Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

38.1K 956 82

Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23

1.1K 25 3
By ThaliaLikesLove

Chapter ingredients;

Large helping of fluff

Dash of teasing

Smidge of jealousy

Heaps of feels.


Lila hadn't slept, she just enjoyed laying with her boys, basking in the afterglow of some amazing fucking sex. She knew things would be different now, they dived headfirst into whatever the fuck this was with the three of them. She really wanted to talk about the officialness of their relationship, she thought they were official, it felt like it. They did love her after all. But she needed confirmation from them that this wasn't just a casual thing like with the others. She glanced at the clock again and got out of bed, successfully detangling herself from the boys. She padded into the kitchen, still naked, pouring herself a glass of water and drinking it slowly. She jumped when she felt arms wind around her waist and the hand splayed on her stomach told her it was Connor. Veritas. She turned in his arms, smiling up at his sleepy face as his hands stroked her back soothingly.

"Any regrets Mo Cuishle (My pulse)?" Lila asked softly, looking at him warily like he was about to say yes.

His heart seized up in his chest at the term of endearment. There was something oddly special about her speaking Gaelic to him like that, he'd only ever spoke Irish with Murphy. Just one more thing that seemed right with her that he only did with his brother. He always felt like Irish words carried more weight to them than English. It's why he and Murphy often referred to each other as deartháir, Irish for brother, when they were caring for one another or in intense situations. It just felt more appropriate than the English equivalent. He swallowed thickly, feeling his chest swell as he looked down at her and he gave her a warm smile, making her relax in his arms.

"Only regret is not doin' it sooner A Ghrá mo Chroí (My hearts beloved)." He whispered, brushing his lips against hers in a soft sweet kiss. She felt her cheeks flush bright at his words, her heart fluttering wildly inside of her chest. She was glad he had no real regrets. She knew Murphy wouldn't have, Connor was the one she was worried about in this situation since he had been the one putting it off. But everything was fine, there was no awkwardness or worry. It just felt right.

Connor looked at the time as his fingers stroked her back softly, making the skin tingle.

"Ye should eat before work lass, ye'll regret it if ye don't." He chided softly, knowing they had not eaten and had worn each other out. She smiled up at him. He always took care of her just like he did with Murphy, always the protector.

"Okay." She said softly, leaning up to kiss his lips one last time before she moved away. She went to go to the oven to sort the food out but he stopped her.

"I'll sort it sweetheart, ye wake sleepin' beauty up aye?" He grinned at her, making her huff a laugh.

"Mhm, and how should I wake him? Pleasant or no?" She asked looking at him mischievously. Connor smirked at her, loving how she loved to tease them both as much as they loved to tease each other.

"Well since he fucked ye first, I'd say no." He laughed, a wicked glint in his eye. She smirked as she sauntered over to the bed, Connor watched her graceful movements, admiring her naked body as she went.

She glanced back to him, a cheeky look on her face.

"Cover your ears." She grinned, making him tilt his head, half confused but also amused. He listened to her anyway, plugging his fingers in his ears as he watched her, waiting to see what she was about to do. She stood at the foot of the bed, she knew Murphy would fucking hate her for this. The lass had a set of lungs on her, Connor would give her that. Even with his ears covered he heard her belt a blood-curdling scream that sounded like she was in the process of being murdered. Murphy jolted awake, panic all over his face and he fell out of the bed tangled in the sheet. He scrambled to his feet, his head whipping around wildly as he tried to get his bearings and worried something was happening to their girl. But when his eyes landed on her, stood there perfectly fine and covering her mouth so she wouldn't laugh, he squinted at her. Connor couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing, a full-on belly laugh as he watched his naked brother look like he was on the verge of a heart attack.

"The fuck was that?!" Murphy screeched, his arms flailing about as he tried to catch his breath. Lila looked contrite but the smile she was trying to hide came to view. He was too cute like this.

"Connor told me to wake you, not so nicely." She snorted, covering her mouth again when Murphy glared at her. He turned his glare onto his smug brother.

"Oh did he now?" Murphy deadpanned, eyes burning holes into his brother wishing he would set alight.

"Well, ye did fuck the lass first and all." Connor shrugged, still smirking. Murphy pursed his lips, sauntering over to Lila and slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"Aye I did fuck her first, and now ye get me sloppy seconds brother." Murphy smirked. It turned to a full-on cackle at Connors' face as he squinted at him. Lilas' mouth was agape as she looked up at Murphy, not liking being referred to as sloppy fucking seconds. She reached out and twisted his nipple with a scowl, making him yelp loudly. She moved away and crossed her arms over her chest squinting at him.

"Just for that comment, you aren't getting any for a week." She huffed, making Connor laugh loudly behind her.

Murphy's face looked panicked for a minute as he looked from her to his brother almost pleadingly like he was asking for backup. Connor walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looked at his brother all too smugly for Murphy's liking.

"Ye know lass, I think that's a brilliant fuckin' plan." He grinned mischievously at Murphy. Lila smirked, raising a brow at Murphy.

"Like fuck it is! T'was a joke and ye know it, that's not fair!" He whined petulantly like a child having his favorite toy taken away from him. Connor laughed and Lila bit her lip to stop her laughter coming out as she looked at a scowling Murphy.

"Ye know what..." Connor started, unwinding his hands from Lila and moving away. He sauntered over to near Murphy.

"I have an even better idea." Connor grinned wickedly, looking to Lila, she quirked her brow curiously, wanting to hear what it was as Murphy huffed.

"I think, as well as not gettin' any for a week, he should have te see us at it like rabbits. Let him see what he's missin' and all that." Connor smirked, all to pleased with himself. Lila snorted, watching as Murphy's hands balled into fists as he glared at his brother.

"Oh fuck you! She wouldn't be able te resist me and ye know it. All I'd have te do is call her a naughty lass again and she'd get fuckin' soaked, ain't that right m'girl?" Murphy smirked, quirking his brow at Connor making him bark a laugh.

Lila snorted so loud she ended up slapping her hand over her mouth, her cheeks flaming red as the twins looked at her. It wasn't that what he had said was so bold that made her blush, it was the fact it was true. It was also the fact that she had thought none of them noticed how her body reacted that way in the diner to Murphy's words, but the sly smirk on their faces said otherwise.

"I'm not having this fucking conversation with you two, oh my god!" She laughed, feeling like her whole body was blushing. The twins grinned wickedly at her and she shook her head, grabbing her panties and shirt to cover at least some of her modesty after feeling so exposed, like Murphy was fucking calling her out for being a horny little thing. The twins were watching her, their eyes dark and predatory and she wished she didn't have work so they could go for round two, giving Connor his turn.

"Didn't you promise food?" Lila asked, looking at Connor pointedly. The lighter hair twin huffed a laugh and nodded.

"Aye sweetheart I did." He smiled, pushing his urge to fuck her like an animal down. He walked over, plating up the now warmed up lasagna.

Murphy walked over to her, the boys didn't seem to have any issues with just walking around butt ass naked and she bit her lip as she watched him get closer. He cupped her cheeks with both hands, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers sweetly.

"Ye know I didn't mean it, aye m'girl?" He whispered softly, as if he was worried she had really taken offense to it. Murphy could be so sweet and endearing at times. She resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks, she knew he wouldn't like it if she did, hurting his manliness as it were.

"I know Mo Ghrá (My love)." She smiled as her hands smoothed up his chest. He stilled, his hands on her face tightening ever so slightly at her words. Just like Connor, the weight of Irish words meant more and it made his heart beat faster hearing the term of endearment falling from her sweet as sin mouth. It just reinforced how things had changed between the three of them, it was serious. His face lit up with a beautiful smile, leaning down to kiss her lips tenderly, a stark contrast to his usual desperate kisses. Despite the difference, it was still firm and she still felt the emotion behind it all the same. One of his hands wound into her hair, she noticed he did that a lot, he had a thing for her hair it seemed.

"Mo chéadsearc (My one and only)." He whispered softly against her lips, making her heart flutter. His words just ignited a fire inside of her once more, full of emotion and desire. She kissed him again, more firmly this time, and he moaned into the kiss, tightening his grip on her hair as his tongue tangled with hers.

She was pulled away and felt the loss instantly, only to be spun around to meet Connors blue eyes, they looked darker as he looked down at her.

"Food." He said sternly, a tug of a smile on his lips, amused at how flushed her cheeks were. Murphy grumbled as he moved past the pair, plonking down on a chair and starting to eat his food. Lila pouted a little at Connor making him rumble a laugh. He pulled her close to him, ghosting her lips with his teasingly and she almost whined.

"Can't I just eat you...again?" She asked batting her lashes all innocent like, despite the sly smirk she was sporting. He groaned, closing his eyes, remembering vividly how it felt having her beautiful mouth wrapped around his cock. This girl would be the death of him.

"After work maybe." He chuckled, leaning in to kiss her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands settled on her hips, loving how she tasted. She massaged her tongue with his, making him moan softly into her mouth. He pulled away regretfully and bit his lower lip, trying to calm himself. She gave him a cheeky smirk, pecking his lips once more before moving to sit down. Connor raised his eyes heavenwards, shaking his head with a smile before he followed suit.

Before long, the three of them were fed, dressed and walking through the doors of McGinty's for Lilas shift. They all got the usual cheers and pats to the back as they entered, even Lila got some since she had become a well-loved fixture in the Irish pub. One man even announced she was the prettiest barmaid in the whole of Boston and how they were lucky to call her theirs in McGintys, earning a chorus of cheers as people took a drink. It made her blush like a tomato whilst the twins chests puffed up with pride, stupid grins on their faces. Connor took a seat at the bar, but before Murphy went to sit down, he grabbed Lilas wrist, yanking her to his chest. She didn't have time to protest before his hand wound into her hair and he kissed her hard. They'd never done this before, usually, they'd kiss her cheek or forehead whilst at the bar before she went off to work, but it seemed the declarations of adoration for Lila by the patrons worked Murphy up enough to want them all to know who the pretty barmaid belonged to. She practically melted into him, a tiny moan leaving her lips as she kissed him back and she felt him smirk into the kiss as the bar erupted in cheers and whistles. When he pulled away, he gave her a devilish grin and she blushed once again, blinking up at him like she was dazed. He kissed her forehead before sitting down.

She glanced to Connor and he smirked as he was sat facing her on his bar stool, holding his hand out to her. She came to him, as always it seemed. Murphy had no qualms with looking needy and going to her at every chance he got, but Connor preferred to be in control, making the girl come to him. She walked over, taking his hand and he pulled her close between his legs. He leaned forward, tucking some hair behind her ear as he leant in, a hand on her neck. His kiss wasn't as hard or demanding as Murphys, not as over the top public claiming. But it was still intense and she found herself lightheaded as he kissed her slowly but sensually. The patrons of the bar cheered once again, hooting and whistling at them and her cheeks burnt bright. She was fisting his shirt and when she pulled away, her eyes were glazed over, making him give her a lopsided grin.

She bit her lip, smiling almost shyly at him, but then....then some drunk asshole had to open his mouth and ruin the moment they were having, of course, it had to be ruined.

"How much for my turn?" The man slurred with a booming laugh. Everyone else in McGinty's audibly sucked in a breath, the place seemingly silent for the first time ever, knowing those words were not the right thing to say. The guy must be new around here or something. Connors' hand was still on her neck and she felt him tense up, as all eyes fell on the man. Lila glanced back to Connor, his jaw set and his eyes stony as he looked at the man, almost incredulously that the fucker had the cheek to even make a comment like that, insinuating their girl was some sort of fucking whore. With his hand on her, she could feel his anger, simmering away at a low heat and she knew it was only low because he was holding back, as usual, fighting with himself to stay calm.

Then her eyes glanced over to the dark twin, who was now stood to her right, his fists clenched, jaw set and his eyes ablaze. His chest was heaving a little as he took a slow step towards the man and Lilas' eyes widened. Everyone in the bar was watching carefully, fully expecting to watch a murder tonight and none of them seeming to mind since the fucker was so rude to their barmaid.

"The fuck did ye just say?" Murphy's voice was eerily calm and low and Lila knew it wasn't a good thing because that voice meant he was that incensed that shit was about to go down. She moved away, going over to him and taking his hand, but he didn't look at her, glaring at the drunk man as he muttered something unintelligible, taking another drink. Almost as if he was unaware of his impending ass kicking. Lila could see the guy was piss drunk and although his comment was rude, there was no need for a fight, she doubted he knew what he was saying.

She tugged on Murphy's hand to get his attention but he was still glaring at the man, so she moved in front of him, gripping either side of his face tightly and pulling it down to look at her. His eyes finally met hers and she saw the storms raging in there, but they softened just slightly as he looked at her. She took a breath and closed her eyes. She knew Connor and Murphy did this whole thing second nature, but they'd had their wholes lives to practice. She had to concentrate and really focus on what she was doing. But Murphy felt it, the rush of calm washing over him like a trickle of cool soothing water. It was nowhere near as strong as when Connor did it, the boy had years of practice of calming his twin successfully. But the gesture alone made Murphy's heart melt like a popsicle left out in the sun, that she was using their new bond to try and calm him like his twin usually did. If felt intimate, more so than her just vocalising it. She was in his head, she was pushing her own feelings onto him and the whole thing was intense. He found himself wishing they were alone because the surge of emotions inside of him made him want her again.

She opened her eyes, giving him a small smile when she saw the anger from him fade away, and he couldn't help but return it. This girl was something else, and he wasn't lying when he told her he was sure she was made just for them. Only his twin had been able to do this with him, he'd never have thought in their wildest dreams, that a lass would come into their lives and somehow worm her way into their weird twin bond, it didn't make sense, not unless she was indeed made just for them. He rested his forehead on hers, his heart clenching with the rush of feelings for the redhead in front of him. It was overwhelming, and he so badly wanted to tell her he loved her, being the one never to shy from his feelings. Yet he did, it just didn't feel like the right time, not in front of all these people. He and Connor hadn't really spoken about using the L word, not since after Murphy had basically blurted it out in a desperate plea to stop her leaving. But they both knew they wanted to wait just a bit, for the three of them to ease into the whole thing. They hadn't been in an actual relationship together for long, after all, it just felt longer because of their intense friendship and the fact they fell in love with her way before they got together.

Lila also hadn't told them she loved them, but she acted like she did with the way she was with them, not to mention the terms of endearment she'd used earlier. It set him on edge a little that she hadn't said it out loud, it made him feel like he and his brother were a little more vulnerable since they had said it, even if it was just once. So for once in his life, Murphy didn't actually listen to his heart and just blurt the words out once again, in a pub, no matter how much he wanted to, because he actually felt unsure of himself. He knew he'd cave at some point, way before his lighter haired counterpart. He imagined Connor would take longer to tell the girl, since he was so controlled and closed off, even more unsure of himself than Murphy because Connor wasn't used to this. He wasn't used to not being able to get a lid on his feelings and Murphy knew it made him anxious.

His heart ached for the girl stood in front of him, her eyes closed as she fisted his shirt, their heads resting on the others. She was fucking perfect and he had no idea what he and his brother had done for God to grace them with such an angel, it made him feel choked up and he had to reign it in because people were starting to stare at them, even Connor was watching carefully. But Murphy knew his twin was aware of the war inside of him to stop the words falling from his lips, because he was reaching out to his brother pleadingly, mentally for support, and Connor, being the wonderful brother he was, was nudging right back to give his brother strength. Like a hug without either of them touching. It helped, but he still couldn't contain himself, like a boiling pot about to boil over, the words bubbling beneath the surface. He knew he had to say something, fucking something to ease this painful ache in his chest. Lila was looking at him now confused and careful, his forehead was still resting on hers and he had been silent the whole time, she could feel how tense he was but she couldn't reach out and feel him which worried her. She remembered how Murphy had told her the twins could block each other out if they needed to and it seemed that Murphy had locked Lila out of his head for some reason and it made her worry.

"Je t'aime mon ange, remercie la grâce de Dieu de t'avoir envoyé (I love you sweet angel, thank the grace of God for sending you to us)." He whispered, his voice strained and thick with emotion. He knew she wouldn't understand, and that was the point. He wasn't ready just yet to hand over his heart so willingly when he felt unsure of himself like a young boy, but he had to get it out, lest it eat him alive. Lila had no idea what he had said, but it felt important, his tone was heavy, emotional, and she found her heart clenching.

"Murph?" She asked softly, moving away to look at him properly. He looked so troubled as he looked into her eyes, almost like he was about to burst into tears and she had all but forgot that they were in the middle of the bar. Lucky for her, people had gathered it was a private moment as they watched the darker twin just hold her for the longest time without words, now they had turned away. It was plain for anyone to see what this girl mean to the boys.

She leant forward, kissing his lips sweetly and feeling him melt into her. She wrapped her arm around him when she broke the kiss, giving him one of her typical Lila hugs that the brothers loved so much. Murphy shivered, feeling her breath tickle his ear and he swallowed thickly.

"Don't shut me out again Murphy, I don't like it." She whispered, sounding so sad it made his heart hurt. He tensed a little, feeling caught out that she had tried to reach him and she couldn't. But he had no choice. It was all so intense, his feelings for her, he wouldn't be surprised if she made a dash out the door and never fucking returned.

"M'sorry m'girl." He replied, actually sounding contrite and she knew he was genuinely sorry. She knew he wouldn't have done so unless there was a good reason, but it bugged her not to know what said reason was. She moved away from him, giving him a smile, and the very sight of it made a grin of his own spread onto his face. She reached out a hand for the lighter twin sat right by them, and Connor smiled, reaching out and kissing her hand.

She gave them both a look before moving away and going behind the bar ready to work. Aileen looked at her with a knowing smile, having watched the whole exchange like it was the best thing she had ever seen. She could see it, as clear as day, the three of them were so in love with each other, they had a bond like no one else. She was happy for the girl. Murphy wiped a hand over his face, feeling himself finally calm as he sat next to his brother. Connor reached out, rubbing the back of Murphy's neck in the brotherly way he did, soothing and calming him.

"Non come te per usare il tuo capo fratello (Not like you to use your head brother)." Connor muttered carefully, glancing to the side to his twin. Murphy leant his arms on the bar as he turned his head to look at him.

"Je sais, j'ai juste ... étouffé. Je me sentais si peu sûr de moi. Je ne pense pas qu'elle soit prête (I know, I just...choked. I felt so unsure of myself. I don't think she's ready)." He admitted looking torn about it all. Connor hummed, nodding his head slightly as he rubbed Murphy's neck before letting him go. He'd never known his twin to not just follow his heart and he had felt the war raging inside of the dark-haired twin as he fought to push the words down. It was almost comical how his brother had resorted to telling her in a language she couldn't understand so he didn't burst at the seams.

"Quick thinkin' about tellin' her in French brother, thought ye might explode if ye didn't tell her." Connor smirked amused at him, knowing his brother wouldn't have time to answer since the girl in question was on her way over with two beers. Murphy gave his brother an indignant scowl for his mocking before glancing to the angel on the other side of the bar, their angel. Lila grinned as she placed the beers in front of them, the mood seemed lighter and if their faces were anything to go by, they were bickering in their usual way. Murphy gave his brother another scowl and Lila snorted as Connor barked a laugh. She reached over the bar, poking Murphy's cheeks and pulling it into a smile, it only served to make Connor laugh harder. Murphy squinted at her, nipping playfully at her fingers and making her giggle.

He couldn't help but smile at her, she was fucking perfect and made him feel like he may turn to mush at any moment. He had no doubt he'd have to tell her soon, her presence was raging a thunderous storm inside of him and he was never one to be able to contain his emotions. Connor sipped his beer and gave his brother a knowing look, watching as Lila grabbed Murphy's hand, kissing it sweetly. When she let go, she grabbed Connors and repeated the gesture, giving them both a wide smile that made them grin like lovesick fools, even in front of everyone. It was a sight to behold for the patrons in the bar. The boys had never been with someone for more than sex, and anyone with eyes could see this was way more than that. So naturally, some of them stared curiously, wonderous even at the girl that had tamed the two wild Irish lads. But the boys didn't care, let them stare, let them see that the three of them were meant to be together, they weren't embarrassed about it or ashamed, fuck, they were proud. Because to them, Lila was the most beautiful and precious thing ever to exist and she belonged to them, she was all theirs, and it made them fill with such male pride. They didn't care what anyone said about their unconventional relationship, they didn't care what people thought when they saw their lovesick faces follow her wherever she went in the bar. They didn't fucking care, because they were together, finally, and now they felt at home, finally complete. And that was all that mattered.

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