyes dark and predatory and it made her knees weak. When she stood next to him, he pulled her in his lap just how Murphy had and he kissed her right away. A slow deep, almost teasing kiss and she melted into him. When he pulled away, he looked at her with his hooded gaze as she caught her breath and he took note of how wide her pupils had blown. She looked drugged almost from their kisses and it pleased him greatly. He swept the hair from her shoulder and placed a soft kiss on the unmarked flesh on that side. She shivered at his teasing and he smirked against her skin before sinking his teeth into her, sucking on her skin. She gasped, her eyes fluttering shut as she gripped his shoulder, lest she fall onto the floor in a heap. The whole thing was erotic and made her head spin and she couldn't care less who was watching.

When he was done, he looked at the mark just how Murphy had and placed another soft kiss on the now sensitive skin, making her jump a little. He chuckled and kissed her cheek as she blushed deeply. She glanced back to Murphy, seeing him watching her amused and also turned on. She couldn't believe she had the affection of not just one of these stunning Irishmen, but two. It was overwhelming. It was then that the three noticed Rocco was no longer sat with them and they looked to each other confused. They scanned the place and then Lila let out an incredulous laugh, seeing her best friend dancing with Emily. The boys followed her line of sight and their eyes widened before they grinned. It turned out the funny man had decided to take matters into his own hands and they were glad he did, he seemed to actually like the girl. It was a little awkward, given the circumstance, the boys taking her virginity after all for a bet made by the funny man himself. But if he was happy, then they would support him.

Rocco's on and off again girlfriend Donna was the biggest bitch around, she treated him like shit and was constantly cheating on him. The boys wondered why the fuck he was even still with her but they knew deep down he still loved her, or who she used to be before she became a druggie whore at least. They were currently off, once again, and they hoped that having someone decent in his life would open his eyes that he didn't have to stay in a loveless relationship for the sake of it. Their best friend deserved real happiness, just they like had found. They couldn't even remember what it was like before Lila, when they had no want for a lass for something other than sex, when they had not experienced how it felt to love someone other than each other. They wanted Rocco to feel love again, to be truly fucking happy, because that's how they felt, and they didn't realise just how much they needed it until she came into their lives.

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