Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30

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This chapter didn't exist, I was on chapter 37, and every so often I read back through the whole thing to see where's it's at and if I missed something and this fucking happened. Not gonna lie, its short and just shameless smut, but it's important because its a first for these three. In my head, they had already done this together but I hadn't written it for some reason, and the boys weren't happy with that one bit, I don't wanna skim over these things, ya know? This shit is important!



The clubbing scene had been erotic. With the slow beat, Lila dancing sensually with another girl, the boys marking her, the whole thing had them all so worked up. And Murphy being the always more impatient twin, couldn't even wait for them to get back to the loft before he had his hands on their girl. Half her clothes were gone in the fucking elevator and Connor watched, turned on and also amused by the fact his twin was so impatient, and the fact that Lila had no fucking qualms about being carried to the loft in just her fucking panties and heels. Connor graciously picked up her clothes as he followed on behind them both. He knew what was coming, no need to rush it after all. He and Murphy had a very interesting mental conversation at the club and despite the fact Connor seemed outwardly calm and collected, his body was thrumming with excitement at what the boys were going to do to the girl.

Murphy was clearly excited, not even able to hide it as he tossed the giggling redhead onto the bed, throwing her heels somewhere in the apartment with a thunk on the floor. Connor smirked watching as he started to strip off. Murphy stood up following suit and the twins looked down at her appreciatively. She blushed under their gaze and gave them a lopsided grin, the alcohol in her system making her not as flustered at the pair just openly fucking watching her in nothing but her panties. The boys shared a look and a smirk before looking back to her.

"I swear, if one of you doesn't touch me soon, I'll go back to the club and find someone who will." She squinted playfully, snorting loudly at their faces. Murphy's eyes had widened for a moment before he narrowed them and Connor just watched the lass amused. It took a little more to make him jealous and it was hard for him to take her seriously when she was giggling as she was. Murphy, however, well it didn't take much to get his brother jealous.

He gripped her legs and yanked her towards where he was stood and she squealed a laugh at the sudden movement.

"Ye heard this cheeky girl brother? What should we do wit' her?" Murphy asked with a dark smirk, his eyes never leaving Lilas flushed face as he spoke to his twin. Connor was also watching, noticing how her lips parted and her laughter vanished at Murphy's words, they always seemed to affect her so easy with just words. She was looking from one to the other, eyes wide and pink cheeks, the boys knew it wasn't just the alcohol that had her flushed.

"Show her who she belongs te, aye Murph?" Connor grinned, quirking a brow at him. The look they shared made Lila go weak at the knees and if she was standing, she surely would have just melted into a fucking puddle. Murphy leant down, licking from her panties to her belly button teasingly and she let out a breathy moan, closing her eyes at the touch. She could feel him smirk against her skin before he moved and she suddenly felt cold. They muttered something to each other in Russian and she huffed a little.

"It's rude to talk about a girl when she's just laying here waiting to be fucked." She muttered petulantly. Both pairs of stunningly blue eyes turned to look at her, matching smirks to boot and she bat her lashes at them, making them snort slightly.

In an instant, their clothes were gone and her panties yanked off by Connor, tossed haphazardly in the loft, at least they stayed intact unlike when his brother was done with them. Connor grabbed her wrist and she was yanked up and off the bed, melting into his arms as she looked up at him with a lazy smile. She vaguely heard Murphy snort at her behind her as she just looked up at the smirking lighter haired twin.

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