Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5

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Lila gets asked out on a date by someone other than the twins, and Murphy gets jealous...again. :')


Lila walked to work with a stupid grin on her face but she didn't care. She had decided to leave for work a little earlier today and she stopped to get herself a coffee, she got more than she bargained for though as she gained a date too. The barista had been quite attractive, although she found herself comparing him to the devilishly handsome Irish twins that had befriended her. She wondered just when the boys had become a scale to measure the attractiveness of potential dates and snorted to herself. The twins were way out of her league, hell even the barista was, so she had no reason to use them to pick her dates. She hadn't seen anyone since high school since she'd been so busy, so the thought of a handsome guy wanting to take her to dinner made her feel giddy. They'd arranged to meet at an Italian place the next day and swapped numbers incase the plans changed. She was still wearing her off the shoulder top that she had worn when she attended to Murphy earlier in the day.

When she walked into work, the boys noticed instantly she was already smiling, Connor quirked a brow curiously and half amused whilst Murphy squinted almost suspiciously. His suspicion was melted instantly though when she came to them first, making him feel smug at the look from some of the other patrons that she had graced them with that smile and her presence first.

"Hey guys! You need anything?" She was practically radiant and as beautiful as it looked on her, Murphy couldn't help the pit in his stomach that was growing at a rapid rate.

"What's got ye in such a fine mood sweetheart?" Connor asked with a smile.

"I have a date!" She beamed. And there it was. Murphy felt like a kettle on the stove, whistling with steam coming from it, as the rage turned from simmering to almost explosive. He knew it was ridiculous, they were just friends, but the thought of some other fucker putting his hands on their girl, nah, that didn't fucking fly with him one bit.

"That's great news lass." Connor smiled warmly, but Murphy wasn't stupid, he could hear the disappointment in his twins voice. He knew him all too well. Murphy couldn't bring himself to speak, he knew if he did it wouldn't be pretty and it wasn't the girls fault she was fucking beautiful and someone had asked her out.

Lila looked at Murphy curiously, he was glaring at the bar counter with his beer in a death grip. She thought the boys would be happy for her. Maybe he just wasn't feeling too good from the hangover still.

"How you feeling Murphy? Any better?" She asked, giving him a sweet smile. He was fighting the deep need to pounce on her and claim her as his and Connors, at this rate he'd fucking piss on her if he had to. Connor glanced to his twin, he could feel the anger rolling off him in waves and he knew he had to defuse the situation because angry Murphy was a fucking asshole and he wouldn't let him upset the lass. Of course Connor was disappointed with the news, but he was rational, he hoped it wouldn't work out with the guy and besides, they weren't her boyfriends. They were her friends, and friends supported their friends.

"He's still got a bit o' a headache lass, ye'll have te mind him." He gave her a sheepish look.

Luckily she seemed to buy it, maybe she was just too happy to really care but she went about serving people like any normal day, except today she was more happy than they'd ever seen her. Murphy hated it. Some other prick had put that smile on her face and he didn't need to meet the fucker to know he didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve her pretty smile or her glorious laugh, her amazing company or her sass. Asshole didn't deserve to breathe the same air as her.

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