Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20

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Murphy tries to explain the telepathy to Lila and he gives his opinion on where he thinks their girl fits into it all.


Lilas consciousness came to her with a jolt as she heard a noise she couldn't quite place. Her eyes fluttered open slowly only to see Murphy sat looking at her sideways on the bed, his camera in hand. He snapped another shot of her, and her brain registered it was the noise she had heard. Murphy was pleased with the pictures. She looked so unguarded and beautiful in the mornings and now it was captured forever. He lowered the camera a little and noticed she was squinting at him.

"Did you just take pictures of me sleeping?" She asked sounding amused, her voice was a little louder than intended and Connor behind her snored louder, his hand around her waist dragging her closer to him. Murphy lowered his head with a nervous chuckle, and Lila noticed his cheeks flushed pink.

"Murphy MacManus, did you just blush?" She asked teasingly, keeping her voice softer this time so she did not wake Connor up. Murphy blushed even harder, glancing at her through his lashes as he nodded sheepishly.

"Ye just looked so beautiful, wanted te capture it." He replied softly. Lilas' heart felt like it might burst from his words and his adorable sweet face.

She tried to sit up, but Connors' arm was a dead weight and Murphy snorted, reaching over to help her get free of his grip. When she finally sat up, she gave him a smile, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles softly.

"You can take pictures of me sleeping any time, just make sure if I'm asleep that I'm not drooling." She grinned at him, making him huff out a laugh at her. He reached out, tucking some of her wild red hair behind her ear as he just looked at her. She could feel the intensity behind his gaze and it reminded her of the night before and the strange connection they shared whilst being a tangle of limbs. As if knowing what was on her mind once again, Murphy stood, pulling her up with him.

"Guess I should try te explain some shit love. Ain't great wit' words but I'll try." He said looking nervous, chewing the thumb on his spare hand. She nodded as she let go, walking over to the couch and Murphy went into the kitchen to make them some coffee. When he returned with two wonderful smelling cups, he placed them on the small coffee table. The pair sat at either end of the couch facing each other, their backs against the armrests, and Lila had taken the crocheted blanket from the back and lay it over their tangled legs.

He looked anxious and she wondered why he seemed scared almost to tell her. He was picking at his nails as he glanced at her and then his hands.

"Dinnae rightly know where te start m'girl." He admitted, his cheeks flushing once again. Lila sat up straighter, taking his hands to stop him fidgeting. It seemed to calm him instantly.

"Why don't you start with you and Connor first, how that works. I mean I have an idea but I don't really know and you two never talk about it." She suggested softly. He took a deep breath and nodded, hoping the words would come out right. It was a big deal for him to talk about this to her because he and Connor hadn't ever told anyone before. Everyone just knew they were so in tune with each other because they were twins and it was obvious, but they didn't really know the extent of it.

"Alright so, the uh...the telepathy. Ye picked up on it, no fuckin' clue how, but ye did. So it works a few ways. We're kinda in each other's heads all the time, it's kinda listenin' te a radio station? But we can kinda have it on low volume. It's always there, like background noise, but we're just used te it so it doesnae really bother us none." He started, hoping he was making sense. Lila gave him an encouraging smile and squeezed his hands and he felt good to continue, it seemed like she was following.

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