Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

38.1K 956 82

Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22

1.1K 35 2
By ThaliaLikesLove

Long chapter.

Lila's sick of feeling sexually frustrated and decides to take matters into her own hands, Murphys is all too willing to help her crack Connor.

Hot, heavy and fucking intense. Without further ado, the goods you've been waiting for. I'd apologize for making you wait so long, but I love a good slow burn and I'm a tease, so I'd be a liar!

 Enjoy! :')


A whole week had flown by before Lila had even realised it. Being in some sort of relationship with the twins was surprisingly easier than she thought it would be. They were their own separate people of course, but they fit together like jigsaw pieces and that made a whole entity of itself. She always had this low simmering anxiety about them thinking she was playing favourites when she wasn't, simply because she knew how they could get. Murphy was ridiculously needy and clingy, whenever the boys weren't at work, he was fucking attached to her hip, following her around like a lost puppy. It was endearing, well it was until she needed a piss a few days prior and she had to tell the poor boy off as he was stood literally just on the other side of the screen, talking animatedly about something or another. She couldn't pee with him right there and he had the decency to be embarrassed about not letting her piss in peace. Connor on the other hand, she had to seek him out. It wasn't that he wasn't affectionate or didn't care, but she had to go to him, not the other way around. He did this thing where when they would sit on the couch together, he would wrap his arm around her tightly, resting his hand over her heart. It made her feel stupidly safe, warm and fuzzy all at the same time. That and also a little turned on.

She never had one on one time with the twins for long. They took turns waking up with her, letting the other one sleep for a little longer to have some time with her. She knew they hated being separated, not being able to feel each other so clearly, and this way they were able to spend some time with their girl on their own, whilst they knew the other twin was close by and safe. Kissing them in front of the other took some getting used to, most times she expected them to throw punches just because she wasn't used to being...shared, or whatever the fuck this was. But they never did. At first they would kiss her on her own, the other twin off somewhere else in the apartment, doing whatever they wanted; reading, writing, cooking and such. It would get hot and heavy pretty quickly, making out like horny teenagers. But it never went further than that. One day found her cooking in the kitchen when Murphy kissed her, the next thing she knew, Connor was pressed up behind her kissing her neck. That was fun. It made her head spin and left her breathless, having that many hands and lips on her at once. But once again, it didn't go further. She was becoming increasingly frustrated about it with all their teasing kisses and touches. She knew they were taking it slow for her, because it was intense with the three of them. There was no middle ground. It was all consuming, swallowing you whole desire and feeling. It seemed like they wanted to ease her into it. She had a sneaking feeling Connor was the one pushing for them to take it slow. Murphy was all too eager and he'd even managed a sneaky grope or two up her shirt when they made out. It was always met by Connor muttering something in a language she didn't know, Murphy retorting, and escalating to them bickering about it.

She understood Connors hesitation, because he was the planner of the three, the thinker. He pushed his feelings aside to think things through and go with what he thought was the best course of action. But in this case, she didn't want thinking, she wanted doing. She wanted a fucking orgasm. Murphy was much more on her page with that one. He was always more intense when they kissed, touched her more, seemed more desperate. She knew without a doubt if she was left completely alone with him he would probably throw her on the bed and fuck her senseless. It was why Connor had not left them completely alone. She also had a feeling when he was 'asleep' in the mornings she was with Murphy, he was actually awake and just waiting for Murphy to fuck up.

Apart from that, everything was going smoothly. There had been no fights, the usual bickering but they wouldn't be the MacManus twins if they didn't bicker. She was thankful things seemed good, better than good even. She felt at home with these two, they made her feel cared about in their own ways and she wouldn't change them for the world.

They were at work and Lila had finished her routine cleaning of the apartment. She was sat at the dining table making a list of things to buy when her eyes landed on the mattresses. Murphy's had been abandoned. They all slept in Connors bed now, from the first night after they told her they were in love with her, she just stayed with them, the three of them found it hard to be apart. They hadn't told her they loved her since, and she hadn't ever said it to them. She did love them, but she also knew the only reason they said it at all was the pure desperation behind her leaving. It wasn't that she didn't believe them, because they had been showing her they loved her in their own ways. But she felt like they hadn't been ready to say it, they had been forced to by the circumstance and she felt like since this was all so new to them, and really fucking intense, they needed more time before those words appeared once again. She didn't even know what they were technically. Was she their girlfriend? Were they her boyfriends? They hadn't really talked about it or what it was officially and she was afraid to ask. She knew the boys had only had casual relationships, and whilst they hadn't spoken to another girl since the birthday incident, she worried a little that maybe it was serious more on her behalf than theirs.

She sighed a little as she glared at the mattresses and she suddenly got an idea. Sleeping on one mattress was no easy feat for three fucking people, and at least once a night she was woken up by a grumbling twin after they'd rolled off the edge. She jotted bed down on her list and smiled. She knew the boys wouldn't like it, they never did when she spent money on them. But this was for her as much as for them, and it also made it seem more permanent. Getting them one big bed. She knew she'd need to sweeten the deal a little, butter them up, and that lead her to phase two of her plan. She smirked to herself, standing up and grabbing her jacket before heading out the door.

The deli was right by the furniture store and her eyes lit up as she saw her favourite caveman walking out with a bag full of food.

"Rocco!" She called out with a grin, making her way over. He looked around confused until his eyes landed on her, walking over to meet her with his usual lovable grin on his face. He wrapped her in a tight hug before moving away.

"Lila, what are you doin' here?" He asked with a smile, acting like he was so happy to see her even though they had seen each other the night before when she worked at the bar.

"Just running errands, looks like you're doing the same?" She asked with a snort as she gestured to the bag. He rolled his eyes with a grumble before giving her a grin. She knew he hated his job but he couldn't get out of it. If she was honest, she was scared for her friend. She knew too well the destruction the mob could bring and she feared for him. Hopefully he'd just stay an errand boy and they'd never feel the need to fucking get rid of him.

"Yeah, I can't stop long, gotta get back to the boss man. You workin' tonight?" He asked, already knowing the answer and she laughed a little at his ridiculous question.

"I work every night Roc." She smirked, poking his side a little and making him huff a laugh.

"Hey, you know what, you and me should grab breakfast sometime, I feel like we never get to hang out just us." She suggested with a beaming smile that he knew he'd never be able to say no to.

"You sure thing 1 and thing 2 will be alright with that?" He snorted, making her bark out a loud laugh.

"Yes, if not they can deal with it. I'm entitled to a life Rocco." She stated with a sassy eye roll. He nodded and scratched his beard. She was right after all.

"Yeah I know. Besides, I think I'm the only guy that can be around you without them wanting to tear limbs off." He gave her a goofy grin and she chuckled at him. He gave her another hug before he was off again and she made her way to the furniture store.

A few hours later and Lila was back at the loft looking adoringly at the new queen sized bed in the place of the two tatty mattresses. The delivery men from the store had graciously offered to help put it up for her and even take the old mattresses out to the dumpster. She had a feeling it was because they found her attractive since their eyes were glued to her boobs and ass, but hey, if you can't use the perks of being a woman to your advantage, then what's the point right? After the men left, she set about making the bed up nice. It had a mahogany headboard that matched the dining table, she was a sucker for matching furniture and since the loft was essentially one giant room, she didn't want the bed and table to clash. She put a deep purple sheet over the mattress, her favourite colour, and the pillowcases and quilt cover were black with a geometric gray design on them. It bit manly for her taste, but she knew she needed to sweeten the boys up so they didn't have an aneurysm when they saw the fucking thing as they walked in.

She smirked over to the bag on the table, something that would surely sweeten them and she knew without a doubt that Murphy would take the bait, hell Murphy would bite without the fucking bait, it was Connor really that she needed to crack. Lucky for her, she thought herself quite the seductress when she needed to be. She always got her own way. She felt excitement and nerves bloom in her stomach, excitement because she hoped to fuck she would be satisfied before it was time for work, and nervous because part of her really thought Connor wouldn't take the bait. Sometimes the man was too hard headed and controlled. She grabbed the bag, not needing to use the screen since she was alone. When she was done, she looked in the mirror. She couldn't remember the last time she wore something so sexy. She was wearing a black lace babydoll with matching lace french knickers. The babydoll was sheer and she could see her own nipples clearly, the French knickers were small and her ass cheeks were barely covered, she felt sexy and she smirked to herself. She slipped on one of the boys' robes, the smell told her it was Connors, and she tightened it so they wouldn't know what she was wearing underneath, for all they knew it would be Murphys t-shirt she slept in.

She started getting the lasagna ready, they wouldn't eat right away today, she had plans after all. She was setting it in the oven just as the door burst open, the twins laughing and shoving each other as usual. They stopped dead when they glared at the new addition to the apartment, the queen size bed was hard to miss and it was the fanciest thing they'd ever fucking seen.

"What the fucks this?!" Connor asked in his shrill tone, the one that meant he was instantly offended she had dared to spend money on them. She turned to face them, both twins looking at her. Murphy looked shocked, if he was honest he was a little choked up, always the sentimental one. The fact she had bought them all one bed meant she had no intentions of going anywhere. The gesture meant she was all in, there was no other mattress for her to slink off to if she wanted. There was no going back from this. Connor just squinted suspiciously at her, once again using his head and not his heart.

"Well sweetie, it's a bed, you sleep in it." She said patronisingly with a smirk, even Murphy had to snort at the sass coming from her mouth. Connor shot his brother a glare for encouraging her and Murphy bit his lip to stop more laughter coming out. Connor looked back at Lila, narrowing his eyes at her unimpressed.

"Ha ha, I gathered that much. Why the fuck is it here?" He asked exasperatedly.

"Because I wanted a real bed. So I bought one. Or am I not allowed to buy myself things now?" She asked as she tilted her head defiantly. She had a point, Murphy could see that, Connor didn't like it but he heaved a sigh. He knew there was no point arguing with her and he didn't want a repeat incident of the car.

Lila looked at the both of them, a sly smirk spreading across her lips as she sauntered over to the bed, stopping in front of it and turning to face them.

"Besides, a real bed will be a lot comfier for...other things." She grinned mischievously, the robe sipping from her and pooling on the floor. The boys took a sharp intake of breath in unison, their eyes burning holes into her skin as they roamed her body. They'd never seen her like this before, they thought she looked sexy after she dolled herself up on their birthday, but this, this was something fucking else. They could see her breasts, the first proper time they'd ever laid eyes on them and she looked a fucking vision. Like a dark angel, all for them.

"Holy mother o' God." Murphy whispered to himself as he swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing at the motion, unable to tear his eyes off the lass. He could already feel his cock stirring in his jeans and he knew his brother was feeling the same.

"Lila..." Connor warned, taking a shaky breath as he tried to quell the surge of desire inside of him. She looked fucking delicious and he was having to urge to pounce on her, but they needed to take things slow, he needed to control himself.

"Fuck this." Murphy muttered, stalking over to the girl and pulling her close. He crashed his lips onto hers and it reminded her so much of their first kiss, so much passion and fire behind his desire.

She moaned into the kiss, winding her hands around his neck and tugging on the hair at the base of his skull. It tore his own moan from his lips that she happily swallowed. Suddenly the beautiful lips were torn from her as Connor grabbed Murphy and yanked him away. Lila and Murphy were panting heavily and both turned to glare at Connor.

"No! We need te take it fuckin' slow! The fuck are ye both doin'?!" He frowned, looking at them both like he was telling off naughty children. Murphy looked ready to punch his brother in his stupid fucking face, his cock was practically fucking throbbing by this point.

"Fuck taking it slow Connor! We're all consenting adults, why are you being this way?!" Lila yelled, getting agitated by his constant rejection.

"What she said!" Murphy added with a scowl. Connor didn't reply, instead he walked away, pacing a little with his back to them as he tugged his hair. It was obvious he was having some kind of internal struggle, no doubt his head vs his heart.

Lila licked her lower lip before glancing at Murphy, she wanted him in on the next thing she was about to do, because if he wasn't, things could go south pretty fucking quickly with the boys temper the way it was. She cupped his cheeks and closed her eyes, making Murphy look at her confused. She wasn't sure if this would even work, she hadn't done it since the day Murphy had told her about it and Connor had shown her, but she hoped it would. She didn't kiss him, didn't fucking talk and he wondered what the fuck she was doing, but then he heard it.

'Don't be mad'. She hadn't spoken the words verbally, but he heard them loud and clear, it shocked him a little at how clearly he had been able to hear it but he was unsure what the fuck it meant. Why would he be mad? He didn't have the chance to ask as she let go, turning back to Connor who was still facing away and pacing.

"You know what Connor, I've got needs. And if you two don't want me, I can find someone who does." She sneered, glaring at the back of the lighter haired twins head. Murphy's head whipped to her, rage filling his body, but then it clicked. 'Don't be mad.' It was a warning, she hadn't meant those words, she was warning him of what her plan was so he didn't get upset. She was baiting his brother, and he was more than happy to play along to push this to where he wanted it to go.

"The fuck does that mean?" Murphy yelled outraged, but she could see in his eyes no anger really there. The man was a good actor. Murphy had noticed how Connor stilled, he was breaking, he almost smirked to himself.

"It means I'm sick of the sexual frustration. It means I'm sick of being teased and never satisfied. I can find plenty of men who are willing to make me cum." She stated, smirking at Murphy as she saw his eyes darken just slightly. He knew she didn't mean it, but he knew that plenty of men out there would fucking love to make her cum, and it made him incredibly possessive all of a sudden. His right hand twitched a little as he tried to restrain himself and not blow the plan, her smirk made it obvious she knew she had pushed his buttons and he squinted at her a little, his own smirk spreading across his lips as she blew a sassy kiss his way.

Connor turned around, his eyes dark much like his twins and he stalked over to her slowly like a predator.

"No other man is touchin' our lass. Ain't that right Murph?" Connor growled not even looking to his brother, his eyes locked on Lilas now wide eyes as he backed her up until she felt the bed hit the back of her legs. He was being a sexy bastard and she could feel her body reacting.

"Damn right brother." Murphy replied with a smirk, grabbing a kitchen chair and straddling it backwards. He leant his arms across the back and rubbed his lip as he watched the pair with rapt interest. The way his twin had cracked so easy, the bulge in his jeans giving him away as he stared the girl down. The way Lilas' chest was heaving a little, her skin flushed and her eyes wide. She was clearly aroused. Murphy thought back to the day at the diner when he called her a naughty lass using his low voice. She had responded this way then too. It seemed the little pretty thing liked to play submissive in bed, and Murphy couldn't wait to explore that with her.

Lila was frozen in place, all bravado gone as her desire for the pair came into full bloom. Connor ran his nose along her neck to her ear, making her shiver. His hand slid down her stomach at a painfully slow rate as he made his descent to her panties.

"Ye want this sweetheart?" He purred in her ear, his fingers slipping into her underwear and slowly teasing her slit. Her breathing hitched and she nodded, unable to trust her voice right then. He groaned in her ear feeling how soaked she was for them and he rubbed teasing slow circles around her clit. It tore a delicious moan from her full lips and she gripped his biceps so she didn't fall into a heap on the floor. Murphy bit his lip, a rumble of a growl in his chest as he stood up, removing his shirt and kicking off his pants as he went.

"Enough o' this, I've waited long enough." He griped as he went over. Connor turned to look at his brother, Lila leaning her head on Connor's chest as she moaned and arched against his hand. The twins locked eyes for a moment, sharing a look. Murphy knew Connor could be intense in bed, he'd shared a few lasses with him, hell he'd even been trying to sleep a few times after Connor had brought a lass home. But this was a whole other ballgame. The darkness in his twin's eyes. He had fully let go, something he never did, and something inside Murphy told him this was why his brother was hesitant in the first place. Because he knew this with Lila was different and he wouldn't be able to hold back once he crossed that line.

Lila whined pitifully when Connors' fingers left her and he chuckled a little, raising his fingers to her mouth. The look in his eyes made her knees weak and she complied, opening her mouth and sucking his fingers clean. Murphy couldn't wait any longer watching that sexy scene and he shoved her back on the bed, making her squeal a little, she didn't expect it. She was more than willing to be manhandled as he flipped her onto her stomach and moved her further on the bed silently. The whole energy was intense, the air thick with desire. He placed her so her head was at the end of the bed facing his brother and she was on all fours. Connor already knew what the drill was, this wasn't their first rodeo so to speak. Lila didn't though, she had never done this before so she let them lead her and excitement sang through her veins.

Murphy ripped her panties off her, literally ripped them with an audible tear and she almost said something. Almost. Connor shucking off his jeans and top in front her distracted her, his eyes were locked on hers as he shed his boxers too and her breathing hitched at seeing him naked for the first time. He was fucking exquisite. She couldn't see Murphy but she could feel him moving around on the bed and she looked up through her lashes at Connor as he stepped closer to her, stroking himself leisurely. She suddenly felt arms lock around her thighs and she moaned loudly when she felt Murphy's tongue give her a teasing lick. Connor used the advantage of her open mouth to slide his cock in, her eyes widened in shock for a moment before she relaxed. Connor ran a hand through her hair as he started thrusting into her mouth carefully, and she moaned around his cock as Murphy started licking circles around her clit. She couldn't help herself as she ground her hips to him wantonly. She felt him groan against her, the vibrations only heightening the pleasure as she continued to take Connor in as far as she could. He was big and he was honestly impressed when his cock hit the back of her throat and spasmed around him.

The pair set a punishing rhythm on her, Connors' hand wound in her hair as he thrust a little faster. His moans mingled with Lilas filling the loft and Murphy's cock was aching at the sounds. Murphy let go of one of her thighs, the other tightening around it as he added his fingers to the mix, sliding two inside of her soaked entrance. She gasped around Connors cock and bucked her hips a little. Murphy could feel she was close, feeling her walls flutter around his fingers as he continued to suck and lick her clit. He gave his brother a mental nudge that she was close and Connor thrust even faster into her mouth, feeling his own release coming up. Murphy and Connor had a system of sorts when it came to sharing lasses, to make sure they would both be satisfied. And they both knew in this case, they would both get their own turns with her with everything. Sex, blow jobs, hand jobs. There was no need to feel sour if they both didn't get to fuck her this time because it would happen anyway eventually. They had talked at length about how they would approach this with Lila, even before they had got together with her. They were boys after all and she was fucking gorgeous. So it was already planned out that Connor would cum in her mouth and Murphy would get to fuck her afterwards. Connor had a thing about watching, he didn't mind watching the pair after he was satisfied. Plus Murphy was needier, and he had no issues with giving his brother what he wanted. He couldn't deal with the bitching if he didn't.

Lilas muffled moans were getting more desperate and her body was writhing, she could feel the pleasure welling up inside of her and she suddenly cried out around Connor as her body tensed up. She couldn't remember it ever being this intense before, it felt like it lasted forever and she saw fucking stars. Connor growled loudly, the grip on her hair tightening as he bucked harshly, spilling himself inside of her mouth. Her moans and her face as she came had pushed him over the edge. He removed his cock and was more than pleased when the lass swallowed every drop of his cum. He and Lila were both panting heavily and she gasped when Murphy placed a soft kiss on her clit before moving out from under her. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, watching as Connor helped Lila out of the babydoll she was wearing and help her lay down on the pillows properly before she collapsed and he lay next to her on his side of the bed. She looked like she'd been to heaven and back and Murphy couldn't help the smug smirk on his face that he had given her that look. The boys took a moment to admire her completely naked body, it rendered them speechless, she was so fucking perfect with her alabaster skin, her blush pink nipples, her tiny waist, and her sexy curves.

"Elle a un goût divin (She tastes divine)." Murphy muttered, locking eyes with his twin and he took off his boxers. Connor quirked a brow, his own sly smirk spreading on his lips as he reached between Lilas' thighs and ran his fingers along her, making her gasp, before bringing them to his mouth and sucking them clean.

Lila was dazed and she blinked from one to the other, how could they be so fucking sexy? She felt like she was about to spontaneously combust.

"Hmm, comme le miel (Hmm, like honey)." Connor replied with a wicked smirk, making Murphy chuckle.

"Mmm I think I'm starting to like French." Lila laughed with a lazy grin and the boys smirked at her. Murphy crawled over to her and she bit her lip, looking at him all coy like. He hovered over her, ghosting her lips with his own but not giving her the kiss she wanted as she tried to chase his lips.

"Ma belle fille, tout ce que je vais te faire (My beautiful girl, the things I'm going to do to you)." He purred against her lips with a smirk, grinding his cock against her thoroughly soaked entrance. A noise somewhere between a moan and a whine left her lips and Connor grinned, propping himself up with his elbow so he could look at her pretty flushed face.

"Think she likes it when ye talk te her Murph." Connor smirked, biting his lip as she moaned again.

"Je pense aussi mon frère. Pensez-vous que je peux la faire mendier? (I think so too brother. Do you think I can make her beg)?" Murphy asked, still looking at the girl beneath him despite talking to his brother. Connor grinned darkly, the twins locking eyes for a second. Murphy rubbed the tip of his cock against her teasingly, showing uncharacteristic restraint. Lila was cursing him for finding some self-control in this moment of all moments. He just loved to tease though and Lila was playing into his hands like putty.

"Please Murph, please." She whispered desperately as she arched up at him, not caring how fucking needy and wanton she looked, the boys were loving it anyway. They shared a quick look thoroughly pleased with themselves at how quickly she had begged. Murphy groaned a little, hearing her beg and say his name like that, he almost came right there. The last of his resolve vanished, just like Lila had hoped, and he thrust inside of her until he was fully sheathed. The pair moaned loudly and Lila dug her nails into the back of his shoulders. It had been a while and he was pretty well endowed much like his twin.

"Fuckin' Christ, she's so tight." Murphy moaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to let her adjust before he pounded her into the mattress. He rested his forehead on hers, their heavy breathing mingling together.

Lila arched up at him with a mewl, wanting more from him and that was all he needed. He started rutting into her like a wild animal, groans and growls leaving his lips as he put the bed to the test. She was moaning loudly now, pushing back with each thrust and loving how he filled every inch of her, hitting that sweet spot every time. He leant on his forearm for leverage as his other hand gripped her thigh and hitched her leg over his hip to get ever deeper, making her gasp. Connor reached out, watching reverently as he pinched at her nipple, making her arch her back more. He was enjoying watching how her face contorted in pleasure, how she muttered his brothers name like a desperate prayer. She was a vision to behold in the throes of pleasure.

Her moans were getting high and more frequent and Murphy could feel her starting to clamp down on his cock, he was honestly surprised he managed to last this long. He was animalistic as he fucked her hard, growling every time he heard his name leave her beautiful lips. He angled her a little better, his pubic bone rubbing her clit with each thrust and that was all she needed, her back arched up so much she felt like she was being fucking abducted by aliens, and she cried out, squeezing his cock and milking him dry as he came inside of her with a loud moan. Connor reached out and stroked her hair soothingly as she came down from her high and Murphy practically collapsed on top of her, tucking his sweaty face in the crook of her neck as he tried to catch his breath. Her hand went onto his hair, massaging his scalp affectionately and she reached her other hand out to do the same to his twin.

Once again they were linked together and they felt calm and sated. They had taken the leap but it was fucking worth it, Connor regretted ever wanting to take it slow. Murphy pulled out of her carefully and collapsed next to her breathlessly. He'd had a lot of sex in his years, a lot of good sex. But that was fucking...incredible. He was sure he'd never came so hard before. For the first time in a number of years, he was fully relaxed. Lila glanced at the clock, she had work in a couple of hours. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, but she didn't have the heart to tell the boys as they both curled around her, arms wrapping around her middle as they dozed off feeling content.

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