Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32

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I had this intense need to write a chapter each from the boys POV. It won't be the same chapter just going over it twice, don't worry lol, but this chapter will be in Murphy's perspective, and the next one in Connors. I'll still be writing in third person, it's just easier for me that way, I've only ever done first person once, it's a Murphy/OC story and I don't even remember if I've posted it yet haha.

But anyway, the boys wanted more attention, so this happened. I usually write my stories in third person, omnipotent kinda thing, so the reader knows everything that's going on, knows what's going through everyone's heads, not just Lilas, I like it that way, I think it's important to know what's going on with the boys too, at least in my story.

But this chapter will just be Murphy, so we won't know what's going on in Lilas head or Connors unless it's through the telepathy. And that will apply with Connor for the next one. I've got something intense and sad coming up, so these two are my way of saying sorry in advance lololol. I needed something lighthearted before I started something so feely, ya know?

This one is long AF, Murphy really went on a tangent with this one. I was surprised with some of the stuff in this one. I never plan my chapters, I just start writing, and I'm always surprised with what comes out lololololol. But I'm honestly really happy with this one, so many feeeeeeeeeeeeeels.

I hope you guys like this one.


Connor passed his test, of course he fucking did. Murphy knew he would, Lila knew he would, and according to Connor once he got his results; 'O' course I fuckin' passed, I didn't doubt meself for a minute'. The boys were drunk at the time and Murphy, of course, took great delight in telling the whole of the pub how Connor had indeed doubted himself and how he had been studying. That was the night before. Now Murphy was currently sat in the passenger seat as Connor drove them to work. Driving there and back meant more time with Lila since they'd get home quicker, and to Murphy, that was a fucking win.

Well, it would be if Connor actually drove properly, Murphy was wondering how the fuck he managed to pass his test.

"Jesus Christ Connor! Yer goin' like five miles an hour!" He huffed, pressing his head into the window with a scowl. His brother shot him a look, looking so fucking offended even though Murphy was being honest.

"I am not! I'm doin' the speed limit ye fuck! Ye want me te get done speedin' on me first day drivin'?" He grumbled, tightening his hands on the steering wheel. Murphy looked at him blandly, shaking his head.

"Ye drive like a fuckin' grandma." He stated dryly, and Connor whipped his head to him, his eyes ablaze and Murphy had to bite his lip so he didn't laugh. He always had way too much fun pushing Connor buttons, and he couldn't even do anything about it since he was driving and was all about being sensible suddenly.

"A fuckin' grandma?! I'll show ye a fuckin' grandma ye wee maggot." He muttered, making Murphy snort at him. It only turned to full blown laughter when Connor indeed hit the gas a little more. Murphy knew he would, it's why he said it. Connor didn't like to be challenged.

They got to work and were on the line for cutting the meat today, they were always being rotated around so everyone did a bit of everything to make it fair. Some things were harder than others, or more boring. Cutting meat was boring as fuck. He was stood with his brother, hacking at the meat as he listened to Connor bitching about...something. He wasn't really listening if he was honest. He was thinking about their girl, she'd be at home, no doubt cleaning or making those fucking delicious brownies he loved so much. He didn't even realise he was smiling to himself until Connor smacked him upside the head. Murphy turned to glare at him and Connor looked more than amused.

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