Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7

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More sad feels, but it gets better.


The next morning Connor woke before Murphy and Lila, he made a phone call into work, leaving a message to say he and his brother wouldn't be coming in. He explained about Lila or 'Murph and I's lass' as he had called her and that they needed to spend the day with her to make sure she was alright. He knew it would have been taken as Lila was he and Murphy's girlfriend but he didn't care. The three of them may not have been romantically linked, but the twins both saw her as theirs. It even became an unspoken knowledge in the days she had worked at McGinty's. The men still looked at her, any lad with eyes would have, but they knew from how the twins were that she belonged to them and they'd never act on it. Murphy had said more than a few colourful words to some of the lads that had made some crude comments about the lass the night before her date after she had left, and put them well and truly in their place. As Murphy so eloquently put it, if any of them even tried to make a move on Lila, 'there won't be a single fuckin' bone in yer body that ain't broken, am I makin' meself clear lads?' You always knew Murphy meant business when he used his low voice, it was downright menacing.

After Connor rang their work, he rang the bar, leaving a message for Aileen to say that Lila would need a few days off work and what had happened, he knew the woman would be understanding about it and he wondered if she had any advice for them to help Lila out. Next on the agenda was the lasses Ma. He didn't have her number though and the lass didn't have her bag for him to look through to see if he could find anything. He would have gone to her apartment, but he realised he and Murphy didn't actually know where it was. He didn't want to bother her about it, but he knew he'd have to talk to her when she woke up, he'd offer to make the call himself so she wouldn't get too upset.

When Murphy woke up, the pair didn't speak, they didn't want to wake the girl up. Connor made them a pot of coffee and some toast and they sat at the table eating and drinking silently, the pair glancing at the sleeping girl occasionally with sombre faces. They were dreading her waking up, knowing how upset she would be. They were both dressed in their usual jeans and black t shirts but didn't bother with their boots since they didn't plan on going anywhere just yet. A few hours passed and the girl was still out cold, they were worried but they figured she needed it, her mind and body had been through enough.

Rocco turned up at around dinner time, when he was free he'd sometimes go and see the twins at work and have lunch with them but when he went by he got told they were off, seeing to their girl. Connor took him out into the hall and explained what had happened and the usually happy man was gutted. He had met the girl once, the second day she had been in McGintys, before he had passed out. She was a lovely girl and the boys had done nothing but gush about her since they'd met her, he knew they both liked her and she was good for the pair of them.

"Aw fuck man, whys shit always gotta happen to good people?" He frowned, wiping a hand over his face as he looked at Connor. The fair haired twin looked like he hadn't slept and Rocco knew the boys would have been taking it hard. He offered to go and grab them some lunch and when he brought it back he got out of their hair. They ate their deli sandwiches quietly, leaving Lilas for when she would eventually wake up.

Mary felt a dull ache in her chest. She knew this was going to happen, her father had been sick for over a year, but it reminded her of the loss of her husband all over again and she was heartbroken for her poor little Delila. Her daughter had taken care of the man for a year, taking it upon herself to be his carer instead of going out and living her life, and she knew she would be taking it hard. When she turned up at her apartment, there was no answer, no noise from inside at all, and she was worried where her daughter might be given what her mental state would be. She went to McGinty's next, Lila had mentioned she worked there during one of their nightly phone calls and she hoped maybe she was there. Once again she came up empty handed when she saw no signs of her. After talking to the older barmaid though, she found out Lila had stayed the night with two brothers. She was concerned at first until Aileen assured her that there were no more virtuous boys than the MacManus twins and how they had helped her the day she came in for the first time soaked from the rain. She explained the three were close friends and Mary remembered her daughter talking about a Connor and Murphy, it turned out those were the brothers Aileen was talking about. Aileen gave her the directions to their place so she could see her daughter.

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