Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24

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The boys confess their sins, Murphy worries about judgement and feels conflicted, and they have some wonderful MacManus interaction on the way home. Love the brotherly fluff in this one.

Let me know if you guys want some more Connor and Murphy fluff mixed in here. I try to sprinkle it in but they're never really away from the girl. :')

I know I've already completed the series, but I'm open to changing and adding things that you guys want!

This one is part one of this fine Sunday. I had to split it from the next one since it would be way too long as one big chapter.


The next day was Sunday, it was the brothers favourite day of the week for a number of reasons. The three had a set routine on Sundays, the boys going to early mass, leaving a sleeping Lila behind. They'd come back to her cooking breakfast for them which was always amazing. Then they'd lay in bed, Connor lay propped up against the pillows with his legs spread, Lila lay between them with her back to his chest. Murphy would lay between Lilas' legs on his side, his head on her stomach and his hand stroking her thigh as she read them one of Connors books. Connor loved the fact the lass loved to read, just like he did. Having something in common with her. He loved it when they discussed books or she recommended some to him, or when they had a good debate about one. Murphy wasn't a reader, he was a writer. He'd always struggled to read since his attention span wasn't great. He would get lost in his own thoughts and not be able to focus on the words on the page, it would frustrate him to no end and he would just give up. But hearing Lila read to them, her smooth as silk voice as she read the words, it had his undivided attention and he found himself enjoying literature properly for the first time. At around 11, Lila would always untangle herself from the boys to get the Sunday roast started. It was always a fucking feast and it was delicious. Rocco would come to eat with them without fail and a few times Aileen and Doc had come over too, Doc bringing some extra chairs for them to sit at the table. It was always a tight squeeze when it was the 6 of them at the table, but it felt like a real family and they all loved it.

The boys would always ask her on Saturday night if she would accompany them to early mass the next morning, which was always met with a 'no thanks' straight away. They would be a little disappointed but never show it, it wasn't exactly a game changer for them, they would still love her regardless. They knew she had been through a lot of things in her life, and she had mentioned in passing how she hadn't attended church since her father was murdered. She hadn't made peace with God for that yet, that much was obvious, and even if she never did, the boys wouldn't ever judge her for it. She was never rude or disrespectful about their faith, she never mocked them when they said a quick thanks to God before their family meals, or acted like she judged them for their faith. Hell, they even caught her crossing herself and muttering a 'Mother Mary full of grace' a few times after taking the Lord's name in vain, which made them grin to each other at how they were rubbing off on her. It wasn't that she had no faith at all, she wouldn't bother crossing herself if that was the case because she wouldn't care, she just hadn't forgiven God for hurting her and her family yet. The boys couldn't imagine what it was like, they had never been in that position before, of having someone you loved taken away from them so cruelly, to feel that heavy grief. Murphy recalled the night she came to the loft in hysterics after her granda had died, when he himself had cried to Connor, asking him brokenly why she had to go through this. 'Christ Connor, why her? Why does she have te go through this?' He himself had questioned God's logic behind the whole thing, despite his unwavering faith, he had pleaded with the big man upstairs to ease her pain, to fucking give it to him instead so he could carry the heavy burden on his shoulders, just so she didn't have to. God worked in mysterious ways sometimes, and sometimes those ways left you in pain. It was always harder when you didn't understand why it had happened, but they were just mere mortals, they weren't supposed to fully understand God.

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