A moment to notice

By ironic-mashton

347 9 1

Ashton wanted to join a band, he hadn't been in one for so long and he felt that if he didnt, he'd be stuck a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Quick A/N
Part 10.5
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 7

18 1 0
By ironic-mashton

Ashton's P.O.V

"Where do you wanna eat, Ashton?" I looked up, still slipping my shoes on at the front door. I hummed at Calum, who wore a blueish white button up shirt and black jeans, also slipping on a pair of Vans. "I dunno, I'm good with anything and everything, dude." He smiled and laughed a bit, leaning against the side wall slightly and looking at me. I stood straight and smiled back at him, leaning on the wall next to him. We stayed there for a bit, leaning on each other here and there.

"Okay, lets get going now!" I announced, striding over to the kitchen to grab the car keys before getting stopped by a running Calum who grabbed them before me. "Ah ah ah, I'm going to drive~ I have my learners permit, but I think my driving is pretty nice." I bit my lip, wondering if I should let him drive or not. Usually, an adult is suppose to be in the car as well...But I guess I'm close enough to an adult here.

"Okay, okay. You can drive. But you can't pass the speeding limit, you can't even go near it, you hear me?" I said, pointing a finger at him, trying to seem serious but soon laughing along with Calum's joyful laugh. "Okay okay, mum. I won't even touch the gas pedal too much." I grinned at him, making sure my wallet and phone were on me before following Calum out the door.

Calum's P.O.V

"Did you put the key in proper? Wait wait, seatbelt, Cal!" I slightly rolled my eyes as Ashton reached over me to do my seatbelt on, smirking slightly as he blushed at the contact. "Ashton." He turned his head to me as he was still leaning over me, fumbling with my seatbelt. I chuckled inwardly, leaning in towards him to connect our lips slightly. Ashton exhaled a worried, shaky breath, relaxing as our lips moulded together. I moved my hands to his hips, pulling from his position to my lap, his legs resting on either side of my hips. I groaned a bit as he bit me lower lip, whimpers leaving his open mouth. I tilted my head to the side and slipped my tongue into his mouth, feeling every place I could, relishing in his wonderful taste. Our tongues collided and fought for dominance, I being victorious after, and continued to massage my tongue against his. My hands slowly slipped from his waist to slowly find themselves in his jean back pockets, giving his ass a slight but firm squeeze. He moaned into my mouth, pressing more against me. I smirked into the kiss, rocking my hips against his slowly, gradually getting faster. He detached from me, hiding his red face in my neck as he grinded his hips back, moans muffled into my shirt. "C-cal...We shouldn't b-ah-be doing this.." Ash stuttered to me, looking at me through lidded eyes. I sighed softly, knowing I shouldn't have started any of this, because maybe Ashton didn't want it. Maybe he didn't want any of this, the kiss I mean. Biting my lip, I untangled myself from Ashton and nodded in defeat. "Yeah, I'm really sorry, Ashton." He must have noticed my expression because he leaned in and pecked my upper lip softly, then my lower lip, cupping my cheek and kissing the other. "Hey, Cal...I want to tell you something." I sighed a bit, waiting to hear the worst from him, that he didn't like nor love me and hated me for thinking I had a chance with him. "What is it, Ashton?" I said, exasperated with myself.

"I love you, Calum. I really, truly, without a doubt, love you..and I am sorry, I dont want this to ruin our friendship or the band..so you don't have to respond.." His voice became a whisper by the end of his sentence, and I could feel him shifting to climb off me. I quickly reached out, reached for him, and pulled him into my arms tightly.

"Ashton...Ashton, my god. You do not understand how fucking much I love you. I love you so so so, so much. I want to do everything with you, play as a band, sing, dance, sleep, shower, make love...I want to have you in my life forever. And ever. I have been in love with you since the day I laid eyes on you at the audition for the drummer spot. How you handled the drums, and how happy you seemed playing them. I love hearing you sing. Even if you say you can't sing. But oh boy, can you sing. I ramble on and on in my head about you, I think about how I wouldn't even mind being your friend, I just need you close to me when I need you. Which is every god fucking damn second of the day. Ash...you do no understand. I love you, everything about you." I exhaled deeply, keeping Ashton close to my chest, feeling him exhale as well. He sniffled slightly, detaching from me and wiping under his damp eyes. I felt tears brim my eyes as well and I leaned forward and connected my lips with Ashton's soft ones. "Cal, I love you so much." "I love you more, Ashton. Would you want to...be my boyfriend? I dunno, is that how you ask a person?" He chuckled a sweet one and nodded happily, bringing me close to him again. "Of course, Cal. Of fucking course." And then, that moment, is where Ashton Irwin became mine. And only mine and forever mine.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Can we get a table for two please?" I said to the hostess. She gave me a warm smile and nodded, glancing down before walking off. I knew she was glancing at my hand which was interlocked with Calum's. He smiled at me and tugged me towards the table she escorted us to, pulling out my chair slightly. "Thanks, Cal." I said, blushing slightly as I sat down, watching him hurry to his own seat and seating himself. "Don't mention it, baby." I grinned, loving how he called me that.

I sat down and watched as Cal ran over to the seat across, seating himself down quickly and waving for a waiter.

"What drinks would you lads like? We have wine, beer, whiskey. Whatever you'd like to drink." I shook my head quickly as I saw Calum's expression, making it seem like he was contemplating the hardest mathematical equation.

"Just water, please and thank you!" The waiter nodded and sped off.

I glanced to Calum, who wore a pout and whined. "Ashtonnnnn! What if I wanted wine or something?" I laughed lightly and shook my head, looking to him with a warm smile.

"No no. No no. No. You're driving us home as well and I need a sober Cal so we don't crash into every car on the god ridden freeway." He shrugged his shoulders before breaking out into laughter.

"Ahh, I guess you're right. Now, what shall we order, Ash?" I chuckled and picked up the menu, humming in thought.

"Hmm, I dunno. How about you choose something and we both get it. And then split the bill, yeah?" Calum grinned and shook his head.

"No no no! I will pay for it all. Don't worry you pretty little head on anything, okay?" I cocked an eyebrow, about to protest till the waiter had come back with our drinks and ready to take our next orders. "Now, what would you sirs like to eat?"

I glanced to the menu real quick till I heard Calum state a perfect sounding order like he had committed it to memory. "Same for him, yeah. Thanks a bunch." The waiter nodded and sped off once again, leaving me slightly confused.

"You cannot pay for this, Calum. It was nice and all, but I can split the bill! I have money, trust me. My mum sent some to me a couple days ago and.." I was cut off as a pair of lips met mine, a blush erupting onto my face. Calum detached and grinned, seemingly sneaky as to when he slipped the waiter the money and took the change. I snapped out of my trance when he pulled me out of the place, calling behind him. "Thanks again, Benny! See ya." The waiter called back. "No problemo, dude! Have fun with ya boyfriend~"

And I was pretty much confused the whole way home.

Luke's P.O.V

Well, lets just say, I think I fucked up. Somewhere along this whole messed up time, I fucked up and I guess it just wasn't meant. I admire Ashton. I find him so interesting. How his personality sticks out so wonderfully, how he can brighten the mood with just one of his dimpled grins. How it seems so easy for him to feel happy all the time. I just love him. But it seems that I can't have him. I know for sure Calum likes him, its so obvious. Not very hard to read my best friend, yeah? And I feel that Ashton likes him back, why wouldn't he, Calum is the nicest guy ever. True boyfriend material.

Its just...I can't help but want the best for both, so maybe. Just maybe, letting them be together would be the best for us all. It sounds so reasonable in my head but then I feel heart shatter into ten billion pieces and fall against the hardwood floor of the house.

They had been out all day, when we got home, Cal had left a note saying they went out soon after we had left. I glanced to Michael who had fallen asleep, smiling at how peaceful he looked. Its such a contrast to how he usually is, a scowl on his face, frown lines thepat define the corners of his wonderful lips. I wonder whatever happened to Michael must have been bad because he was such a happy person before, the life of the party. Truly a great person, now he kinda seems dead almost. Like the old Michael slowly slipped away with some time.

"I miss the old Michael. We all do. Come on, I am your best friend, Mike. Why can't you tell me what happened..?" I muttered, walking over to the couch and sliding one of the blankets over him, tucking it neatly under his chin.

Calum's P.O.V

Ahh, the feeling of going to bed. Probably the best feeling in the world. Not as much as going to bed with the one you love, though. That's ten times better. I slipped out of my clothes quickly, not bothering to put clothes on and staying in my boxers as I skipped to the bed, sliding in and making room for Ashton who went to get some pajama bottoms.

5 minutes later, he walked back in, wearing these pants with little guitars and drumsticks all over them. I laughed at them, grinning innocently before placing a hand on the empty stop, gesturing him over. Ashton moved to lay on the bed, sighing softly before turning on his side abruptly, snuggling into my chest quickly. I couldn't help but blush a bit, on the contrary, I pulled his flush against me and slipped my right leg between his two legs. He smelled like shampoo, so I guess he took a quick shower after we got home. I inhaled his sweet smell, humming lightly.

"Sleepy yet?" I whispered, knowing both Luke and Michael had fallen asleep early. Ashton shook his head no, shifting so he was looking at me.

"No, not really...are you?" I grinned and laughed lightly, shaking my own head and sighing. There was so much that came to mind that we could do instead of sleep....many of them were rather rude, but still..isn't that what couples do sometimes? The thing is, I don't ever want to force Ash into something he wouldn't want. I dunno if he would like to have sex yet, and anyway. I want it to be special, not after our first date..

"Ahh, maybe we should just sleep, Ashy. Its late and I think we're doing the cover song tomorrow morning..." He pouted s bit, but nodded in defeat and snuggled back into my chest.

"Okay, Cal." He mumbled, soon yawning. I yawned as well, my eyes feeling rather heavy all of a sudden. I refused to let sleep take over till I felt Ashton's steady breath against my neck, the softest, sweetest snores escaping, indicating that he was deep asleep. I smiled a tired smile and yawned once more before falling into a deep slumber filled with dreams of the drummer boy I had fallen in love with.

Well dayum. This chapter went up, down, then round the corner and off a cliff. Im dead tired so excuse this, imma just leave it to you guys cuz I've said my social medias before but whatever kay bye


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