Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21

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If anyone is wondering about my posting schedule, I post two chapters a day. Sometimes one in the morning (UK time), and then one in the evening, sometimes both in the evening.

This chapter almost didn't happen. The one after this was actually chapter 21, but then I realised that I didn't really go into Connors first kiss with Lila like I did with Murphys, since the chapter after this starts a week after Murphy kissing her. Connor wasn't impressed with me at all and kept nagging at me.

So here we are. It's kinda short but just as sweet and according to Connor; very fuckin' important!


It was weird for Lila to be at work, knowing things with the boys were dramatically different. She thought back to that very morning, when Murphy had kissed her and left her breathless, how Connor had joined them and shown her, let her feel, their intense connection. It made her head spin and she didn't really understand how she was part of it. Murphy's explanation of her being made just for them did make sense, because she had no other clue what the hell it could be. As Murphy said, they were twins, that's why they had that connection. But Lila wasn't part of that, she wasn't related at all. She had no idea how she would have such a profound and weird ass bond with the boys, but she liked it. It felt so intimate and it was strange. It would definitely take some getting used to.

She stood there drying some glasses, the boys were perched at the other side of the bar with Rocco, and Aileen was talking to them. The older woman was an angel, Lila loved her. She had been so mad at the boys and what they did on their birthday, and she tore strips off them when they walked in. Lila was amused. But Aileen could see they had worked it out, she could even just see the difference in the three. She wasn't going to intervene or cause trouble. She just wanted the boys to know that if they fucked with Lila again, they'd have her to deal with.

She'd been at work for over an hour now and there had been a niggling voice in the back of her head, making her painfully aware she hadn't kissed Connor yet. She wasn't sure how to go about it, he had the chance to kiss her when he grabbed her face at the loft that morning, doing his Jedi mind shit on her, but he hadn't taken that chance. She found herself feeling anxious, maybe he'd changed his mind? Maybe he decided he didn't want her that way after all. Or maybe he was waiting for her to go to him. She felt too unsure of herself to pull a move like that though. Connor was always harder to read than Murphy, sometimes she didn't know where she stood with him. She'd felt a little bit hesitant with him after the whole car incident, because that had thrown her for a loop and was so unexpected, to see him act like that. So instead, she opted to dry the glasses and glance over at the boys every now and again.

She had noticed the twins in a heated discussion in some other language, Murphy was scowling, looking like he was giving his brother an ear bashing, and Connor just looked sick of him. She worried a little, there was some tension there, and she hoped she wasn't the cause. She heaved a sigh and jumped when Aileen touched her arm, she didn't even notice the woman come over to her.

"Ye can take a break sweetie." She said softly, making Lila look at her like she'd grown an extra head. Lila never took a break. She only worked from 8 till 11 so she never felt the need to, so this was new and very fucking weird.

" I'm good, thanks Aileen." Lila smiled, still looking a little baffled. Aileen chuckled giving her a weird knowing look and it only confused her more.

"There's a handsome blonde Irish man after yer company outside for a moment." She smirked, nodding her head in Connors direction. Lila quirked a brow curiously, Connor wouldn't look at her, fidgeting and fishing out his smokes.

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