The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Co...

By HyperNinja453

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A young boy looked down upon by his family. One day, the young Y/N Rose leaves in pursuit of something more... More

The Formation of the Clouds
Bio of Y/N and Cross
First Mission, First Partner
The Akatsuki Fall
A Lesson in Superiority
Quick Message from the Hype
The Old Partner Switch
The Storm is Rolling In
Immobilize the Clouds
Rose vs RWBY, JNPR in The Abyss
Rose Stuck in the Abyss
Purple Meets Silver
Painful Memories, Flooding Back
Clouds Disperse
Writer's Block
Something.... Isn't Right
An Old Friend's Cruel Return
This Ends Now
One Battle to End It All

The Resurfaced Rose

118 1 0
By HyperNinja453

     Y/N and Cross entered the Akatsuki base and the rest of the members were doing their own thing. Once the duo walked into the room, all the attention was on them. Pein walked up to them and demanded the mission report.

Pein: Was the missing successful?

Y/N: No. The mission was a failure. Even after we left Vale in ruins, Ozpin still refused.

Pein: Hmmm, very well then. You two have a week off. Do as you like. Kisame, Itachi, come with me. You have a mission.

     Kisame and Itachi followed Pein out of the room. Y/N began the walk towards their shared room. Cross was about to do the same before Hidan got in the way.

Hidan: Well shit. Your first mission, a failure. That is not gonna be good on your record.

Cross: At least I can come back from a mission with my head attached.

     Cross walked past a dumbstruck Hidan. Deidara and Sasori paid no mind and neither did Konan. Kakazu was glaring at his partner in annoyance.

Hidan: Ehhh! Hey, I like to see you say that again Schnee looking motherfucker! I won't hesitate to sacrifice you to Lord Jashin!

Kakazu: Shut up Hidan.

Deidara: Hn

Sasori: It is getting quite annoying.

Hidan: Well fuck you all!

     Cross entered the room a couple minutes later. Y/N had already put his gear away and hung his cloak up.

Y/N: What kept you?

Cross: Hidan.

Y/N: Ahhh, he was probably screaming some bullshit about Jashin and sacrifices.

     Cross replied with an "mm-hmm" before taking his weapon sheath off and proceeding to hang his cloak up next to Y/N's. He laid on his respective bed and turned toward Y/N with a curious gaze.

Y/N: What?

Cross: Ohh, its nothing. I'm just wondering why did you reveal yourself to your hyper sister? Thought you wanted to postpone a  confrontation.

Y/N: It was bound to happen. I just decided to speed somethings up. Plus, it's not like them knowing will hamper my progress.

Cross: You do you, I guess. Anyway I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep. Would really appreciate it if you can keep the volume to a minimum.

Y/N: I was gonna get something to eat anyway.

     Cross turned to his side and soon fell asleep. Y/N left the room and proceeded towards the kitchen. Once he arrived he saw Sasori was gone, Deidara was still sitting at the dinner table, working on a clay sculpture. Kakazu was casually watching TV, while counting his money. Hidan was gone, Kakazu probably nailed him to a tree. Last but not least Konan, she was simply listening to music while she cleaned up the kitchen. Y/N walked over to the fridge, but was stopped by Konan half way

Konan: Can you wait. Dinner is coming soon. It's Deidara's night to cook and he should really be over here getting it ready.

Deidara: I got ten minutes until I have to start, hn.

Y/N: Yeah I'll be fine.

     Y/N walked over to the table and sat across from Deidara. Deidara put his sculpture down and looked at Y/N.

Deidara: So, what happened? You rarely ever fail a mission, hn. Was it Cross?

Y/N: No, it was Ozpin. He refused before and even after we destroyed his entire kingdom, he still refused. It's not like it matters. I bet Leader-Sama will come up with another plan to take control of Vale.

Deidara: From what I've heard, that ties into Itachi and Kisame's mission, hn.

Y/N: Ehh, I'm not gonna dwell on that. It doesn't concern me, unless I'm called to help. I won't worry about it.

Konan: Deidara! Get over here and start dinner!

Deidara: Hn, fine.

     Deidara got up and walked into the kitchen..... more like Konan dragged him in there. Y/N stood up and headed over to the couch, sitting down he looked at what was on. It was the sales channel.

Y/N: You actually like this stuff?

Kakazu: Yes.

Y/N: Ehhh, not surprised with how much you care about money.

Kakazu: You can watch or you can leave, but if you change the channel. I'll kill you.

Y/N: You need to relax, its just a TV channel. Also, what happened to Hidan?

Kakazu: He wouldn't shut up, put the rest together.

Y/N: Yeah I can't watch this crap. I'm gonna go meditate.

     Y/N got up from the couch and exited the base using a Teleportation Jutsu. Once in a quiet place, he sat down in a criss-cross position and closed his eyes. Clearing his mind.

Flashback- 3 Years Earlier

     The 16 year old rogue nin followed Pein into the Akatsuki's current base. Once inside he saw 8 other people, wearing the same cloaks as Pein. They all turned and their gazes immediately fell on Y/N.

Pein: Everyone, this is Y/N Rose. The newest member of the Akatsuki.

     Y/N met each of the different Akatsuki members. The greetings stopped once Pein walked foward, holding an Akatsuki cloak and a black ring, that had the kanji for "10" on it.

Pein: Y/N, this cloak and ring prove your allegiance to the organization. Once you put these on, you will be an official member.

     Y/N nodded and took the cloak and put it on. He then took the ring and slipped it onto his left pinky.

Pein: Welcome Y/N Rose. You are now, one of us.

Present Day

     Y/N reopened his eyes and began the walk back to the base. Once he got back, he saw the other members already sitting at the table. Waiting for Deidara to finish the food. He took his respective seat next to Cross.

Cross: Where'd you go?

Y/N: To meditate. Kakazu was watching the sales channel and I didn't want to watch that.

Cross: Hmmm, yeah. Anyway Kisame and Itachi have already left.

Y/N: Seriously, they just got their mission like 3 hours ago.

Hidan: That's what I said!

Kakazu: Stop yelling Hidan or I'll kill you.

Hidan: I like to you try Kakazu!

     Konan shot Hidan a bone chilling glare and he shut up immediately. In fact everyone went silently as Deidara walked over with the food. It was simply grilled meat, alongside some curry. It was nothing too fancy, but somehow Deidara made it better than it looked. Everyone ate in silence until Pein broke said silence.

Pein: We are not done yet. Right now, Vale is weak and vulnerable. We will take advantage of that. Deidara, Cross, you two will be placed with each other for the time being and you will go back to Vale and take control of it. If Ozpin refuses again, crush him and torture him until he breaks.

Sasori: What about my partner for my assignment. With that brat gone, I have to work solo.

Pein: No, on the contrary Sasori. During the time Cross and Deidara are placed together, you and Y/N will work together.

Deidara: And you can't just send Y/N back to Vale why? Hn.

Pein: Because Y/N has informed me that his little sister knows he is alive and if she were to see him again in Vale in less than 3 days, it will cause some problems for us. Thus you are taking his place and Y/N will take your place and will go with Sasori to meet a group of his spys in the Land of Wind.

     One by one, the Akatsuki members each finished their food and left their dishes in the sink. Hidan was the unlucky person on dish duty. At first he screamed and yelled about it, until Pein threatened him. Cross and Y/N retreated back to their room.

Cross: Shit. Sasori ehhh? Good luck working with him.

Y/N: I should be telling you that.

Cross: Why? I think me and Deidara get along great. Now Sasori, I feel bad for you man. He's just creepy. Even more so then Zetsu.

Y/N: That may be true, but he is an excellent fighter. Very tactful. Plus its only a simply information extraction. We shouldn't have too much trouble. You should be careful. Vale most likely upped their defenses.

Cross: Pfffft, what defenses. Those pathetic excuses are destroyed and even if they did somehow set up a new defense, it wouldn't mean shit. I  easily bypassed it the first time, and I can do it again.

Y/N: Yeah, just keep Deidara in check. Make sure he does blow anything unnecessary up. Sasori usually keeps him in line, but since he won't be there. You'll have to do it.

Cross: Yeah, yeah I know.

     The two Akatsuki nin ended their conversation at that and went to sleep for the night.

In Vale

Ruby: It was him Yang, I swear to Oum. It was Y/N.

Yang: No. I refuse to believe it. Our brother went missing 6 years ago.

Blake: Did they ever find a body?

Yang: No, but I sti-

Ruby: If they didn't find a body, then he is still alive. I saw him Yang, he was wearing the same thing as that guy that wiped the floor with us. They walked away together!

Yang: I want to believe you Ruby, but I just don't think I can.

     The entire time team RWBY's young leader was trying to convince her big sister that their big brother magically came back from the dead. Blake and Weiss just watched in silence. They had never seen Ruby like this. It was like she had seen a ghost. The school's intercom, that was surprisingly still functional. For whatever reason, the school wasn't attacked. The voice of Glynda Goodwitch came over the intercom.

Goodwitch: Ms. Xiao Long, Ms. Rose. You are needed in the headmaster's office.

     Both girls made their way towards Ozpin's office. Once inside, they saw their father Taiyang Xaio Long sitting in silence.

Ozpin: Girls please take a seat. Now Tai, as for your earlier question. Now that your daughters are here, I will answer it. Your son, Y/N Rose is indeed alive.

Taiyang: How do you know?

Ozpin: Because the day before the attack, he came into my office undetected and demanded I give him power over Vale. I refused and thus Vale was left in ruins.

Taiyang: Girls, what did you see? You were down there fighting. What happened?

Yang: I didn't see Y/N, but Ruby claimed she did. However, we did fight against someone that wore a black cloak with red clouds.

Ruby: I saw Big Bro. He was wearing the same thing as the guy we fought.

     Tai looked on in hope, that if his son was alive. He could be saved and brought back. Tai wanted to make up for all the years of neglect.

Taiyang: Oz, if Y/N is really alive. Would it be possible to, I don't know, save him?

Ozpin: I do not believe so. When I brought you up with him. He told me that he didn't care if his path was of darkness and that he willingly chose it. He was also wearing a ninja headband.

Taiyang: A ninja? But, he isn't a ninja.

Ozpin: That's what I believed, until I looked this up.

     Ozpin pushed a button and a hologram of the Hidden Moon logo appeared.

Ozpin: This logo was on his headband. His headband was also covered by a long cut going across the logo. From what I've uncovered, a cut headband means a ninja has gone rogue.

Taiyang: Ozpin, please give me permission to go search for my son.

Ozpin: Denied. If Y/N's partner could take RWBY on 4v1, just think about what your son could do.

     Tai sat back down without another word. Multiple different thoughts running through his mind. However, one thought towered over the others. 'I failed you. Summer.'

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