The Rose Cladded in Clouds(Co...

By HyperNinja453

2K 17 8

A young boy looked down upon by his family. One day, the young Y/N Rose leaves in pursuit of something more... More

The Formation of the Clouds
Bio of Y/N and Cross
First Mission, First Partner
The Akatsuki Fall
The Resurfaced Rose
Quick Message from the Hype
The Old Partner Switch
The Storm is Rolling In
Immobilize the Clouds
Rose vs RWBY, JNPR in The Abyss
Rose Stuck in the Abyss
Purple Meets Silver
Painful Memories, Flooding Back
Clouds Disperse
Writer's Block
Something.... Isn't Right
An Old Friend's Cruel Return
This Ends Now
One Battle to End It All

A Lesson in Superiority

120 1 0
By HyperNinja453

Flashback- 3 Years Earlier

A young teenager, with silver eyes and black hair with red tips being held up by a slashed Hidden Moon headband. Sat in a forest, eyes locked to the ground, oblivious to the approaching person. Either he didn't know, or he just didn't care. He didn't lift his head up until the person stopped about five feet away. What he saw, actually surprised him. He expected a hunter-nin, or at least a moon nin. No, it was another rogue ninja. From the rain to be exact. He wore a ominous black cloak cladded in red clouds. He had orange hair and all sort of black piercings and rods covering his face. However, his eyes were the most noticeable feature. His eyes were sort a light purple/violet color, with multiple different rings surrounding the pupils. The young boy slowly began to reach for his kunai pouch that was laying next to him before the person spoke.

Pein: I do not mean you any harm, but rather I want to provide you a chance for redemption. What is your name?

Y/N: Y/N, Y/N Rose. Why does it matter? Who are you?

Pein: It matters because I want to ask you to join me. As for who I am, we will discuss that later. If you choose to join me.

Y/N: Join you?

Pein: Yes, join me. It is an organization that is going to bring everlasting world peace. It is called the Akatsuki.

Y/N: ..... Alright I'll join you.

Pein: Good, come with me. Within the Akatsuki we will not only bring peace, but your own personal goals will be accomplished as well.

The 16 year old Y/N Rose gathered his things and proceeded to follow Pein, back through the forest.

Present Day- Vale

Here he was. Standing here in the destroyed Kingdom of Vale and in front of him stood ninja from his partner's old village. But, what Y/N didn't get was why would Tsukino do something now? She never even made an attempt to retrieve him for years. So, why now and why here of all places?

Y/N: If you think I'll just lay down and die, your severely mistaken.

Yellow: Oh we know, but we will do everything we can to bring you down.

Blue: Indeed. You are a S-Ranked criminal. We can't just let you live.

Red: And after we're done with you. We'll go after the only other Akatsuki member in Vale.

Y/N: I will tell you this. If you can't beat me, then you don't stand a chance against Cross.

The four anbu unsheathed their swords and charged at Y/N. In quick succession, Y/N pulled out Vengeance Flare and switched it to its sword mode. Getting into a fighting stance, he awaited the shadow anbu. Blocking the first attack, he kicked the red masked anbu away. Ducking under another attack, he sweeped the blue masked anbu off his feet. Back flipping out of the black masked anbu's blade. He put his sword behind his back to block an attack from the yellow masked anbu. Swinging around, he attempted to punch Yellow but the anbu caught his fist. Flipping up, he kicked the anbu's sword away. He pulled Yellow's arm, causing the anbu to be pulled towards him. In quick precision, he tried to slash the anbu's stomach. The blade being stopped just an inch short due to Blue grabbing the blade. Blood dripped from Blue's hand, but he didn't let up. Looking over his shoulder, Y/N saw that Black and Red were back up and were closing in on him.

Y/N: (Shit! What am I suppose to do?! .....Ahhhhh I have to use it, or else I die here and I can't die yet.)

Y/N with nothing else to get out of the situation the anbu had placed him in, he closed his eyes. Concentrating, he reopened his eyes. Releasing a huge wave of blinding light. The anbu members were blinded temporarily and with Y/N free, he quickly flashed through handseals. Tiger, Rat, Monkey, Ram, he placed one hand on the ground and using his other and, he made half of a Tiger sign. He shouted, Wind Style: Shockwave Hurricane. Shortly after the ground under the four anbu tore apart and they were launched back and into the air. Y/N flashed through more hand seals, Snake, Ox, Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Ram, Hare, Horse, Tiger. He shouted, Wind Style: Tornado Downgrade. The four anbu still being in the air. Were spun around in a small tornado, before being slammed into the ground with extreme force. They lay there unconscious. Y/N picked Vengeance Flare up and switched it back into its pistol mode, placing it back in its holster. He looked up and scoffed.

Y/N: I thought Anbu were suppose to be skilled. Kinda surprised now that Cross is from the Shadow Village. He actually has skill.

Team RWBY continued fighting of the rain nin dashing at them, but suddenly all rain nin retreated without second thought. All girls looked at one another confused.

Yang: What the hell?!

Blake: Why would they just retreat?

Ruby: Maybe its because they realized just how awesome Team RWBY is!!!

Weiss: You dunce! They obviously had a reason for it.

Out of nowhere a figure wearing an Akatsuki cloak dropped down in front of them. The figure's white hair and scar, minus the ominous red eyes. Could almost pass as a male Weiss.

Cross: So, your the legendary Team RWBY I have heard so much about. The team that won the Vytal Festival correct?

Ruby: That's right! We beat every te-

Cross: Yeah..... don't care. If I'm being totally honest, you four along with every other huntsman and huntress in the world are nothing but pathetic.

Yang's eyes flared into a deep red. She stared down Cross with anger. She cocked Ember Celica and prepared to charge at the missing-nin. But, her team stopped her.

Weiss: Yang, we know nothing about what he is capable of. Don't be an idiot.

Ruby: She's right.

Yang: Does it matter? He just insulted the very thing we have worked so hard to get.

Yang broke free of her team and charged at the ex-shadow nin. Cross didn't move as Yang cocked her fist back and attempted to punch Cross' skull in. However, she was stopped as a flurry of chains wrapped around her body, immobilizing her. The rest of team RWBY followed the chains and the source of said chains, was from the bottom of Cross' cloak.

Cross: This is exactly the type of thing I was talking about. You hunters don't think. You believe your opponent will just let you hit them. That is why us ninja will always be superior.

The other members of RWBY were about to rush in to help Yang, but stopped after a chain shot out from Cross' sleeve and wrapped around Yang's throat.

Cross: Stay put little hunters or else I'll break her neck. I simply want to educate you. So hothead, believe me yet?

Yang: G-go fuck yourself.

Cross: Harsh. Well, you will be thinking otherwise after I'm done with you four pathetic excuses for warriors.

Blake: You mentioned you were a ninja? So, why are you here and not back in your village.

Cross: Hahaha. Oh sweetheart, do you not see the slash across my headband. That means I'm a rogue, a missing-nin, a criminal.

Blake: Well, what makes you think your superior to us when you can't even keep an oath for whatever village you came from?

Cross: Simply. I have more skill. In terms of huntsman vs ninja. Ninja almost always win due to the fact that we have a bigger arsenal and more battle experience. Huntsman don't know how to use chakra, us ninja do. Not to mention.

The chain flung Yang back and she hit the ground hard next to her team. The chains retreated back into Cross' cloak.

Cross: Us ninja don't always rely on our semblance. You hunters do. Anyway, I have a job to do. So, sorry girls, but I'm going to have to teach you four on where you stand on the list of power.

Cross put his hand on Willbreaker's hilt and got into a fighting stance. All of RWBY got into fighting stances too, or at least tried to as they were hit from behind at the same time. Looking back they saw four clones of Cross, purple smoke surrounding them. Cross activated one abyssal eye and limboed behind the girls.

Cross: Can you hunters do that?

Cross slammed his foot down, almost hitting Ruby in the face. Weiss used a glyph to launch the team away from the Akatsuki nin and within seconds they were back on their feets, but Cross was nowhere to be found.

Yang: Ha, it seems he was just all talk.

Cross: You sure hothead.

Yang swung around at threw a punch at Cross. Cross blocked it with his right forearm then drove his fist into her stomach. Flipping over the back of the approaching Ruby, he kicked her in the back. Causing her to fall onto Yang. Weiss and Blake charged at Cross from the left and right. Chains shot out from under his cloak, wrapping themselves around both Weiss and Blake. He flashed through three handseals, Hare, Dragon, Tiger. He spoke, Lightning Style: Electric Chain Current. Electricity travelled down the chains reaching the two girls. Shortly after the two girls were engulfed in electricity. Releasing the chains, the girls dropped to the ground. Ruby looked on in shock, as did Yang.

Cross: Now would ya look at that. I defeated half of your team, by only moving my hands.

Cross' gaze stopped on Ruby. Ignoring Yang's obvious killer intent.

Cross: Now that I think about it, you look very similar to someone I know.

Ruby's eyes widened in shock for a quick second before Yang stood up and used Ember Celica to launch herself towards Cross.

Cross ducked the first punch, blocked the second, and grabbed the third. Yang's eyes widened before she was blown back. Ruby used her super speed to charge at Cross and actually caught him off guard. He was knocked back, but no second later Ruby was wrapped in chains. Cross stood up and limboed in front of the young girl.

Cross: Know where your place stands little reaper. Also I reccomend you tell your hotheaded teammate over there to stand down.

Yang charged at Cross for a finale time. Cross simply sidestepped her and brought his hand down on the back of her neck. She fell to the ground, unconscious.

Cross: Don't think of this as a fight, but rather a lesson. A lesson in superiority.

Unknown: Come on Cross, we're going. The mission is a fail.

Cross turned around to look at the source of the voice and it gave Ruby a chance to look over his shoulder, what she saw would haunt her for the rest of her life. Her brother wearing a slashed ninja headband and a similar cloak as the person that just wiped the floor with them. Cross nodded, but deep inside he had another thought.

Cross: (Thought you wanted to postpone a confrontation Rose? What changed?)

Cross deactivated his semblance and Ruby was dropped to the ground. She had the strength to keep fighting, but she felt like she didn't have the will to continue fighting. She just looked at her defeated team and then up at Cross walking side by side her brother, towards the exit of Vale.

Ruby: B-Big Brother?

A ways away, stood another Akatsuki member, watching its two comrades leave the destruction behind them.

Zetsu: Well, that was certainly interesting. I was hoping Y/N would've said some harsh words to his little sister. Why? I wanted to see her devastated face. Ohh, now that would be funny! Let's head back, would be embarrassing if they beat us.

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