Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28

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Someone from the twins past turns up and Lila is less than impressed at her not so saintly boys behavior.

Sassy Lila is sassy.

Holy fudge nuts, how are we at chapter 28 already? It's hilarious that I originally wanted to make this about 5 chapters, like seriously Sarah, the fuck? When I first got the idea for Lila and the first chapter, as usual, I had no plan for where it was going, I was aiming for something short and sweet. But I had so much inspiration for this and the boys were having way too much fun.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm proud of myself for making it this far. By the time you've read this, it will be completed because I've decided not to post it until it's done. It's no secret I've never finished a fic before, or even been consistent, let's be real loooool. But with the others, I hit a wall, and this one just flowed so easily. I have no idea currently, as I'm writing this, how many chapters this will end up as. I'm just rolling with it.

And I've already decided it WILL have a sequel, set during the first movie. I will warn you though, it will be very canon divergent, as is my usual style, and Lila just being with the boys will make things a lot different. I already have things planned out for how I want it to go and there's a big AU element thrown in there that you'll see, it just needs to happen.

I'm also on Tumblr if you guys are interested. I post this fic there too and other things, it's a writing blog, mainly BDS things and Daryl Dixon, which is what I started off writing. I'd love for you guys to follow me, come say hi and what not. I'm a smol lonely human and I'd love friends, so come shoot me a message or even send me requests for one-shots to write. ;)

Ramble over lololol


Thursday, what a boring fucking day it had been. It had felt slow whilst the twins were at work and before long, she was behind the bar wiping it down after some old drunk dude spilled his drink. The boys and Rocco were perched in their usual seats at the bar, right in the middle so she had to pass them no matter which way she went and they could easily hear all of her conversations, not that they'd tell her that. They were laughing and joking with Rocco as Lila went about her business, and Lila looked over as the door opened. A girl came in, she looked so out of place. She had thick rimmed glasses on with a chunky sweater and jeans. Her hair was dark brown and cut into a very short bob. She looked anxious, meek as her eyes looked around and she went to sit at a booth looking so fucking uncomfortable. Lila tilted her head looking at her for a moment before she heard Rocco behind her.

"Oh shit, its Specs!" He laughed loudly, clapping Connor on the back loudly and making both brothers grimace, especially when Lila slowly turned around, leveling her gaze on her best friend.

"Who's that and why are you calling her that fucking offensive name?" Lila asked with a scowl, words dripping with disdain. Rocco blanched a little, eying the brothers warily and they shifted uncomfortably. There was something they weren't telling her.

They wouldn't meet her eyes and she clenched her jaw, getting annoyed and she squinted at them.

"Who the fuck is she?" She asked harshly. It wasn't that she was jealous or anything, it was the name Rocco had used, there was something off about the way the boys were acting and it was like her sixth sense was tingling that she wouldn't fucking like it. With the boys choosing to ignore her, she settled her eyes on Rocco and he shrunk back. She knew he would crack first, he always did. He had issues with keeping his mouth shut under pressure.

"Rocco you better tell me what the fuck is going on right now, or so help me God." She scowled, making the three boys look at her like naughty school children.

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