One Cup of Coffee, Now I am a...

By lauren4859009

178K 1.3K 147

Jade has not had an eventful life. She is a total geek and a stranger to dating. One night she is walking hom... More

my thank page!!!!


4.8K 33 4
By lauren4859009

HOLA GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want 3 votes and 1 comment before I upload again

Isn’t blackmail beautiful **evil laugh**


He was sorry? After everything he has done all he says is that he is sorry? “You aren’t sorry. If you were sorry then you would have never done it. You made a mistake and you aren’t going to be able to fix it easily. Goodbye,” I whisper as I hung up the phone. My heart stung with pain. I started bawl like a child. I bounced onto my bed and cried myself to sleep. I just broke up with Xavier because he had cheated on me. I have no idea what hurt worse, Xavier cheating on me or me breaking up with him.

I woke up to the annoying alarm clock. Damn, it is Monday. I dragged my limp body into the shower and drowned myself with cold water. When I am upset and tried I find a cold shower . . . refreshing. It also makes it so I am really awake. The icy drops poured onto my bare back. I shuddered.

Once I was awake and freezing I went to school. I had a burst of courage to say what happened. Cold showers really help sometimes! (A.N: NO THEY DON’T) When I walked into the building I got about twenty stares. The other amount of people turned to their best buds and started to gossip. Great, everyone already knows! During the day about one thousand people came up to me and asked me what happened. Some people claimed they heard that I cheated on him. That is somewhat true but I am keeping that to myself. Other people said that there was a huge sex scandal between Ray and I. Then Ray called Xavier and told him. Umm . . . does anyone see something wrong here? For one, I hate Ray. And two, Ray and Xavier have each other’s phone numbers? I don’t think so!

“Girly, you have not even talked to me the last few . . . I don’t know, WEEKS! What is the matter? What happened? You have left me in the dust!” Penny accused at lunch. I guess she is right. I have forgotten about my best friend.  

I sighed, “I am really sorry Penny. There has been so much going on . . . I guess I just forgot to include my best friend in everything,” I whispered. Wow, that sounded really bad once it came out of my big mouth.

Penny raised her eyebrows, “Well if you ever want a shoulder to cry on I am here. The only thing is it would be a lot easier to know what you are talking about. I have only heard rumors and I want something other than what everyone else is saying. So will you please tell me what happens?” Penny rambled on.

I shook my head in sadness, “You will not like it. I will tell you though. I owe you that because you have been such an awesome friend. Come to my house after school. We will talk then,” I mumble.

The rest of the day went by fast until I had gym last hour. We were playing dodge ball. About twenty girls tried to hit my face. I dodged about half of them. Then the guys were being really nice because they must think that since I dated Xavier then I must be someone special. It is funny how after I date Xavier about five guys asked me out. It is funny how that works right? In the end of the hour I hit about fifteen of the girls back in the faces. Did I ever mention that I have a good arm?

“Hey, I heard that you and I-Think-That-I-Am-All-That-Xavier broke up. What’s up with that?” Ray asked while I was at my locker.

I gave him a sly look, “You happy?” I asked. 

He smirked, “Actually yes. He doesn’t deserve you. Did he find out about . . . Zach? That was his name right, Zach?” Ray asked. Ray was happy for me? Thats new!

I slammed my locker shut and started to leave when he grabbed my wrist. “Please tell me what happened,” He begged. Wow, I never thought I would see the day that Ray begs for something. I wonder what is going on with him. 

I felt my heart started to beat faster. Tears streamed down my pale face. I shoved Ray away and ran out of the school and into the driver's side of my car. I sat there for about five minutes until I heard a knock on one of the windows. I looked up from the seat and saw Penny with a sympathetic grin on the driver's side window. I unlock the doors and wait for her to get in the passeger side. 

“You are not driving. You are a complete mess! Move over,” Penny grumbles. I easily let her drive. She doesn’t say one thing on the way to my house. She knows that I don’t want to hear that things will be okay or that Xavier was wrong. She knows that I start to cry even harder if she says that.

I make it into my room and then Penny asks me, “Do you want me to stay of leave?”

To give her an answer I hugged her. She is the best person I know. 


Keep reading because i thinnk the next one ((here is a hint)) the guy who broke up with her might come back so keeeeeeeep reading voting and fainning. 

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