Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

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Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20

978 25 1
By ThaliaLikesLove

Murphy tries to explain the telepathy to Lila and he gives his opinion on where he thinks their girl fits into it all.


Lilas consciousness came to her with a jolt as she heard a noise she couldn't quite place. Her eyes fluttered open slowly only to see Murphy sat looking at her sideways on the bed, his camera in hand. He snapped another shot of her, and her brain registered it was the noise she had heard. Murphy was pleased with the pictures. She looked so unguarded and beautiful in the mornings and now it was captured forever. He lowered the camera a little and noticed she was squinting at him.

"Did you just take pictures of me sleeping?" She asked sounding amused, her voice was a little louder than intended and Connor behind her snored louder, his hand around her waist dragging her closer to him. Murphy lowered his head with a nervous chuckle, and Lila noticed his cheeks flushed pink.

"Murphy MacManus, did you just blush?" She asked teasingly, keeping her voice softer this time so she did not wake Connor up. Murphy blushed even harder, glancing at her through his lashes as he nodded sheepishly.

"Ye just looked so beautiful, wanted te capture it." He replied softly. Lilas' heart felt like it might burst from his words and his adorable sweet face.

She tried to sit up, but Connors' arm was a dead weight and Murphy snorted, reaching over to help her get free of his grip. When she finally sat up, she gave him a smile, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles softly.

"You can take pictures of me sleeping any time, just make sure if I'm asleep that I'm not drooling." She grinned at him, making him huff out a laugh at her. He reached out, tucking some of her wild red hair behind her ear as he just looked at her. She could feel the intensity behind his gaze and it reminded her of the night before and the strange connection they shared whilst being a tangle of limbs. As if knowing what was on her mind once again, Murphy stood, pulling her up with him.

"Guess I should try te explain some shit love. Ain't great wit' words but I'll try." He said looking nervous, chewing the thumb on his spare hand. She nodded as she let go, walking over to the couch and Murphy went into the kitchen to make them some coffee. When he returned with two wonderful smelling cups, he placed them on the small coffee table. The pair sat at either end of the couch facing each other, their backs against the armrests, and Lila had taken the crocheted blanket from the back and lay it over their tangled legs.

He looked anxious and she wondered why he seemed scared almost to tell her. He was picking at his nails as he glanced at her and then his hands.

"Dinnae rightly know where te start m'girl." He admitted, his cheeks flushing once again. Lila sat up straighter, taking his hands to stop him fidgeting. It seemed to calm him instantly.

"Why don't you start with you and Connor first, how that works. I mean I have an idea but I don't really know and you two never talk about it." She suggested softly. He took a deep breath and nodded, hoping the words would come out right. It was a big deal for him to talk about this to her because he and Connor hadn't ever told anyone before. Everyone just knew they were so in tune with each other because they were twins and it was obvious, but they didn't really know the extent of it.

"Alright so, the uh...the telepathy. Ye picked up on it, no fuckin' clue how, but ye did. So it works a few ways. We're kinda in each other's heads all the time, it's kinda listenin' te a radio station? But we can kinda have it on low volume. It's always there, like background noise, but we're just used te it so it doesnae really bother us none." He started, hoping he was making sense. Lila gave him an encouraging smile and squeezed his hands and he felt good to continue, it seemed like she was following.

"We can make it stronger if we need te, either pushin' our thoughts on the other more, or like...tappin' inte each other more. At times, we can block each other out, but it takes a lot o' effort te do. We dinnae really need te though, so it's rare we do that...and it's like, thoughts, but also feelin's too. So we know what we're thinkin', but we can also's like...we can just feel what the other is feelin' aye? It's like yer own emotions but not as strong. Connors always been good at bein' able to tell what's his and what's mine, but wit' me, I always found it harder. I think it's just 'cause I'm so..." He trailed off, not knowing the word.

"Emotional?" Lila supplied with a knowing grin, making Murphy snort lightly at her and squeeze her hands.

"Aye m'girl. I always have a lot goin' on inside o' me, and I think that's why Connor tries te just fuckin'...lock it all away. 'Cause he knows I have enough te deal wit' on me own wit'out his shit...and like...we can just look at each other, and we dinnae need te talk, 'cause we can just think and the other kinda hears it in their head I guess? Fuck, I feel like I'm not gettin' it right." He sighed frustratedly, lowering his head a little.

"Hey, I'm getting it, your doing good." She smiled at him, making him nod and look at her again. She really wanted to know and the whole thing fascinated her.

"Ti's stronger when we're tegether, especially if we're touchin' in some way. So if we're apart, we can still do it, but its a lot fuckin' harder and takes a shit tonne o' effort. It's why we dinnae really spend much time apart, 'cause it sets us on edge, not bein' able te feel each other properly... and when we touch, its kinda grounds us? I dunno if that's the right word for it, but like, its calmin'. So when I'm upset, and Conn grabs the back o' me neck like he does, its kinda like, he can push his calmness onte me, te help me calm down. Doesnae always work, just 'cause sometimes I'm passed the point o' no return, but he tries. " He explained, toying with her fingers absentmindedly.

"So how do I fit into all this?" She asked curiously, making him take a deep breath, hoping that he didn't fuck this up or say too much. Connor was already reluctant to share the information with the girl, with anyone, but he knew after they all felt the connection last night they had to tell her.

"I's never happened before. Me and Connor havin' this kinda shit with someone else. It wouldnae make sense really, we're twins and that's why we have that connection. We've..." He shifted uncomfortably and Lila noticed his ears turning pink.

"We've shared lasses before, just like casual things, sex and stuff...but we've never really had a serious relationship or had feelin's for someone before. In a way, it was kinda like... we had each other, and that's all we needed, so we didnae have a need for someone else. It was always just sexual wit' lasses. But then...then you came along and things were just different. This is new te us too, last night, bein' able te feel ye, be in yer head. It was fuckin' weird. It doesnae feel like me and Connor, it's not as strong and I was able te tune ye out. I know ye wouldnae appreciate us in yer fuckin' noggin' like that, it's pretty invasive. T'is why I told Connor te get outta yer head. It wasn't like we meant te, it just kinda happened. It's kinda the radio thing I said. Like we're all tuned inte the same station tegether, if that makes sense? Except wit' you, we can switch the radio off, but with each other, we can't. Came as a shock te us both really when we could hear ye like that. The only reason why I can think o' is just 'cause o' how much we care about ye. I don't want te sound like a fuckin' girl out o' chick flick or nothin', but I just...I can't help but feel like..." He was so nervous, so fucking nervous to get the words to come out. Lila had watched him intently the whole time, his words melting her heart over and over as she felt the warmth spread through her body.

"Feel like what Murph?" She asked carefully, looking at him with pleading eyes, not wanting him to shut her out, not now. He inhaled deeply, trying to steel his nerves, he knew Connor was going to beat him into next week when he knew just how much he had told her. Connor wanted her to know the bare minimum so they didn't scare her off. The whole thing was fucking intense.

"I feel the three o' us, it's how it's meant te be. From the day we laid eyes on ye, there was somethin' there. And I cannae help but think that maybe, God put us tegether for a reason, maybe us three tegether was his plan all along. Why else would we have that same connection wit' ye that we have wit' each other? It isn't like we just love ye, the connections deeper than that. Ye know as I do how intense it felt, and even we were caught off guard. I just feel like maybe it means a lot more than just carin' for someone... I mean...we love our Ma more than anythin', and Rocco is like our brother, but we dinnae have that wit' either o' them, ye know? It's just and Connor were fine on our own, we felt complete, we didnae know any better. But the second ye came along, we felt it. Feelin' completely ye were made for us, meant te be wit' us all along." He admitted shyly, looking at her like he was about to crawl out of his skin from anxiety from the weight of his words.

Lila was silent for a moment as her brain digested his words. She looked at their joined hands and even now it was as though she could feel the vibration of his energy, but on a low simmer in the background. It was how she imagined psychics felt or empaths or some other shit, being able to read energies like that. Murphy's words made sense. From the get-go she had always been able to read them well and seemed on the same wavelength as them both. She always knew when something was going on between them and she knew about the telepathy without being told. She felt for them more than she had felt for anyone before, more than she thought was even humanly possible to love someone. For him to say he thought she was made for them, it made her heart squeeze so hard she thought it might explode, the meaning behind his words, the sincerity. Murphy shifted anxiously, her silence was making him nervous and he felt like she might bolt out the door. He was pleasantly surprised when she looked at him with a bright smile.

"I know what you mean, I kinda think that too." She admitted softly, reaching out and stroking his hair affectionately. Murphy beamed at her, relief flooding through him that he had been able to explain something so complicated and intense to her properly and the fact she agreed.

"Ye do?" He asked, giving her his shy smile under his lashes. The look always made her stomach flip around on her.

She crawled over the small distance between them, in between his legs. His breathing hitched as she brought her face close to his, her hands settling on his bare shoulders, and he brushed his nose against hers softly.

"I do." She whispered with a small smile, her whole body tingling with being so close to him like this. One of his hands came to her neck and he could feel her rapid pulse under his fingers as he leant up and captured her lips with his own. It was different to the night before. When he kissed her then he was just overcome with primal desire for the girl. It was more intimate this time, although still demanding. His hand wound into her hair as they kissed deeply, and he fisted it, making her moan softly. The noise went straight to his cock and he took the opportunity to invade her mouth with his tongue. Murphy's kisses were hard and fiery she'd noticed. They were the kind that made your legs weak and left your panties soaked. He tugged her hair a little again, releasing another delicious moan from her lips. She felt like her body was alight with electricity, intense didn't even begin to cover it.

They parted, the two of them breathless and slightly overwhelmed by the intensity of the kiss and how it made them feel, Lila rested her forehead on Murphys.

"Startin' the party wit'out me?" Lila squeaked and whipped her head around, looking over the back of the couch to see Connor sat up in bed, looking amused and sleepy. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Murphy had not reacted, he'd known the second his brother had woken up and he knew he was watching. He had heard his brother in his head telling him to make her moan again because it was the best noise he'd ever fucking heard. Lila looked back to Murphy and he smiled devilishly at her.

Lila wasn't sure what to do. She'd never been in a relationship or whatever the fuck this was, with two people before, and she knew from experience just how jealous the twins could be. She was worried they might fight. They could feel her anxiety, and Murphy's thumb stroked over her pulse as Connor stood, stretching as he sauntered over to them. Lila watched him intently, blinking at him as he leaned over the back of the couch. He took her face in both of his hands, not speaking but looking into her eyes. She was confused at first, but then she felt it. The only way to possibly describe such a foreign sensation was a nudge in her mind. Like someone had managed to bottle up calmness somehow, and it was being poured over her brain. It was the weirdest thing she had ever experienced before. Her breathing hitched and her eyes widened as she stared at Connor, watching a slow smirk spread across his handsome face, knowing she was feeling it.

She turned her head back to Murphy, seeing him watching her carefully with a small smile. He knew it was one thing for him to try and explain to her about how it worked, how Connor was able to calm him down, but it was another thing entirely for her to actually fucking feel it happening to her. Connors' hands were still on her face and Murphy's hand was still on her neck. The boys glanced to each other before back to her, and Murphy reached out, grasping Connors wrist with his free hand. Lilas heart rate increased even more from the second the three of them were linked together. The energy was strong, fucking intense and she glanced from one twin to the other in absolute awe. She had never experienced anything like it before.

"Think we might o' broke the lass." Connor chuckled as he stared at her. She hadn't spoken and she looked in shock. Murphy snorted at him as he too watched the girl take it all in.

Lila closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, she wondered if she could do what Connor had done and she focused on her feelings and pushing them outwards. The boys tensed in unison as they felt the overwhelming rush of awe and admiration wash over them stronger than before. Murphy's hand tightened on his brother's wrist as they looked to each other, the pair feeling the intensity of the moment. They'd never shared a connection like this with anyone other than themselves. And they knew now, with what Lila had just been able to do, with them, they couldn't ever let her go, she was meant to be with them both just like Murphy had told her. Lila opened her eyes again, mischief twinkling in her eyes at the fact she had succeeded as she glanced from one to another and they gave her grins in return. The moment was broken by Lilas stomach growling so loud she would be surprised if Rocco hadn't heard it from wherever he was. She snorted loudly as the boys laughed, and in an instant, the hands on her were gone, Murphy also letting go of his brother, and the connection was back to being barely there. She could still feel it but it was no longer overwhelming.

"Guess it's time for breakfast then." Murphy laughed, squeezing Lilas hips playful as she blushed. She had no idea where this thing with the guys was heading but it felt serious already, and when she really thought about it, she knew she didn't mind one bit.

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