Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10

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Shit hits the fan when Lila finds out what the twins have been telling people about her, and it's only about to get worse.

Fun fact; the pronunciation of deartháir, which is Irish for brother, sounds a lot like jeheart in the Munster dialect which is what I'm going off. I'm actually learning Irish myself since I'm half Irish and have a lot of Irish family!


It was Friday once again, the week had flown by. The three of them had settled into a routine quite easily and the boys were shocked at how at ease they were with her living there. They'd never had the need or want for a lass to live with them. They'd never been in a serious relationship and it had just been the two of them, they had liked it that way. Yet Lila was different. They weren't even together yet she fit in well with the twins like she had always been there. It was hard to remember what their life was like before she came into it. They actually enjoyed having her there and getting to see her every day.

The boys had been back at work since Monday and Lila was working every night. She spent the time when the boys were at work to clean the place. She'd bake and cook, much to the brothers' delight. She'd make cookies, cakes and all sorts of goodies that they thoroughly fucking enjoyed and they always came home to a home-cooked meal. They couldn't believe how lucky they were. She'd even started making them lunches to take to work which was fucking adorable. They usually just had a power bar which wasn't exactly healthy since their work was so labour intensive, or occasionally Rocco would bring them lunch and eat with them. Sometimes she'd write little jokes for them and put them in the bags to make them smile, and they fucking loved it, especially if they were having a rough day. It was insane how she was able to make them smile and feel unbelievably fucking happy when she wasn't even with them.

After dinner, they'd all go to the bar so she could work and the boys hung out with Rocco, then after work they'd all come back home and chill out or sleep. She'd gone back to sleeping in Murphys bed, and the boys wished she hadn't but wouldn't bring it up and make her feel uncomfortable. Everything was going really well for the three of them and they all worked well together like a well-oiled machine. Even Rocco loved her, she was hilarious and teased the boys relentlessly which he found more than amusing. She could clearly give as good as she got. He knew just why the boys were smitten with her. He just wished they'd fucking tell her because it was driving him insane. They were always gushing about her and it was almost sickening. Shit got out of hand when Murphy told him ' and we came home and she was paintin' her toenails, she's got the cutest fuckin' toes.' That comment had earned him a punch to the arm off his hairy friend and a roar of laughter from Connor, Murphy knew he deserved it as soon as the words left his mouth, who the fuck thinks toes are cute? Even Connor thought that one was ridiculous.

The bar was busy since it was Friday, over the weekend seemed to be the busiest time at the bar with a lot of other people coming in for a good night out, not just the regulars. It was good for business, but the boys hated it. The unspoken rule of McGinty's was that Lila belonged to them, despite their lack of a relationship status. So the men could look, and boy did they fucking look. Murphy was always ready to fucking pounce when he was at the bar with her. But they couldn't touch, and they wouldn't ever dream of it. The regulars were not stupid enough to want to piss off the MacManus boys. The kind and sweet boys could be downright scary when they wanted to be and the men had seen them in enough bar fights to know not to cross them. But on Fridays and Saturdays, it wasn't just the locals there, there were many men unaware of this rule, nor would they care. And that is exactly what lead Connor and Murphy to be sat in a booth with Rocco, staring daggers at a man at the bar.

Lila was having a good day, and she was more than pleasantly surprised when one of the new men in the bar had sat down and chatted away to her. He looked like a young Johnny Depp and he was charming as hell. It was obvious he was flirting with her and she was soaking it all up, loving every second of it. She hoped by the end of the night they would have exchanged numbers. The boys had been sat at the bar at the start of the night, but they moved to a booth with Rocco in hopes they could hear the conversation between Lila and the asshole, but they couldn't. Being in the booth meant she could no longer come over and chat with them like she had been doing but people were in their seats at the bar now so they couldn't very well move back. So instead they sat there brooding, with Lila unaware of the glares being sent their way.

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