Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

38.1K 956 82

Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18

879 22 16
By ThaliaLikesLove

Boys will be boys.

The birthday night doesn't go to plan as the twins fuck up again. Even Rocco's pissed at them.

Don't hate meeee lololol, this one's kinda important to help get things moving along to where you all want it to be so, bare with me! There's a method to my madness I promise!!!


The four of them spent most of the day lounging about the loft until it was time for Lila to work at McGinty's. The boys and Rocco already started drinking but Lila did not since she had work. Aileen would let her finish earlier today though and she knew they would all be staying at McGinty's longer than usual. She knew the boys used to stay there until the early hours of the morning, but since she moved in with them, they just left after her shift since she was usually tired. They much preferred to go back home with her, even if they didn't really do anything other than sleep. A lot of people would be there tonight, even Doc would be there. She'd met the man a few times and he was lovely, but he was still a little shook up from his fall, having Lila to help Aileen at the bar meant he didn't have to work as much and he was grateful.

Lila had shooed the boys out early. Her shift started at 8 and she sent the boys off around 6. She wanted to get ready without them pestering her. She was actually going to make an effort today. Her style was always a little edgy but comfort meant more to her than anything, so she practically lived in her jeans and t-shirts along with her Doc Marten boots. Tonight she was going for a more vampy look. It was the kind of thing she used to wear before becoming a carer for her granda when her friends would take her clubbing in New York, she always got a lot of attention like this. She didn't think she was ugly, but she didn't think she was the prettiest girl around. She felt like a troll next to the twins just simply because in her eyes, they were the most beautiful humans on the fucking planet.

She turned to the side to admire herself in the mirror, she always felt better dressed up like this, she wished she wasn't too lazy to make the effort to do it every day. She was wearing skin tight high waisted black jeans with high wedge black heels. They had some buckles and spikes on them, giving her the edgy vibe she always had. For her top, she decided on being a little more risque than usual. She had wanted an occasion to wear this top ever since she bought it. It was a black bralette. It had a deep v neck, giving her a lovely cleavage with her just a little above average breast size for her tiny frame. It had lace trim along the bottom and there was a couple of inches of skin showing before her jeans started. It was sexy, but it wasn't sluttish. It was always a fine line but she managed it every time. Her red hair was down, she had blow dried it instead of letting it dry naturally and it had made it look thicker, her waves even deeper giving it an almost crimped look. The look was topped off by a headband with a large black bow on it and a thin black choker to frame her elegant neck. She looked good, she grinned to herself at her surge in confidence.

For her makeup, she did simple winged liner, she usually only used mascara. Her bright blue eyes were framed with a rim of kohl liner too, making her eyes stand out even more. She didn't bother with foundation, she didn't really need it, and her lips were painted a deep, almost black matte red colour, making her lips look even poutier. She grabbed her leather biker jacket, feeling like it fit with the outfit, and then she grabbed her usual messenger bag. She still looked like the usual edgy Lila, but more grown up and a bit vampy.

Lila was going to be pissed as shit. Rocco knew it, he fucking knew it and he was on edge waiting for her. He was sat in a booth with the boys, but they weren't alone. The turn out to McGinty's had been crazy. It seemed that most people that had ever met the twins had somehow found out it was their birthday and turned up. This included the two girls currently groping at the brothers through their clothes and giggling like fucking annoying bitches. He found it amusing how protective of Lila he had gotten. She was his friend, she meant a lot to him. And he knew she wouldn't be happy one fucking bit with this fucking scene. He found it mighty hypocritical of the boys to be doing this whilst they chased off all the guys that liked Lila. Connor had a bleach blonde bitch glued to his side, she was stroking his thigh and giggling as Connor whispered things in her ear that Rocco was sure he didn't want to fucking hear. Murphy's girl had dyed black hair that just made her look like she was on death's door. She was straddling him, actually straddling him as she kissed his neck, his hands on her ass. He didn't understand how the twins had seemed to just forget Lila like that. He knew they were piss drunk already, but so was he and even he had the sense to know this was fucking shitty to do. After all she had done for them, the gifts and everything. These bitches had nothing on Lila, and he didn't know why the guys were even interested. But he soon got distracted when said bitches friend came along, some brown haired beauty. And soon enough Rocco had his own things on his mind, like the girl's tongue down his throat.

The boys didn't really think too much into it, since they were three sheets to the wind already. When the girls had approached them, being all touchy-feely, it was like their brains switched off and their bodies took over. Of course they cared about Lila, but they hadn't seen any lasses since she came onto the scene and it didn't seem like she was interested anymore. Both of them were incredibly sexually frustrated, it had been the longest they'd gone without fucking sex and Murphy wondered if that was why he was extra angry recently. If they didn't have beer goggles on, they probably wouldn't have even spoken to the girls, but they did, the girls were decent and would be a good fuck, that much was sure. They didn't seem to have any qualms about getting hot and heavy in front of everyone.

Lila got a few catcalls and whistles on her way and she smirked to herself. The heels forced her to walk with her hips swaying more and apparently the men liked it. She knew she looked good, she felt fucking good. She always carried herself well, graceful and a slight swagger to her steps. She looked confident and she smiled as she pushed the door open to McGintys. The first thing she saw was Aileen at the bar and the woman's eyes widened, looking her over before grinning widely. She loved this look on the girl and Aileen had witnessed the two boys, she was disgusted with them and she knew seeing Lila like this would be a nice slap across their faces. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked and she could feel all the eyes looking at her, but she didn't acknowledge it. The bar was mostly full of males.

"Ye look amazin' sweetheart!" Aileen smirked at her as Lila reached the bar.

"Thanks Aileen, have you seen the boys?" She asked with a smile. Aileen's face fell and she noticed it instantly and she frowned. She was about to ask what's wrong but Aileen gestured to the booth. Lila looked over, her heart sinking as she saw Murphy with some bitch in his lap as they made out. Connor was with another, he was kissing her neck and Lila was sure her hand was down his fucking pants. Rocco sat at the end with someone kissing him seemingly in his own little world. She inhaled deeply, reminding herself they were friends, to quell the deep ache in her chest with the jealousy. It stung like a bitch, after what they had done to her, this was the shit they wanted to play. Fine. Fuck them both. She turned away and Aileen looked at her carefully, reaching out and squeezing her hand.

"Their loss Lila." She muttered sympathetically.

Lila braved a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, it is their loss. Fuck them. I'm sure I can find someone to keep me company after I'm done with work." She grinned and making Aileen laugh loudly, she wasn't wrong, Aileen had no doubt she could. Everyone else was staring at the girl.

Lila went into the back, taking her leather jacket off and coming back and started working. Someone on the other side of the bar catcalled her and she snorted to herself. The noise made the boys look over, they had finally come up for air but the girls' hands were still on them. By this point Rocco's girl had passed out, seemingly more intoxicated than he thought, he tried not to let that hurt what little self-esteem he had left. If the three of them were in a cartoon, their jaws would have been on the floor whilst their eyes popped out as they saw Lila behind the bar serving people. The twins knew she was pretty, hell she was beautiful even after she just woke with a hangover. But this was something else. They'd never seen her look so sexy before. Everything from her makeup, hair and her outfit exuded fucking sex appeal and the boys couldn't take their eyes off her. Even Rocco was staring at her. The men around the bar were practically fighting for her attention and she laughed at them, shaking her head. The bitches with the boys got a little jealous of their staring and soon enough their attention was distracted once more with hands down their pants. Although the boys would be liars if they tried to say they didn't keep looking over at the girl, wishing it was her that was touching them.

Lila kept glancing over to the twins even though she knew she shouldn't. She didn't expect this when she came to work today and if the boys' faces were anything to go by, she'd have to find somewhere else for the night because they'd be taking the tramps back with them. She wouldn't have minded so much since they were supposed to be friends, the jealousy was her issue and she had to deal with it, but it was just so brazen and in her face. The three of them had said they liked each other more than friends the night they had the huge fight. They knew she fucking liked them and it felt like a smack in the face after her attempt at giving them a wonderful day. Oh well. Their loss, someone else's gain.

A young Irish lad around her age was keeping her company at the bar. He was handsome but nothing to write home about, but he was really funny and she kept laughing. Every so often the twins would glance her way, seeing her happy and talking to some guy. They felt the jealousy but as they glanced to each other, they felt the guilt. They were practically having some kind of fucking orgy in the booth here and she must have seen them and they sat there jealous she was laughing with someone.

Rocco got bored since his girl was out for the count and he got up, staggering slightly as he was piss drunk.

"Lila!" He beamed as he approached the bar. Lilas' eyebrows shot up seeing how fucking wasted he was and she snorted loudly.

"Fucking hell Rocco, how much have you drank?" She asked incredulously, leaning over to hug him over the bar. He couldn't help the smile as he hugged her back, he felt a little smug he was lucky enough to hug the hot girl and he noticed he looks he got when he moved away.

"A lot! But hoooooly fuck sweetheart, you look...fuck." He laughed, eyeing her up and down. She threw the dish towel at him with a laugh.

"Thank you Roc." She smiled at him, making him remember that this was one of his best friends, sweet Lila.

"You should come sit with us when you're done." The words left his mouth without thinking about it because he'd asked her this a million times in the past. He grimaced when he realised and saw her glance over with disdain.

"Hmm...I think I'll take a hard pass on that one." She snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Lila, I didn't mean to say that. They're idiots." He slurred a little, looking at her with his puppy dog eyes and she gave him a smile.

"It's fine, we're friends after all. But I need to find someone to go home with because I don't feel like being a voyeur when they take the bitches back with them. Aileen said I can leave whenever I want so I don't have to witness...that." She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"You could always come home with me." He smirked playfully, she knew he didn't mean it the way it sounded to other people. He was teasing her but also letting her know she could crash on his couch.

"You sure Roc?" She asked with a small smile.

"You know you're always welcome at mine Lila, it's what friends are for. Lettin' their super hot friend sleep over on their couch to rub it in their other stupid asshole best friends faces the next day." He grinned making her laugh.

"Thanks Rocco, I think you're the only decent friend I have." She mused, giving him a weak smile. He frowned a little, she wasn't wrong and that was fucked up considering he knew the twins cared about her a lot. He ordered a beer and squeezed her hand before he reluctantly went back to the whore house table of doom. When he sat down the twins looked to him with a glare, their eyes were red, betraying how much they had drunk as they looked completely out of it. The girls were still all over them but it seemed they had looked on and seen him talking to Lila.

"Seemed awfully cosy wit' Lila." Murphy stated accusingly his words slurring a little from the copious amounts of alcohol running through his veins, like he had any right to behave that way with this bitch on his lap grinding on him. Rocco glanced from one twin to another and scoffed incredulously.

"Whos Lila?" Murphys girl asked. They all ignored her though as the twins stared their hairy friend down.

"Are you fuckin' serious? I hugged the girl and I'm gettin' shit when you two fuck heads have the audacity to be practically fuckin' two girls right in front of her?" He asked, shaking his head, getting pissed at them. They were drunk but this shit was ridiculous, he was drunk too but he wasn't acting like an asshole to Lila. It was like these two fucks couldn't help but sabotage themselves. Things were finally going good with the three of them after last time and they somehow found another way to fuck it up once again, like subconsciously they didn't think they deserved it or some shit. Rocco squinted at them wondering how he suddenly became the wise one when he was so drunk. Nothing was making sense tonight.

Lila had poured some shots for the guys as a birthday gift, she did one for Rocco and she begrudgingly poured the skanks one each too just to be polite. She was their friend, she could do this. She got to the table just as she heard both girls ask.

"Who's Lila?" They'd asked again, since the raven-haired girl had gone unanswered when she had asked minutes before and they were getting jealous they were talking about some other girl.

"No one lass." Connor said as he cupped the blonde one's cheek.

"No one ye need te worry about love." Murphy purred, nipping the raven-haired girl's lips. Rocco was the first to see her and he winced and sucked a deep breath. She looked fucking devastated and he didn't blame her. He was struggling not to punch these assholes in the face. She slammed the tray of shots down, making them fall over and spill into the tray as all eyes in the booth turned to her. She had a stony face and the boys blanched realising she had heard them, as if their brains had finally switched back on and the desperate need for a quick fuck with someone they didn't care about was over. The look on her face was enough to make them sit up a little straighter and Murphy idly wondered if he might just throw up as he felt his stomach flip around on him.

"Who the fuck are you?" The raven-haired girl asked, eyeing her up with a scowl.

"No one you need to worry about apparently." She sneered coldly, glancing from one twin to another. They were clearly fucking wasted and they just looked at her with wide eyes and slack jaws, like their brains were too riddled with alcohol to even function.

"You spilled the shots everywhere bitch." The blonde stated dryly. The boys looked to the girl with raised eyebrows, not expecting her to be so hostile with Lila, yet being too dumbfounded to say anything about it.

"Real observant. Good taste guys, great catches you have here." She snorted bitterly before she turned on her heel and left back to the bar. The boys were frozen, their alcohol soaked brains trying to catch up with them as they realised Lila had heard them and once again they had upset her.

"Wow, well-done guys. I'm startin' to fuckin' wonder if you actually hate the girl since you break her heart so much." Rocco glared, pushing himself away from the table and walking over to the bar.

"Lila! You ready!" He called out. The twins watched with confusion as Lila came from the back of the bar with her jacket on and left with their best friend. They looked to each other mortified, the events sobering them up just a little.

"Really fucked it all up again haven't we?" Connor sighed, pushing the blonde away from him a little. Murphy mirrored him, moving the other girl from his lap.

"Seriously? You're upset over that bitch?" She asked Murphy with a glare.

"Don't fuckin' call her that." Murphy growled, his anger flaring at the fact that was the second time Lila had been called a bitch in the space of five minutes and she hadn't done anything wrong, they had. He wondered if he could hit a woman, the way Connor reached out to him telepathically said no. So instead he got up, his brother following suit and they left the bar. Not before noticing the dirty look Aileen shot the pair. Yeah, they had fucked up again. 

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