Blaze - Peter Pan OUAT

By lucidreamshade

215K 4.3K 1.7K

I leaned my back against the bamboo bars as I crossed my arms irritably and glared at the infuriatingly smug... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Four

4.7K 101 56
By lucidreamshade

Chapter Twenty Four

-Peter Pan's POV-

After we confirmed Henry's unconsciousness, as he was fast asleep in one of the initially vacant huts, the Lost Boys, Elisa and I quickly gathered around the scorching bonfire and spoke in hushed whispers, keeping our secrets within the boundaries of our formed circle and disallowing any intruder from eavesdropping.

"Here is what we will do." I whispered, as everyone leaned forwards slightly to listen to me attentively and vividly.

"Jake and Jason – you guys will stay behind here in camp to look after Henry. Make sure he never leaves your sight and make sure that he does not get any suspicions of our whereabouts and what we intend on doing. No matter what happens, it is imperative that you keep Henry within the parameters of camp until our return. Is that clear?" I addressed Jason and Jake and awaited their retort.

Both boys nodded eagerly and spoke in quiet unison, "Yes!"

"Good." I nodded in endorsement then shifted my attention to the rest of my beloved, true family to assign their tasks.

"The rest of us are going to capture Henry's family – all of them – whether they are blood related or not, we will capture everyone and anyone on this island who is trying to find him. We can't risk any interruptions or altercations during the ritual. Agreed?" I asked.

"Agreed." They confirmed.

"Alright, after that is over with, we are going to captivate our prisoners in the bamboo cages along with Keith – " I paused and cautiously glanced at Elisa, in fear of me striking a nerve. The last thing I want is to hurt Elisa's feelings; she's far too precious to be mistreated.

Elisa simply cracked a small simper, for she knew that my intention wasn't to offend her, and I immediately felt myself relax after her gesture.

"All of you will then guard our prisoners, and finally, Elisa and I will then come to Jake and Jason and we will take Henry. Jake and Jason – you may then join the others to keep a close eye on the prisoners. Elisa and I will take Henry to Skull Rock and perform the ritual, and soon enough, Neverland will no longer be in danger and our lives will not be at stake. Is the plan clear to everyone?" I apprehensively shifted my sharp gaze on every Lost Boy's face and finally, our Lost Girl and they all appeared to be quite confident as the nodded their heads.

Elisa placed her soft, delicate hand on my arm and I snapped my full attention of the love of my life. I smiled fretfully. Elisa beamed at me encouragingly and gave my arm a gentle squeeze.

"Relax, will you? We got this, Pan – you'll see." She whispered quietly to me as everyone else shifted and started conversing among themselves to pass some time away before we initiated our plan.

"Peter." I stated softly.

Elisa's eyes widened at me and her mouth was set agape slightly. She alarmingly stared at me, questionably as she waited for an elaboration.

"You may call me Peter." I whispered to her.

She frowned but let out a small, soft laugh. "Peter? But why now of all times, must I call you by your first name?" she quieried.

I sighed indifferently. "My father was the one who named me. Peter Pan, he would say. He said it gave the world a melody, that my name that he crafted was an art that was meant to be cherished and appreciated." I sullenly spoke.

Elisa furrowed her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. "And yet you sound troubled." She stated hesitantly, yet knowingly.

I pursed my lips as I clenched my fists angrily, fixating my glare on the blazing fire in front of us.

"That man was a bastard, Elisa. He spoke such foolish compliments to me – promised me many promises but alas – he never kept them, he never meant those compliments. The truth was that he was a failure and he released his fury on his very own son." I spat bitterly as I recalled the treacherous, ancient memories of my young childhood with my pathetic excuse of a father. That man does not even deserve that label.

Elisa pouted slightly as she watched my mood worsen, and finally, she wrapped an arm around my torso and slowly and steadily pulled me closer to her. She lifted her hand up to my face and cupped one of my cheeks. Her beautiful brown eyes bore into my forest green irises and I felt myself become tranquil, at peace.

"You are here now and that is all that matters. We are your family, not him. We are your home, and that – I can assure you – is what we will always be." She spoke firmly as she brought her face closer to mine.

I huffed out a laugh reluctantly and I can tell that she sensed my doubt, because she tightened her grip on me to grab my attention and she succeeded.

"And that is not because we are forever indebted to you – but because we truly love you, Peter Pan. I truly love you, forever and always."

I felt my dying heart weakly flutter against my decaying rib cage and I meekly grinned at my beautiful soulmate. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and pulled her against me completely. I leaned forwards and lowered my head to make in line with hers.

"And I am madly in love with you, Elisa Emerson, forever and always, even in my death." I mumbled as I let my eyes settle down on her beautiful pink lips.

"You are not going to die, Pan. Not on my watch you aren't." She stated firmly.

I smirked at her. "Isn't it the boy's job to protect the girl?"

"Now we're being sexist?"

I laughed. "I wouldn't dream of it, love."

"Kiss me?" She asked softly.

"You don't need to ask me twice." I stated cheekily and dipped my head, pressing my lips firmly against hers.

There was just something about this girl that drove me on a rollercoaster to insanity. She is the fuel to my insanity, and yet is the only person that makes me sane. It is ironic, and does not make any sense, but that is what our love is even based on – irony, grief, danger and unexplainable, exhilarating feelings. Without her – I am nothing.

We ran.

I could hear the thundering footsteps around me echo around Neverland's boundaries. It sent a taunting vibe to our prey as we drew closer and closer to them. They knew they were no match for us – and if they didn't, then they would be far too foolish to believe that they can defeat us.

Our laughs occupied the heavy silence that lingered among the island's territory, the laughs sounding from every spot possible, making it impossible for Snow White, David, Captain Hook, and Emma to have the capability of knowing the source of our presence. When we finally managed to circle around our victims, we cackled mercilessly and walked forwards to minimize the space between them and ourselves.

"Well, well, well – what do we have here?" I asked tauntingly, a large smirk plastered on my face, completely masking and concealing my excruciating pain as I felt my veins begin to rot and my heartbeats gradually slowing down; I'm running out of time.

"Where is Henry?" Emma demanded and I saw Elisa scoff beside me.

"Henry finally understood what it's like to be a Lost Boy; he no longer needs you or his other doleful excuse of a mother, and certainly not his ludicrous, vexing grandparents. Now, if you would so kindly come with us, no one shall be harmed." Elisa spoke in so much authority, it left me undeniably amazed and only reminded me of who she was before she came to Neverland – a sassy, merciless thief.

"Come with you where exactly?" David asked, his eyes narrowing increasingly by the second.

"Well that's for us to know and for you to find out when we get there. Now, must we quarrel before we depart?" I asked sarcastically and in complete boredom. My eyes landed on Felix, who wore a slightly amused expression on his face as he watched Captain Hook – and his presence was immediately brought to my attention.

"Ah! Killian Jones! But thanks to me – you go by a different name now." I piped up and everyone shifted their vision upon Hook's figure.

Luke laughed amusedly and pressed his fist against his mouth as he attempted to muffle his laughter. I smirked and Connor snorted.

Emma stared at him hesitantly. "What is he talking about, Hook?"

I interrupted their moment before Hook could reply. "Tell me, how is my hook which I provided you with treating you?" I asked amusedly and in a moment, Hook growled loudly and charged towards me, but before he could get anywhere close to me, David and Emma held him back.

I huffed out a laugh and crossed my arms cockily. "Now, now Hook – there's no need to get aggressive."

"Pan." Elisa called out amusedly and I grinned at her.

"Yes, my love?" I replied.

"I'm afraid I'm getting quite irked by this incompetent banter. May I please do my part and get this over with?" She asked sweetly as our enemies eyed her curiously.

I smiled menacingly and winked at her. "Be my guest."

I then extended my arms and gestured towards Elisa's sworn enemies.

Elisa's insanely vicious expression on her face caused them to squirm uncomfortably from foot to foot as they hopelessly awaited their fate.

"Elisa, please. You don't have to do this." Snow White pleaded, and that resulted in Elisa to rapidly grow infuriated with the woman.

"Shut the hell up, will you?" Elisa yelled. "For years, you lot tortured me to no end. You wanted me gone. You wanted me to starve. And here I am, finally away from your wretched land – only to have you following me here and disturbing my peace that I have finally attained with these people? You see," Elisa paused and stepped forward, extending her arm in front of her with her palm positioned upwards. "Unlike the worthless people of your land, these boys welcomed me with open arms and accepted me for who I was – and not just that; they showed me what else I can be and am capable of."

Right then and there, the flames were visibly moving from her heart and through her veins, towards her extended palm and finally igniting, taking the shape of a small, yet callous looking dragon. They all gasped, and we all smirked – they knew they were stepping into treacherous territory.

The Evil Queen, Regina, stepped forward and extended her own palm and to reveal a simple ball of fire.

"I don't know what the hell you are and what you are capable of, but I am NOT letting you hurt them or Henry. These are MY own family, so I'd like to see you TRY to hurt them, and you'll see what will happen to your own family." Regina spat as she glanced at me and The Lost Boys.

I laughed wildly and stepped forwards beside Elisa. "You imbeciles. Don't you know? Henry is already doomed, and none of you can stop it. And as exciting as it is to know, I believe you lot should let it dawn on you as well – He was doomed the moment Snow White handed him that storybook, leading him to become the Savior of Neverland and to have the heart of the Truest Believer."

"You hear that, Snow? You destroyed your grandson. His demise is all your fault." Elisa stated cruelly, her sadistic smirk intensifying the visible guilt that crawled up all over Snow White's face.

"Now, join us and no one gets hurt, or defy us and let the consequences be dire." I threatened them with a victorious smile on my pale face. "The choice really is yours."

Elisa and I left the bamboo cages after we imprisoned them with Keith, and after receiving empty threats from them, she and I proceeded with the plan and picked up Henry from Jake and Jason, where the three of them were idly shooting arrows at targets to pass away the time.

"Where are we going?" Henry eagerly asked as he bounced up and down energetically beside Elisa and I – and it honestly made me feel a pinch of guilt, gnawing at my slowly desiccating skin, but I managed to push it and lock it away. This had to be done. It was either Henry's survival, or my family and I's survival – and I put my family and myself a priotity.

"You said you wanted to save Neverland, yes?" I said and Henry nodded.

"Well now is your chance. We're running out of time, Henry." I stated.

"Not so fast." A foreign voice spoke and Elisa's eyes narrowed and she snapped her gaze around us.

Finally, a man stepped forward into the light, and I immediately felt my chest tighten and clench in fury, sadness and anguish.

"Rumpelstiltskin?" Elisa asked incredulously.

"Ah yes, Elisa Emerson – I heard you resided in Neverland. Enjoying your stay?" He asked sarcastically.

"Don't you dare talk to her or to any of us, you waste of space." I spat furiously and Elisa stared at me perplexedly.

"Pan, what's the matter? Rumpel was the only one who helped me in the Enchanted Forest. He means no harm." Elisa spoke softly and I clenched my jaw irritably.

"I'm afraid that's not the case this time, dearie. You see, I need Henry to remain safe. And don't you worry about your dear boy, Peter Pan. He's only still bitter from scornful memories from the past." Rumpel spoke with an awfully irritating smirk on his awfully irritating face.

"Leave. Now." I growled, glaring at him.

"What is he talking about, Pan?" Elisa asked hesitantly.

"Nothing that should worry y – "

"Now, Peter, I never disciplined you to become a liar." He said.

  Both Henry and Elisa gasped.

"You mean he's....?" Elisa spoke very cautiously.

I sighed heavily. "Yes, Elisa – meet my father, Rumpelstiltskin."

"Listen, we are in no mood to encounter minor issues, and yes, father, you are a minor threat to my life at the moment, so if you would kindly leave us be, that would be great." I spoke in annoyance and stepped in front of Henry protectively – he was after all, my only chance of survival.

"I would very much like the thought of being away from you son, but Henry is needed back in his home and considering the others' failed attempt in doing so, it is now up to me to rescue him." Rumpel retorted.

"But I don't need rescuing! It's them who need it and this is why I must stay!" Henry spoke behind me and I pursed my lips.

"You heard him. He must stay. Now leave before I scorch your skin alive and make sure you die a very painful death." Elisa spoke aggressively as she stepped in front of me and glared at him.

I sighed and started to feel quite uneasy and dizzy, and I knew that we were wasting far too much of our valuable, precious time.

"Elisa..." I whispered weakly and I saw Elisa visibly tense up and she instantly ignited fire in both her palms.

In one swift movement, Elisa fired her heat at my father and easily took him down forcefully, and he was completely knocked out.

She turned to look at me with a wild, yet worried smile on her face.

"Right, then. Shall we?" She asked.

I smiled and looked at Henry, who was smiling back at me.

"Yes, we shall." I said.

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