You Make Me Feel...

By endroitsp

229K 7.4K 8.6K

When I walked out, I couldn't hold the excitement of the bread I got. About to devour some now, I almost trip... More

New Book


9.8K 318 748
By endroitsp

"Hey...Where were you? I went to pick you up from class but you weren't there."

I huff as I set down a book and some papers go flying.
I groan and begin to pick them up as Alya helped.

Nino collecting some while Adrien watched.
"Ah, thank you...Sorry, I just needed to check out a book from my class."
I collect the papers from them and sit down, saying hi to Adrien, he only smiled at me.

"...You're studying 24/7 and it's all math and science. What? You wanna get into math business or something?"
"No...I just want to pass this class..."
So what exactly are you in to?" Nino asked, I sigh and shake my head.
"I'm not sure...I guess...designing. I don't know. I've always loved creating things."

They hum and Alya nods, "that's cute...You're smart anyways. You'll figure it out, especially with all those AP classes you're taking, colleges will love you."
"I can't afford college."
"Yeah, but scholarships can...Have you applied to any?"
I shake my head and Nino and Alya freeze, Adrien eyeing me.
"You haven't applied yet? Oh my gosh...I'll help you, here..."
Alya pulls out her laptop and I scoot closer.


"Little Lady..."
I turn my neck and find Chat jump in.
I stretch and say hi as I stuff my work into a folder and close my book.
Feeling his handsgo down my shoulders to my ribs and stomach, his head in the crook of my neck.
Kissing my neck, my cheeks flush and felt those butterflies.

I nod and he separates from me.
Upset but he came to sat down next to me, "...How was work?"
"Ok, slow on Thursday's."
He nods, his clawed hand on my thigh now, "...are you okay?"
"I'm realizing now that I don't know what i want to do in life." He then tilts his head, "...well, what are you into?"

I shake my head, "I don't know..."
"Well...what hobbies do you like? Anything that makes you happy to do?"
"...Food, haha...I guess."
"Ok, so a chef maybe? A baker."
"Maybe...but, I don't know yet..."
"That's fine...You have time, are you planning on going to college?"

"...With what money for tuition? Housing? Living expenses...Which one anyways? I don't know anything about that stuff."
"That's why we research, you've applied to scholarships right?"
"Luckly, a friend of mine helped...but we only applied to 2. I doubt I'll get anything anyway.s And since I'm not 18, I can't apply to all of them."
He sighs and shook his head, "you will. You're hella smart...Next thing you now, you'll be getting a full ride to any college you pick...Culinary school even."

I chuckle weakly and lift my leg over his knee.
"...I know it's none of my business but, everything your civilian life?"
He chuckles while I gave a smile, "...sure, besides having to fight everyday with my dad..."
He shrugs and shakes his head, collecting my hands and kissing my knuckles, " Don't be, he's a dick..."
He then bit my ring, "Well, if you want to talk. I'm here too..."

He scoots my chair close, lifting my other leg to lay against his thigh, "I know."
He closes the space by smashing his lips on mine, my arms wrapping around his neck and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on him.
His hands came to roam my back and grip my hip, gasping away for air and only going back.

My hands went to his face, tilting him a little to deepen it.
He groans and he clenched my shirt, his lips now traveling down my cheek, chin and neck.
I throw my head back with a grunt, my whole body felt hot and shakey.
I grip his hair, shivering when he opened his mouth and licked, bit and kissed me.

"You're so gorgeous..."
He then parts away, coming back to kiss my lips and his hands gripping my thighs as he looked me in my eyes.
I catch my breath and chuckle.
"...What? You are..."
I blush with a giggle, finding him picking me up with him, laying me down on the couch as he sat.
I get up on my elbows and smile, "...You was today."

He hums, massaging and caressing my thighs and legs.
"My dad's trial."
He stops and I lay back down.
"...Are you...ok?"
"Yeah...Just thought you should know."
"Ok...You said you didn't care anymore...Or do you?"
I shake my head, "He's a dick..."
I turn my neck to look at him and he laughs.


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