Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6

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A lot of sad feels in this one. Warning; it's intense.


When Murphy and Connor got home the next day, they found a tray of lasagna on their table with a little note on top with directions on how to heat it up. They'd been miserable all day at work knowing they wouldn't get to see her and Murphy was brooding something fierce about the fact she was going on a date with someone that wasn't him or his brother.

Enjoy it as much as I do ;)



They grinned to each other and after eating it, they had to agree, she did making a fucking mean lasagna. The boys talked about everything other than the elephant in the room, Lilas date, they both wondered if she would be okay, but neither wanted to vocalise it, not wanting to think about her with some other guy. They got showered and dressed and headed out for McGinty's, hoping some alcohol would make them feel better.

They were wrong, dead fucking wrong, after being there for an hour they didn't feel any better despite the many beers and shots they had drank. Aileen walked over with two beers, setting them down in front of them.

"What's up with the two o' ye, ye look bloody miserable." She asked, glancing between them both, it was unlike the twins to behave this way, they were always laughing and joking, teasing some poor bloody sod, usually Rocco, and just causing mayhem wherever they went. They had done nothing but mope since they got there and she had a good idea why. Murphy just shrugged, practically pouting as he lit what was probably his millionth smoke since he'd got there. The burning in his lungs was a welcome distraction from his thoughts in that moment.

"Nothin'." Connor grumped as he sipped his beer.

"Mhm...And yer sure it's got nothin' te do with a pretty redhead that ye both seem so fond o'?" She asked with a knowing smile. It turned into a full on grin when they both looked at her like they'd been caught out, mildly horrified and embarrassed faces and she swore the tips of Murphy's ears turned pink. The boys hadn't realised just how obvious it was that they liked the lass, obvious to everyone but Lila it seemed. Aileen didn't know how the girl seemed so oblivious to the fact the boys thought the world of her. Aileen was glad the twins were looking out for the girl though, she adored the boys and knew they would do what they could to keep her safe. She just gave them both a quick pat to the hands before turning and walking off with a smirk, leaving a glowering Murphy and a grumbling Connor behind of her.

Lila got out the cab after her date as she walked up to her apartment. She'd had a nice time, they ate lovely food and chatted. She doubted it would turn into anything. He was handsome and nothing but a gentleman, but there just wasn't anything there. She found herself comparing him to the twins yet again and she knew that wasn't a good sign if she wasn't just thinking of him for him. He didn't make her laugh like the boys did, she didn't feel at complete ease with him like she did with them, he just didn't make her feel anything close to how she felt with the boys and she knew it was stupid since they were only friends. She was wearing a pretty black sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline. It cinched in at her tiny waist and then flared out, ending just above her knees. She got her keys out and opened the door. It was 11pm so her granda would most likely be in bed, she tried to be quiet as she slipped inside. There was something in the air, making the hairs on the back of her neck prickle up, a sense of foreboding, and when she walked into the apartment further, she saw her grandfather lay on the floor unmoving. It felt like her heart exploded in her chest and her stomach lurched as she ran over, kicking her heels off in the process.

"Granda?! Granda?!" She sobbed, grabbing his face and looking him over. He was unresponsive and when she tried to find a pulse, there wasn't one. She was hysterical, running to the phone and calling an ambulance before returning to his side. Despite deep down knowing it was too late, she hoped she was fucking wrong.

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