By jxxywilly0o

73.9K 2.1K 542

⚠️BEING EDITED⚠️ Originally named : YOU SHOT HIM! Tae has an abusive father and because of that he harms him... More

cuts and bruises pt.1
Cuts and bruises pt.2
cuts and bruises pt.3 end of ch.
Hiding it
I'm sorry
first time
An unexpected visit
why didn't you let the bullet hit me
I failed, im sorry
I love you baby
wow!! Thank you
The surprise! pt.1
The surprise pt.2

Wedding (ending)

1.7K 58 15
By jxxywilly0o

6 months later
Wedding day
Taehyung's p.o.v

Today is the day, the day I get to marry the most handsome person on Earth, the love of my life. I am pretty damn nervous. I was freaking out and Jin and Jimin were trying to help me calm down. "Hey, hey Taehyung it is ok, calm down, you will be alright." Jimin said in a calming tone. I nodded but I was still freaking out. "W-what, what if he leaves, what if he regrets this, what if he leaves me at the alter?!" A whole bunch of what if questions were clouding up my brain.

"He won't do that Tae, he loves you, do you think he would leave the person he almost died for?" I glared at Jin after he said that. " Really? You had to bring that up right now, not a great time Jin, that still haunts." Jin nodded. "I know I'm sorry sweety...But do you really think he would?" He raised an eyebrow while asking me the question again.

"I-I don't know, u-uh I--" I was interrupted by Jimin. "The answer is no Tae, Jungkook loves you, if he didn't love you, he wouldn't of ran in front of that bullet." I had tears come down my cheek remembering that day. "Jimin stop talking about it, you making him sad and this day is too special for him to be crying in a negative way." Jimin nodded and stopped talking.

"Sorry Tae, um I'm going to go check on Jungkook and the others." We nodded and Jimin left.

Jungkook's p.o.v

"Oh my God I'm nervous Namjoon, what if he doesn't say I do, what if he leaves!?" Jimin walked in answering my question."Don't worry about that he isn't thinking about that, but he is thinking about you leaving him, he is freaking out." I sighed of relief. "Wait why is he thinking about me leaving?" Jimin walked over and helped me with my tie. " I don't really know, but just don't worry, we calmed him down and now it is your turn."

"Oh don't worry I'm calm now, now I'm excited." Jimin nodded. "Come on, it is going to start soon so you have to go stand in your positions." I nodded and walked out to go to the aisle.

*Few minutes passed*
Author's p.o.v

It was time, Jungkook stood in his position, waiting for Taehyung to walk out. Taehyung started walking out, Jungkook was amazed on how beautiful he looked. Taehyung was literally drooling on how Jungkook looked.

Taehyung got to where Jungkook was and they grabbed each other's hands and stood in front of each other. "We are gathered here today to celebrate these men's love for each other and how they will love each other for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to for your vows, Jungkook you may go first." The priest said pointing at Jungkook.

Jungkook's p.o.v

I have never been to nervous in my whole life, well except when I asked Taehyung to be my boyfriend. I cleared my throat before I spoke my vows. "Taehyung, the love of my life, my soulmate and my best friend, I don't know what I would of done with my life if I hadn't met you. I am so grateful that you came up to me on that beach, and the way you did it made butterflies grow in my stomach, I knew right away that I was in love with you, you make me happy when I'm sad, you calm me down when I'm I'm mad." I stopped, I was at the point of crying and Tae was already sobbing, which made me want to cry even more. "W-when you smile it makes me smile because I know that your happy and when your happy I'm happy. I have never seen you as happy as you have been this past year, and that makes me so happy, I knew the day that I met you I wanted to spend my life with you for the rest of my life, I love you so much Taebear."

Taehyung's p.o.v

I was balling like a baby, his words hit me like a truck, they we're so heartfelt. "Taehyung now it is your turn." The priest said now pointing g at me. " I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down before I spoke. " Jungkook, you saved my life *sniffle*, took all the negative moments in my life and replaced them with all the positive ones. I was always so scared of telling people about my life and what my past was like but I found the most helpful and caring friends and plus and handsome, fearless boyfriend to help me, I have done things to myself in my past that I regret but you helped me through it and I'm really grateful for that *sniffle*. If I wouldn't of met such friends like you, I could of been dead by now, my father was a very horrible man * sniffle*, he did things I don't ever want to speak of again but with you Kookie I could just think of my past with him and know it is now just my past and nothing else, that lifts so much weight off my shoulders. What happened to you, my father and your b-brother *sniffle* was the worst day of my life but we stayed strong, look where we are now. I love what we have become *sniffle*, I love what I become. I used to be this depressed abused teenager that hid behind my smile, but you changed me, you taught me what love was, and that love brought me to you. I love you Jeon *sniffle* Jungkook!"

Jungkook was crying also we were both crying together. " Now Jeon Jungkook do you take Kim Taehyung as your lovely husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, do you promise to love him, till death do you part?" I tried to hold back my tears. "I-I do!"

The priest nodded and then spoke to Taehyung. " Kim Taehyung do you Take Jeon Jungkook as your lovely husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, do you promise to love him, till death to you part?" Jungkook and I looked at each other in tears smiling. "I-I do!"

"Now you may kiss the groom." We pulled each other into a long passionate kiss and everyone cheered. We kissed for a good amount of time before we pulled away. We both were still crying our eyes out.

"I love you Jeon Taehyung!"

"I love you too Jeon Jungkook!"

This was the happiest day of my life, I was so happy, my horrible life ended and now it is starting to build into a wonderful one with the love of my life, Jeon Jungkook!

Well it is the end of this long story, to be honest I am sad it ended, I actually really love this fanfiction. But don't worry I have many other stories planned and I have one story out right now, I would appreciate if you went and checked that out. Thank you for reading this story, I love you guys so much!! 💜💜💜💜

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