Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11

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A pretty long angst and hurt filled chapter for you lovelies. It's super long but I couldn't find a good spot to split it into two chapters without breaking the intensity or the flow of it.

Murphy can't control his anger and he fucked up big time. Can they come back from this?

Warnings for intense rage filled Murphy.

Also, don't kill me lolololol.


The boys were sat at their table in only their boxers. It was midnight now but Lila was yet to come home to get her stuff and the boys were getting anxious. She got off work an hour ago and they knew it didn't take that long to get to theirs from McGinty's. They'd both been smoking like chimneys and Murphy stood up, pacing a little as he chewed his thumb.

"What if she's hurt or somethin'? ...Or murdered?! Christ Connor, what if she's been fuckin' murdered?!" Murphy practically screeched, his mind running away with him with reasons why she hadn't turned up yet. Connor looked at him incredulously for even saying such a thing out loud and he shook his head.

"Fuckin' hell Murph! It's more likely she just didn't wanna see us and went te the motel without her stuff." He replied, intending to be somewhat comforting but as he heard his own words, his blood ran cold. Murphy looked horrified at the notion she couldn't stand to even see them for long enough to get her stuff. There was also the realization that if what Connor had said was the truth, then what Murphy had suggested could have happened. The only motel around was shady as hell and it was full of criminals. They'd kill you just for your fucking shoes.

Connor stood up with the intention of getting dressed so they could go and look for her, since he was now worried something had happened to her too, but the door to the loft opened. Lila walked in with Rocco in tow and the twins were relieved that not only was she safe, but that Rocco had walked her back. Rocco felt like it was the least he could do. He knew the whole thing wasn't his fault, he knew the twins shouldn't have done it in the first place and he had actually told them that a few times. But it was him that opened his big mouth and opened the huge can of worms. After the twins had left, Lila had continued to work with a face like thunder, a far cry from the smiley barmaid everyone was used to and everyone there knew something had gone down. He had graciously offered to walk her home and she gladly accepted. She hadn't walked back to the twins' place on her own before and it wasn't in the best part of Southie.

Rocco hadn't expected the girl to burst into tears halfway there. She had been mostly quiet and emotionless, but when he warily asked her if she was okay, it was like the dam broke and she started crying. He felt awkward as shit, crying girls weren't his thing, but he made an exception for the girl. Lila was his only girl friend, and she was sweet and caring. She didn't deserve to feel so upset about this and he knew she didn't have anyone else because the only other people she trusted were the reason why she was crying in the first place. He understood why the twins did what they did, it didn't make it right, he knew they were just overprotective and incredibly jealous. But he knew it was shitty of them, and after her basically pouring her heart out to Rocco, he'd learnt that she valued honesty above all else, and that twins lying to her, keeping this from her and pulling a move like that, it cut her pretty badly. She told him how the constant rebuffs she was getting made her feel self-conscious, how she just wanted to be happy. She told him how she felt about the boys and how sad she was that they didn't just tell her, and that just fucked him off. He told those two knuckleheads to tell her and all of this could have been avoided. She felt like they had gone behind her back, because they had, and she felt like she was the butt of some kind of joke, with everyone at her place of work thinking she belonged to them when they were just friends.

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